FYI: PC Gamer "Upcoming"


Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
Figured someone might care.
This month's PC Gamer (I don't know what the month printed on it, I mean the new one that just came) has a small note to the effect of:
Last month we had the first exclusive review of Doom3. Next month we'll have another exclusive first review that will turn the industry upside down AGAIN.

I might have missed something, but I think only HL2 would qualify as an industry-changing game that is coming out next month.
Hehe, I hope Valve does it again, only even better!

"We're sorry, we edited our DOOM3 score because relative to HL2 there was no more room above 94%"
Honestly after seeing their review of Doom 3 last month I don't trust their early exclusive reviews, seems as if they make a deal with the game developer to get that exclusive review than the review has to be extremely praising of the game. Although this is still very exciting news if it is true, i'm just saying don't totally trust the score ;p
It could be Sims 2. I'm betting that, but it could very well be Hl2. Cross your fingers...
I will kill PCGamer if it's the Sims 2. Overhyping bastards.
Ya it very well could be the sims 2, as you could say the first one "turned the industry upside down", but so did Half-Life I suppose...but honestly are any hardcore fans of pc games all that excited for the sims 2?(ie PC gamer readers)
ThomasToad said:
seems as if they make a deal with the game developer to get that exclusive review than the review has to be extremely praising of the game.
It actually really IS like that. They pay the magazines to make them add extra praises. No bs.

back on topic.. HL2 is possible ;o with the preload starting soon and all ;o or maybe they are just reviewing CSS/Source engine ;]

Steven ... something like Sims 2 would never turn any industry upside down pfft :p but if it actually is Sims 2... well, the credibility of "PC Gamer" (if there ever was one) will be gone for a while ;D
This has been discussed in the Rumors & Speculation a-matter-of-fact, it still is. will indeed be Half-Life 2. All signs point to it.
Actually, I would rather it be Sims 2 because if it's HL2, then that probably means at LEAST another month, maybe a month and a half before release, when I believe it could be sooner. Notice how PC Gamer's Doom 3 review conincided with the release of the game. Just a thought.
If u turn the industry upside down again, wont it be back how it was before ? hmm maybe its some wierd funky fourth dimensional shit !!!
Hehe lobster.. I was going to say that.

But then, if it's back the right way up again, who will be on top?


It all makes sense now ^^
I really cannot imagine what other game besides HL2 would fit the bill.

I mean, I guess Sims 2 as the first was a best selling game, but hardly revolutionary.
When do you guys expect this review to be out, I can't quite recall when the doom 3 review scans were out on the internet, seems like it was around mid july?
When is Sims 2 supposed to go gold/release? If only kept their site up to date....
The only other game I can think of that is very close to release and could possibly turn the industry on its head - 'Rome Total War' to be completely honest I would be very happy if it was either RTW or HL2 :)
well if you look at the sims 2 fan base and the hl fan base.. sims 2 kinda beats hl2 cause it has more players who are female and a higher demographic that is from 20 - 40 years of age.. hl2 how every has cs:s and hl fan base which is still big.. but in comparison.. sims 1 made a HUGE splash compaired to the HALF life one splash...

half lifes splash only got big when the mods started to come out.. sims was a stand alone game and it was and still is one of the best genre shifts ever..

don't underestimate the power of the sim...

most of you fan boys are too dedicated to the core so your views are convoluted..
It isnt sims two, its "Rome Total War" already read the article on the upcoming.
genocide604 said:
It isnt sims two, its "Rome Total War" already read the article on the upcoming.

Ahhh...good enough game for me.
genocide604 said:
It isnt sims two, its "Rome Total War" already read the article on the upcoming.

Link?, explain? I don't quite understand.
genocide604 said:
It isnt sims two, its "Rome Total War" already read the article on the upcoming.

That makes sense.

Although, I'd like proof. :)
Imagine if it was hl2 and they told us when its going gold.......hehe
I think we have one of these threads every month now. Can't wait for next months.
Hi, first post

Anyway though you guys might like to know that PCGamer (UK) says that they are reveiwing The Sims 2 next issue (comes out Sep 2nd) and will have a sims 2 demo too.

So PCG (US) are probably reviewing The Sims 2 too. :D

It would rock if it was duke nukem forever, if that game ever releases they better make it the best game ever or they'll be disappointing alotta ppl. I bet its HL2 cause RTW is revolutionary but not turn the industry upside-down revolutionary. only games that would do that is HL2 or Halo 2.
Fluffy_squirrel said:
Hi, first post

Anyway though you guys might like to know that PCGamer (UK) says that they are reveiwing The Sims 2 next issue (comes out Sep 2nd) and will have a sims 2 demo too.

So PCG (US) are probably reviewing The Sims 2 too. :D


Welcome to the forums. :D :imu:

If you think about it, lots of games are going to be reviewed next issue so that doesn't really matter....:D
i own the sims, and i must say, it is the most boring game ever, out of the game i own anyway. The best bit was just letting the sims die in wierder and wierder conditions.
Or letting them swim then take out the pool ladder, haha, stupid sims.
The review they are talking about is NOT for Rome: Total War, because this is exactly what my PCG (US) says:

"You won't believe what we've scored for you. Hot on the heels of our Doom 3 review, we've snagged another SENSES-SHATTERING WORLD EXCLUSIVE -- one that's going to have the whole industry racing to these very pages. It's yours in a mere 30 days! And if that weren't enough, we've landed the exclusive FIRST REVIEW OF ROME: TOTAL WAR, one of the most-anticipated games of 2004! Plus, everything you always wanted to know about FLIGHT SIMS (but were afraid to ask)!

Therefore, this game they're keeping a secret could very be Half-Life 2 or the Sims 2. Hopefully HL2! :cheers:
Oh, hope that is true.

You give us hope lonewolf :)

Sense-shattering? Probably is HL2, Sims games don't seem to be as immersive as the HL2 series.
I wouldnt describe Sims as sense shattering, could it really be HL2 :eek: *faints*
Hmmmm what date does the magazine go on sale ?

I wonder, PC Zone here in the UK is on sale the 20th or 22nd of this month if I recall, they too have 'FIRST EXCLUSIVE UK HANDS ON REVIEW' or words to that effect - I remember last year they scored that really nice HL2 preview before anyone else, history could repeat itself.....

Just have to wait and see :)
LoneWolf47 said:
The review they are talking about is NOT for Rome: Total War, because this is exactly what my PCG (US) says:

"You won't believe what we've scored for you. Hot on the heels of our Doom 3 review, we've snagged another SENSES-SHATTERING WORLD EXCLUSIVE -- one that's going to have the whole industry racing to these very pages. It's yours in a mere 30 days! And if that weren't enough, we've landed the exclusive FIRST REVIEW OF ROME: TOTAL WAR, one of the most-anticipated games of 2004! Plus, everything you always wanted to know about FLIGHT SIMS (but were afraid to ask)!

Therefore, this game they're keeping a secret could very be Half-Life 2 or the Sims 2. Hopefully HL2! :cheers:

Hmm, very interesting indeed.

The quote from the mag, i copied it word for word.

"You won't believe what we've scored for you. Hot on the heels of our Doom 3 review, we've snagged another sense-shattering world exclusive -- one that's going to have the whole industry racing to these very pages. It's yours in a mere 30 days! And as if that weren't enough, we've also landed the exclusive first review of Rome: Total War, one of the most-anticipated games of 2004! Plus, everything you always wanted to know about flight sims (but were afraid to ask)!"