G-man 56k download!


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
VIDEO #1 -- G-MAN "56k/low end PC" DOWNLOAD!

I took the time to re-encode the G-Man video. Its format is Divx3, but if you have the latest divx it should run fine. Quality is all retained and the video was resized by half. Its only 5.37 megs so its very 56k friendly. Have fun guys! If everyone wants I can do this to all the videos they release. Sorry it took so long, I had hell trying to find a free host but luckily a friend came online and let me use his space. This will also help those of you out there with low end pc's. Pics:



Download me here!
Nice, the 1024x??? version off Steam was too laggy to play on my computer. This one is nice and smooth.
Freakin' sweet man! thanks.. dude if you do this for all the vids i will uh.... i dunno i'll probably just watch them, but i'll be thinkin about how cool you are for doin this :)

Thankyou very very much.

I look at this site at work, and i cant download anything very big.

Very much apreciated my friend.
/me hail to Norhtwood83

I was kinda dissapointed when i first heard this cuz i saw the vid was like 70 mb but you've made my day dude! And since my pc sucks at the moment this is great
/me "Hail to Northwood83!!"

I am a 56k warrior........... big downloads are an army i wish not to persue. Northwood, You've just made my day!!
Gald to help out, I too suffered with 56k back in the day. Now-a-Days you practically need broadband just to go on webpages.
Oh man dude, that was perfect! That was a decent quick download, and the quality didn't seem compromised at all!, I must say that was the first time that i have seen that and it sent chills up my spine...just image how this shite will look in another 5 years! thanks again northwood83 i'll be here for the next one for sure :) (im tryin to get these vids to show and impress my parents so maybe they will be amazed like me and chuck out some cash for new hardware :) )
The graphics look eve better with this vid. I hope this is what HL2 will look like with AA turned on.
Well I dont know about that :) But I guess it does give you a rough idea of what AA will look like.
Thanks a lot. I was about to DL the 60mb version overnight, but now I can go to sleep happy. ;)
Northwood, I have a lot of space you can use to host. It gets pretty good download speeds. If you would like, send me the videos when you convert them, and I'll host them.
Contact me [email protected] or by AIM: cyb0rg1337
Here's a link to the first one, just to "test" it. Not that I'm mocking Steam. ;) G-Man Video
Thanks man. I was soooo pissed off that I went over my data usage limit this month (3gb) and could'nt see the new vids but thanks to you It's now possible. Once again thanks your work has not gone unoticed.
I have the 70mb version, but I gotta say, this one runs sooooo much smoother! Looks great and only took me 30 seconds to download. Very much appreciated!

My first born child will be named Northwood83....errr...maybe not.
Cheers man! I don't have 56k, but nor do I have Steam or much patience for downloads, so it all balances out. Cheers!
Northwood is Hero Of The Day !!! I have a 56k modem and 68 MB is just waay to big. Modem warriors, unite !!

512 x 288 is the size of this one and is very much appreciated by the modem users.

I prefer to stick with the normal version which is double the quality of this one.

Its still a job well done, ;)
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
Thanks man. I was soooo pissed off that I went over my data usage limit this month (3gb) and could'nt see the new vids but thanks to you It's now possible. Once again thanks your work has not gone unoticed.
OMG, someone has a worse data usage limit than Me?!?!?! I thought my 2GB download and 1GB upload per day was atrocious.
Haha thanks fella's. Cant wait to get my hands on the next one! Also thanks for the mirror EC2! The download speed off it isnt too great for me, Im gonna stick with my friends space but I really appreciate it.
Ah, it's cool. Besides, it's not like the modem warriors will be able to have that good of speed. Heh, no offense guys. But if your friend is gone, or the site is down or whatever, you know where to find me.
OMG THANK YOU Northwood83!!!!! You are my hero, my knight in the shiny HEV suite.
Ran it through Rad tools and converted it to an uncompressed .avi (4 gigs) then did the same with the audio, made that into 128bit mp3, then loaded the AVI into nandub and put some good settings into it. the simply merge the audio and video then encoded using a 2 pass encode.
for some reason it messes up on my pc. when i try to run it in windows media player it acts like its a song and does the little patters of light and stuff in the backround instead of play the movie. I hear everything i just dont see it. When try to use quick time it doesnt run at all can someone help me plz?
That's because you don't have the latest Divx codecs OzzO..

Awesome job.. I have high speed and downloaded the Steam version and I must say, for a savings of over 60 megs you did an awesome job in converting it.
Originally posted by 0zz0
for some reason it messes up on my pc. when i try to run it in windows media player it acts like its a song and does the little patters of light and stuff in the backround instead of play the movie. I hear everything i just dont see it. When try to use quick time it doesnt run at all can someone help me plz?

Sounds like someone needs some DivX-codecs :)
Might be WMP that gives you problems too, its often better to watch DivX/XviD and so on movies with other players, like older WMP 6.4, or really good (and free) players like BSPlayer.....but I think you just dont have any DivX-codecs.
Can we get this in a bit higher quality? Like say 10 - 20mbs? I bet you could get the same quality as the bink at that filesize and still have it a lot smaller.
The way I encode with Divx3 makes that not possible. I can make a 10 meg 1024x574 file but the audio will not sync unless you have a massive high end comp (I have 1.8ghz,geforce3, with 512 megs of rambus)and mine even lags. Divx3 cant really handle resolutions above 900 too well. Someone did make a divx5 keeping the same resolution, its like 29 megs. Ill keep working with it but dont expect it to work.

As for quality, it can never be the same as the bink. Re-encoding always loses some quality. Its simply not possible to retain the exact same quality as the bink. I could come close though but the file would be around 29 megs, making it not ideal for 56k'ers.
northwood, did you extract and encode it?
Could you please show/tell me what tools I need?
Basically all you need is 5 gigs free (or less if you can sacrafice quality), RAD video tools, and nandub. But its going to take a while to learn nandub. It took me weeks to get it just right let alone understand the settings. A good resource is www.doom9.org

EDIT: Forgot, you will also need a program to convert .wav to .mp3. i use cooledit but it costs money, they might have a trial somewhere.
I'm more than happy with your first effort Northwood83, it looks infinitely better than the handful of existing plasma-screen-to-cam clips I have, and yet has a very dial-up friendly file size. Stick to that same formula for each of the forthcoming video clips, please?

Well, that's what I want - but let's hear what the rest of the dial-up'ers here want.
Larger file, super quality? or small file, good quality?

Again, thanks Northwood83.
Thanks c0Zm1c, I just finished a 1024x574 version with the quality bumped up a bit. It will not play in sync if you use windows media player to play it, You need to use the Divx Player which is included with divx. Im going to get this uploaded and up for download. Its 13 megs.

so I might do a low (512x288) and a high (1024x754) quality versions for future videos. That way at least you people have something to look forward to. Be warned though, In future videos the size will be pushed up a bit since they have a lot more motion than G-man.
ahh dude, link to it if its a bitmap! that things huge! nice quality though