G-Man Conspiracy


Sep 7, 2004
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Lets try and get somewhere with what we know so far about G-Man.

He appeared talking to scientists at the beginning of HL1. Then we saw him with Marines and Aliens of which none were aggressive to him.

He had access to all areas, in which he could easily go from A to B.

He carrys a brief case of which we do not know the contents of. Also, G-Man is normally known as "Government Man" but why does he have these connections with Aliens?

We see him in Xen, in which he offers you a job (not sure what though?).

In HL2, he welcomes you to City 17 and once again follows and watches you.

Then in the Aftermath trailer we hear aggresivly in his words "We'll see about that!".

So, what and who is he? Why is he following you and what are his connections with Black Mesa and City 17.

A few theorys of mine are:

The experiment at Black Mesa was fixed, so a portal was opened, G-Man was collecting the data/posibilities from the Scientists and watched over it, only to find out it went beyond their control.

It could be a twisted reality show, like the Truman show and G-Man is the host, lol.

Anyway, who do you think he is? Hopefully we can make a good theory behind him.
Whereas I have no idea as to what the G-man (or who) is, try searching through the forums, there have been hundreds of theory and specualtion threads. :)
Noooo! NOt another G-man conspiracy pleeeeease!
EDIT: The walls are closing in!
As yoda would say
"The force you must use."

Now back on topic.
How did you get it?
So our boy carries 3 pencisl, paper and a glock.
What a Michael Jackson
bat_lyubo said:
How did you get it?
So our boy carries 3 pencisl, paper and a glock.
What a Michael Jackson
The inside of the G-man's briefcase was textured in HL1, don't think it is in HL2.
The gman is a plot mechanism to introduce mystery and maintain interest.

Works, too. :)
So why was he carrying a Glock? What does he need to defend himself from?
Mutley said:
So why was he carrying a Glock? What does he need to defend himself from?
it's to make him apear more like a government agent. That or to take shots at chumtoads.
the g-man is probably a gangsta, in HL2:Aftermath we'll see him drivin' by while hangin' out the window and taking pot shots at the zombies from his window..
the g-man is probably a gangsta, in HL2:Aftermath we'll see him drivin' by while hangin' out the window and taking pot shots at the zombies from his window..
I just thought of something sweet.
*A zombie is coming straight at you, all of the sudden a car flies by the rode only to hear a gunshot and the wheels stop and turn."
*I blew his out ass alyx!*
*Nice hit Barney*
*Yo Gordon, want a beer?*
*Gordon Signs*"You ****ers he was mine!".
Minerel said:
I just thought of something sweet.
*A zombie is coming straight at you, all of the sudden a car flies by the rode only to hear a gunshot and the wheels stop and turn."
*I blew his out ass alyx!*
*Nice hit Barney*
*Yo Gordon, want a beer?*
*Gordon Signs*"You ****ers he was mine!".

*Lets ease the pain with a beer*
Mutley said:
Then in the Aftermath trailer we hear aggresivly in his words "We'll see about that!".


Can someone post a link to this trailer?
Mutley said:
He appeared talking to scientists at the beginning of HL1. Then we saw him with Marines and Aliens of which none were aggressive to him.
He has Jedi mind powers.

He had access to all areas, in which he could easily go from A to B.
He could easily go from A to B without access. He's leading you.

He carrys a brief case of which we do not know the contents of.
His Lunch.

Also, G-Man is normally known as "Government Man" but why does he have these connections with Aliens?
A. He works with the INS.
B. Some of his best friends are aliens.

We see him in Xen, in which he offers you a job (not sure what though?).

Actually, where we saw him seems to be a border dimesion, that represented
situations from both Xen and Black Mesa; and elsewhere.

In HL2, he welcomes you to City 17 and once again follows and watches you.

He drops you into City 17 (without welcome), and is ahead of you every step of the way.

Then in the Aftermath trailer we hear aggresivly in his words "We'll see about that!".

Somebody stole his lunch, and he really wants it back.

So, what and who is he? Why is he following you and what are his connections with Black Mesa and City 17.

I'll tell you everything, right after I answer this knocking on my door...

Seemed to me that Gman was just your average Government Man in HL1, but then, due to the HL communities response to Gman, Valve changed his role into something more powerful and mysterious.

Currently, i'm thinking that Gman is the representative of some sort of Universal Government type organisation. The Combine were actually known as the Universal Union, so maybe Gman's Government is trying to take power from the Combine or something.

Just got a new idea; we know that scientists on earth had been experimenting with teleports for some time before Gordon was thrown into the mix, so maybe Gman was one of those people who was involved in some of the earlier experiments and ended up stranded on Xen or the Border World (arent those the same place?) or something, and somehow ended up learning how to control portals and such.

'Tis just a theory, riddled with flaws, but there really isnt much to work on when it comes to Gman.
Seemed to me that Gman was just your average Government Man in HL1

Except there were several places in HL1 that you could see G-Man leaving a room,
and the only way he could have gotten out was to walk straight past Headcrabs,
Vortigaunts, Soldiers and other baddies that would have killed anybody else
from the Black Mesa complex. And he was definately setting things up for
Adrian Shephard in OF.

None of the scientists or Barnies seem to think it worth mentioning that you could
just follow the guy in the dark suit if you needed access to the outside.
Is G-Man going to turn out to be a bad guy or the good guy then?
Mutley said:
Is G-Man going to turn out to be a bad guy or the good guy then?
I think he has his motives for helping human rather than trying to be good/evil.
I think he can be both. He helps you out of Xen, but teleports you to death whether you don't accept his offer.

Here's what I think. When does a person say "We'll see about that!"? When he is threatened or challenged.

A: I'll pwn you in HL2: DM with m3h 1337 skillz!
B: We'll see about that!

A: I'm gonna cut your throat open!
B: We'll see about that!

So, IMO, G-Man is threatened to lose control over Gordon. Not many who'd have the possiblity to challenge him but Gordon himself, which is imposible due to the fact he's mute.
I don’t think it’s "impossible" that Gordon threatened the G-Man. Unlikely maybe. Even though he is mute he is capable of committing an act that is explicitly against the G-Man’s wishes (if for instance the G-Man gives Gordon instructions not to do something at the start of Aftermath) In which case perhaps the G-Man might be saying something to the effect of, “You think you can challenge me? We’ll see about that!” Fade out with a cliffhanger...

It’s probably more likely, however, that the G-Man is saying something more to the effect of, “They think they can challenge me. We’ll see about that!” Talking about an unknown party, possibly the Combine higher ups but hopefully (because it’s more intriguing) an as yet unheard of party.
Well, that may be interesting but I don't want HL 4 where you must singlehandedly take on the Combine, the Spleen, the Trect, the Jimmmmmmnos and the Goujls all by yourself.
(for people who can't read between the lines I don't want them to go overboard and all new enemies the whole time)
iMMuNiTy said:
I think he can be both. He helps you out of Xen, but teleports you to death whether you don't accept his offer.

Here's what I think. When does a person say "We'll see about that!"? When he is threatened or challenged.

Or when outside circumstances cause you to have to revise your plans.

A: Weeds are growing in my lawn, which might not look good when
I invite the neighbors over for a picnic.
B: "We'll see about that", I say as I get the weed spray out.

Keep in mind that the G-Man actually likes Gordon, and has manipulated
events in the past to help him out. But he also seems unwilling or unable
to take a personal hand in how events play out. He doesn't really
give Gordon any orders, he just drops him into the wrong place at the
wrong time, and lets Gordon figure it out.

So there isn't much opportunity (or reason) for Gordon to be able to
upset him. For all we know, that's what he wanted Gordon to do in
the first place.
Keep in mind that it might just be there to sound cool and we're reading too much into a game that isn't even out yet.


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ríomhaire said:
Keep in mind that it might just be there to sound cool and we're reading too much into a game that isn't even out yet.

What's wrong with that? I always hear people say, "Who cares, it's only a game!" That's the great thing about Half-Life, VALVe successfully created a game so engrossing and mysterious that people can't help but speculate and wonder. The mystery adds to the game, and even if the Gman was not orignally planned to be as big/powerful as he is now, the genius of it is that the COMMUNITY basically created G-man as he is today. It's hard for a game to actually do that.

That's why Half-Life is not just a game (at least to me). When an aspect of a game is able to mystify me and always keep me in wonder, it's done it's job 10-fold. You blast through any other FPS and it's like...wow, it's over. Ok cool. /unistall. Half-Life is story-driven, not action driven. Hell, it's like reading a book (but not quite as good :))

Hell, I could live with not ever even knowing what/who the G-man is. This would anger a lot of people, but think about it. The mystery would live on and you would always be in wonder/awe.....who was that Gman......

It's kind of like Christmas. As you get older, waiting for Christmas is better than the actual day. Because on the 25th, it's come and it's over. No more jolliness or fun...same thing with Gman. Oh, well, now I know what the Gman was.....dang, I liked it better when I didn't know!

Call my post over-analyzing or whatever, but I love it.
[46] pushit [2] said:
Call my post over-analyzing or whatever, but I love it.
Amen brother. The “just a game” BS makes my blood boil. Crime and Punishment is just a book and the School of Athens is just a painting but that doesn’t stop them from being brilliant works of art that should be analyzed. Half Life is certainly one of the best Games ever created. Let’s discus it.
Is This Tea said:
Amen brother. The “just a game” BS makes my blood boil. Crime and Punishment is just a book and the School of Athens is just a painting but that doesn’t stop them from being brilliant works of art that should be analyzed. Half Life is certainly one of the best Games ever created. Let’s discus it.

Discuss we shall! Glad to see I got one on my side. I'm assuming you've played Half-Life 1 before. I have played through Half-Life 1 countless times, and just like Seinfeld, I love it more each time I play it. People may scoff at the graphics, but the gameplay is unparalleled, even to games nowadays. Most developers get by with 1337 graphics and ub3r weapons. People blast through it and go on to the next game. Not with Half-Life...not with the G-man.....

The problem with most games today is not really the developers fault, it's the player-base. Much like music and movies, people just accept mediocrity and move on. I'm not attempting to insult the intelligence of others, or to carry an elitist attitude. Video games are now an "accepted" hobby and are "cool". Before, anyone who played computer/video games was a "nerd", now it's cool.

Jimmy: Hey, Nelson, I love mario. It rox my sox
Nelson: yeah man. my favorte character is the princess



Jed: "dude...halo2 roxzorz!!111oneon11"
Jock: "yeah dude...I <3 it"


Ok, a bit ridiculous. The point is, as video games become more and more accepted and played, developers are able to push games out at light-speed, not caring if there are bugs or even worrying about quality.

Ad: NEW GRAPHX! Aweomse Guns! Blood!
Teenage Population: DUDE! ROX! I WILL BUY!!

Developers just don't care as much. They can get away with mediocrity, so they do. It's human nature to not do more work than is necessary. Don't get me wrong, there are some developers who do care, and I don't want to give them shaft. There are some VERY talented people/companies out there.

VALVe being one of them. They care about their customers and the quality of their games. They set out to make a game, not make money. That's the difference.

Not to bash classics like Mario, Doom, even Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Those were well-developed, hella fun games. Why? Look at their developers. Graphics? Not that good, but I still play them MORE than I play modern games.

Anyway....enough of that. Back to Half-Life.....
Is This Tea said:
Amen brother. The “just a game” BS makes my blood boil. Crime and Punishment is just a book and the School of Athens is just a painting but that doesn’t stop them from being brilliant works of art that should be analyzed. Half Life is certainly one of the best Games ever created. Let’s discus it.
<3 dosteovsky.
Just a thought... Maybe he is just a teleporting, inter dimensional bureaucrat who has ties with the Xen world and human world and was really bored on a Sunday with nothing but golf on the tele. I mean honestly, get real guys!
Ok, my theory is actually that he is sometime in the future because at the end of hl2 ep 1, he auses time to put you into stasis again, he has some relation to Freeman because he was there in hl1 and in hl2 all the way but said very little. this could be implying that he may be important to the sales as a mysterious shady character while still telling the storyline. But honeslty, who really knows if most of this stuff is true. Just pure speculation and we may never know. All that I know FOR SURE right now is that he is from somewhere in the future and has a close relationship to Gordan. soooooo yeah... all i know...