G-man replacement


Jul 2, 2007
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Based on someone's theory on steam I came with my own what if the G-man is replaced in ep2 by the new portal character I guess it makes sense on how she is trained to move in and out of any environment like others in the facility and consider that op may not be canon but if the G-man bit is then he did mention how adapt and survival reminds him a bit of himself.
I know it's a crazy theory and I'm not the type to write down noobish theories but what if it's true what do you think?
Based on someone's theory on steam I came with my own what if the G-man is replaced in ep2 by the new portal character I guess it makes sense on how she is trained to move in and out of any environment like others in the facility and consider that op may not be canon but if the G-man bit is then he did mention how adapt and survival reminds him a bit of himself.
I know it's a crazy theory and I'm not the type to write down noobish theories but what if it's true what do you think?

Why would they want to replace the G-Man? If you mean that the G-Man might turn out to be the Portal character, the Portal character is female. I can't see any reason for Valve to kill the G-man and replace him with someone else. Besides, the portal gun can't just teleport you to absolutely anywhere whenever you want it to, neither can it stop time or make you hallucinate, unlike the G-man with his freaky-ass mind powers.
Yes, they are set in the same universe. We will learn more about that connection in Episode Two.

G-man's replacement is highly improbable, maybe [subject name here] from Portal will be used by G-man as another pawn in his bizzare games.
Ya I know that it's highly unlikely but maybe since he lost Gordon his employers are angry at him and maybe are looking for a new type of g-man and maybe the portal gun is just a training method I mean maybe not in ep2 but in ep3 like his employers are giving one last chance to get back Gordon or be replaced.
That's just my theory though may not work out but we will have to see until October 9th to find out and portal is set in the hl universe.
Ya I know that it's highly unlikely but maybe since he lost Gordan his employers are angry at him and maybe are looking for a new type of g-man and maybe the portal gun is just a training method I mean maybe not in ep2 but in ep3 like his employers are giving one last chance to get back Gordan or be replaced.
That's just my theory though may not work out but we will have to see until October 9th to find out and portal is set in the hl universe.

Its GordOn

Oops srry I can't believe I did such a noobish spelling mistake fixed it though next time I'm going to have to really look closely to my spelling.
Since we're going into the forest and all, Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) might be a good replacement.

Think about it. They're both mysterious hairy mammals, striding away, you never get a good close-up look at them, and they leave no trace behind.

They're practically similar!
Very true who knows maybe that might actually happen I mean we are in the forest now so who knows you sir are a genius I never would of thought of that!
The internet is going to crash when we find out the only connection between Portal and HL2 is the gun. :(
Replacing G-man i s like replacing Gordon, impossible. BUT remember, impossible is easy! ;)
I have it on good made-up authority that G-Man will employ Portal-Girl at the end. Just another pawn in the works.
G man will not be replaced, ever, I can almost positively assure you.
I could see the portal character killing G-Man.

Ya if not a replacement then he will have to eventually die I could see that but it might not happen if anything I think something like a combine advisor should kill him.
I would be seriously shocked to see G-Man killed by something in one of the forthcoming games. What a twist that'd be.

I think your initial theory is interesting but very unlikely. Though I can't at present offer an full explanation of my own as to the link between the two games...
The Gman can't be replaced. He's a symbolic character of HL besides Gordon and his Crowbar.

Kevin...YOU are the Cloverfield monster! D:

When you kill the g-man, you become the g-man
I think there's some sort of ritual involved. When you kill the G-man, you must put on his suit and tie, and carry his briefcase. You must then board an interdimensional tram car, pick one living being, and follow them incessantly for three full days. You must never be caught, and you must always remain just out of reach to piss them off.

On the third day, appear before the person you have chosen, and deliver them an ultimatum of servitude or death.

Then, you are the G-man.
maybe this is set before hl1, and the gman is in the same facility as you (but never in the same rooms) and you meet him at the end where you have some kind of puzzle based portal duel with him. that you inevitably lose, and the gman is employed buy........his..........employersssssss.
maybe this is set before hl1, and the gman is in the same facility as you (but never in the same rooms) and you meet him at the end where you have some kind of puzzle based portal duel with him. that you inevitably lose, and the gman is employed buy........his..........employersssssss.

That would be funny seeing the G-man as a rookie as he always knows what's going to happen and everything always falls into his plans but this time we see him clueless that just would be awesome but then again it's a game you can't always lose to the G-man you will have the choice to beat but I think the employers will employ him based on how he used the portal gun maybe there's something sinister they notice in him already.
V-Man's opinion on G-Man being replaced

I honestley don't think that they would replace G-Man, because there wouldn't be any point in it and it would probably piss off a lot of fans.
Me neither. You got to give the fans what they want, and a lot of fans would be unhappy at the replacement/death/removal of one of the most recognizable icons of the HL series. It may make for a more interesting plot twist, but it really just boils down to what the vast majority wants.

That being said, doing something absolutely retarded because the fans want it is not advisable either.
I could see the portal character killing G-Man.
The problem with killing the G-Man is that it's so completely out of line with his character. No matter how dangerous the area he's in is, he's always completely unscathed, because he's above all that. Having him get severely injured or killed wouldn't be bringing him down a peg or two, it'd be totally destroying one of the cornerstones of his character - he's untouchable.
A better way to get rid of him (although God knows why you'd want to) would be to confine him to some inescapable dimension, but then that's far too clich?d.
Oh, SMod, you crack me up:


The only way valve would let him be killed is if Gordon dose it.

The closest we'll ever see to a replacement is one of his co-workers teaming up with him.