G-Man sounded pissed.

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Oct 5, 2005
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For those of you who have seen the Half Life 2:Aftermath trailer G-Man says "We'll see about THAT!" In a very irritated voice at the end. What do you think this means or who/what he's talking to?

Discuss please.
I'm just glad you know it's the G-Man's voice. So many people heard that and thought it was someone else!
I second that. How anyone can think it isn't Gman, is hard to believe. Plus Gabe already confirmed it is.
Maybe someone/something get Freeman out of stasis w/o noticing g-man
I believe it is something that the Combine or Breen or the benefactors have done to make him pull Gordon out of stasis unexpectedly.
As we know g-man put gordon into stasis at the end of hl2 but maybe because of the blast and/or radiation from it caused gordon to come out of stais and the g-man did not predict this happening.
boystupid said:
As we know g-man put gordon into stasis at the end of hl2 but maybe because of the blast and/or radiation from it caused gordon to come out of stais and the g-man did not predict this happening.

Yeah, I would suspect it has something to do with things not having gone as they were supposed to. That or he just woke up pissed that day. Either way it would be cool to see G-man getting a little bit nervous, it would work great as a means of upping the tension.
maybe G-Man is like going against Gordon and hes trying to stop him?

bah, i come up with the worst case sanarios(spelling)
Look, the ENTIRE game is from Gordons point of view. There are no cutscenes or anything like that unless you count the beginning of Half Life 2. So, he must be talking TO Gordon Or someone next to him.
AzzMan said:
You know, for some reason it reminds me of Breen's voice

But, its not. Sounds nothing like it in my opinion. Plus Gabe confirmed it was the big G...so thar!!
boystupid said:
As we know g-man put gordon into stasis at the end of hl2 but maybe because of the blast and/or radiation from it caused gordon to come out of stais and the g-man did not predict this happening.
The sound of his voice does not indicate surprise, but rather anger about a situation that someone else has caused. Gordon's role was apparently to stop Breen, which he did and that is why the Gman stepped in and put him in stasis. Now something has happened that forces the Gman to bring him out of stasis suddenly. It could be that Breen, instead of being consumed by the explosion, was teleported to a different location, just as Gordon was in Kleiner's lab.
Samon said:
But, its not. Sounds nothing like it in my opinion. Plus Gabe confirmed it was the big G...so thar!!

Then wtf is all this speculation for? Die Speculation Die!!!!111
boystupid said:
As we know g-man put gordon into stasis at the end of hl2 but maybe because of the blast and/or radiation from it caused gordon to come out of stais and the g-man did not predict this happening.
We don't know that! In fact, it's pretty much a dead cert he DIDN'T put Gordon into stasis - after all, we know we have to fight our way out of the Citadel, and that Aftermath happens almost drectly after the blast.
It'd be safe to assume that the G-Man teleported Gordon and Alyx somewhere else - it would seem this "arbitrary imposition" is not yet finished...
el Chi said:
We don't know that! In fact, it's pretty much a dead cert he DIDN'T put Gordon into stasis - after all, we know we have to fight our way out of the Citadel, and that Aftermath happens almost drectly after the blast.
It'd be safe to assume that the G-Man teleported Gordon and Alyx somewhere else - it would seem this "arbitrary imposition" is not yet finished...

Uh....watch the ending again please. If look G-Man puts you in the same stasis in Half Life 1. He leaves you there and just walks through that doorway.
hm... maybe you're in stasis for the blast, then the combine advisor gets pissed off, and the G-man's "employers" he speaks of sometimes, are upset with him... because the combine haven't stopped...

yay for speculation!
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Uh....watch the ending again please. If look G-Man puts you in the same stasis in Half Life 1. He leaves you there and just walks through that doorway.
I do so love being condescended on matters of such extreme importance. Thank you so much.

Well, just because he walked through a doorway, I don't see quite that that necessarily means Gordon was again put into stasis again.
Like I already said, it'd seem that he wasn't put in stasis, seeing as the events of Aftermath happen pretty much directly after the blast. Why bother putting Gordon in stasis for like 10 minutes? Plus, at the end of HL1, we see "Subject: Freeman, Gordon. Status: Assignment Pending" or something. We don't see anything like that at the end of HL2.
Valve, as we know, want to keep us guessing, something the ending did very well (otherwise we wouldn't be here bickering now, would we?), hence the ambiguity of the ending.
AzzMan said:
You know, for some reason it reminds me of Breen's voice
Breen is dead. Play through the last level in HL2, and after you destroy the reactor but before it explodes, you can see rubble sitting on his bubble.

Hey, it rhymes!
WHo's to say that he was still in the bubble though, for all we know he may have been teleported before rubble landed on the bubble.
MiccyNarc said:
Breen is dead. Play through the last level in HL2, and after you destroy the reactor but before it explodes, you can see rubble sitting on his bubble.

Hey, it rhymes!

Breen is alive. Play through the last level in HL2, and after you destroy the reactor but before it explodes, you can see Breen sitting in his bubble.

Hey, it doesn't rhyme!

Seriously, rubble wouldn't get into his bubble anyway. There isn't any.
Yeah, I didn't notice that the first time, but then I saw this topic and watched it again and was like "Wow, he does o_O".

I bet something just goes totally wrong. Maybe he was expecting Breen to die, but he doesn't and tries to rise the combine empire again. I'm not sure.
ECUnlimited said:
I bet something just goes totally wrong. Maybe he was expecting Breen to die, but he doesn't and tries to rise the combine empire again. I'm not sure.

Breen is not incharge of the Combine, so there is little he could do anyway. Unless you mean on Earth.
Well he was a big factor in preparing Earth for the Combine, since he was in charge of eliminating any resistance and turning them into stalkers in preparence for their arrival.

I'm just throwing things out there. I do see some return of Breen in Aftermath, I just don't know how he will be implemented.
I thought Breen was in there because of how the game works. He was just standing in the bubble anyway.

It is possible that he teleported to the Combine Homeworld. His voice seems a little distorted when he says: "You need me!"
Breen's just a puppet who thinks he has power, just a voice-box to humanity on behalf of the Combine. Hence the reason he so desperately wanted Freeman captured, to use as a bartering chip against the Combine.

The Advisors definately are the ones in power.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Breen's just a puppet who thinks he has power, just a voice-box to humanity on behalf of the Combine. Hence the reason he so desperately wanted Freeman captured, to use as a bartering chip against the Combine.

The Advisors definately are the ones in power.

-Angry Lawyer

Well that could be just one Combine. After all, it's the Combine ADVISOR. This guy is probaly just passes messages to Breen for the Combine. Though, in Half Life 2 model viewer they have attacking AI. Wierd.

Oh god....why am I arguing with a lawyer? I'm screwed!
The G-Man is like a merchant.
He makes deals with people. He made a deal with the rebels so they would have you, and now he made an odd deal. Breen wanted to buy him, thats what the contract talk was about.
You are a toy. You are a slave.
But now with this, maybe someone did something the G-Man just couldn't take, handle, respect. Now instead of selling you off like a prositute, he will use you to do his bidding, his wishing, to make people respect ol pimp daddy g-man.

Actually thats not a bad theory but I do have a better one.

Your contract is up for bids, people want your service, breen wanted it, the rebels want it, the combine want it. You don't decide, the G-Man does. Whatever happens, maybe somebodys trying to take you away from the G-Man, take your contract ..maybe something...I don't know but someone is pissing him off directly.

We will see, in the Aftermath of Half-Life 2.
That theory has been said many, many times. However we are currently talking about why G-Man sounded irritated in the Half Life 2: Aftermath trailer.
BTW I just watched It and Alyx says: "I found you." Which probaly means G-Man but him in stasis for lets say....1-2 days?
I don't believe Alyx was put into stasis, i think she was just teleported, G-Man saw her ablity and wanted to see if she was as good as he thinks she is, therefor moving her, saving her, and putting her in a new situation...

As for what the G-Man said, I think it's the G-Mans conversation with an employer, the employer does something to piss him off, G-Man sicks Freeman on his @$$.
That or the G-Man gets screwed in some way, which then pisses him off and he gets Freeman on there @$$es...
Either way, I don't think it's Freemans doing.
I've no basis for this other than a gut feeling, but I don't think this quote from the G-Man had anything to do with Gordon and the ending of HL2. I think it's a quote taken out of context that sounds cool. Maybe he heard that Valve was planning on releasing Aftermath early? :dork: Seriously though, I think he gets some news that he's not happy with, and it's this news that I'm dying to hear - I've never seen or heard the G-Man be anything but, eh, professional.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Well that could be just one Combine. After all, it's the Combine ADVISOR. This guy is probaly just passes messages to Breen for the Combine. Though, in Half Life 2 model viewer they have attacking AI. Wierd.
The model name is combine
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