G-Man sounded pissed.

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CookieCuttah said:
Well Cubbage was "Introducing" the rocket launcher to everyone else when you came in, so most probably Gman didn't even tell Cubbage about Gordon or anything, he was just like "Hey I heard you had dropship problems, want to buy a rocket launcher?" .

Except Cubbage was speaking from experience in the briefing he was
giving about how to use the rocket launcher as an effective weapon
against the Gunships.

The conversation was probably more along the lines of
"I've heard Gordon Freeman is coming this way, if he makes it this
far he could probably use a rocket launcher; but don't mention my
name if it comes up".

Once you get there, Cubbage seems fairly keen on the idea of having
you use it.
WOW little.rebel you double posted here AND triple posted on Combine VS Xen!!!!!!! All in one day lol
yep, and re-edited my first post on the triple posting, if u need to re-read it
Gordon says something that goes against the Government mans order.
fez said:
Im lead to believe the G-Man has 'sold' ur services to the resistance.
I fully endorse this product/event.

He no longer mentions his "employers" so it seems pretty obvious that he's working alone because he knows he can get pretty much whatever he wants by using Gordon.
Quite what he wants from the resistance (or what they offered him) is unclear but whilst he probably is against the Combine, I don't think he's entirely selfless.
Sulkdodds said:
Orgrimmar Trade Channel?

Since when is Cubbage considered a joke? Last topics I read about him people theorised that he may be another (lesser) Gman agent. What with him seeming to have just stepped out of stasis from 1912 or so ;)
Cubbage is obviously something of a light relief character, what with his blatant cowardice and pomposity, and even Valve gently mocking his suspect English accent when talking about him in RtB.

Sure Gman talks to him, but it's not the first time we've seen Gman talking to someone is it - to me he's just doing what a subtle manipulator of events does, which is to subtly manipulate events. It would be waaay more significant if you saw Gman talking to Eli or Alyx.
el Chi said:
I fully endorse this product/event.
I don't think he's entirely selfless.

Selfless, maybe not. But lacking any human emotion/ambition would probably be more fitting if you ask me.
cquinn said:
Except Cubbage was speaking from experience in the briefing he was
giving about how to use the rocket launcher as an effective weapon
against the Gunships.

The conversation was probably more along the lines of
"I've heard Gordon Freeman is coming this way, if he makes it this
far he could probably use a rocket launcher; but don't mention my
name if it comes up".

Once you get there, Cubbage seems fairly keen on the idea of having
you use it.
He is after all Gordon Freeman, and in a HEV suit he has way more chances to fire off the full load of rockets.

Why would he be explaining it though, this is a post that has been around for a while and looks really bombed. It even has a sighting tower (Sort of, with a chair haha), I think they never used the rocket launcher before and just hid when it came.
Laivasse said:
Cubbage is obviously something of a light relief character, what with his blatant cowardice and pomposity, and even Valve gently mocking his suspect English accent when talking about him in RtB.

Sure Gman talks to him, but it's not the first time we've seen Gman talking to someone is it - to me he's just doing what a subtle manipulator of events does, which is to subtly manipulate events. It would be waaay more significant if you saw Gman talking to Eli or Alyx.

This is the point I'm making. Whenever the G-Man is talking to someone it's usually so far away that you can't hear what there saying. Only time you can hear them is the beginning of Half Life 1 and there the voices are muffled. So, either in Aftermath it's set up so your either watching G-Man through camera, or he's talking to you or someone next to you. So, this thread is speculating on who and why....please don't post something like: "Oh it's just a part taken out of the game that sounds cool" My guess would be that he's talking to Alyx, and she'll say something like: " Ok if we blow this portal generator we can stop our connection to Xen for good" Then time stops and you hear G-Mans echoing voice say: "We'll see.....about THAT" and he appears and does something that prevents this from happening. Just a guess though.

Other guess: Marc Laidlaw: G-Man, I think we should bring back Shephard. G-Man: We'll see.....about THAT!"
i think gordon is probably going to start disobeying him, i think that's why he sounds pissed. but who knows? it could be,

G-man - 'yo, alyx, do you want jam on your toast?'

Alyx - 'no, i want marmite'

G-man - 'marmite? gross? who likes marmite? only slags!'

Gordon - 'don't talk to my undefined love interest like that! i challenge you to a chess tournament! and this time, i'll win! ha ha ha!! Black Mesa chess club baby! you are SO losing this time.'

G-man - 'we'll see about THAT'

as a side note, this forum member likes marmite, but only spread very thinly on toast with lots of butter. also, vegemite sucks.
marmite is a cheap substitute for dogshit in a jar, absolutely disgusting :p
it would explain it as well... yes, i think that is what's going to happen.
Kind of off-topic, and may have been said, but I was looking at the conversations held between the scientist and G-man at the beginning of HL1, And G-Man is quoted as saying, "My employer is destined to lead." This makes me think perhaps Breen employed G-man to instigate the resonace cascade or somthing, seeing as it lead to his eventual "control" of earth, or at least his high seat of importance. Also, this would explain Breens knowledge of Freeman's unwitting satus of freelancer.
Maybe he was using you to fight for a different force other than the combine, and now that force is finally showing its face?
Maybe the G-man's competitors are about to unleash thier "Gordon Freeman" on you?
Teh Pwned said:
Maybe the G-man's competitors are about to unleash thier "Gordon Freeman" on you?

Oh my god, that'll be like 9/11 times a thousand!

That's right. 911000.
I would say this activated a new line of thoughts concerning Aftermath

Originally Posted by boystupid
As we know g-man put gordon into stasis at the end of hl2 but maybe because of the blast and/or radiation from it caused gordon to come out of stais and the g-man did not predict this happening.

That can surely be the fact! After the great explosion in the end of of HL2, Gordon was put in stasis, as in HL1. But as quoted above, the field may have been interupted by the explosion, and thats why Gordon wake up under blocks in the beggining of Aftermath. This couldn't be G-Mans plan, and thats why hes obviously annoyed.

I must say, having G-Man in another mood than usuall makes a very interesting addition to the next HL sequel!
How do you know Gordon wakes up under a pile of rubble? It could simply be an intermission during play.
I really doubt Gordon wakes up within rubble...does it look like Citadel surroundings? Noes.
Maybe he escapes the Citadel, gets split up with Alyx for whatever reason, Then Gordon gets knocked out by lets say...a building collapsing(I know he wouldn't survive that but whatever) Then Dog finds him, and Alyx get back together.
Heres how the conversation with Alyx and Eli from the trailer MIGHT have gone:
Alyx:"I found him" Eli:"Alyx! Where are you?" Alyx:"Trapped in the razor train yard, were going to take the train out of the city."
There's an earthquake but luckily he's hiding under a table in a doorway, so he's only trapped!
Really, it's most likely some random building that gets pwned by a strider or something at some point.
Speaking of which, how much Strider envolment will we be seeing?

On a different subject, my thread is second when it comes to replies and views :p
Teh Pwned said:
Maybe the G-man's competitors are about to unleash thier "Gordon Freeman" on you?
Dude that would be awsome!!! Anyway I was thinking maybe the G-mans not pissed at you, but instead his employers. Maybe he disagrees about something with them and releases his best weapon, Mr.Freeman, against them. He did seem a lot more independent in Hl2 didn't he? After all I was thinking about it and you could have been in the employ of the combine this whole time think about it, when you blow up that teleport its suppose to level city seventeen right? and almost everyone was being transferred to this city, and a lot of key resistance fighters were there too (Barney,Alyx Dr.Vance so on and so on....) so it actually would have been kinda good for the combine to just blow that city then send more combine through teleports at other cities thus still maintaining their controll over earth. Or maybe the G-Man was tricked to, maybe he thought he had promised Freemans services to someone else and when he found out this was a big plot to kill the resistance he became enraged and used some of that "power" of his to reduce the size of the explosion and give you a chance to save the resistance. Of coarse these are just my thoughts am I completely insane or do I have something?
"Well, Mr Freeman, it seems that there are some who wish to put an end to your thus far impeccable and promising career. I have every confidence that you will rise above the standards you have set during your employment, so I trust you will send a message to those who wish to end your mission that... we'll see about that."
You calling me a liar? We'll see about that!
So if you didn't make it up.. where did you get it from? liar!
Errr... God told me it. He also told me to start lots of wars. Lots and lots of wars.
1. Why would G-Man say "We'll see about THAT" when Freeman wakes up out of stasis? It's not Freeman's fault, so I don't see why he'd say that.

2. Why would Freeman attempt to stop/kill the man who saves him, and basically owns him?
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