G-Man sounded pissed.

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TheGMan. said:
1. Why would G-Man say "We'll see about THAT" when Freeman wakes up out of stasis? It's not Freeman's fault, so I don't see why he'd say that.

2. Why would Freeman attempt to stop/kill the man who saves him, and basically owns him?
1. No, it would not be Freeman's doing, but rather someone else like Breen who has done something unexpected, thus causing the Gman to unleash Freeman with the comment "we'll see about that". Note the "we" ;)

2. As for our adversary, I suspect it will either be the "benefactors" or Breen.
I would say it might be the G-Man discussing at some point in the game with Gordon (said G-Man doing all the talking, of course) some new, desperate measure undertaken by the Combine to quash the rebellion once and for all. I don't know.

I just want it to be released (needless to say)!
Because his cum is filling up his condom while remembering the sence where he picked link off of Alyx.
Sieg said:
Because his cum is filling up his condom while remembering the sence where he picked link off of Alyx.

Sieg said:
There has been a sharp decline in intelligence in recent posts and threads as the title states, and it is really ruining the HL2.net experience. Misspellings, improper grammar, incorrect or no punctuation, and even just not thinking, or replying to posts that were dead 5 months ago have been major annoyances recently. I am not going to give out any names, but I just want to say the following:

1) Think before you post.

2) Read the last post date before you post.

3) If you cannot spell, run through it with a spell checker.

4) Make sure you do not miss punctuation (as it takes so long to figure out whatever you are trying to say when you don't use it.)

5) Do NOT spam by just simply saying something way off topic, or posting replies that are less than 5 words. (such as just posting with LOL.)

6) Avoid using "AIM chat" as much as possible. (ex. wut, U, or any other disgustingly abbreviated words.)

7) Search forums before you post on something. (For it may have been posted just yesterday, or a while ago.)

If everyone just follows what I typed out above, it will make HL2.net a much more fun and enjoyable experience.

I'm seeing this sharp decline.
Maybe Freeman and Alex get in a fight and freemen decides to go krayzie and g-man says we will see about that
haha jk
Yeah he might want to kill him because of the owning him part.

But...how would they set that up? Because if YOU are Gordon, then they can't just set up a cutscene where
you get mad and start shooting...unless possibly Alyx starts shooting first.
I know huh Gordon himself can't realy disobey the G-man. He can't talk back to him,He can't realy attack him, and besides G-man has a ton of power over gordon if the freeman disobeys G-man then G-man can just stick gordon into some void.
Obviously I don't have a very clear idea, though I suppose I don't want to think that G-Man is confronting Gordon here. It's something else.
hi_ted said:
1. No, it would not be Freeman's doing, but rather someone else like Breen who has done something unexpected, thus causing the Gman to unleash Freeman with the comment "we'll see about that". Note the "we" ;)

Ah, at first I read it wrong, now I get it.

But maybe G-Man is just giving Freeman a speech about someone.
someone seriously needs to close this thread to prevent further confusion to our Half-life noobs
Okie dokie, Mr. Elite. I guess you're so leet, all deez n00bz need 2 stfus..
I think we've squeezed as much juice as we can out of this issue, as certain topics are just being re capped.
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