G-Man's ultimatum!

Originally posted by Morbo
Eli Vance, Alyx and Gordon are somewhere, whatever.

Eli Vance: Gordon, I have to tell you something... I am your father!
Alyx: Oh My God! Gordon, I'm pregnant! *dramatic music*
Eli Vance: You will give birth to a monster!
G-Man: Hello, Mr. Vance.
Eli Vance: You...
G-Man: Yes, brother, me. *plant is hand in his chest* Me, me, me.
*Eli Vance turns into antoher G-Man*
Gordon: That's it I'm out of here. *Gordon leaves and get drunk with Barney in a bar*

Ok so imagine if gordon had to fight like 30 G-Man's, how could would that be! lol:afro:
Originally posted by crabcakes66
mines better :)

... for some reason Gordon wakes up on the 87th floor of the large building, he cant remember. He hears an omniuos sound almost like young boys swearing and calling each other odd names. He procedes towards the noise witch take him through a set of double doors. What he sees on the other side causes him drop to his knees and cry. The leaders of the alien menace.
It was a lan party. 100s of 12-15 year old boys. "What are they playing" Gordon wondered. Just then he heard it. An unmistakable sound. "F.UCK YOU YOU HAXOR NOOB. I JUST PAWNED JOO." "NO YOU DIDNT YOU AIMBOTING RETARD". Sobbing, Gordon muttered his first word since his dog had been run over by the weiner mobile when he was 7.


Gordon reached for his Deasert eagle, his hand shaking so violently he could barley lift the heavy gun. He tried putting the barrel in his mouth..but it was to big. He quickly pointed the gun at the side of his head and started to squeeze the trigger.....


...ill right part 2 in a few minutes

kinda sounds somewhat like the ending to erik the viking. when they reach valhalla and you see the gods are actually kids and i think they are playing marbles or something. then like when the missionary saves them we will have father gregory doing it the same way. :bounce:
Originally posted by El_Chi
Eli dies somewhere along the lines. No doubt.
Ooooh - Headcrabbed, perhaps?

Everyone thinks that Eli dies for some reason. I can't figure out why.
Originally posted by DanteTDH
There's a possibility that was the best contribution to any thread anywhere ever. ;)

LoneDeranger - everyone thinks Eli dies because it's as obvious as the fact that there's going to be a love interest between Gordon and Alyx (oh God, no)
Besides, the way she talks aboot her daddy in the Kleiner video... Think aboot it. Buddy.
I dunno, it makes her battle against the combine more poignant and personal <sniff>;(
Here's my ending
GORDON wakes up lying an all white room with curiously bright white lighting and nothing inside. He appears to have been brought here as a prisoner as there are no visible doors. Suddenly, an explosion is heard faintly from beyond the wall to his right. The building shakes and plaster falls from the ceiling to reveal a vent oddly large enough for a person to fit inside. :naughty:

The vent swings open and Gordon grabs the vent door and climbs in. As he moves further down the vent he hears someone enter the room behind him. They sound like combine soldiers. You keep moving until you come to an opening into another room. Suddenly combine soldiers bust into the room that have just dropped into. They say something that you can't make out.

Another Explosion: The combine soldiers go flying forward from the blast behind them. As the smoke clears from the doorway, Gordon sees Alyx.

Alyx: We've got to get out of here Gordon! The whole place is gonna go!

She holds out a gun for Gordon. Gordon takes the gun and follows Alyx to the elevator. The elevator shakes and the lights flicker as they move to the top floor. As they get off the elevator they enter a hangar for the alien aircrafts. They go the nearest one. Alyx runs inside. Gordon hears her gun drop the floor and runs inside.

The G-Man is there holding Alyx by the neck as a shield and pointing a gun at Gordon. Alyx is struggling but doesn't make a sound.
He begins to speak in a disturbingly calm voice.

G-Man: Hello, Mr. Freeman. You've been busy again haven't you?

He pauses.

G-Man: Well, I think it's time to put an end to that.

The G-Man begins to fire as Alyx elbows him the in the stomach and moves out of his arms.


1st ending
Gordon quickly kills the G-Man. Alyx gets up and follows you inside the space craft. She takes the controls.

Gordon and Alyx fly out of the docking area. The game takes control of Gordon's view as the player looks out the rear window of the craft to see a smoke trail leading from the roof of the building towards him. The craft explodes and Gordon and Alyx die.

Subject: Gordon Freeman (Deceased)
Note: Killed in Explosion

2nd ending
Gordon allows the G-Man to get back to his feet.

Alyx: Shoot him, Gordon! He's the one that caused this!

If Gordon waits a little longer, the G-Man shoots Alyx.

G-Man: It's good to know that your alliances are with the right people, Mr. Freeman. Perhaps it's time to go for a ride.

The G-Man walks quickly, yet calmly, onto the ship and grabs the controls as Gordon follows him in.

The game takes control of Gordon's view as the player is turned to see the back window. An explosion is seen from the side of the tower. A chain reaction occurs within the building and suddenly it explodes with an immense blast causing the ship to rock back and forth.

Radio: -e have rep--ts of mult--le colonies in city -- and ----------.

G-Man: Well, Mr. Freeman. It appears we have some more work to do.

I have no clue what happens before this, but someone else can write it. HURRY!!! before the game comes out, and it's no more fun.
I think that the ending of the game should take place wherever the story starts. Its a tradition. I don't know about blue shift as i haven't played that one, but i do know that hl1 and opfor both ended in the same place that they started, i.e. the tram and the osprey.

Blue shift ends as you get in an suv with two scientists and drive off
Another ending:

A strange ship lands right in front of Gordon, the door opens and an alien appears.
Alien: We come in peace to save your plan...
*Gordon shoots the alien*
Alyx: Gordon! Not again! First the combine ambassador, then this one. You sure have a way to get the world in trouble.
*Another ship lands*
Second alien: Hello, Earthlings, I am...
*Gordon shoots the second alien*
*A third ship lands*
Third Alien: Well, we may have a misunderstanding here, but...
*Gordon shoots the third alien*
Alyx: Well that's kind of boring. I will be with the G-Man.
*Alyx leaves, screen fades to black. Words appear: "Coming Soon: Half-Life 3: Gordon's therapy"*
I spoke to gabe, he told me that you get to the roof of the final building, and as you step towards the G-Man a portal opens and sucks you in, some freaky stuff happens, and you wake up at the begining of the game again.

Rinse wash and repeat.

EDIT: didn't really hear that from gabe.