Gabe in his younger years.


Oct 8, 2003
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I think this belongs in here anyways because he is the creator of HL2 and technically it is related.
He looks pretty much the same as he does now. I hope they include him in HL2 as a random character somewhere :)
But he looks much more.... uhmm.... err..... what's the word.... smart now :O
that would be amazing if they put them in halflife2 and show a good bit of humor along with it. It was be sweet to walk into them *in a hidden area* and have them say a couple words to you. Like have them hand you a parody game of halflife2 and curse you off for not being about to wait for it... or right before he hands it to you have *the hacker* run past and steal it and run way.. then gabe can turn to you and say.. err.. how about i get it to you this time NEXT year... HAHAH.. don't flame me I know the hacker didn't cause the delays. it is all in fun.
I really hope he takes some time off after hl2 and takes care of himself
I read that like 25 times, it's a very good article.
that would be awesome if there was a scene like gunstarhero was saying where you saw the hacker run buy gabe and grab the game out of his hands and then see gabe just pull out a fat desert eagle 50 caliber and blast the guy in the back as he is running away and watch the hackers body tumble down a case of stairs to crumple up at the bottom and have the box tumble and land on his face... lol

if it wasn't in there.. I am sure someone could make a mini mod of it for 10 minuets of fun.
they should hook-up a webcam in valve HQ so we can watch them scurry about..
.. i know why they haven't released yet!... nobody has made them a new headcrab pinata... all so clear..

no, seriously, get to it.
there should be a secert level where u play as gabe and have to kill the guy who u play in farcry and doom 3 :).

Or you have to protect gabe from a bunch of hackers trying to kill him :).
Or maybe!

Or possibly your a hot sexy chick and you have to get gabe to lay you.
Sorry for putting that image in your mind, im glad my brain isn't really working right now..
Incidentally, I'd like to know more about Harrington, who co-founded vALVE with Gabe Newell.

I know he plays a major role, but somehow the limelight escapes him. I'd like to know what he's working on...

Stan R.
Gah, Gabe hasn’t got the embarrassing 90’s hair-do!
oldagerocker said:
He looks pretty much the same as he does now. I hope they include him in HL2 as a random character somewhere :)

His face was a texture (a trigger texture tho') in hl1
stanr said:
Incidentally, I'd like to know more about Harrington, who co-founded vALVE with Gabe Newell.

I know he plays a major role, but somehow the limelight escapes him. I'd like to know what he's working on...

Stan R.
Mike Harrington doesn't work there anymore.
Cerpin said:
I think he looks like a really nice guy.

And being the big boss of a company the size of Valve, I bet he has to be a nice guy. Either that, or a total pissant, who's everyone afraid of anyways.
Seppo said:
And being the big boss of a company the size of Valve, I bet he has to be a nice guy. Either that, or a total pissant, who's everyone afraid of anyways.

I hope hes a nice guy when i meet him. From what I heard is true anyway! =D
sHm0zY said:
I hope hes a nice guy when i meet him. From what I heard is true anyway! =D
You're meeting him? That's great. Are you paying a visit to Valve?
Shmozy, what would you do if he IS a pissant? (which im sure he isn't...) and when you shake his hand, what if he has hairy palms? :eek:
I think there needs to be a "Gabe Stalkers" forum here. All you people constantly thinking about him creeps *me* out.
Seppo said:
And being the big boss of a company the size of Valve, I bet he has to be a nice guy. Either that, or a total pissant, who's everyone afraid of anyways.

Nope, he's a really nice guy :) For me he had only words of encouragement and advice. He's got a great sense of humor as well.