Gabe Newell Gets Shocked!

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Originally posted by Xtasy0
how did you manage to post this in the wrong thread?? heh.

How do you figure? What i quoted was from this thread
Originally posted by reever2
How do you figure? What i quoted was from this thread

wt...f....when did this thread turn from some dumbass interviewing gabe to a stalker discussion, isnt there a whole stalker thread for that? jesus can you people keep all your bickering in one thread?
yea, not to mention STALKER hasn't impressed me at all yet, i'm still waiting.
Originally posted by Kamakazie
if you persist in hyping your intellect with these petty ramblings i will have to resort to giving the interview to some people i know that can be considered as experts in this field..... and im sure they would agree with me.

I'm still waiting. Seriously! :)

Originally posted by Murray_H
Will you let people use your stuff for free?

I have done in the past, still do, and may do in the future. :)

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Now I'm wondering whether he really did interview Gabe. I mean Gabe doesn't always answer our questions, would he really talk with this jerk? Then again, he seems to be a really good con artist so he could have made up a story like he's from a gaming magazine or something and Gabe could have fallen for it. But I guess we'll never know for sure.

Gabe was good enough to answer the questions I sent him, even if they were only stock answers from the PR script. I've never worked for a gaming magazine - that allegation came from someone with an axe to grind, and they didn't have the grace to acknowledge my correction. And no, I don't make stuff up.

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
What in the world did you mean by "other meadia"? And what exactly did you find out from Gabe's answers that was so "shocking"?

Key elements of Half-Life 2's design were externally inspired, and Valve lack a serious long term approach to gaming and related factors, and their focus is a little narrow. They're driven by the grass roots not the blue sky. They're also fairly likely to be on rocky ground as a game producer before the end of the decade, unless they change - adapting will be too late.

Other opinions may differ.

Originally posted by Viscid
Heh, I think Cultureshock is just a character. I'm pretty sure he understands fully what people think of him and is just an ass to get attention. It's a good character though, very original. I salute!

That's just to distract the nitwits. ;)
I tried stickin up for you...but you really are a jackass.
Wth is that "rocky ground" statement? are you an industry analyst? You have no basis for such a statement. This industry is very dynamic and things change so quickly anyone could end up on rocky ground in a heartbeat...but it certianly wont be by creating incredible games. Games is one of the few creative industries that is still driven by art and innovation, unlike the music industry, unlike the film industry, the comic book industry etc. Lucky for games the profts rely on the little guy being creative and innovative. Grass Roots makes this industry what it is, your "blue sky" seems to be a metaphor for profit...Let the publishers aim for the blue sky...thats what they do best, thankfully for us, its the grass roots that create the games.
^You're just going to get labeled a "nitwit". There's no coming back from that.
Look: who IS this guy? Guy: who ARE you?

And what is with the pompous attitude? If you're going to take that sort of know-it-all attitude, then you need to back it up with more than just the rambling speculation or groundless characterization that everyone else in the world is equally capable of.

You asked some questions, you got some answers. Hate to break the news to you, but hundreds of other people have been doing that: see the sticky thread. And you know what? Their dialogues are far more interesting than yours not because of any problem with Valve, but because they asked interesting questions rather than stock industry questions desperately trying to sound edgy (and you could have at least tried to grammar check your questions I mean no wonder Gabe didn't understand your first question!

CultureShock: Do you think the Half-Life 2 project, as well engineered as it appears to be, signals the perceived split between gaming, systems, and general applications development, is coming to an end?

This question is incredibly vague: referencing an idea that you obviously have about the direction of development which you never bothered to really explain. Whatever it is, you seem to take its assumptions for granted, making it a loaded question. Then you somehow you manage to work in a phrase that belittles the game ("as well engineered as it appears to be"), but that seems to have no relation to anything else in the question.

And you're missing a "that" in there somewhere, leaving the sentance basically unintelligible.

The technology introduced with Half-Life 2 allows artists and writers to achieve a higher level of content fidelity than previously experienced. This promises to allow a new generation to become interested in what may have previously been a sterile medium. With that in mind, has Valve ever considered allowing royalty free usage of the engine binaries, for commercial work, to encourage this trend?

The use of the phrase "With that in mind" implies that the new sentance has some connection to the previous one. But what this connection is is anyone's guess. What does changing their fee structure for liscences have to do with prettier engines with higher fidelity to artist design? And, as usual, your question is filled with the use of the passive voice and a bunch of highly questionable loaded assumptions, such as that gaming is a "sterile medium" which you seem to assume is suffering some sort of blacklist of people who are just not satisfied with the current level of "content fidelity." An idea that is pretty much pure nonsense as far as I can see.

CultureShock: Along with raising the bar for technology and content, the Valve PR machine has been extremely slick and well focused, and the game has been produced to embrace as many customers as possible who may not be able to afford the latest hardware. Besides making a profit, what's the guiding philosophy or moral behind Valve?

Yet another heavily loaded question, where you basically blather on for a bit, then take your own characterizations as settled facts, and then ask a question based on those assumptions.

So first you subtly knock them for being driven by profit, then when Gabe says that they don't worry about profits that much, you now knock them for not having a long term business strategy. Indeed, you make sweeping predictions about their business strategy when Gabe didn't tell you much at all about it that would allow you draw such conclusions. And while it's nice to have opinions, it's also much nicer to ground those opinions in reality by arguing from some basic facts from which inferences can be drawn. Why will things be rocky for them? What do you consider a "serious long term approach?" And why would they tell you about it, considering that they like to keep all their big surprises and future plans close to their chests?

CultureShock: What plans does Valve have for expansion into other media?

This was yet another incredibly vague question that Gabe actually answered by pointing out some interesting usages of their technology: I'd definately like to hear more about what they are doing with phobia and autism. But this wasn't what I assume you meant. You obviously meant something like "Are you planning to port HL2 to dishwashers, or make a HL2 sitcom? But if you aren't you're horrible people that don't share my incredible vision that I have excatly 0 talent with which to fulfill myself."

None of your conclusions about Valve have any basis in the answers you posted: you just jump to conclusions you want to with no explanation at all, assuming our awe at a claimed massive intellect will stun us into silence. No dice: where's the awesome intellect?

Come to think of it, you aren't Derek Smart in disguise, are you?
If this interview actually happened it's been pretty badly conducted. Anyone that's ever taken an interview will know that asking open-ended questions is basically an invitation to an unrelated response, marketing drivel, or talking about what the interviewee wants to talk. If you want a useful answer you must ask questions in such a way that the person will either have to answer the question directly with 'yes' or 'no' or a short sentence or simply say that they cannot disclose the information at the time.
Ug. Apos, why are you even wasting your time? The guy is obviously a troll - and a bad one at that - who seems to have registered multiple accounts.

His questions are grammically incorrect and his assumptions obviously full of air.

Why even bother? It's not like he has anything better to do - let him get on living his shattered pretense of a life. No need to get angry.
Simple answer: I have nothing better to do right now. :)
It's palpable that this whippersnapper CultureShock is just having us on. His sagacity is incogitable if you espouse to postulate the nub. His solicits are indubitably dissimulated. Any guttersnipe with half a cerebellum can enumerate that he perjured them to make manifest himself in a more mesmeric incandescence.
I surmise that this homosapien is a slatternly hokum! I could catechize much more sophisticated interrogatories to Gabe!
Alzxul, put the dictionary face down, and slowly step away from the keyboard with your hands behind your head. This is the English Language Police, and you've been abusing the system!
Stop feeding the troll guys. The interview is obviously fake (check out his posts on other forums, he's a known liar and con artist). Admin can you close this thread please. :devil:
Originally posted by Parasite
[What] is that "rocky ground" statement? are you an industry analyst? You have no basis for such a statement.

Yes, that's part of what I do, which is why I push the edge of opinion. They're the questions that interest me, and you're welcome to your own interpretations of Gabes answers. That couldn't be more fair. It would make a change if you held up that end of the bargain, eh?

Originally posted by Apos
Look: who IS this guy? Guy: who ARE you?
Come to think of it, you aren't Derek Smart in disguise, are you?

Wise up. Some idiot just nicked an old alias of mine and my avatar. Congrats. You're the fourth person this month to try digging into my personal life - no comment. I'll also add that I've never knowingly lied online, so the smear attempts elsewhere aren't worth much.
Can you please just go away and let this thread die an unhonorable death?
Originally posted by Alzxul
It's palpable that this whippersnapper CultureShock is just having us on. His sagacity is incogitable if you espouse to postulate the nub. His solicits are indubitably dissimulated. Any guttersnipe with half a cerebellum can enumerate that he perjured them to make manifest himself in a more mesmeric incandescence.
I surmise that this homosapien is a slatternly hokum! I could catechize much more sophisticated interrogatories to Gabe!

I love you. :imu:
Originally posted by Direwolf
Can you please just go away and let this thread die an unhonorable death?

Not without correcting a few things. :)
I'm fairly certain this is an intellectual exercise to see how much he can say without saying anything at all.

To put that in words everyone can understand, let me steal a quote from the popular 90's movie "Pulp Fiction" beloved by all and entirely useful for this discussion. Lord knows reading this thread made me feel like the Gimp:


Originally posted by Boogaleeboo
I'm fairly certain this is an intellectual exercise to see how much he can say without saying anything at all.

Nah. When enough of you guys are trolling and spamming there's little point in making any effort. Flamboyant performance aside, I'm more interested in hearing why you have say about the topic. So far, not a lot. Go on, spoil me - I know you can. :)
Whatever: this guy is so clueless that he doesn't even know that he's clueless. An inadvertant troll.
Originally posted by Apos
Whatever: this guy is so clueless that he doesn't even know that he's clueless. An inadvertant troll.

If you cast your net widely, the most obscure and innocent fact can mean something significant, though to the uninformed it might mean nothing. In that respect gaming is no different from other fields. :)

I'm still waiting for that biting analysis someone promised.:rolleyes:
Analysis of what?
A rather bloated and stupid thread?
Or a bunch of wordy questions very close to stuff that we already knew?
I'd like to throw out a big "Who Cares?" and move on.
Originally posted by Lifthz
-Simulation speed outperforms commercial engines such as MathEngine, Havok, etc.

ermmmm it actualy says
"Simulation speed outperforms many commercial engines."
it does not give any examples of such engines that it outperforms. if you can show the facts and fogures to support this..... baring in mind that Source uses a HEAVILY modified version of the Havok physics engine..... of which we know very little about the optimisations and advancements made. Then i will concede this one point.

As for Source only partly implimenting DX9 ..... im sure ive seem somewhere that Source has full dx9 feature implimentation.

any, i cant wait for stalker either but until more details about Source are released id be ebtting on Source being more advanced, the scalability thats been talkeda bout impresses me.

As for getting the industry guys to have a look, ones in hospital and the other i ahven't seen for a while. you'll ahve to wait longer CultureShock....... but it will come.

Originally posted by Kamakazie
ermmmm it actualy says "Simulation speed outperforms many commercial engines."

Yes. Anyone can build something to beat a special case. At the end of the day, it all comes down to whether an engine provides a solution to a problem. A Rolls-Royce is uselss in the jungle, and a Land-Rover is useless on the race track. In any case, engine talk really isn't in the domain of pure game players.

As for getting the industry guys to have a look, ones in hospital and the other i ahven't seen for a while. you'll ahve to wait longer CultureShock....... but it will come.

Whenever. :)
Why dont you go to a place where professionals work...
What good does it do for you and your research to come into a place with gamers and stir up a ruckus? Do you want to be taken seriously or what? I dont think you do, I think this bull shit is fun for you.

You are a terrible interviewer, wether you beleive so or are aware that a company uses a press kit and stock answers yet you ask questions that are grammaticaly incorrect, cofusing and cause the interviewee to revert back to the stock answers from the press kit...very probing.

You are an even worse present your information with a pompous and arrogant attitude asthough youve done gabe a favor by "taking time out of your busy schedule" to ask him a bunch of nonsense and waste his use a condesending tone when addressing the public, hinting further at you arrogance. You obviously came here to share this with why the arrogance, to me that suggests you do it for why not keep it to yourself?

You keep eluding to "your work" and "what you do" but you never disclose can you expect anyone to take you seriously at all? You pretend your some type of industry analyst, but you cant provide facts, link to research, show trends or any other information to substantially back up your claims...instead you point us all to an article about a misunderstood kid with waaay to much time on his hands...and that in itself seems quite appropriate.
Originally posted by Parasite
you present your information with a pompous and arrogant attitude as though youve done gabe a favor by "taking time out of your busy schedule" to ask him a bunch of nonsense and waste his time

It's called "taking the piss." Get some perspective. :)

While the questions were knocked out in a spare few minutes, what you don't realise is I congratulated Gabe on pushing out Half-Life 2 and Steam, am quietly supportive of their overall way of doing business, and thanked him for providing the answers he did.

All I've seen most of you guys do is moan, jump to conclusions, or sling mud around. This doesn't pay respect to Gabe, me, and most importantly for you, yourself. When that sinks in, you might realise why Gabe gives stock answers and I don't say much.
Well done, Parasite.

P.S. Perspective has nothing to do with anything, kid. Try again, and try to dispense with the smilies. :) :)
Still totally clueless. Let's just leave the poor guy alone.
Originally posted by CultureShock
Wise up. Some idiot just nicked an old alias of mine and my avatar.
HI EVERYBODY! :cheers:
I'll also add that I've never knowingly lied online
Just because you believe the tripe you post does not necessarily make it true.
the smear attempts elsewhere aren't worth much.
Or even remotely necessary. The one thing you do competently is present yourself as a jackass and a pseudographer. You don't need any help with that.:bounce:
Originally posted by Apos
Still totally clueless. Let's just leave the poor guy alone.

If you think I'm worried about a forum full of kids on a sugar high, you've got be joking. I couldn't care less.

Oh, and MD? Alias and avatar hijacking is a bit peurile. If you're going to commit hate crimes, you could at least do it with some degree of flair and originality.
Oh yes Shock, you are. If you weren't, you would be else where posting your crap.
Shock, it's become quite obvious noone likes you. Just get a new alias, a new avatar, and don't post on the forums, you'll be fine. If you step outside your doorway, you'll notice there's more to life.
Originally posted by guinny
Shock, it's become quite obvious noone likes you. Just get a new alias, a new avatar, and don't post on the forums, you'll be fine. If you step outside your doorway, you'll notice there's more to life.

As I said, kids on a suger high. Couldn't give a damn.
Originally posted by CultureShock
As I said, kids on a suger high. Couldn't give a damn.

As I said, you give a damn, too much of it.
Kids on a sugar high? That's the best you can do? Couldn't give a damn? Ok, I'm going to make a new's spam yes, but it's worth it. Look for it in about 5 minutes.
Originally posted by guinny
Kids on a sugar high? That's the best you can do? Couldn't give a damn? Ok, I'm going to make a new's spam yes, but it's worth it. Look for it in about 5 minutes.

This should be amusing.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by CultureShock
I'll also add that I've never knowingly lied online, so the smear attempts elsewhere aren't worth much.

No, you may not lie, but there are things called half truths that get the job done for you. You just dodge a question with some sort of inflated version of english that doesnt really mean anything and that nobody understands. Most people that speak the english language use the most effecient choice of words while trying to keep it civilized enough to make themselves not look like an idiot. You on the other hand, probably sit there with a thesaurus making every word you say nearly impossible to understand. But when people finally decipher your drivel with the aid of a dictionary, they realize it doesnt make any sense.

But what I dont understand is what the hell you get out of this? You come to forums, stir up a bunch of trouble with a buch of gamers only wanting to have a good time, then try to hide behind someone you know they like. What Im talking about is your sudden attempt to say "you thanked gabe and you quietly support his cause".
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