Gabe Newell has compelled people to purchase the radeon 9800 pro just to play hl2....

HUGEkebab, I agree with you. As every normal thinking man should. It really WAS a trick, because they new it won't be out on the 30th.
By the time hl2 actually comes out, there will bebrand new cards with brand new architectures that make the radeon 9800 pro look like a 32 meg geforce 2.

make it look like a 32meg geforce.....hahhahah i doubt that. dude a 9700 non pro runs this game perfectly. i get 50+fps in hl2 with 6aa and 16af in 1024.
Last week I dropped $250 on a new mobo and some DDR400 sticks, finally dragging my PC kicking and screaming away from the PC100 SDRAM chips it has had for the past three years. I also made sure the board would support the newest P4s when my 1.7Ghz won't cut the mustard anymore. And I also made sure it had an AGP 8x slot so I could replace my piddly GeForce 256 when the time comes.

I upgraded to better memory and planned for a future badass video card for one reason only: to play HL2 in the best possible quality. By the time HL2 comes out I will have probably spent $700-$800 in hardware solely to play HL2.

But I didn't buy a video card yet. Like any hardware, the price is always dropping, and the instant you buy something it begins to lose value. Check out pricewatch and look at the street prices for Radeon 9600 Pros and 9800 Pros -- they're being forced down in anticipation of the XTs. As I write this, the price of a Sapphire 9600 Pro with 256M DDR is at $121 and dropping. A month ago it was $160. I knew last week, as I've known for years, that the longer I wait, the better deal I will get.

When HL2 ships (not when it goes gold, when it *ships* or appears on Steam), I will get a card, probably the 9600 XT. I can then play HL2 the day it comes out while still getting the best deal on a card. If you dropped $500 on a 9800 Pro in mid-September in anticipation of HL2 being out on 9/30 -- and then you turn around and curse Valve for being late -- you have only yourself to blame. It has nothing to do with trusting Valve, or them "lying" to you or "misleading" you. You should have known the first rule of hardware purchase: wait as long as possible, until you *absolutely* need it, before buying.
You guys that bought it early just need to realize that you had a choice and you also failed to think that Valve isn't good w/ release dates. Additionally, as a rule of thumb it is always better to wait a while to buy computer hardware because initial prices are considerably too high. Valve plugged a card that will run HL2... and it will. You guys just resorted to a premature consumer decision based on a company's tentative release date.
Smart. I was going to invest, but then when the delay became offical I decided against it. I'm going to wait for the OFFICIAL benchmarks to come out then go buy the suddenly cheaper hardware.
The only thing Gabe convinced me of was that ATI has a better working knowledge of the DX9.0 standard, and that the game would be delayed. After a little more research I found that the HL2 delay is very close to the timeline of when the first PCI expreess 16X cards would be available.

So I decided to save my money and not upgrade untill DX9.0 becomes the gaming standard with HL2 and then I will spend my cash on a new mobo and a PCIexpress card.

It makes NO sense to upgrade now to a 9800pro if your current card can handle DX8.x games just fine. Wait untill HL2 comes out and then upgrade your system to the new hardware standards that will run the new DX9.0 graphic standard.

Thats not to say that the 9800pro isn't a great and awsome card. If you just bought a system and it makes no sense to buy a new mobo in 6 months then you should by all means get the FASTEST DX9.0 card available for the AGP slot when HL2 comes out.

Otherwise wait.
HUGEkebab, I agree with you. As every normal thinking man should. It really WAS a trick, because they new it won't be out on the 30th.

Yes that is my point. I bought my card on the 20 or 21st cant remember. they announced the game would be delayed the 22nd ie 8 days b4 it was suppose to be out. according to me that is bullcrap. they knew they were gonna be late at the ati shaders day already and yet they decided to show how great radeons run.

You guys that bought it early just need to realize that you had a choice and you also failed to think that Valve isn't good w/ release dates. Additionally, as a rule of thumb it is always better to wait a while to buy computer hardware because initial prices are considerably too high. Valve plugged a card that will run HL2... and it will. You guys just resorted to a premature consumer decision based on a company's tentative release date.

Yes it was my choice, but it was unrespectfull of them to announce the delay so l8. why did they delay the delay announcment? lol
no other explanation makes sense beside that they wanted ati to make lots of $$$, please analyze this properly. every single game that is delayed, has that announced months b4 it actually is. I actually thought valve was gonna be on time as they were so confident for all the most of september till the 22nd
I got a 128mb radeon 9600 for hl2, but I dont mind that it may come out A2004.. whats the big deal, I got a nice new card too run Star wars G (out soon in UK) and The sims 2 with. bonus. :)
Originally posted by ale2999
Yes that is my point. I bought my card on the 20 or 21st cant remember. they announced the game would be delayed the 22nd ie 8 days b4 it was suppose to be out. according to me that is bullcrap. they knew they were gonna be late at the ati shaders day already and yet they decided to show how great radeons run.

Yes it was my choice, but it was unrespectfull of them to announce the delay so l8. why did they delay the delay announcment? lol
no other explanation makes sense beside that they wanted ati to make lots of $$$, please analyze this properly. every single game that is delayed, has that announced months b4 it actually is. I actually thought valve was gonna be on time as they were so confident for all the most of september till the 22nd

forgot to say that I am not being left hanging as my loss was only 100 dollars. Why cuz I bought the extended warranty at futurshop (best buy named differently in canada) and the return policy is over the counter no question asked so I will be able to just add more money to wait I paid for the card and get whatever. so loss is only 100 $
This isnt about money, it is about principles
there are other games than HL2, and a radeon 9800 pro will run it great. so u dont have the VERY VERY best card anymore, just let it go unless you dont want to enjoy hl2
i am not letting it go, althought the real reason that I am ticked is that I am ditched with a whole bunch of dx8 games which ran WAY better on my ti 4200........ (raven shield amongs them and dont say my system isnt tweaked cuz it is)
Originally posted by ale2999
i am not letting it go, althought the real reason that I am ticked is that I am ditched with a whole bunch of dx8 games which ran WAY better on my ti 4200........ (raven shield amongs them and dont say my system isnt tweaked cuz it is)

So you are saying based on the "word" of Valve that the game was going to be out on the 30th you and whomever else purchased a video card before the 30th.

hmmmmm Why did you not wait until the 29th or 28th? Gotta have it now syndrome.

With you and the others Valve are damned if they do damned if they dont.

I grow tired of people that try to put the blame on other people for their own "mistakes". You could have purchased the video card 2 days b4 the game was to be "ready" but you did not wait. As for the others the same holds true. Whats wrong with WAITING til the game shipped? Why do you have to have it before?

O well.
I guess I take a middle road here because I think both parties are partly to blame. While I think Gabe's comments on which card to buy influenced people to buy a card when he knew the game might not be out for a while, he simply was answering their questions. At the same time, you people complaining should have just waited. I'm glad I did because now I'm just going to wait and get the R420 which is supposed to be twice as fast as a 9800 pro. Can't wait to be smokin you guys in terms of performance. LOL. Why yes, I am an asshole.
Originally posted by dis
I guess I take a middle road here because I think both parties are partly to blame. While I think Gabe's comments on which card to buy influenced people to buy a card when he knew the game might not be out for a while, he simply was answering their questions. At the same time, you people complaining should have just waited. I'm glad I did because now I'm just going to wait and get the R420 which is supposed to be twice as fast as a 9800 pro. Can't wait to be smokin you guys in terms of performance. LOL. Why yes, I am an asshole.

The 9800 Pro runs HL2 very well, just as Valve claimed.

The last part of your comment assumes that everyone else will still be using old hardware. Since I'm also buying the product that follows the 9800XT, you will certainly not me "smokin" me in terms of performance.
wow, I guess I just assumed people wouldn't have that much cash to throw around. Should have known better...
well u wount be smokin me neither... and some ppl will just never understand what I am trying to convey. o well
of all the things to cry about

if you bought a card for an unreleased game it is your own fault
I think it's still on for Sept 30th, 2003.
Can anyone confirm this?

(I know you're talking about the April one, and I have no idea about that, but I'm a sucker for a bad joke)
Originally posted by quik
False, HL2 works perfectly with a Radeon 9600 Pro with 6xAA and 16xAF with ±30-40 FPS which is perfect.

he was talking about current games...not future dx9 stuff
Damn people can't take responsibilites for themselves. (sorry for spelling mistakes, english is not my native tongue)

The ATI 9800 Pro will still play EVERYGAME very well. You do not buy 1 computer for 1 game. But 1 computer for games in general, and you purchase parts, for the games you plan on playing.

We all saw that games are using the directx 9 api nowadays, and the ATI 9800 is just as good (if not better) then the 5900. So, stop whining, you have a good card.

Damn, he only said: HL2 on an ATI is a good bet. He didn't say YOU BUY NOW OR YOU DIE.

He doesn't owe you jack shit, he gave out is opinions on observations he made. If you buy a DVD player to watch the MAtrix reloaded, but it has been delayed another 2 months, will you tell Panasonic they can take it up the ***???

Whats wrong with you people?
Well, not to be an ass now, just let it be a lesson. I had an earlier experience with graphics cards that made me be more cautious about buying any new hardware. Now, I know this doesn't relate particularly to the fact that Gabe seemed to influence peeps to buy a 9800 pro, but I think it makes a good point. I bought a Geforce 3 Ti 500 (still using it too) in February of 2002 because I was getting ready to build a new computer. Within a month or two, the Geforce 4 line came out, and for what I spent on the GF3 Ti 500, I could have gotten a Geforce 4 ti 4600 (or whatever). If I'd simply waited and read about the impending release, I could have gotten a lot more power for the same price. While it's not the most applicable story to this discussion, it just taught me to be very cautious about buying new hardware and to read about all the exisitng and coming hardware before I make a decision on what/when to buy. Possibly, a lot of you will do the same after buying so soon. I know it really pissed me off that I had been so dumb, but I bet it's worse when you feel mislead. On the other hand, my GF3 was and still is a great card (I can run Halo maxed out at 800x600), and you guys all bought great cards. So it's not the worst thing in the world.
Originally posted by HUGEkebab
So a load of people went out and bought it-just to play half life as recommended neh plugged by Gabe Newell, and what now?

By the time hl2 actually comes out, there will bebrand new cards with brand new architectures that make the radeon 9800 pro look like a 32 meg geforce 2. If i were one of those who bought the pro on the heavy advisement of Gabe Newell then I'd be e mailing him and asking for my money back. You just cant go about plugging a hugely expensive piece of hardware like that and then pull out and release it at a time when that hardware will be anything but cutting edge. I can almost hear the lawsuits being written.

You are wrong. Radeon 9800 is not the only card that can handle HL2. 9600 also can handle the game.
Re: Re: Gabe Newell has compelled people to purchase the radeon 9800 pro just to play hl2....

Originally posted by Cosmos
You are wrong. Radeon 9800 is not the only card that can handle HL2. 9600 also can handle the game.
Are we forgetting 9700?!:x
i nbet the frames on a 9600 will be nothing special. average of 30 means it sometimes drops to 15.
Originally posted by HUGEkebab
how does hackers hacking the source code= we cant release the game?

why is this? I really doubt they are going to change the source code for april.

they HAVE to... if they release HL2 right now it would be a huge security hole..

put these together: the least secure operating system in the world running the least secure online game in the world...

if you seriously think that it makes no difference that an assload of hackers have the source code for steam/HL2 then you my friend need to read up more on network security. Ask valve how serious it is.

did you not read people trying to blame m$ outlook for the theft of HL2? If my computer gets compromised and all my stuff gets stolen/deleted it better not be because of a damn game.
to all the wieners that think we are just dumb customers I am gonna give u an analogy to what happened.
-your favourite tv channel cnn in may announces that a new channel dedicated to people like you is on the making. and it sets the day for the initial broadcast on september 30th
-on september 12 at a sony tv convention cnn publishes an article which awes and wonder the marvel of hdtv and how only sony tv can do it properly and how panasonic tv suk really bad at it. Unfortunately their new tv channel is best viewed which hdtv they say, and if u really wanna enjoy this channel made for ppl just like u at the full potential you better get a sony cuz their enginners are so great.
-you as a good customer who wants to keep the economy in circle decide in getting an hdtv because the new cnn channel is made for people just like you! and u want to enjoy it to the maximum potential!
-september 13 - 19
you really used to love panasonic tvs as all the one at ur home are panasonic and working fine and dandy, but you are REALLY undecided, but get yourself informed by reading lots of articles and the forums. every1 in the forum beside tvmaster believe that the channel is still gonna be delivered on the 30 (why wouldnt it? 10 days from broadcast and no1 has sayed anything about postponing the premiere of the channel)
-September 20
with lots of courage a fat wallet and bitterness in your heart u leave to buy an hdtv from sony. you already have arranged for your friends to buy off your panasonic tv as u need all the cash that u can to buy the 4 month old top of the line sony hdtv.
-september 20th at night
there is no woah factor watching regular cnn, your old panasonic was just as good if not better in displaying regular tv, but you still got all your hopes and excitement rushing through the head waiting for cnn4u channel in just 10 days
-semptember 22nd
Aol Warner announces that cnntv4u has been delayed till november
You are not very happy at all as you just dished out all ur $$$ for the tv, but whocares the channel is coming a meager 2 months and a half away
-unknown date
Aol warner announces that cnntv4u has been delayed till april 2004 cuz some1 stole the camera to film the show and also release a bootleg copy of the backstage movie!!!!!
You are mightly annoyed as you know for certain that your new sony tv is going to be at the best 3rd best tv by when the show will be out cuz sony engineers are so freaking prolific that they will have launched another 2 tv model series in that 8 months, and guess what they are just gonna cost as much as u payed for your "old" sony which kinda sucks with the normal tv channels as it work just as good as the panasonic that u had long ago

Yes it is partly your fault that u got stranded as you are too much of a good person who still has trust in what ppl (cnn) say. beside everyone on the believed cnn that the channel was gonna be here on the 30th so I guess its our bad, we should have listened to tvmaster all along.
but the MAJOR FAULT is cnn who are a whole bunch of liers who care only to increase the sale of their partner sony tvs.......

I hope u get it this way
Gabe didn't put a gun to anyone's head and force them to go buy a card. They all did it on their own free will. END OF DISCUSSION
Originally posted by staddydaddy
Gabe didn't put a gun to anyone's head and force them to go buy a card. They all did it on their own free will. END OF DISCUSSION
please stop worshipping gabe as ur god, and read my post again if u dont get it.
When people loose control of themselves...they give in to their wants and suggestions. They do not take responsibility for their actions and learn from them but instead love to blame other people.
I would read your post, but it is nearly illegible. Figure out spacing, grammer and spelling before you make long posts like that.

Besides, he's right. Gabe DIDN'T force you to buy the card. He just said that it would be the best for HL2. Now, think about this for a sec. If the 9800 pro can run HL2 smoothly with all the settings as high as they'll go, then how can another card run it better?

So what if you bought a new video card for a game that got delayed? It'll come out eventually and your new card should last you for years.
All of you with you "buy it now" sydromes. I decided to get a new card for HL2, but guess what? I planned on waiting until the 30th and getting the card and the game at the same time, just incase it was delayed, but I did think it was coming on time. When it was delayed, I just decided to wait to get the card, and I'm planning on getting no earlier than the day before the game releases. I'm no rocket scientist, but it was quite easy to think to be safe and wait.
ale2999, your post about CNN and HDTVs is the exact same situation but with different names... and it is still your fault for not being a smart consumer.

You are taking an unnecessary chance by buying the 9800Pro/HDTV/whatever before HL2/cnntv4u/whatever actually comes out.

Admit it.

You screwed up.

Next time... you should wait.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
ale2999, your post about CNN and HDTVs is the exact same situation but with different names... and it is still your fault for not being a smart consumer.

You are taking an unnecessary chance by buying the 9800Pro/HDTV/whatever before HL2/cnntv4u/whatever actually comes out.

Admit it.

You screwed up.

Next time... you should wait.

thx for reading my post!

Ya I screwed up but I covered my butt, only lost 100 bucks, but many ppl didnt get cool warrantied like I did lol
Yeah, it sucks but once you get burned you'll be less likely to do it again... hopefully.
HL2 goes gold!

this is the time to buy ur new gfx card if ur going to get 1, not buy 1 in anticipation. valve r known for not making release dates, hacker or no hacker

Believe it or not I read all post when I am "discussing" the issue. Let me give you a little advice and you can take however you want.

There are no guarantees in life. I knew a guy that had $800 and went to a computer show on the 19th of Aug with every intention of getting a 9800 256 by Sapphire. He figured bout $400 for that. For the rest of his money he was going to upgrade his 1600 Athlon chip and mobo. For the life of him no one had the Sapphire. He upgraded the mobo, chip and more mem, and decided to mail order the Sapphire. Well him knowing that HW prices fluctuate he figured he could wait until the game released or at least a day or two before. Well I still have my $400 sitting in the bank. Why do people insist on buying the greatest and latest RIGHT NOW? Granted I was looking to buy the video card and if I had I would of had NO ONE ELSE to blame but me. Im sure if you track down the "delays" you will find that you had more then enough time to buy a video card AFTER the game came out. Same as the TV. Once one comes out many more will come out and drive the price down. You have to make that decision if you want the lateset and greatest.