Gabe Newell player model


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
Here is my most recent efforts in making a gabe player model.






He doesnt have a pig tail the last time I saw him :) Looks nice though.
Yer I might ditch it then, I need to work o nthe skin too, needs to be more manly.
Hmmm.... to me it looks like you have just edit a CS:S model and made a new skin for it (sort of). Its proberly a good idea to mention that incase someone things you have modelled and skinned it all.
IchI said:
Hmmm.... to me it looks like you have just edit a CS:S model and made a new skin for it (sort of). Its proberly a good idea to mention that incase someone things you have modelled and skinned it all.
Yeah, stupid forum-goers. :p.

but nice work, I like it. Will you be doing hitboxes too, because it might get a little weird, if you know what I mean.
Also, why is Gabe a Terrorist, or do you know something we don't? ;)
Nah mate I do my models for both teams, this just happens to be the first one I did, he will be ct too, its up to the user if his Gabe fantasy has him as ct or t lol.

Might have him in dm yet too.
I need your importer/exporter, can you give me a link to it? I'm planning on making models to....

greatz rastar :sniper:
I love it almost as much as I love Gabe, but not as much... cause Gabe is sexeh :|
Oh my...

It doesn't really look like him though (face, pigtail), and he's too thin.
Gabe update. What we are looking at here is the collision model in yellow, they are the original ones from the urban player model so server consistency isnt a problem, just remember when playing your useing the collision model not the much larger mesh.



And here is Gabe at dust on a public server







We can all expect to see Gabe as a ct as well as a T and also in valve themed dress for hl2dm and the original mesh will be available to the public as well. Some guys are confused on two things one

1: The collision model is from the original player model so playing with this skin will make no difference at all to the game otherwise you would get a consistency error and would be dropped from the server. Have another look at pic 7 and 8 the hit boxes are yellow.

2: This model is in good taste and is meant as a tribute to Gabe and not to rubbish him. I think he has been in the spotlight long enough now to grow a thick enough skin to handle this. I might be wrong but I did this model purely for *************, they have the best tutorials and tools there is outside of the sdk, this is my thanks.

And thanks to all the guys that get it and have given me a pat on the back, thanks guys.
Looks great. Whats the DM model going to be like? Combine, rebel or just normal Gabe?
Looks great man,

can you make a tutorial on how you made it,

coz, im following this tut ""

but it miss some info(like the animation and colision model),

plz and tnx in advance
combine gabe = me rofl :LOL: i can just imagine the ammount of time they would spend fitting GN into an elite suit!
lol, thats some pretty cool model you made. you made gabe proud i'm sure ;)
:/ The pics won't load for me, they page keeps on loading forever. Using Firefox BTW.
stinger.aim92 said:
:/ The pics won't load for me, they page keeps on loading forever. Using Firefox BTW.

Using FF and they load fine for me.
stinger.aim92 said:
:/ The pics won't load for me, they page keeps on loading forever. Using Firefox BTW.

The pics are quite large if your 56k it might take a long time to load.
Hahaha That Looks Funny How Did You Make That On Milkshape?
The work's coming along nicely. Get the terrorist arms to look the same skin colour as Gabe, and I'll download them :)
Come now, Zeus, don't be an ass :( Gabe's the man.

I love this model. Are you going to make it downloadable?
Pounds the table while laughing to death.
Sieg said:
Pounds the table while laughing to death.
Your avatar and signature contrast with that statement horribly.

Which is why I must ask if it's sarcasm.
haha, love it. by the looks of it it youve edited his shadow slightly as well or is that just my eyes playing tricks on me?

have you got a tutorial on how you got it from .smd format into CSS? im currently editing the terrorist model but can only compile it as either a prop or weapon model. any help would be greatly appreciated :)
HAHA! gona post a DL link? i need that fat sack-o-crap for some comics in garrys mod