Gah. Noises in my attic.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Dammit... I've got noises driving me nuts coming from my attic. Obviously now there's some type of animal up in there, and something needs to be done about it.

I guess tomorrow I'm going to examine the outside of the house and on the roof to see where entry might be possible and fix that problem. Not sure about how to get the buggers out from inside though without calling a pest control agency, which we just cannot afford at this time.

Anyone deal with animals in their attics?
Oh, yes, there's definately an animal in your attic.

In as much as someone could call any living creature an animal.

Sleep with your lights on.
Flamer it.

To be honest, I've had possums in my roof for as long as I can remember. They don't really bother me that much.
Oh, yes, there's definately an animal in your attic.

In as much as someone could call any living creature an animal.

Sleep with your lights on.

Oh ****.... do you think it could be a serial killer?

Or... or... a bear!?

They don't really bother me that much.

I'm worried about them chewing in our new copper wiring and causing a fire up there. That's a common occurrence with rats and other attic dwelling animals.
Ah. Ours live on *top* of our roof, so they don't really bother us.
Oh ****.... do you think it could be a serial killer?

Or... or... a bear!?

It could be Captain Howdy ;)

Actually the joke around here ever since my cousin visited to help us with the rewiring of the house, and watching The Amityville Horror... is that the presence up in the attic is that little girl who forces the babysitter to insert her finger into the little girl's bullet-hole in her forehead.

We were sitting up there running cable and twisting wire-nuts(well he did most all of the work, as he is the expert, but I helped), we kept making jokes along the lines of "Stick it in my bullet-hole!"

Yep yep... nothing that brings me down to an immature level as quickly as an old cousin whom I grew up with for nine years while in california.
Dammit... I've got noises driving me nuts coming from my attic. Obviously now there's some type of animal up in there, and something needs to be done about it.
Suuuure there is. Just like you were menaced by a werewolf.

I've told the story about burning the beehive in the attic with my dad before, haven't I?
Sulkdodds said:
Suuuure there is. Just like you were menaced by a werewolf.

Werewolves or not, he--

*gunned down by silver bullets*
Suuuure there is. Just like you were menaced by a werewolf.

I've told the story about burning the beehive in the attic with my dad before, haven't I?

ROFL. Damn, you still remember that? I really should have spent a bit more time making convincing tracks and made my story seem less story like.

But seriously though, been hearing noises in my attic for the past 6 and a half hours or so.

EDIT: Oh God baserape... no, just no!
Back home i had creaking sounds coming from my attic. Was walking down the corridor on my way to bed when i heard the creaking a bit louder than usual. So i stopped and looked up, and as i did so the light that was built into the cieling (well kind of) just..fell down and landed next to my right foot and smashed.

Naturally it scared the crap out of me, but it turned out it was a damp patch above the light's position which caused the drywall and wood etc to warp, effectively squeezing the light out of place.

But yeah, check for leaks and stuff. When you say sounds though, do you mean scratches? creaks?...roars?
first check if you have a big surgery scar in one side of your body
But yeah, check for leaks and stuff. When you say sounds though, do you mean scratches? creaks?...roars?

I mean I hear scurrying and shuffling. I think it is an opossum or raccoon.
I can't imagine bats making as much shuffling noise as what was coming from up above the bathroom. They generally don't make much contact with the ground except when perching upside down.

Not sure if you were serious or not though. :monkee:
I can't imagine bats making as much shuffling noise as what was coming from up above the bathroom.

Erm, shuffling, eh? Has anyone seen Grandpa this week?

*Puts on Captain Obvious outfit*

Have you actually gone into the attic? With a flashlight? and maybe some Aquanet and a lighter? The smell of burnt hair will diminish...eventually. ;)
That's it! It's a monkey!

Monkeys are the boilogical opposite of cows. He is going to kill you.

Oh crap... an agent from India!

Have you actually gone into the attic? With a flashlight? and maybe some Aquanet and a lighter? The smell of burnt hair will diminish...eventually.

Yeah, I went up a bit ago actually. I couldn't find anything. Whoever was in checked out before I could get to them.
why not place bear traps all around the attic floor?
does anyone remember that chatlog of some guy who paniced about like a dwarf being on his roof and he was about to call the cops? that shit was funny
Well, if the house dissapears there's no attic to be concerned about.

Polar bear. It's gotta be a polar bear. Head up to the attic and kivck it in the balls. If that doesn't work, find a unicycle, get it intoxicated and force it to ride the unicycle out the attic window (if you have one) which should kill it.

Problem solved, where is my mother ****ing cake?
Yes, yelling "**** you" is a great tactic as well. If it goes "GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR" knee it in the face after it keels over.
I bet you it's a headcrab.

/go buy a crowbar
Rofl, can you post the full version?
I don't think I've ever seen the full version, and if I have it, it's on a hard drive I can't get to. :(

But that's really all you need to know about that image. Everything before it and after it is irrelevant.
Oh ****.... do you think it could be a serial killer?

Or... or... a bear!?

I'm worried about them chewing in our new copper wiring and causing a fire up there. That's a common occurrence with rats and other attic dwelling animals.

bwhahaha this made me giggle
Uh... so Joule had something on his roof? I'm friends with him in real life, he used to live down the street from me. It was probably me on his roof.
lawwl it's RandomX! What's up.

No, someone Joule was talking to online was saying something was on his roof.