Game concepts you'd like to see realized?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Figured it'd be fun to see what kinda different dream concepts people on here have for games, one of my dream concepts would be an open-ended spaceship simulator that focuses on crew interaction and simulation, rather than direct control of the spaceship itself, if you understand what I mean.

Imagine something like Frontier: Elite II only you could actually wander around inside your spaceship, see your crew working etc, talk to them directly, give them orders, see them carry them out etc.
Far Cry with the engine and save-system of Crysis, would be heaven for me.
An open world dinosaur hunting sim. It would be a cross between Carnivores 2 and STALKER. You could traverse prehistoric landscapes and track down (or be tracked by) every species of dinosaur cataloged by SCIENCE while surviving off the world. Could even have an "Observation Mode" like Carnivores did where you can just walk around the world and see the dinosaurs hunt, fight, and live their lives out. So many different ideas for a game like this.

I would convert to Christianity and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior if a game like this were developed.
A Virtual world ala The Matrix. Well, minus the risks (death etc.), of course.
I can dream, can't i?
A Virtual world ala The Matrix. Well, minus the risks (death etc.), of course.
I can dream, can't i?
Naturally, if we were to find a way to connect computers directly to our minds and thusly our dreams, this could very well become a reality.

I personally honestly don't view a Matrix-like virtual world, single-player or multiplayer as all that far off(I mean max like a century with current research progress), if one presume it is handled via the brain.

Let's face it, is there anything closer to reality than our dreams?

If so, I'd like to know what that is.:p
It's just a matter of time, i guess. Lucid dreaming+the right technology=Me diving bullets and leaping buildings.
It's just a matter of time, i guess. Lucid dreaming+the right technology=Me diving bullets and leaping buildings.

=Me having sex with all the girls that've rejected me throughout the years, naturally not the young ones(like 13 year olds) :p
An open world dinosaur hunting sim. It would be a cross between Carnivores 2 and STALKER. You could traverse prehistoric landscapes and track down (or be tracked by) every species of dinosaur cataloged by SCIENCE while surviving off the world. Could even have an "Observation Mode" like Carnivores did where you can just walk around the world and see the dinosaurs hunt, fight, and live their lives out. So many different ideas for a game like this.

I would convert to Christianity and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior if a game like this were developed.
Even on a much smaller scale this would be amazing. A stealth/hunting game where you are the sole survivor of a small aircraft that crashed on a DINOSAUR ISLAND. About halfway through some crazy hunter dudes would turn up or something.
OK, I've got a few minutes, here's my idea.

I want to control a creature that potentially can evolve from a very simple life form into the largest, most fearsome carnivore that ever lived or just the most successful. (like humans and insects)

While playing the game, you make choices like where to hunt, were to hide, were to go. Obviously the game is played on a sped up time scale because we don't have billions of years to play.

I'd suggest that we start a good ways into life on the planet by picking a basic skeleton structure like vertebrae or invertebrate. A foundation. This won't change throughout the game. You choose from several starting areas (with eye popping graphics) and begin the game.

If you continue to survive and stay fed, your creature will be able to mutate slightly (for good or bad) and you need to make it work or die.

These mutations would be like a level up. At this point you will be given a choice of one of several mutations, to replicate the effects of natural selection.

So if you are in an area with lots of plants, it might be a good idea to choose an evolution to increase your size or to be able to eat them better. Choosing a specialized mouth. If you are in a situation with lots of predators, you might choose an evolution that will help you evade or escape them. Or you can try to take them, by choosing something to make you more effective at killing (and eating) them .

The mutations might help or hinder the progress towards your intended direction, but in order to keep people from dying on purpose to lose an unfavorable mutation, you can effectively devolve all the way back to the starting form, so you are encouraged to make it work.

The game challenge should be fair and adjustable, because there is nothing more frustrating than never getting anywhere.

And mutations also have the potential to help your creature adapt to chosen or forced habitats, to deal with the changing harsh weather and temperature. The computer controlled creatures will have to deal with nature as well. Computer controlled creatures will also be evolving to compete for resources (food, good hunting spots, good places to rest safely).

Perhaps you pass some great obstacle with a great leap, or pass a natural barrier that traps you in a different area, like outside of an underwater area that was previously impassable due to larger predators. Or maybe you were lingering near shore and got caught in a massive tide pool that never fully recedes, so you'd be in a pond and forced to try to survive there. Perhaps an earthquake or continental drift changes the geography of your environment and you must adapt. Potentially, you could evolve to leave the water for periods, like scientists believe a lung fish eventually did on Earth.

Don't forget that if you die, you lose the mutation and start back before you got it.

This would be similar to what would happen in real life: if you got a random mutation that made you better designed than competitors, you would be successful and wouldn't die. So dieing would be like the extinction of your kind and the loss of your last mutation. If you survive before gaining a new mutation (level up), the mutation would stick, and over time other mutations (evolutions) could be added to it, thus reaching toward the goal of evolving into the most successful creature on the planet.

The game would obviously never be the same twice.

You don't necessarily have to be a carnivorous predator. You could be a plant eater, fighting to stay alive by evasion (speed), camouflage, poison, gaining abilities to better hide (like burrowing or climbing) and other defenses that we see all the time in nature. You could evolve into the largest land animal.

In one example, you are an underwater creature that hangs out by the shores, kinda trapped because you need the warmer coastal waters. You wouldn't be able to grow large because obviously huge sea creatures can't fit in shallow water. However if you were successful here, you could eventually evolve to be able to tolerate leaving the water for periods of time or somehow maneuver out of water by jumping, slithering, crawling or what have you. These would be helpful in getting food that was previously out of reach. Thus in real life we have things like flying fish and amphibians.

On the other hand, you might evolve to tolerate the colder water, and go deeper into the ocean, where the size potential would be enormous -- like wales or great sharks. Size potential on land is enormous as well.

No idea what kind of game engine would be good to use, but it could be true 3D 3rd 'person', or alternatively, a pseudo 3D platform type game would work well. Basically 2 dimensional platform game with 3D graphics. I think the true 3d like Far Cry would be better. Remember the swimming coastal part? Nice graphics.

This idea has been done before very similarly in an evolution game called E.V.O. Search for Eden, but that was like 15 years ago. I imagine it could be better designed and look photorealistic these days.

Hopefully I didn't repeat myself to much. They are going to need someone who has a bit of education in this area to make this game work. Hopefully someone begins working on a game like this soon.

also, at every level up, you can choose to simply get bigger (or smaller) rather than change fundamentally/characteristically. (polygon scaling would make this easy for programmers. Perhaps you could become as big as a mountain.)
A Star Wars game on the Wii in which the Wii-mote functions accurately as a lightsaber, resulting in proper realistic sword-fights.

Also, this might sound sad, but remember Midtown Madness's freeroaming mode, where you could just drive around the city? I want that ... but where you have the ability to drive around normally instead of just charging around like a madmad; a true driving simulator.
An open world dinosaur hunting sim. It would be a cross between Carnivores 2 and STALKER. You could traverse prehistoric landscapes and track down (or be tracked by) every species of dinosaur cataloged by SCIENCE while surviving off the world. Could even have an "Observation Mode" like Carnivores did where you can just walk around the world and see the dinosaurs hunt, fight, and live their lives out. So many different ideas for a game like this.

I would convert to Christianity and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior if a game like this were developed.


Although the landscapes would have to be beautiful and not boring post apocalypse shit.

Man, just imagine having to go recover something from an old research lab in the jungle, it's huge, with sides of the wall caved in and overgrown with so much plant life. You're just walking through with nothin' but one clip of ammo left and you hear two motherf*ckin' Utahraptors calling to each other and you hide behind the table hoping that they don't hear you.

Even on a much smaller scale this would be amazing. A stealth/hunting game where you are the sole survivor of a small aircraft that crashed on a DINOSAUR ISLAND. About halfway through some crazy hunter dudes would turn up or something.

Isn't there a bad game similar to that? Turok, right?

Although the landscapes would have to be beautiful and not boring post apocalypse shit.

Man, just imagine having to go recover something from an old research lab in the jungle, it's huge, with sides of the wall caved in and overgrown with so much plant life. You're just walking through with nothin' but one clip of ammo left and you hear two motherf*ckin' Utahraptors calling to each other and you hide behind the table hoping that they don't hear you.

I like this idea. And Turok was just a shoot everything game with Dinosaurs and all sorts of wierd creatures as the enemy. I would a huge free roaming dinosaur game similar to Stalker.
Clearly the best would be a Zombie survival MMORPG
The game World War II Online except not a piece of shit.
Wars not too over done

Korean War
Operation Restore Hope

I know there are some games about each, but most are shit.
A game about riots/riot police.

Yeah I can dig that, an open-ended freeroam game, sorta like GTAIV meets State Of Emergency, you can pick to play either a cop or a rioter, man that'd be haaaawt babeh!
Zombie survival game.

Open ended game, huge sandbox where the idea is just to survive and not kill as many as possible. Sort of like the sims, except zombies and better control over your character. Single player, obviously. You can build weapons from scratch, you can make your own shelters, hotwire cars and things like that.. Done properly it would be ****ing amazing.
Any ****ing game that doesn't have to be patched to play it. Srsly.
I'd love to see WoW have houses and buildings like Star Wars Galaxies. You could throw parties and gift stuff to people and I think it would add another type of player catagory like people who like the Sims. Also they should let the highest level characters become the actual leaders of the factions...that would make gameplay a whole lot better. going into battle with NPCs is fun when its scripted, but I think a real life player as the faction leader would make WoW have a much better role playing aspect. anyone can sell stuff but it would be neat to try out physical shops from time to time
I've had a lot of different game ideas floating around in my head for some time, and if I were to win the lottery, I would open a game development studio to bring them to reality 100%. For now I'll describe the one I'm most fond of, although it will probably result in a lot of tldr reactions:

A semi-open ended cRPG (think Deus Ex meets Metroid Prime), with fantasy steampunk as my preferred backdrop. No morality system, as I never quite like how they pan out, but your character's renown will change based partly on the choices made (what missions you complete for whom, who you decide to attack/kill, etc). As your renown changes, it will effect where you can go and who will talk to you. A day/night cycle will be in place, which will not only affect the NPC locations and available missions, but is also crucial to the way the part of the experience system works. There will be 3 different experience types in place:

1.) Social experience: This is gained based from mission completion and dialog choices. It's primary use will be to alter your social aspects and disposition. You can alter your social abilities and/or renown, thus unlocking more dialog options and NPCs who are willing to share information and missions with you. It will probably also have a use for shopping and bartering. As an example for how renown would affect the gameplay, say there's a certain mansion in town that you can't even set foot in before enhancing your renown in some way. Once you work your way up (or down) within the town, you might be let in and gain access to some of the lesser NPCs within. Then, as you increase renown with these NPCs, the mansion head may eventually speak with you. Some renown aspects would probably affect your standing within a single town, while others would affect it globally. As mentioned before, renown can go both ways. Let's say you instead decide to do missions for a not so nice group of thieves. Eventually you'll work your way up to meeting the head thief, but the mansion residents will probably never allow you to set foot within it's walls. Mission experience can also be spent on the fly, unlike the other two types.

2.) Combat experience: Pretty much as it sounds. Gained from defeating foes through combat techniques (melee, projectile weapons), and progressing through use of force. This can be spent on upgrading your melee techniques and weapon skills, including adeptness with weapon types. Not all weapons will require invested experience to use, like simple clubs and firearms. However, seeing that this is steampunk, you can expect that a lot of the stronger weapons to be quite complicated to use properly. Upgrade choices will also affect ways to get from place to place, and even dialog. A couple examples:

- Let's say you train destructive weapons, and a locked wooden door is the most direct route to your goal. You can choose to take a different route (perhaps find an unlocked door elsewhere, which would attract a low amount of attention), or you can blow the door in with your weapon. Being trained in heavy melee weapons might also get you in the door. Don't expect the same outcome for doors of more solid construction however.

- You've decided to focus intensely on martial arts (of a generic flavor). A heavily reinforced gate has been built in front of a mountain pass, of which only people of high authority can use. The alternative is to go all the way around the mountain. There is a single gatekeeper, who just so happens to be very well trained in martial arts. Since you've chosen this discipline as well, talking to him will reveal that he is a man of honor, and a dialogue option will appear in which he offers you passage if you can best him in a spar. Lose, and you're out of luck.

3.) Cunning experience: Here's where Thief series fans can get their enjoyment. This will allow you to pick locks on doors, safes, cabinets, or similar. It will also let you improve your acrobatic techniques (think Mirror's Edge, but more refined). It is gained by choosing to pick locks and finding alternative means to your goal aside from combat (sneaking past foes). Some weapons and tools will be specialized for this type of experience. Similar to combat experience, alternate paths and dialog options will be possible depending on your skill choices.

Now here's the interesting part, and this involves both Combat and Cunning experience. Once a day/night cycle completes, you will be able to rest. You cannot rest until the cycle completes. Resting will compile all the actions you've taken into one of the two experience types, or both. If you decide to use mostly combat heavy techniques to progress, you'll earn mostly Combat experience. The opposite is true for Cunning experience. If you mix it up, you'll gain a bit of both. You will get more incentive to focus on mostly Combat or Cunning experience though:

- Say you use 90% Combat techniques and 10% Cunning. Upon sleeping you earn 180 Combat and 20 Cunning experience.

- Now assume you used a 50/50 split of both types of techniques over the same day/night cycle. You'll earn only 80 of each experience upon resting.

- 200 vs 160 total experience. While you'll be able to do more in the end, your characters skills will develop more slowly. This is why the experience is split, and should add more depth to how you choose to play the game. In order for this system to work properly, all Combat and Cunning experience will only be gained while a mission is in progress (meaning you are at the location to do the mission). Sure, you can kill things or loot houses outside of a mission, but all it will result in is gear (will explain later), items, and renown.

Where you choose to rest also affects the amount of experience gained. Sleeping on a comfy bed will be more beneficial than sleeping on a stone floor, and you will probably take a percentage hit on gained experience based on comfort level. Experience will continue to be compiled if you wait to rest longer than a single cycle, so it's not an issue if you want to wait until after a mission. This will allow for a choice of improving your character during a mission and being penalized, or waiting until after and getting more of a benefit. You can sleep anywhere in the game, but you can only sleep in areas deemed safe. A foe can be present as long as you are out of view.

Now for my last point of discussion - Gear other than weapons. There will be no user defined stat or attribute system in place. Everything like this will be affected by the gear you wear. Gear will also play into how effective certain techniques are. If you wear heavy armor for the added protection, you'll have a lot more trouble sneaking, performing acrobatics, or even martial arts. Gear will also offer stats for customization, and would probably have an element of randomization that would still make sense.

I was also considering having certain skills work together, like a combo system. This would make it more enticing to develop both Combat and Cunning skills. There's also the possibility to add a fourth experience type. Perhaps Mental experience if spellcraft can be properly implemented.

I realize this game probably sounds too ambitious, and would be hell to actually create. Regardless, this is what my dream game would be. I actually have a decent amount of the story written up too. I've probably been pondering the idea for this over the last 4 years.
Tycho had the idea, but I think it's great (niche great, not 'I would give my life for this' great):

Two player World Rally game, where one person is the driver, and the other is the copilot with the map, who gives all the directions to the driver over mic. Copilot does repairs when inevitable crashing occurs.

Now, in my other fantasies of late:

A full-blown Tie Fighter 2. Get the original designers to work on it, or get those WW1 flight sim people interested. 2D menus and cutscenes (imagine in HD but beautifully done like they used to be). Use of some Newtonian physics but not all, to keep gameplay interesting. Keep the original distributed energy system between weapons, shields and engines, but with small additions, like small adjustable laser direction. Maybe add droids' ability to repair to Rebel craft. DO NOT SET IN PREQUAL LAND. THERE IS SO MUCH CANON THEY CAN USE FOR POST-ENDOR.

And interestingly, it wouldn't even take all that much to develop. Space is so frigging easy to render, as almost everything is empty. Just a handful of ships and some backgrounds. The hardest part would be getting the atmosphere just right, and the right voice actors, and keeping Lucas's juvenile dick out of the procedure.
I have always wanted a game that let you play the close combat RTT series with real people controlling each squad.

In case you didn't know, close combat is an old top down WW2 tactical strategy game, built around company sized conflicts. It came out before DoD made WW2 all popular again, so it wasn't riding the bandwagon. The great part of the game is that it actually uses real strategies and squad tactics. You don't just throw more soldiers at the enemy to win a fight, you have to position them along lines of cover and develop overlapping fields of fire. Tanks are a bitch, because they dominate infantry. You can't just shoot them with 100 bullets or throw a grenade at it to kill it, but without infantry support, a few rpg teams can make short work of them. And there are no magical reinforcements either. A machine gun team successfully concealed in the second floor of a barn with good visibility is almost impossible to root out without some mortars or tanks.

Anyways. I want to see this game played where humans can run each squad and choose to control individual soldiers if they wanted to. It would all be set up along the lines of a quasi mmorpg where experience lets you move up in rank and command higher levels of the battle.
Dungeon Master: Ressurection

Dungeon Master was absolutely legendary. Isn't it time to cash in? All the people who played it will be too old to play games soon. I've been waiting 20 years. Get on that shit.
Tycho had the idea, but I think it's great (niche great, not 'I would give my life for this' great):

Two player World Rally game, where one person is the driver, and the other is the copilot with the map, who gives all the directions to the driver over mic. Copilot does repairs when inevitable crashing occurs.

**** it, I just want a good realistic rally simulator, period. The only game that has come close for me is Richard Burns Rally, but it's old and lacking substance.

Obvious things to include:
-Full weather and day night, all conditions imaginable - sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy, ****ing hail even, tarmac, gravel, mud etc.

-Good selection of classes including unmodified cars and mother****ing Group B, among others.

-I don't really care if the tracks are based off real stages or not, as long as there are many stages, with lots of detail and wide off-track boundaries. Maybe some maps could be based on just wide open free-roaming.

-Really ****ing good sound.

-Lots of options in general. Lots of realism vs. fun/difficulty type adjustments, mainly damage and driving assist options.

-The only game modes I would care about are Time trial, Free run/explore, and some good multiplayer/fun modes. I don't even need a campaign mode, although it's a good thing to have. But the most important thing I want is an immersive, realistic, fun driving experience.

Did I mention good visuals? That's also kind of important.

No one's mentioned Pokemon MMO? Also, Naudian stole my signature lke a faghat.
A real-time game set in a space of 24-hours where you're racing from one part of an open-ended city to another thwarting a murderer / terrorist plot or whatever. The game doesn't end if you miss objectives: like any decent serial television show, the narrative evolves with your character's successes and failures. You can lose the game and still complete it, rewarded with a 'bad' ending as satisfactory as the 'happy' ending.

So err... basically 24: The Game but better.
EVE Online like MMO with elements of Eternal Silence mod and a dash of Natural Selection
The game doesn't end if you miss objectives: like any decent serial television show, the narrative evolves with your character's successes and failures. You can lose the game and still complete it, rewarded with a 'bad' ending as satisfactory as the 'happy' ending.[/i] but better.

This is something I've been wanting for ages - a truly dynamic story.
Another Vampire The Masquerade, but the size of a GTA game, with drivable vehicles of course.

They would ruin it though..
I'd like to see an MMORTS. I'm going to put this in terms of WoW because it's just easier to describe it that way.

You would have your regular mmo stuff like quests and dungeons. PVP battlegrounds would still be present and would attribute to your faction's control of the world zones. The RTS parts comes in where you can join a PVP battleground in sort of a 'commander' mode where from your screen it's a RTS game vs somebody else, but other players can join as if it were a regular pvp battleground. So you would controls units and building stuff and other people are actin gas sort of the "hero" classes. You would also be able to set objectives and waypoints for the 'heros' if you need them to attack or defend a crucial area.