Game Informer gives Half-Life 2 a 9.5 and Halo 2 a 10

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halo 2 is a nice game but it is still a xbox game and it will never play ,or look the same as on a decent pc. When halo2 comes on pc it will always be a cheap port because it is made like xbox engine with little changes but not that much look at halo 1. :-)

spitcodfry said:
Confirmation on anyone who's received it other than Tork?

Not me :|

Check out my PM though, you don't have to use e-mail.

Thanks for trying

Spitcodfry could you send me that halo 2 review also. I'm on my knees! [email protected]

here's another quote from the hl2 review:
"Half-life 2 is pretty good (awesome physics and deep story) but overall, it's not on the same level of Halo or Doom 3."

:o jk.
<?>..::ButcheR:: said:
halo 2 is a nice game but it is still a xbox game and it will never play ,or look the same as on a decent pc. When halo2 comes on pc it will always be a cheap port because it is made like xbox engine with little changes but not that much look at halo 1. :-)


Yah I agree...original Halo port left quite a bit to be desired compared to what it looked like on the X-Box. You really have to make an effort it seems to make it look as decent as the one on the original system (i.e. KOTOR PC port). The models in the Halo port looked like crap.
Yes, I got it. Gave it a once over... really does make me sick.

One interesting thing: Reviewer of Half Life 2 said vehicle controls are often awkward/difficult.

Called Half Life 2 "more fun to watch than a lot of movies".

Halo 2 got "not the best-looking console game..."

Also described Halo 2: "Take Halo, add a '2' and a whole lot of kick-ass". So it's basically the original... with... what?

Either Halo 2 really is that good (it could be, we don't know yet), and is in fact better than Half Life 2, or two different reviewers have different opinions of what games deserve... or something.

Xbox games will never match the PC. Controls, graphics, etc... we'll have to wait for the next generation of consoles (Xbox 2, PS 3) before the PC gets a run for its money.
Hate to sound like I'm defending consoles or the score, but might the scores be compared to other games on their respective platforms and not to each other? Halo2 might be a 10/10 compared to other Xbox games (says something about Xbox), and Half-life 2 a 9.5/10 compared to other computer games. Is says something pretty darn good about the overall quality of computer games when the greatest comp game yet is still not perfect compared to the rest of them.

Just a thought.
here's another quote from the hl2 review:
"Half-life 2 is pretty good (awesome physics and deep story) but overall, it's not on the same level of Halo or Doom 3."

Hahaaaaa! This sentence alone is enough for me to scratch the article.

Doom 3? I mean, come on... who ever thought that Doom was a very good game?
Halo 1 vechile control is awkward as well. You ever try to get out of narrow hallways? Its like austin powers.
Opheli@r said:
please... i played Halo 1 and.... and i thought it was a mod for HL1 (not just the graphics, everithing! For god sakes, the Flood are ****ing headcrabs, and the other ones are zombies.... but i think they where paying tribute to HL.... dont know.

Well, HL1 felt a lot like doom to me... you know, how they had zombies. Oh yeah, and how they both had a shot gun pissed me off bad. Games will never be completely original bud...

Halo 2 and Half life 2 are two(lots of twos...) quite different games. The people who are really looking forward to halo 2 more than half life 2 are those who want it for its multiplayer. I got to have one of the first halo 2 lan parties this week, and it was amazing. With it on xbox live, I can think of no game better than it :).

However... Halo 2's single player campaign will be no where near as fun as half-life2's. Though I am still looking forward to halo 2's completion of the halo story.(Yes, there you go, halo 2 is the end of the halo series, so you guys will never have to complain about it again :) )

Theyre both great games, and please dont get pissed off because one magazine gave it a higher score than half life 2... thats just pathetic people. Yall are better than that ;)
No simply put if they both got 10/10 then they wouldnt have a game of the month. They just chose halo 2 cause its the most popular one.
Thorn of Death said:
Hahaaaaa! This sentence alone is enough for me to scratch the article.

Doom 3? I mean, come on... who ever thought that Doom was a very good game?

Just to point it out, he said j/k afterwards, it's not a real quote. noone would ever say anything like that and mean it.
I find it funny how the reviewers (though I haven't seen the review) forgot to include one of the most extreme pros of HL2...its mods! Christ, Halo 2 can never compete. I like both series, but to not mention the modding capabilities of HL2 is insane. Also, has anyone ever tried to nail a specific body part shot with a console controller? It's takes about a minute to set up. So much more control with a PC. Gah...just upsets me.
Hey just wondering Spitcodfry, but did you send them to me yet? I'm just making sure I didn't screw up anything :D

PoeticRocker said:
No simply put if they both got 10/10 then they wouldnt have a game of the month. They just chose halo 2 cause its the most popular one.

Actually GTA: SA was reviewed in the same issue and it also got a 10/10 (in other words they gave the game of the month to both; they tied).
Jackathan said:
I got to have one of the first halo 2 lan parties this week, and it was amazing. With it on xbox live, I can think of no game better than it :).

HL2 future Mods > Halo 2 X Box live.

Anyone who dares argue this is in dire need of a checkup.
That mag is mainly for consoles. People should care what reviewers give halo 2. Its clear hl2 is a better game. Only 4th game to get a 97% and 2nd game to get a 98%. Halo 1 got shit Halo 2 got little more.
I'd like to see this. Too bad my free subscription (thnx gamestop) just ran out. Anyway, my email is [email protected]

Btw, I'd like both reviews. kthxbye
Malfunction said:
Also, has anyone ever tried to nail a specific body part shot with a console controller? It's takes about a minute to set up. So much more control with a PC. Gah...just upsets me.

Its quite easy once you get used to it... if we had controllers instead of mouses, and then had mouses for consoles, it'd all be flip flopped. It just takes practice, like all things. Helps seperate the 1337's for the noobs ;)
Anyone want to volunteer to take up sending duties of the pics (those that have them)? I have a college paper to write so I can't really stick around all night on here. Just note the future e-mail addresses accordingly. Thanks to anyone who has the time.
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