Game informer mag info (hl2 details) + halo 2 comparison.

Aww, was driving in 1st person too hard for dem? Aww, poor them, their wittle brains just couldn't figure it out...oh wait, that's right, they drive a damn car in first person everyday! Gah...idiots...
I played Halo2 and it deserves high scores

but I think Half-Life2 is better

but the things that worrie me is that they saud that HL2 is not so entertaining
i know it has to be because of my loyalty to HL and HL2, but why do the halo 2 fanboys seem like they have blinders on all the time to HL2's greatness? i really detect a lot of denial about just how good of a game it is. im not going to single out this article, but halo fans are really defensive. i can admit that both games will be great in different regards, but not many halo 2 fans will.

edit: and another thing, every single reviewer ive ever read says that the physics in combination w/ the vehicles make for some incredibly fun driving and realism. imo halo vehicles blew.
A True Canadian said:
Anyone else just get hyped by that? :bounce:

dam I hope that be true :bounce:

everibody bounce :bounce:
DarkSonic said:
Aww, was driving in 1st person too hard for dem? Aww, poor them, their wittle brains just couldn't figure it out...oh wait, that's right, they drive a damn car in first person everyday! Gah...idiots...

hmmm..... i really don't mind if halo2 gets a better score than hl2...

i mean he did say it was the best console FPS ever.... which brings me to say that they probably don't review their pc games v. console games... as it just isn't a fair playing field.... in anyone's honest opinion... you just can't compare them... yes hl2 is awesome...and yes halo2 will probably be one of the best xbox games ever... so it should get 10/10 compared to other xbox games... half-life2 on the other hand could only get a 9.5/10 as pc's are always improving...and there is always better.... it's sort of like trying to judge pc games by saying that there's this metaphorical brick wall that games try to get to... but they can never get there because by the time they are released that brick wall has already moved further away....whereas the xbox will always be just the xbox.....
Aren't the Half-Life 2 driving controls really close to BF1942? If so, those guys are idiots...:|

What about the custom controls? Too lazy to change them aren't they?

</crazy HL2 fanboy mini-rant>
now someone plz tell me why,and dont give me that full inmersion bullshit,why the **** we cant see gordon in third person view riding the buggy like master chief?
wayne white said:
now someone plz tell me why,and dont give me that full inmersion bullshit,why the **** we cant see gordon in third person view riding the buggy like master chief?

Because that would ruin the game and his character. Is isn't suppose to be able to be seen.
wayne white said:
now someone plz tell me why,and dont give me that full inmersion bullshit,why the **** we cant see gordon in third person view riding the buggy like master chief?

Mod it in.
wayne white said:
now someone plz tell me why,and dont give me that full inmersion bullshit,why the **** we cant see gordon in third person view riding the buggy like master chief?
Why does it matter?

Edit: Ownzed couldn't have said it better.
HL2 will be better than Halo2. i read that review, and the reviewer sounds like the type of guy that gets excited easily by bright lights and loud noises. I've put at bet on at work for the game of the year between halo2 and halflife2, my poor foolish workmates, they hardly know what HL2 is. Easiest bet I've ever made.
For the record you DO get to see gordon! In Opposing Forces you see Gordon running into the portal at the end of HL1!
BladeTurbo said:
Yawn Yawn......
im sick and tired of these games being compared
they're both great titles in totally different realms
leave it be :flame:
Rome total war is a 10. anyone who gives it a 7.5 needs a knife to the eye.
yes leave it be and just be happy hl2 didnt something lower
plus you dont need to listen to reviewers to like a game, if you a game that is all that should matter
Sub_Lon said:

Does it matter which game is better? If you know HL2 will rock, then what's so bad about having a game that's even better? Seems like you'd be happy having HL2 and then a slew of shitty games. :rolleyes:
Here here.
Not to mention the fact that in that one singular magazine/reviewer/whatever, the distinction was 0.5; not to mention that they aren't yet on the same platform so why compare them?
Game informer is mainly a console mag.
As a long time Game Informer reader, I know that you need to know who is reviewing the game. Their methods for PC and Console reviews are different, and the ratings are usually scaled differently. They even have seperate games of the month for PC and consoles. Compare HL2 to other PC games they've reviewed and you'll see that it comes out on top.
lans said:
To date, Halo 2 is the best FPS console game ever made, hands down.
Note the qualifier, "best FPS console game ever made". This may be true.

- HL2 has excellent AI like far cry
* shudder * I hope it's better than Far Cry's craptastic AI.
I don't know what it is. For some reason some people see the bad guys in FarCry do crazy stuff (I know I have). Others just see them stand around and run foward.
I believe they intended that to mean that they work as a team, are aware of their surroundings, are capable of complicated manuevers such as baiting and flanking, and are generally convincing.
i finally got around to playing far cry with an air of optimism, but i played it and its lame.
too bad i was looking forward to it.
I really like Far Cry. I don't understand why members of this forum engage in such unceasing hatred of the game. It makes me worried that many are going to be really disappointed in HL2, for no other reason than the fact that it can't dance in circles on your desk while singing all five parts of a barbershop quartet while simultaneously curing cancer.
I really loved Far Cry, too. What difficulties did you guys play on that the AI acted dumb? They're quite smart in Veteran, and I haven't even tried Realistic yet.
Consoles still dominate when compared to PCs - at the time, the original PlayStation did things a PC of similar age couldn't dream of (without spending a few thousand dollars).

The fact of the matter is, consoles appeal to a far broader audience. Halo 2 may very well be the best console shooter, and Doom 3 may be the most amazing looking game currently, but HL2 is just... beyond those limitations.

Am I right?
absolutely eon blue. i'm 100% sure that half-life2 will directly inspire a shitload of great games for many years just like it's predecessor, i'd much like to see halo2 do that. the half life games are in a category of their own. no one has come even close of fitting in that category yet.
i played halo 2 today and it was good, really good....but FPS will always be best on PC and i know hl2 will own it, glad i got a pc and xbox though
10/10 is simply a blind fanboy bias. I admit I'm a Half Life 2 fanboy...but I'm certainly not a blind fanboy. The reason I am a fanboy is because Half Life 2 deserves my fanboy status. I might have been convinced if it was 9.7 to 9.5, but this is just stupid.

Frankly, I couldn't give Half Life 2 or GTA-SA a 100%, because that's not honest or realistic. I might give HL2 98% and GTA-SA 95% (due to Console graphics & bugs), but unless you pass out 100%'s regularly, it's rediculous to give a game that isn't super-innovative a 100% rating.
Wow, 7.5 for R:TW? Are we talking about the NEW GAME FROM ACTIVISION WITH THE FULL TITLE ROME: TOTAL WAR? Shame on my fellow journalists, we gave it somewhat 90ish (I didn't review it but played it)...
About Farcry's AI - I was completly unimpressed. Maybe I just killed them too fast & didn't let them out of sight, which didn't allow them to do their 'impressive' manuvers.

Also, if you hide in a bush, often you can have the AI running INTO you & still not see you...and it didn't take long to figure out considering I discovered it while playing the demo for the first time.
Spartan said:
How tragic.



I'm a denizen of mainstream, I'll say whatever microsoft brain washes me with.
lans said:
- HL2 has excellent AI like far cry

There's your -0.5 right there ;)

Challenging maybe, but hardly impressive. Farcry I thought was a pretty cool game but it got old fairly fast. Besides the graphics, the killing, the vehicles, the vastness of it (pretty cool in itself) and to a much lesser extent the physics, there wasn't much going for it (IMO).

Hmm... I haven't heard a single bad thing about R:TW, I'd be interested to hear what they disliked about it to give it such a craptastic score.
Also... you harp on for 4 pages about how HL2 got half a point less than Halo 2, and they're the fanboys? :p
Someone said that the scales are different and that it was not directly compared to each other. So why care?
Do Halo2 even have a storyline ? As I remember from the first one (which I got tired of REALLY quick) it was just a lot of shooting all the time, like Quake or something.

I guess it all depends on what kind of games you like, to put Halo and HL2 in the same category I think is a bit missguided so I agree with Prone, why care ?
pblse said:
Do Halo2 even have a storyline ? As I remember from the first one (which I got tired of REALLY quick) it was just a lot of shooting all the time, like Quake or something.

I guess it all depends on what kind of games you like, to put Halo and HL2 in the same category I think is a bit missguided so I agree with Prone, why care ?

Not to be flamed but yes, Halo and Halo 2 have a story, also a story what happened before Halo (the game) started...pretty good aswell, many speculations aswell as it was with HL2
Well, it didnt feel like it had a story, it was just running and shooting but like I said I got tired of it so I didn't really play it through.