Game informer mag info (hl2 details) + halo 2 comparison.

Holy Crap!! Halo 2 has Steve Vai playing guitar?? I need to buy me a Xbox NOW!! 8-O

I wasn't that impressed with Halo, but thought it was pretty fun. until I realized that I was walking down the same corridors like a hundred times.

I liked Far Cry, but haven't gotten that far in it yet. I've been goofing around with the vehicles and stuff.

I've checked out a review of RTW and was amazed! THAT looks like the best RTS ever made IMO. Anything less than 9 is just plain wrong.
How far did you all play that you say "same corridor"? The first part is on a spaceship then on Halo it all changes...just wondering.
I can't remember that i finished the game, but I got real far.

It seemed like at every section of the game, the corridors and much of the insides of the buildings look nearly identical. There's only a couple of themes and a lot of repetition in each.

Plus, I didnt' like that they had to place an arrow on the floor to tell you where you had to go. Like when they made the buildings, they knew in advance that you were going to be following a specific path.

Other than the same walls and floors and basically a lot of the same thing, I thought the game was pretty good.

Halo 2 Looks even better. I may have to buy it for my brother-in-law and give it to him after I borrow his Xbox and beat it.
Mountain Man said:
Note the qualifier, "best FPS console game ever made". This may be true.

* shudder * I hope it's better than Far Cry's craptastic AI.
No. They then compared Half-Life2 directly to Halo2 and Grand Theft Auto and gave those two games game of the month, which means they considered those two better than Half-Life2
Even though Halo 2 may be the best thing to compare with HL2, it can't possibly even come close IMO.

Which reinforces my opinion that console players smoke more weed.
lans said:
Ok, so let's do this in detail:

*rubs hands*


Make the definitive PC first-person shooter, even if it took more than five years to make.

This is a very strong contender for the best-looking game made to date - HL2 is more fun to watch than a lot of movies.

NPC's are well voiced, and the sound of a strider firing will make you know fear.

Even issac newton would be amazed at the things this does with the physics, but the vehicles are a pain to drive.

This does little to dissapoint the freakishly high expectations of the audience.


Overall score- 9.5/10

Halo 2

Take Halo, Then add a "2" and a whole lotta kick ass!

It may not be the best looking Console game ever made, but it is close.

From Steve Vai's guitar heroics to the classic Halo chant, this soundtrack rocks.

Silky smooth play control.

To date, Halo 2 is the best FPS console game ever made, hands down.


Overall score - 10/10

From the looks of it HL2 got OWNED by halo 2. :afro: :naughty:

No. The reviewers got pwned by themselves. Just read again. To me it seems that HL2 was at least a bit more critically reviewed than Halo2 which. From the words you wrote down, I'd say that Halo2 review was written by a 6 year old kiddo (it's far less argumentative than HL2 review). Halo2 fanboys... :rolleyes:
Homercidal said:
Holy Crap!! Halo 2 has Steve Vai playing guitar?? I need to buy me a Xbox NOW!! 8-O

Yea, you can download a clip of it from some Halo2 website...I did, sounded great!

Still, don't get many great guitarists playing soundtracks to games, it's pretty awesome that Bungie did, got to give credit where credits due!
Its a magazines opinion just their's is higher than mine would be.

My rating of Halo (i have no higher expectation of halo2 either) would be about 3/10, its an average/poor game IN MY OPINION! and you take his review of halo2 serious by saying "looks like HL2 is getting owned by halo2".

These HL2 Vs Halo2 threads are annoying to me....if your gunna make a Vs thread at least make one on a fair level like Halo2 Vs Breed (i played Breed and i think it plays almost identical to Halo1).

@Mountain Man - FC still has the most advanced AI to date until HL2 is released (that is, IF, HL2 has better AI). I'd like to see you bring up another game that comes close to most of FarCry's engine capabilitys, including AI.
Something doesn't add up... the game summaries are obviously tilted towards HL2 being the better game, yet the scores don't match.

The Halo2 summery almost sounds disappointed.

Take Halo, Then add a "2" and a whole lotta kick ass!
AKA: Halo Fixed?
It may not be the best looking Console game ever made, but it is close.
Console games normally look pretty low res and crap compared to PC, so to be the best looking console game isn't that great a title. Oh wait, it didn't even get first.
Silky smooth play control.
The controls are nice? Is that all he could think of? What about the Gameplay?
To date, Halo 2 is the best FPS console game ever made, hands down.
Well seeing as console FPS are rare, and there are only a few that are actually playable (Golden-eye of course), that's not exactly a great title to hold is it?
roflmao breed vs. Halo2...almost identical *chokes to death laughing, dies*
This thread proves that screaming fanboys aren't limited to console forums (and then some)
Prone said:
roflmao breed vs. Halo2...almost identical *chokes to death laughing, dies*

....Exactly. My opinion and yet its laughed at because you think different yet you'd most probably agree if a big time magazine said the same thing.

And anyway, breed vs halo is probably about right. Breed was crap PC FPS and halo is (not my opinion) a good console FPS...they add up to the same thing.

Like liam said about playability "The controls are nice? Is that all he could think of? What about the Gameplay?" I don't look at gameplay as "oh its got GREAT controls...a must buy!" but then they talk about HL2's playability as "physics - something issac newton would be impressed with" YET AGAIN physics have got **** all to do with gameplay, sure they are more important than the controls of a game but it sure isn't a reason why i'll be buying HL2. I'm buying it because it promises to be a good game, not because its got a manipulator gun.
Raidea said:
Yea, you can download a clip of it from some Halo2 website...I did, sounded great!

Still, don't get many great guitarists playing soundtracks to games, it's pretty awesome that Bungie did, got to give credit where credits due!

I got a sample from, but wasn't that impressed. The quality was pretty low so I'll try and find a better sample. It was a bit thin. The theme was cool, but really doesn't show Vai's ability in the least. I'm hoping the soundtrack has more. Plus, the list of appearances was very impressive. I might have to pick up the soundtrack. I think it could have been better if Vai had produced it himself

There's a few Vai CD that I'm lacking. Need to get caught up. Just about got all the Satriani now.

let those little 12 year olds go play halo, we all know which game is actually the best and will have the longest life :)
This is ridiculous - ppl are basing their opinions on the pros and cons that appear at the end of the reviews.

Even more ridiculous, ppl are comparing which is better out of two games they haven't played yet.

And let's leave Breed out of this - it's complete shite .... by anyones standards. (you may not like Halo ....... but feeling it's on par with Breed puts you in the vast minority. I for one have played every decent PC shooter since Wolfenstein - and persoanlly think Halo is up their with the best the pc has to offer. This is all subjective - stating any opinion as fact is just a waste of everyone's time)
Homercidal said:
I got a sample from, but wasn't that impressed. The quality was pretty low so I'll try and find a better sample. It was a bit thin. The theme was cool, but really doesn't show Vai's ability in the least. I'm hoping the soundtrack has more. Plus, the list of appearances was very impressive. I might have to pick up the soundtrack. I think it could have been better if Vai had produced it himself

There's a few Vai CD that I'm lacking. Need to get caught up. Just about got all the Satriani now.

I never got the clip I listened to from, I got it from somwhere else (I think it was the guy that wrote the musics site) and it was crystal clear from there.

Haha, not many songs would show Vai's ability, especially not a videogame theme tune.
I don't believe those are even the pros and cons given by the mag, unless they've changed their format with this issue. This is the threadmaker's summary.
to anyone that says that console games look like crap ,take a look at an OLD game called metroid prime.
wayne white said:
to anyone that says that console games look like crap ,take a look at an OLD game called metroid prime.

They don't look crap, but compared to PC games they do.

Sorry, but you can't argue that, but graphics arn't everything by an stretch.
Raidea said:
They don't look crap, but compared to PC games they do.

Sorry, but you can't argue that, but graphics arn't everything by an stretch.

Of course you can ...... it's all about art direction.

Some ppl think UT2004 looks good. I think it looks terribly cluttered and messy. I also think Metroid Prime 'looks' better than Far Cry and prefer the visuals of, say, Viewtiful Joe to games like Doom 3.(Of course, this doesn't make me right)

PC games do not 'look' better than console games, and vice versa.
lol @ the people who havnt played HL2 saying its better than halo 2 which theyve probably not played either.

play them both then decide!
Warbie said:
And let's leave Breed out of this - it's complete shite .... by anyones standards. (you may not like Halo ....... but feeling it's on par with Breed puts you in the vast minority. I for one have played every decent PC shooter since Wolfenstein - and persoanlly think Halo is up their with the best the pc has to offer. This is all subjective - stating any opinion as fact is just a waste of everyone's time)

I'm in the vast minority by saying Halo1 is comparable to Breed.

Your in the vast minority by saying Halo1 is near the top of PC FPS's.

So lets agree to disagree...i think Halo is complete shite, 'nuff said. You think it competes with top PC FPS's, 'nuff said.
Homercidal said:
At least Halo 2 will have it's own MP.

Is that s'pose to insult any hl2 fans ? lol

In a way it is good because it will show that it has gr8 story in sp mode. and will be better than Halo2, even without its MP
Alig said:
Your in the vast minority by saying Halo1 is near the top of PC FPS's.

Maybe in 'PC circles' .... but to be fair, games like CoD get hailed as great here :/ Certainly not in general gaming.

Alig said:
So lets agree to disagree...i think Halo is complete shite, 'nuff said. You think it competes with top PC FPS's, 'nuff said.

Oki :) - you're right, of course.
Homercidal said:
At least Halo 2 will have it's own MP.

and hl2 will have cs:s/hl:s/dod:s/ and about 300 mods (10+ that look better then halo 2 the game itself). Eleet!
Raziel-Jcd said:
and hl2 will have cs:s/hl:s/dod:s/ and about 300 mods (10+ that look better then halo 2 the game itself). Eleet!

I agree. I also don't see whats so bad about CS to most people, except the usual idiots that play it, but thats the same for any MP game on any uncontrolled server and apart from that its the most addictive MP game i've played since goldeneye. Sure new MP comes along and makes CS look shit (like UT2004's Onslaught mode - i thought i was in love with that, but it was just lust :p) yet i always go back to CS because of the addictiveness ;)

Warbie said:
Maybe in 'PC circles' .... but to be fair, games like CoD get hailed as great here :/ Certainly not in general gaming.

I've never played CoD. I dont like war games since MOH:AA.
Is there really 3 full pages (i use show 40 posts per page) where people are ranting over halo 2 or hl2? Face it, halo is console noob mainstream garbage, and hl2 is more underground. Micro$oft loves to promote its products and show how AMAZING they are. I wouldn't be surprised if the mag was paid to give the ratings it gave. Oh and before you halo noobs flame me to death, i played HALO all the way through, both xbox and pc version, the game is trash. You walk through endless miles of the same bland textured empty corridors killing the same gay ass convenant homosexuals with one of your 10 "uber" weapons that all do the same thing. The story, is just a more complex way of saying "single handedly you must save the world."

edit - Oh and the characters are SO original......

Starcraft(way before halo's time) - Halo
Terran - Cheif
Protoss - Covenant
Zerg - Flood
guinny said:
Is there really 3 full pages (i use show 40 posts per page) where people are ranting over halo 2 or hl2? Face it, halo is console noob mainstream garbage, and hl2 is more underground. Micro$oft loves to promote its products and show how AMAZING they are. I wouldn't be surprised if the mag was paid to give the ratings it gave. Oh and before you halo noobs flame me to death, i played HALO all the way through, both xbox and pc version, the game is trash. You walk through endless miles of the same bland textured empty corridors killing the same gay ass convenant homosexuals with one of your 10 "uber" weapons that all do the same thing. The story, is just a more complex way of saying "single handedly you must save the world."

I second that halo trash talk. Ive played i all the way thru on xbox and twice thru on PC. I just hated it, its just dull ;D
Half-life 2... underground? :|

First it was Hl2 vs Doom 3 now Hl2 vs Halo 2. I always thought i was a fanboy, but most people here give a new meaning to the "fanboy" expression.

KurtCobain said:
Is that s'pose to insult any hl2 fans ? lol

In a way it is good because it will show that it has gr8 story in sp mode. and will be better than Halo2, even without its MP

Don't get me wrong. I think HL2 will absolutely rule Halo 2, but it still won't have it's own MP. That's just one plus I see for Halo 2. And, I think the commercial (And preview) for Halo 2 look amazing. It def. looks like an improvement to Halo. Well, Halo would have been much better IMO if it would have had a bit more variety in the level designs. Overall it was a very solid shooter with pretty good MP. Wish it had a level editor though.
guinny said:
Oh and before you halo noobs flame me to death, i played HALO all the way through, both xbox and pc version, the game is trash. You walk through endless miles of the same bland textured empty corridors
Well a good third of the game is outdoors, and the level design and sense of scale in the outdoor sequences was absolutely amazing. The repetitive indoor levels you speak of are a result of the one year development process, not any lack of talent on Bungie's side.

killing the same gay ass convenant homosexuals
Come on, how about some actual arguments?

with one of your 10 "uber" weapons that all do the same thing.
What, you mean shoot at the enemies? I was under the impression the shotgun and sniper rifle worked differently.

The story, is just a more complex way of saying "single handedly you must save the world."
A la HL2
Everyone knows HL2 is underground!!1 - for the more intelligent and discerning PC gamer ;)

Consoles are for kids! and anyone who likes Halo has an awful taste in video games!

I played Halo (Xbox) on Legendary and beat it first time, co-op is rubbish - and all the weapons are the same!!!111
Bah, there is a simple way to resolve this issue. I think it's pretty evident there are Different STROKES for different FOLKS. People may flock toward HL2 just because they have a stronger PC backround (Me for example). But, with the hype Halo 2 has, gamers might just expect it to split apart the Red Sea. While it probably won't do that, it still stands to be a very good game. But which will be better?

Well, it sure as hell won't be clear. It really depends where your biases are. For arguments sake, let's say that HL2 surpasses Halo 2, but not by much. A Halo 2 fanboi may play both games, but the fact that HL2 is truly a better game doesn't click in, because of his backround as a console gamer, or maybe just the redicoulous hype following up with the game. Said fanboi will proceed to fight to the death the fact that Halo 2 is better in this area, and that aspect, and that regard etc etc. Even if HL2 proves to be the better product, those fanbois will still remain steadfast in the idea that Halo2 is truly better than anything else. Ever. This works vice versa as well.

Anyways, not everyone is going to have the same opinion which game will be better, or even what the GOTY will be. Not that it matters, since the more good games are released, the better it is for everyone. But so long as HL2 or Halo2 doesn't completely fail and turn out to be a poor excuse for a game, there will always be those who think the other is a far inferior product.
Bait said:
Bah, there is a simple way to resolve this issue. I think it's pretty evident there are Different STROKES for different FOLKS.

What-choo talken bout Willis?