Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

Martin religiously follows his third person limited POV structure. He doesn't take an omniscient perspective during battles like, say, R. Scott Bakker does in his Second Apocalypse series. All of the major battles are narrated by characters in the thick of the fighting, and who often don't have a clear strategic picture of how the engagement is progressing. Very much a 'worm's eye' view of the fighting. Showing battles as bloody, gritty brawls rather than huge, sweeping epic struggles would be in keeping with the style of the books. They wouldn't need expensive CGI, just a good choreographer and twenty or thirty trained extras kitted out in appropriate gear.
Martin religiously follows his third person limited POV structure. He doesn't take an omniscient perspective during battles like, say, R. Scott Bakker does in his Second Apocalypse series. All of the major battles are narrated by characters in the thick of the fighting, and who often don't have a clear strategic picture of how the engagement is progressing. Very much a 'worm's eye' view of the fighting. Showing battles as bloody, gritty brawls rather than huge, sweeping epic struggles would be in keeping with the style of the books. They wouldn't need expensive CGI, just a good choreographer and twenty or thirty trained extras kitted out in appropriate gear.

True, but there are a couple of scenes which are important in the later books (I'll avoid spoilers) where scale does play a part.
I'm guessing the creators of the show are aware, and have a plan for however many seasons they plan on making. I hope.
**** yeah new episode tonight/tomorrow, cannot believe it's been two weeks since i last got my fix. giddy with excitement here.
My friends and I were all crowing and hooting like a bunch of savage animals when Drogo
ripped that guy's throat out

Awesome episode. Another goddamn week to wait :(

Also, the sword master dude (what's his name, Syrio?) = ****ing badass.
Anyone know how many episodes there are total? 10? 12?
In the books,
Arya races out before we see what happens, but she does not believe Syrio can defeat Ser Meryn (the knight of the Kingsguard). Ser Meryn later reappears, but Syrio's fate is left incredibly ambiguous. Debate rages to this day whether he managed to somehow escape King's Landing and sail home to Braavos.

Where Arya just might run into him in Book 5 or 6...
I'm thinking we aught to devise some sort of system to distinguish between show spoilers and book spoilers. Right now we've got both going on and I can see some people opening a spoiler thinking it was about the latest episode when its actually about something in the books they havent read yet.
I'm thinking we aught to devise some sort of system to distinguish between show spoilers and book spoilers. Right now we've got both going on and I can see some people opening a spoiler thinking it was about the latest episode when its actually about something in the books they havent read yet.

yeah, little worried about this. i guess people should either head-up their spoilers with regards to if it's going to be about the show or book, or alternatively just start a new thread for the people more ahead in the books in the literature forum.
All I can say is don't go looking over at ****ing imdb. Damn assholes put spoilers in the titles like you wouldn't belive.
Just saw the latest. The best episode yet in my opinion. I found out that GRRM actually wrote this one, so it turns out the guy is an excellent screenwriter as well. Barristan is such a boss, I ****ing love him because hes like the only true Knight there is. Even when being dishonored and disrespected the man still has class.

Show spoiler(and possibly book spoiler? But not really?)
Syrio isn't dead, im almost positive. The "what do we say to death?" line isn't in the books, so clearly they added it for a reason, especially since they made it his "last words." That dude is definitely showing up again at some point.
GRRM's answer to questions on the subject strongly imply your spoiler is incorrect. Unless he's playing with us.
Just saw the latest. The best episode yet in my opinion. I found out that GRRM actually wrote this one, so it turns out the guy is an excellent screenwriter as well. Barristan is such a boss, I ****ing love him because hes like the only true Knight there is. Even when being dishonored and disrespected the man still has class.

Show spoiler(and possibly book spoiler? But not really?)
Syrio isn't dead, im almost positive. The "what do we say to death?" line isn't in the books, so clearly they added it for a reason, especially since they made it his "last words." That dude is definitely showing up again at some point.

In regards to your spoiler:

When the camera cuts away from his fight, you hear a distinct noise of metal clattering on the floor. Syrio was using a wooden sword! :D
God, that was an amazing episode.
This is easily the best show that HBO has made to date.
The name of this thread is non spoiler thread...either keep it vague or tag it ppl.
Show spoiler(and possibly book spoiler? But not really?)
Syrio isn't dead, im almost positive. The "what do we say to death?" line isn't in the books, so clearly they added it for a reason, especially since they made it his "last words." That dude is definitely showing up again at some point.

Krynn's format is now the standard for this thread! Separate your spoilers re: books/the show.
My apologies, people. I'm looking forward to non-readers' reactions to this coming episode.
Krynn's format is now the standard for this thread! Separate your spoilers re: books/the show.

I said something to this effect pages ago and nobody listened. I feel like the grandma in the corner of the room that everyone ignores :D If you guys must discuss stuff in books 2-4 here please make sure you not only spoiler tag it but clearly note that they are book spoilers not show spoilers so my dumb ass doesn't accidentally click them!

So I am about 300 pages into the first book now and I really love it. I have to say though I really prefer the book version of Renlys, it seems like in the show he's kind of a foppish gayboy and in the books he's way more of a devil-may-care, well-spoken badass. I also like how light the reading is. For the past 4 years of uni I've mostly been reading really ponderous literature... great reading but just really thick and slow and old school classic literature. By comparison this is like reading Animorphs and it's really quite relaxing to have nice light non-stressful reading where I can just enjoy the story and characters and not break my brain doing analysis (although I find myself analyzing scenes anyway like Bran's dream and whatnot). I am not sure if I'll catch up to where the show is in the book until after the season ends though.
I have to say though I really prefer the book version of Renlys, it seems like in the show he's kind of a foppish gayboy and in the books he's way more of a devil-may-care, well-spoken badass.
At first I was put off as well (especially regarding his height... he's supposed to be 6'3+/taller than Ned), but I'm interested in seeing where they're going with him. I thought the scene with Loras was very cleverly placed, given that it doesn't happen in the books. They're really trying to set him up for season 2, which I think is great. In book 1 he's basically a non-character who simply disappears when he flees. We really have no sense of him or his motivations beyond his over the top personality at court.
I read the first two paperback and the rest kindle, which make the climb a lot easier tbh. The last book was an annoying departure from the previous, esp given the cliffhangers, but it does have me psyched for the upcoming one. I hope Martin gets his act together and knocks out the rest of the series before he either kicks the bucket or goes insane. My only real criticism of Martin is that he lays on the character punishment a little bit too thick at times.
making headway into the first book now, found myself retreating to a quiet corner or chair to just read a couple of pages here and there at a wedding i was at this weekend, that's how much i'm into it right now. i made a preemptive strike and bought the book two and three (both parts at least) in a waterstones three for two deal, just in case i find myself finishing the first whilst on a long train journey in a couple of weeks and want to get right back into it.
I'm about 450 pages into the first book and I'm pretty hooked on it honestly. It's kind of scary because I know there are still about 3,000+ pages left ahead of me in the published series, and probably book 5 will be out by the time I get that far... this past week I've been reading it pretty much in all my spare time. Been rewatching the show some as well and its nice to have the broader context the book provides to the events in the series.

Also, I just want to reiterate how badass that whole scene last episode where Drogo rips that guy's throat out was. That may be the most epic delivery of an execution I have ever seen depicted :D

So pumped for tonight!!
He didn't rip his throat out, he slit the throat, and pulled the tongue out of the slit... a Colombian necktie (except he pulled the tongue off completely instead of letting it hang). So that was his tongue Drogo was holding, not his trachea.
The final scene was as near to perfection as I could hope.

That is all that matters to me about this episode.
He didn't rip his throat out, he slit the throat, and pulled the tongue out of the slit... a Colombian necktie (except he pulled the tongue off completely instead of letting it hang). So that was his tongue Drogo was holding, not his trachea.)
Ah. Thanks for the clarification. I thought there was some throat on the end of that tongue, but I really have no conception of how deep the tongue muscle goes past the back of one's mouth, so...
The final scene was as near to perfection as I could hope.

That is all that matters to me about this episode.
God, it was intense. I watch it with a bunch of friends every Sunday night (since most of us poor college students can't afford HBO) and every one of the 8 or 9 people in the room was completely silent and solemn as the credits rolled.

I absolutely love Eddard, but I pretty much figured he wasn't going to survive ... there seems too much of a thematic emphasis on punishing people for being honorable so far. God damned shame though. He was by far my favorite character, and probably always will be. Really interested to see how the whole Dothraki/Drogo situation unfolds. I'm not sure whether to expect zombie Drogo or what but I'm sure it'll be interesting whatever happens.

I've been reading as much as I can this weekend and I'm past page 500, meaning in the novel I'm just about where the season was prior to tonight's episode. I'm guessing I'll finish it before the finale next week because like I said earlier I am hooked on this shit.
Ah. Thanks for the clarification. I thought there was some throat on the end of that tongue, but I really have no conception of how deep the tongue muscle goes past the back of one's mouth, so...

God, it was intense. I watch it with a bunch of friends every Sunday night (since most of us poor college students can't afford HBO) and every one of the 8 or 9 people in the room was completely silent and solemn as the credits rolled.

I absolutely love Eddard, but I pretty much figured he wasn't going to survive ... there seems too much of a thematic emphasis on punishing people for being honorable so far. God damned shame though. He was by far my favorite character, and probably always will be. Really interested to see how the whole Dothraki/Drogo situation unfolds. I'm not sure whether to expect zombie Drogo or what but I'm sure it'll be interesting whatever happens.

I've been reading as much as I can this weekend and I'm past page 500, meaning in the novel I'm just about where the season was prior to tonight's episode. I'm guessing I'll finish it before the finale next week because like I said earlier I am hooked on this shit.

Show spoiler
Ha, so the show killed Eddard before you got to it in the book? Your reaction would have been exactly the same, because it happens almost as quickly as it did in the show (I'm assuming, as I havent seen the episode yet). Did the show have Cersei telling Joffrey to let him live and everything? Thats what really threw me off when I first read it, because I'm used to characters like Eddard living in stories like this, so I figured they'd cop out at the last minute and have someone save him for some reason. But nope.
Book spoilers
The court's horrified reaction to Joffrey's orders was in the books. For all her other sins, Cersei genuinely seemed like she only wanted Ned sent to the Wall. I loved Ned spotting Arya. A great change on D&D's part.

Also, the 'raw footage' of Larry Williams's initial reaction to the end of the episode is comic gold.

Show spoilers
"They killed my nigga Ned! **** that shit!" :laugh:
I thought there was a books-related thread in 'Off-Topic' where all the spoilers go untagged.

Anyway, I just saw the latest episode, oh damn. (which is my reaction at the end of almost all of these episodes.)
I can't believe how pissed Larry is. I mean, I knew he'd be mad, but god damn. This show is ****ing awesome.
pretty taken back by that last scene;

i was under the impression ned was in a couple more books because of an off-hand couple of comments i saw on another forum saying that some readers have since become irritated by ned's character in later arcs after a game of thrones, but it seems they were just talking in jest by the looks of it! really wasn't quite expecting that, fantastic scene nonetheless