Gameplay Pre Orders - Vivendi's Answers

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Communal Toilet


I am the Sales Supervisor at Gameplay.

We have been keeping a close eye on what versions are being released by Valve via Vivendi and so far this is what we have
been told....

“As of today there are 2 versions of HL2 in the pipeline (for the UK and Europe);
a DVD cased product confirmed as being SP/MP with Mods and a Collectors Edition.
The CE is expected to be in the same vein as the other CEs that Vivendi have produced... Game + loads of other bits and pieces, like t-shirts, books, posters, etc and these products have in the past always been more expensive than the equivalent solus product, infact we've heard that it could be between £65 & £100 as it's meant to be over $100 in the US.
As we type this post there has been no release date given to the CE version of HL2 at the moment.
But this could change at any time and we will keep you informed of any
changes as soon as we hear about then.” by VIUP

We pride ourselves on getting the right info before we post and as we type we can be pretty certain that there will NOT be 3 versions of HL2 released.

This information is direct from the publisher, the publisher decide how the product is sold not the developer and therefore we see this as the most up to date information at present.

We will try to keep you informed as and when any new info becomes available.



Tel - 0845 345 4440 (local rate)
100 dollars... I'll see if I'll buy it... I still think of buying it though, if it's in stores here
I just got this email from you're lot:


Thanks for your e-mail. We are currently awaiting confirmation from the
publisher as to which versions will be released in the UK. We will put the
information on the website as soon as we know and inform all of our
customers with pre-orders,

Many Thanks,

Gameplay Customer Services

So it looks good. I would have thought all pre-orders for the game will be the dvd version then.

One thing that worries me however is if there are no CD-ONLY versions then many won't be able to play! This isn't a problem for me then.

I'm going to cancel my pre-order with Game and go with Gameplay as its obvious you guys are more devoted to informing your customers.

Thankyou for the information and please keep up updated daily with any changes :)

So long as you are aware most will NOT want the SP only version, there shouldn't be a problem here.

Thanks again,

lol so valve that has invested xx number of millions into HL2 have shit to say in the end....i find that veeery hard to believe.

I don't care what vivendi tells you retailers or us, i only care about what valve has to say!

As we type this post there has been no release date given to the CE version of HL2 at the moment.

and yet the release date is septemeber 30th on your site??1

100$ bucks i waay too much, this is'nt some crap console game, dvd or no dvd the price on pc games has always been 49.99$
Originally posted by Xrenity
100 dollars... I'll see if I'll buy it... I still think of buying it though, if it's in stores here

100$ is a bit harsh... I guess I will just have to wait and see what all they include with it. ;(
He said 100 pounds, not dollars. 100 pounds = 150 dollars.
Don't complain about the price of the CE when you don't even know the final price or what's in it.

£65 - £100 is a wide range of prices. It could come with a lot, you know.

People complain about anything on these boards.
Originally posted by scribblehead
lol so valve that has invested xx number of millions into HL2 have shit to say in the end....i find that veeery hard to believe.

I don't care what vivendi tells you retailers or us, i only care about what valve has to say!

and yet the release date is septemeber 30th on your site??1

100$ bucks i waay too much, this is'nt some crap console game, dvd or no dvd the price on pc games has always been 49.99$

too much for game, behind the game book, t shirt, poster, etc.?
dont think so...
Can we try and keep this thread on topic? Only important information (including Gameplays representative).

what the hell do i need that for....i just want the game in the box, not some cheap shirt, and a few bumper stickers....jeeez


Sure, sport! :cheers:
Originally posted by scribblehead
what the hell do i need that for....i just want the game in the box, not some cheap shirt, and a few bumper stickers....jeeez


Sure, sport! :cheers:

Then don't buy the collector's edition.
Thanks for the info toilet. I guess i'll just stick with the normal SP/MP one for now then.
unless i'm reading this wrong, both editions are DVD. what do people with CD-ROM drives do?
Originally posted by Spiffae
unless i'm reading this wrong, both editions are DVD. what do people with CD-ROM drives do?

DVD Cases. All games in the UK come in DVD Cases now.
Originally posted by scribblehead
what the hell do i need that for....i just want the game in the box, not some cheap shirt, and a few bumper stickers....jeeez


Sure, sport! :cheers:

They're not forcing you to buy the CE... there are 2 versions!
Please read next time.
has anyone confirmed that this is legit yet? the number listed is just the general sales number for gameplay.
Thats because I don't have a direct line.

Munro and Starmonkey know me

as will some others possibly

I've been with Gameplay for about 5 years now
Originally posted by Communal Toilet

I am the Sales Supervisor at Gameplay.

We have been keeping a close eye on what versions are being released by Valve via Vivendi and so far this is what we have
been told....

“As of today there are 2 versions of HL2 in the pipeline (for the UK and Europe);
a DVD cased product confirmed as being SP/MP with Mods and a Collectors Edition.
The CE is expected to be in the same vein as the other CEs that Vivendi have produced... Game + loads of other bits and pieces, like t-shirts, books, posters, etc and these products have in the past always been more expensive than the equivalent solus product, infact we've heard that it could be between £65 & £100 as it's meant to be over $100 in the US.
As we type this post there has been no release date given to the CE version of HL2 at the moment.
But this could change at any time and we will keep you informed of any
changes as soon as we hear about then.” by VIUP

We pride ourselves on getting the right info before we post and as we type we can be pretty certain that there will NOT be 3 versions of HL2 released.

This information is direct from the publisher, the publisher decide how the product is sold not the developer and therefore we see this as the most up to date information at present.

We will try to keep you informed as and when any new info becomes available.



Tel - 0845 345 4440 (local rate)

You got it all wrong.

When you as a developer sign a contract with a publisher, then that's whats current. It isn't fixed at "We decide what you do".

Especially in Half-Life 2's case it would be stupid to say. Vivendi has nothing to offer that Valve could use. Since they've funded the game itself.
The only thing keeping it at VU is the name which they have the rights for.

Noone knows what Valve has contracted. But i doubt VU has the final say in anything. Cause if they had i don't think Steam would exist.

Remember not everything what VU says is correct, if it was we would first see HL2 next year.

About the CE. I won't buy it, not when i can't get the information i want about the product.

Edit: Just to make sure, i'm not saying he's full of shit. But this information could be as current as any other person at VU has said.
Yes, its legit - I know Com Bog :)
Thats a fair point FISKER_Q, this information has been passed to me from higher powers at GP

someone from high up in Vivendi is coming to see us this week,
so we'll get more info from him then.

We are not trying to mislead anyone here or give out false info
we are just trying to keep people informed.

So.. the above info is what we were given from Vivendi
and any further info will be posted.

Valve and Vivendi have no communication so speak of it sounds like.
Thank you Toilet!

A few items to note: As mentioned above, 'DVD Case' refers to packaging, not the media the game comes on, right?

I also want to mention that perhaps Vivendi isn't telling Gameplay anything about the SP-only version because Vivendi doesn't intend to sell SP-only to dedicated game retailers. This would make sense for the publisher, because they probably only expect to sell the SP-only version to casual gamers who shop at wal-mart and target.

Also, 100 pounds != 100 dollars, Americans! If Gameplay is right, that will probably be the most expensive collector's edition ever.

Thank you again Toilet! Let us know what you hear from the Vivendi meeting if you can.
CT: This was very appreciated! Even tho im from sweden i consider buying from just because you made this thread.

First of all the price has risen from 24.99 to 26.99, and I ordered from Gameplay when it was 25 pounds. I've emailed them about the different versions but got no answer, luckily I found this thread.
The price is normally £26.99. It's £24.99 if you go through's special link.
Well I used your link when I ordered, all the better for you guys :)
Originally posted by krarg
He said 100 pounds, not dollars. 100 pounds = 150 dollars.
Either way it's too expensive IMO.
I think the CE is gonna be on DVD. Gabe said that there would be a DVD and CD-ROM version of the game, I doubt they'll release two versions (dvd of cd) of every SKU to the stores. So that would mean either the SP/MP edition or the CE edition will be on DVD. Common sense tells me of that two its the CE, right?
What do you guys think of this speculation?

I want to but the CE, except I don't have a dvd-rom. I'm willing to buy one, but I'm also planning to buy a standalone dvd player, then I'll have two dvd players in my room. Really useful.
Originally posted by Lyrids
Either way it's too expensive IMO.

Depends what's in it, and it hasn't been confirmed yet.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
I think the CE is gonna be on DVD. Gabe said that there would be a DVD and CD-ROM version of the game, I doubt they'll release two versions (dvd of cd) of every SKU to the stores. So that would mean either the SP/MP edition or the CE edition will be on DVD. Common sense tells me of that two its the CE, right?
What do you guys think of this speculation?

I want to but the CE, except I don't have a dvd-rom. I'm willing to buy one, but I'm also planning to buy a standalone dvd player, then I'll have two dvd players in my room. Really useful.

Buy a DVD drive for your cpu and wire the comp to the tv :)
CT, could you tell us about DVD or CD-ROM versions ?

Is there 4 versions ? (SP/MP CD-ROM - SP/MP DVD - CE CD-Rom - CE DVD) :cool: Or is HL2 only DVD ?
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Buy a DVD drive for your cpu and wire the comp to the tv :)

Yeah it's an option, but not the most ideal. I rather have a standalone player. :)

But when I just wire it to my tv via Tv-out on my videocard, I still have pc sound right? Well I'm using a headphone for my pc, not much fun when they're more people watching ^^
Of course, you will have sound coming from both your tv and your pc speakers/headphones.

And razorbill read the initial post you will know how many versions are available at Gameplay.
You know, I pretty much doubt that they'll release the Collector's Edition on DVD only. They'd lose quite a few sales.
Yes moderators have confirmed the Gameplay rep's ID so it's all good :)

And if the CE edition is DVD only there must be a reason Feath, let's say for instance they've included or planning to include extra bonus thingies that require a larger amount of space. With these kind of items, pricing does not really affect sales unless it's ridiculously high of course which isn't the case here since first estimates tag the CE around 100-150 pounds/dollars.
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