Gameplay Pre Orders - Vivendi's Answers

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I like the gameplay logo , it adds coolness to the forums and site. to bad I dont live in the UK or else i would of ordered.
so you have to pay $100 dollars just to for a collectors edition. cool :dork:
No Koldfire, that is for the COLLECTORS EDITITION! You can buy your normal one @ $50.00. Grr.
Originally posted by Koldfire
so you have to pay $100 dollars just to have mods and multiplayer. **** that

If you're going to post here actually read what people say please. That is an estimated price for the Collectors Edition. Edit: Damn beaten to it but statement still applies :)
The standard version allows you to use mods and multiplayer.
The Collector's Edition does everything the standard version can but it comes with lots of extra cool stuff and is most likely on a DVD.
As I read it, they aren't releasing the Single Player only version in Europe. Still 3 versions in the U.S., I suppose.
Check the valve only thread.
I believe it's been confirmed that the collectors edition will be DVD only.
Originally posted by Ahnteis
Check the valve only thread.
I believe it's been confirmed that the collectors edition will be DVD only.

Checked and searched. No mention of DVD only for Collector's edition.
Originally posted by Communal Toilet
We pride ourselves on getting the right info before we post...
Any chance you'll open up shops here in the U.S.? We could use folks like you.
I think they're trying to confuse us. It's delayed, it's not delayed, there's three vesions, there's two versions, you gotta pay to play, you dont, blablablablalblablablalba
All those ideas came from miscommunication and not mal intent :)
i'll be getting the Collector's edition no matter what the cost is :)

as for DVD vs CDROM... for those that don't have a DVD drive.. look at it this way, eventually u will need a DVD drive.. and now they aren't too expensive.. i mean i see threads created every god damn day in the hardware forum about how so and so upgraded to 3.2 gigas and such... another few bucks for a DVD drive won't kill em.

time to get with the program.. CDROM's are slowing becoming obsolete.. HL2 is a good reason to move onto DVD drives :)
If its more than 100$US it better come with some pretty fancy shit.....

like a diamond encrusted box.....
Will you settle for a t-shirt and a poster? lol :)

Unless they include the battery-operated-mini-strider there is no way I will purchase the CE version :P
Theres no way I'm paying (up to)£100 for CE even if it comes with a blow-up Alyx.

I guess some people like being made mugs of though....
this is the best you get to pay up with 200+ bucks on a new gfx so you can play the damn game and if you want the special--there goes another 150+ bucks.....hahaha good show!! :flame:
No one is forcing you to buy these products scribblehead.
By the sounds of it, the collectors' edition will have LOADS of stuff. They wouldn't charge that much just for a t-shirt, some posters and a book (unless it's a hell of a book).

If I can manage to get enough money together, I'll be getting the CE. I wonder what else will be in it...
I wish they'd release info and a date to game stores about the CE. Because if it's 100$ or more, I won't order the game twice, or even wait, because the CE comes out later than the regular edition.
Shouldn't they have the price finalised by now, I mean you can't just go and pre-order the CE but the game is supposed to be out in 3 weeks.

I dunno, it all seems a little unorganised to me.
I don't think it's unorganized, more the simple fact that Valve has not made an official announcement about retail distribution. Everything we (think we) know has come from short e-mails from Gabe and outright rumor and speculation. Once the game goes gold and Valve has a few minutes to breath and put together a press release, we'll have the definitive answer. Until then, just be patient.
Originally posted by mosquave
Theres no way I'm paying (up to)£100 for CE even if it comes with a blow-up Alyx.

I guess some people like being made mugs of though....

Aye, so far the collector's editions I have seen has primarily contained trite extra material such as self-indulging "making of-fakumentaries", a tee that's too small or too big for you anyway and a bit of printed artwork elevated to "coffee table book".

Ive so far felt that previous Collector's Editions" merely contain stuff that fanboys can rub against their bodies, rather than offering anything of substantial value or interest. I guess Im not part of the Collector's Edition-segment......

Because in the olden days when you bought Ultima VII, for instance, you got both trinkets AND substantial extra goodies such as a cloth map which mapped the game world. That was something good.

I DO think, howerver, that an inflatable Alyx would make me reconsider, alone for the gutsy move by Vivendi. But I doubt that will happen :)
Originally posted by Immacolata
Because in the olden days when you bought Ultima VII, for instance, you got both trinkets AND substantial extra goodies such as a cloth map which mapped the game world. That was something good.

I DO think, howerver, that an inflatable Alyx would make me reconsider, alone for the gutsy move by Vivendi. But I doubt that will happen :)

Of course a tshirt you could actually wear is useless compared to a "cloth map"...

And the inflatable doll joke is not even remotely funny, it just goes to show that most of you ****-ups like cheese-ball humor.
Originally posted by Feath
Don't complain about the price of the CE when you don't even know the final price or what's in it.

£65 - £100 is a wide range of prices. It could come with a lot, you know.

People complain about anything on these boards.

for £100 I'm hoping hl2 will come with a new pc for that kinda money... :cheese:

most ive paid for a ce game was £60 and I had to get it from US so add xtra money on top for vat/delivery to UK :(
"Dvd cased"

I think some people thought that DVD cased meant that the game was going to be released in DVD format. DVD case, is just the case... for example, games like RTCW, SOF2 or UT:GOTY were released in those cases, but they were cd rom

I've already placed my order at though I live in Spain. really good offer. And please... don't annoy me! I haven't got a DVD player for the PC LOL!
Maybe the CE contains;

Half Life 2 Behind The Game Guide (Prima)
Half Life 2 Mod Makers Guide (Prima)
Half Life 2 Official Strategy Guide (Prima)

plus t-shirt, bot, book.
Re: "Dvd cased"

Originally posted by SpaNsK
I've already placed my order at though I live in Spain. really good offer.

Good choice buddy, I live in Paris and I've also ordered from their offer is a really good bargain :)
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Of course a tshirt you could actually wear is useless compared to a "cloth map"...

The whole idea of packing a shirt into the case is in my opinion is like bundling a pair of shoes with a sports game. It's a gamble if you'll fit it or not. The cloth map was actually useful because it showed a large scale map of the world. I used it to navigate untill I got familiar with the environment.

And the inflatable doll joke is not even remotely funny, it just goes to show that most of you ****-ups like cheese-ball humor.

I didn't laugh, I merely stated that if such a thing ever happened it would at least be something remarkable :) As instead of the usual samey stuff they put in such as said artwork books, poster etc. However, I'm sure it would be suicide on the mainstream market. And again, I'm probably not part of the "Collector's Edition" segment.

If the game contained what Zerox suggests I'd say it would offer substantial value, but as Im not a guide book buyer anyways, it wouldn't suit me well.
Usually when they put games on a DVD, it's for the following reasons:

1) The game on a CD edition is more than one disc.


2) The game has the inclusion of special content that either isn't available for standard customers until later (extra models, higher-detailed textures, things like that), or shows previously unseen 'making of' and interview material filmed in-house, when they were producing the game.
Originally posted by Tiletron
higher-detailed textures

Uhh...why would any developer include more-detailed textures on a seperate version? Any game maker would want everyone to experience the same possible visual flair in their project.
Not yet,

Might have more info next week as someone from Vivendi is coming over to Gameplay Towers :)

We'll try and get more info out of them then.

As soon as more info is known I'll post it for you.


I am thinking of pre-ordering as it is about 20 days from release. However if they are going to realease a collectors edition I might be tempted to pay the extra money.

This is so unorganised I would have thought that by now everything would have been sorted a solid release date, all versions in place and pricing.

If the collectors edition is £100 and $100 in the U.S. then I think it would be cheaper to import it.

For the time being though I am gonna wait and see about the pricing.

A note to all those people who haven't got a DVD drive in thier PC get with the times as I can only see more games going into DVD format. I mean Enter the matrix 4 discs enough said.
Originally posted by PaRaNoId
I am thinking of pre-ordering as it is about 20 days from release. However if they are going to realease a collectors edition I might be tempted to pay the extra money.

This is so unorganised I would have thought that by now everything would have been sorted a solid release date, all versions in place and pricing.

If the collectors edition is £100 and $100 in the U.S. then I think it would be cheaper to import it.

For the time being though I am gonna wait and see about the pricing.

A note to all those people who haven't got a DVD drive in thier PC get with the times as I can only see more games going into DVD format. I mean Enter the matrix 4 discs enough said.

yeah but enter the matrix was also crap.(in my opinion)

Im not gonna go waste 50$ on a dvd drive....when in a year ill be able to get a writer for that much.
I don't see any good writers (currently minimum $250 retail for a dual-format 4x DVD writer) going down to $50 in a year... but it is possible.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't "Enter the Matrix" have a lot of video?

And who said that the Collector's edition is going to cost $100 in the US and £100 in the UK?

Don't make stuff up. Please.

We don't know any details about the Collector's Edition so don't complain about it.
Any more news CM / ?

When are you having this meeting with Valve?

Anything to report at all!?
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