Games for Windows -- offerng Age of Empires 3 for 10 cents


I'm actually considering installing GFWL for these deals. I really don't want to support GFWL though :(

I'm actually considering installing GFWL for these deals. I really don't want to support GFWL though :(

I bought Dirt2 through Steam and am still forced to use GFWL. With the GFWL games, though, you don't even have to open up the client after download and install.
Shadowrun Page said:
To function properly, DRM downloads certain data and files to your computer, which may or may not be uninstalled when you uninstall the software.

Does anybody know if this game comes with a root kit? Or what this means exactly..
Really? I was looking at it a few weeks ago and it looked kind of neat.
It was made to showcase cross platform play between PC users and console users.
They basically nerfed the **** out of everything for the PC so console players could have more of an edge.

It's terrible, save your 99 cents for another eventual deal.
It was pretty fun. I got a lot of fun out of it on the 360 for $20.

lucid hates fun games, everyone knows this
Well, you played it on its native platform.
Ports are usually more fun on their native platforms.

no u
Does anybody know if this game comes with a root kit? Or what this means exactly..

DRM is 'low level' (boots with Windows on a driver level), and it doesn't have an uninstaller. It may give you 'access denied' if you try to remove it. Some DRM (like Starforce) may have a removal tool, due to so many complaints. However, if you try to play the game again, Starforce will need to be installed again to do so.

DRM could (for example) make the game not work if you have something like Daemon tools installed.

These days, nearly every game has some form of DRM, so I wouldn't worry about it. Microsoft is being extra cautious, and puts disclaimers everywhere, which I think is the right thing to do.