Games need to stop being so system intensive

TheSomeone said:
Hey what? I didn't sign a contract that said "you'll need to spend $1000 upgrading your PC every year to run games well." Don't stuff your money down my throat, you don't speak for everyone, you sure as hell don't speak for me, and I have a better computer than the majority according to surveys. Half-Life 2 looks amazing, plays amazing, and I didn't have to sell my ass on the street to be able to enjoy it.
A.) You don't need to spend $1000 a year to keep up. More like $300. Infact, I havent needed to upgrade the past 3 years untill now, and all I had to get was a new video card to keep up.
B.) Cute way to parody what I said, but it dosent help your argument

There are some people, like me, who choose to spend all the money they havve on their education. And even with my school's financial aid paying me $20,000 worth of the tuition fee so I can stay at their school, my parents still labor in order to pay for the rest of it.
Funny, I have a $20,000 school loan too, that I pay myself even though I'm currently unemployed. I am far from being rich. I worked my ass off in order to afford the 2 PC's over bought over the past 5 years. I bought my first computer instead of a car.

I'm not trying to "shove my money" down anyone throat here. It's the simple reality that you need to have money in order to keep upgraded. So how about you chill out, eh?

And "developers shouldent hold back the progress of the quiality of graphics just because some people can't afford to have the newest hardware?" You don't have to be so shallow that you judge the beauty of a game solely on its technology, you know.
WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Ok, Capt. Assumption. I want graphics technology to get better. Yes, I like pretty new graphics. And I'm not someone who sarcrifices gameplay for graphics either. I still play NES games for christ sakes.

You appreantly just making yourself mad over this.

You don't have to pretend like everyone lives in big house in suburbland like you probably do either.
Again, nice assumptions, I bet it makes you feel really good about yourself to think of people living in suburbs. No, we don't livein the suburbs. The high-school I went to has metal detectors now because of the dumbasses bringing guns it. And like I said last time someone tried to assume I live in the suburbs, I live pretty far away from them.

Bringing personal matters into a technolotgy argument also dosent gain you crediblity.

I also find it extremely ironic that you spelled ludicrous like the rapper's name, total credibility right there.
I blame Google's spellcheck. Yes, I'm a terrible speller.

Anyway! If TheSomeone is done with shallow personal insults, back to the subject.
Point stands that game graphics have evolved to what they are now and all the while people have had to get new hardware to play them, just like your all bitching about now. Games graphics will continue to evolve and we will continue to need better hardware. That is how this industry works and it's not going to change.

PS. I'm sincerly not trying to insult anyone about this. So if your getting upset about this, it's really your own fault.
Yes and a while back on this forum I heard they're making a PPU (physics processing unit). Meaning one more piece of expensive hardware to purchase in the future. :(

This PC I have now I think is very good and better be the last time I have to upgrade my machine in a long time..I hate that every time the next game comes out my specs that were top of the line yesterday are now obsolete..

BTW my current specs:

AMD Athlon 2500+ barton
Radeon 9800 pro 128 mb
1.5 gig RAM

but I just got ordered

AMD athlon 64 3700+ San Diego Socket 939 - should be coming next week wewt! Im sick of my machine being held back by a crappy this should help. But on the bad side I have to re-format :(
Zeus said:
Yes and a while back on this forum I heard they're making a PPU (physics processing unit). Meaning one more piece of expensive hardware to purchase in the future. :(
If PPU's even catch on, they will be built onto video cards anyway. So it won't cost nearly as much as it would be if there were seperate companies making stand-alone PPUs.
Right, as has been stated by 30 people, it's peoples choices if they want bleeding/cutting edge, or if they want poop. I dont want to get all into this crap, so count me out.
Freemanator89 said:
Right, as has been stated by 30 people, it's peoples choices if they want bleeding/cutting edge, or if they want poop. I dont want to get all into this crap, so count me out.

dear did you get such a nice computer (judging by your sig)
Zeus said:
dear did you get such a nice computer (judging by your sig)

By spending lots and lots of money.

Is the hardware worth that kind of cash though? I've played on a pc with slightly better specs and it still doesn't run the latest games at a frame rate i'm happy with, games that come out over the next year certainly won't either. Now compare a top of the range pc to the 360's hardware - we are being screwed. (the graphics card alone is at least a generation ahead of the best available on the pc, yet a 7800 still costs more than the entire console)

We get very little for the money we invest.
Zeus said:
dear did you get such a nice computer (judging by your sig)

By stricking my number keys on my keyboard to come up with a credit card number to please the people at newegg :laugh:

But seriously, I only upgrade every 2-3 years, and my last pc deserved an upgrade worthy of well, an upgrade (celeron to AMD). But hey, you can do it just like me, if you type in the correct numbers :laugh:
WhiteZero said:
PS. I'm sincerly not trying to insult anyone about this. So if your getting upset about this, it's really your own fault.

*Yawn* Quote wars.

Well, I'd like to let you know I was indeed upset by your "I can afford it so too bad if you can't" mindset. And no, it isn't entirely my fault either. That's like saying it's my fault for being offended at the holocaust. Yeah it's an extreme, but the reasoning persists. I'm not jewish, my dad is as close to Arian as you can get, Hitler wasn't trying to insult me, but man he sure as hell upset a lot of people like me. Scale it down to this little forum and your attitude (and mine, to be fair) and you're still at fault for my overly harsh reaction.
Oh, and I guess this would be a good time to vaguely adress the rest of your post, WhiteZero. Quite frankly I thought it was lame in the flavor of the "quote and respond" format, overall it had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Okay, so you aren't rich, but you obviously spend the money that you have on computers, something I definetly cannot do judging from all the money I spend on art supplies (which seems like a more constructive way to spend money).

The problem with quoting little parts it that you completely miss the scope of my argument. I'm just saying that my computer is above normal according to the steam polls, and it still runs FEAR like molasses; there is something very wrong about that.

Yeah okay, "FEAR wouldn't be the same without the fancypants sparks," well they could focus on making games where the primary graphical aspects actually fit in with current technology. There are many games who do that very well.

EDIT- Meant to edit other post.
sensible folk upgrade when hardware prices are optimum for the type of gaming requirement's at the time. There's no sense in blowing cash on the top model's the day they come out unless your a rich bitch, and even if you are rich or have the money your probably impatient and dumb for doing so.

I agree, the future tech in all games needs to better utlilised lower end specs aswell as high end without massive loss of appeal. HL2 has done that the best so far. Aslong as this is stressed in future game creation there shouldnt be a reason why anyone should complain, because we can all play the game with it looking decent and playing well.
Valve is a great example of doing a great game from a system POV. HL2 runs great on my system and looks a LOT better than FEAR. (512 DDR2 RAM, radeon X300 2.8Ghz CPU) Sure, when I upgrade my RAM and video card things will look and run a bit better, but HL2 runs GREAT... so why does FEAR run and look horrible? (i'm guessing because FEAR is newer, but still the system requirements are outrageous, especially since systems with 1 GB of RAM still chokes)
I think a solution here is for the industry to simply stop for a year and let the gamers catch up. How cool would it be? There could be alternate years so that in year 1, the industry makes a plethora of games, then in year 2 of the cycle, the gamers get chance to play the games on their system, and upgrade a little, ready to go back to year 1 again. This way the users get more bang-for-buck, and the industry workers have a big holiday ;)
Chill Pill :)
haha, that would be cool, but its profit profit profit, endless cycle that would piss people off if it stopped.. A major thing that drives these gaming companies to develop the new tech is the fact we wouldnt pay a penny unless it meet's or exceed's our expectation's.
The only reason I quote fragments and reply to them is to make it easier for me to breakdown what I'm replying to and to make it easier for people to see what I'm talking about.

And yes, I do spend alot of my extra cash on computers; my entertainment, communications and career revolve around computers, so it makes since. And no matter how offencive the "too bad you can't afford better hardware" may sound, it's true, because you do need to put priority into computer entertainment in order to keep up. Heck, its like somsone saying to me "too bad you can't afford a better car so you don't have to borrow your dads to go visit your girlfriend an hour away". Yes, I know that, and I accept the choices I've made and I live with that, I don't get upset over the fact that I've chosen to set my priorites in the way I have.

And you can't really use the Steam Hardware Survey to becnhmark how good your computer is today. Mostly because the majority of people who use Steam play the original Counter-Strike (over a million), and alot of those people who play CS don't have very awesome computers, which is why they play the original CS. Granted there are obviously alot of people who do have good computer that play CS (myself included), none the less. So yes, your computer is Above Average compared to Steam Players, but thats only a percent of the PC Gaming community (obviously).
WhiteZero said:
T Mostly because the majority of people who use Steam play the original Counter-Strike (over a million), and alot of those people who play CS don't have very awesome computers, which is why they play the original CS.

So over a million people don't have awesome computers, they don't count?
TheSomeone said:
So over a million people don't have awesome computers, they don't count?
What? I just said that their the majority that take the hardware survey...
TheSomeone said:
So over a million people don't have awesome computers, they don't count?

C'mon, he already addressed that. Read the rest of his post as well, there's a compelling argument.