Games: Rate and Discuss

Enslaved - 7/10
One of those titles that's a good "experience," but a pretty average game. Everything feels kind of stiff, all of the platforming is just "jump to this pillar now that one maybe you'll need to time it sometimes." Combat gets frustrating without being particularly difficult. It has a shitload of annoying collectibles scattered around which aren't entirely optional (they function as your XP), which is just a horrible design choice for such a linear game. Most everything else is nice though, the animations are great (if glitchy at times), the characters are believably acted and mocapped, and the story is engaging enough for it's relatively short length.

... Except the ending. WTF.

Medal of Honor - lol/10
Hahaha this is bad. Oh my god they phoned this shit in so hard what a worthless piece of trash. Wow.
Lost Planet 2 7/10

This game was a bit different from the first. But it felt generic and the graphics weren't as unique. Controls were decent enough and almost cookie cutter from the first game. i just felt that it was a bit uninspired and rushed from what i saw. but the huge boss fights, various areas to fight and large scale battles were all fun to say the least. i think if they had another 6-8 months of development with the plot and if they made the characters more interesting it would have been a 9/10 game for me.
Lost Planet 2 7/10

This game was a bit different from the first. But it felt generic and the graphics weren't as unique. Controls were decent enough and almost cookie cutter from the first game. i just felt that it was a bit uninspired and rushed from what i saw. but the huge boss fights, various areas to fight and large scale battles were all fun to say the least. i think if they had another 6-8 months of development with the plot and if they made the characters more interesting it would have been a 9/10 game for me.

That's the impression I got after the first few levels. I expected them to improve on the first not make it worse.

Medal of Honor - lol/10
Hahaha this is bad. Oh my god they phoned this shit in so hard what a worthless piece of trash. Wow.

The single player was a decent but short attempt at a more respectful military arcade game, I quite enjoyed it while it lasted.
Metro 2033. Fantastic FPS experience, albeit some big flaws that gave me a bad taste. 8/10

I really enjoyed the pacing of the game. I never felt it was repetitive in all honesty. The part with the Child was surprisingly great and heartwarming, I was worried it would be annoying as hell. In fact, I wish it lasted a little longer, with a bit more variation.

I absolutely hated the bullshit Slimeball combat towards the end, terrible; I wanted to tear out my hair when the commander would just carelessly trudge forwards through the EXPLODING slimeballs and die, instead of following my lead.
Another thing, despite the "bad ending" being cannon, I felt the way to unlock the "good ending" was total arbitrary bullshit.

Also, kind of wish I read the book first.
Read the book now. It's quite a different experience.

Vanquish? Man. Awesome game. Punching robots to death with the power of the God Hand, rockstar power sliding around levels blowing the shit out of stuff, comical dialogue, AWESOME moments. Challenging too. Pretty short though, but there's a hook for a sequel so hoping Mikami gets on it some day.

8/10 overall
^ Hired it and only got like half-way through. YOU LIED TO ME.

Also did you notice the random soldier named S. Mikami? He's milling around as you're fighting your way into that giant walking death cannon thing.

Hahahaha. No.

The game is pure "OORAH" bullshit from start to finish, almost all of which is reserved for a select few special ops douchebags, very rarely pausing to consider the sacrifices of everyone else involved in the war. The protagonists are always the good guys, the higher ups always make the wrong calls, the brown people (with very few exceptions) are always the bad guys, and there is never any collateral damage - not a single civilian death. This is not respectful. At the very best, it is propaganda. The decision to make a Modern Warfare rip-off and then base it in a real conflict, and then take out almost everything that made the conflict what it is, is ****ing shameful. Sorry, the game is a piece of shit, and there is nothing even remotely respectful about it.
Yeah. That part where you're plinking at robots on platforms on that giant ship? There's another soldier named D. Grassi. Sounding a bit like Di Grassi there, or maybe Degrassi: The Next Generation.

I absolutely hated the bullshit Slimeball combat towards the end, terrible; I wanted to tear out my hair when the commander would just carelessly trudge forwards through the EXPLODING slimeballs and die, instead of following my lead.

haha I had no ammo at that part, so I had to knife my way through. took me like 50 times to finish it.:laugh:
Hahahaha. No.

Whatever, I meant in terms of not being a "MW2 american soldiers killing Russian civi's or american soldiers killing each other" but clearly there is only room for one opinion on this game and that is yours. I'll go back to playing my propaganda piece of shit. :rolleyes:
You said it was respectful, not realistic or plausible. If we're comparing it to MW2, then sure, basically anything is more plausible than that. Doesn't make it any more tactful.
Read the book now. It's quite a different experience.

Did you read the book before or after you played the game?

haha I had no ammo at that part, so I had to knife my way through. took me like 50 times to finish it.:laugh:

Yikes, all I had was the Helsing, and I thought that was bad.
Once I got the Helsing, I just couldn't put it down, it had an endearing value to me; it was the only weapon that allowed me to survive through the Librarians and Nazis. Oh god The Librarians...

Anyways, best track in the game. Reminds me of Dead Flag Blues-!

Short and sweet. This game was highly addictive for the short period of time that it gave me of a story line. The music is tremendously well done for a supposedly 8-bit game and adds the needed atmosphere that turns a nice narrative into a good heart warmer. The game offers small incentives for the explorer which is a nice touch for a game of its length. Although a cheap price, I still have the overwhelming feeling that it didn't really live up to the full amount.
haha I had no ammo at that part, so I had to knife my way through. took me like 50 times to finish it.:laugh:
There is actually a large ammo cache hidden around the corner from where the slime balls start. But yeah it's a retarded section that should not have been in an otherwise great game. I have a video of me playing it (taken from my phone) where the game autosaved while I was surrounded by several blobs all in the middle of exploding. It's litterally, *load* *dead*.
Black Ops - 8/10

Really enjoyed the campaign. Zombies is awesome and the multiplayer seems fun (though I've only played Nuketown)

HL2 - 9/10

Finally playing it on PC, and it is much better then the console version. Episode 1 will be coming up shortly.

New Vegas - Hate/10

You all know.

PGR4 - 3/10

Figured a good racing game would keep me occupied since I couldn't leave my house for a week, but good lord this game is just boring.
Alien Breed: Impact, Assault and Descent - 8/10

I'm reviewing this as a whole game as the differences between each episode aren't really that much to warrant a separate review for each except for the lengh of each, which I will touch upon.
I was pretty pissed off a few years ago when it had appeared Team 17 had scrapped their next gen Alien Breed as I have always been a fan of of the original titles on the Amiga, owning them all. When Impact popped up on Steam I bought it without thinking seeing as how it was so cheap and instantly enjoyed it.
The attention to detail in these games is brilliant, from little things like cups and plates falling over on tables from explosions or the amount of detail put into the environments it makes good use of the Unreal 3 engine. Unlike many people I thought the controls were easy to pick up and using the K&M is pretty much how I would have wanted it to control with full mouse aim movement and the keys controlling your character. While the Aliens really lack and personalty to their different breeds their job is just to be cannon fodder anyway in the quite well designed maps. These maps do involve a lot of back tracking. For example, you'll be told to go to a room to get a keycard for a locked door but when you get there it's filled with flames which means you've got to backtrack to find a console to turn on the fire safety systems to put out the fire so you can grab the key to open the door. Over the course of the 3 games this can get a little repetitive and by close to the end of the third game I was starting to tire of it's predictable ambush setups when you go back through the places you've been.
The story does it's job with a couple of twists with a few logs explaining backstory etc but again nothing mind blowing, it's just there to give a reason for blowing aliens apart.
The actual length of the games themselves is very good for the price you pay, with the Impact and Descent lasting me well over 6 hours according to Steam with the second Assault being the shortest at 5 hours. All the games are £6.99 now so they are easily worth the price IMO.
There are online co-op maps that are specially made but I have not tried this and the last two games feature a survival mode similar to CoD:Blops Zombies mode.
I think many people skipped these games as they thought Alien Swarm was free and a better game, but the single player blows Alien Swarms measly one map out of the water.
For people who enjoyed the original games back in the Amiga days and wanted the same game with updated visuals will find what they are looking for here.
Brilliant old school gaming.

*Spoilers* Includes recap from the end of Episode 1 *Spoilers*

*Spoiler* Series ending *Spoiler*
Call of Duty: Black Ops 8.5/10

Really loved the story and pacing of this game. I felt at times like it kept pushing me forward even though I didn't want to. Compared with let say HL2, there is little to no exploration. But the weapons were fun, the story was interesting, the characters were fun to watch parade around, and the variety in levels was superb. I love going across the globe in games and not hunkering down in the same places. I kinda want to play this game again though because I was tired most of the time I've played it.
Thief 3: 8/10
This time last year I completed for the first time the first two games in the series having had them on the shelf since the beginning of the decade. Basically the same story with this one, except I went in expecting a little less from the game and its jello world of Oookly Spookly Shadows. Say what you like about the supposed Thi4f and its ridiculous name. I get why they chose to hide the fact that this was the third title from the new market they hoped to attract, but 'Thief' is already one of the most self-descriptive titles in gaming history. Dumping it with 'Deadly Shadows' too just makes it sound utterly daft.

Anyway, digressions. The Thief series is definitely among my favourite game series' ever. And that's really quite an achievement when you consider how very far from perfect each of these games was. This instalment has probably the worst contrast between the insanely good and the utter rubbish. On the good side, the missions in this game were nearly uniformly sublime. It's all been said before more pretentiously but 'the Cradle' is really a fantastic level. It's also one I feel it's unfair to focus on when the mansions (and museum!) in this game were so effortlessly fun to sneak around, bopping people on the head in the time honoured manner. The story was pretty good too (but you know, if The Dark Project hadn't already made it unbearably clear, Garrett is a bit thick sometimes) a fine rounding off to a series that works perfectly as a trilogy.

On the bad side though, formal 'missions' are only one half of the game. The 'city' levels start off inoffensively enough but they turn sour quickly. The shoebox levels from Invisible War rear their ugly head here. They're actually kind of bearable in mission mode, but entire 'quarters' of the city are rendered as three streets with a little one-room house on each. In retrospect they're a bizarre piece of pre-sandbox openworld level design, a quaint reminder of the hardware limitations of yesteryear. But they're still pretty offensive in a game that genuinely could have been that perfect Thief title we never quite got.

It doesn't even feel true to the previous games. Not every mission has to be 'life of the party' magnificent, but you know, constantly being on street level IS wrong for the feeling of the series. And once you get the AI looking for you in these dollhouse alleys, it's like attempting to avoid the Police, Mafia and Yakuza in a crowded nightclub where if any one of those people cuts themselves, every single person in the place suddenly starts howling for your blood. Utterly farcical.

But the real tragedy is that they somehow thought the City was good enough to host the final 'battle'. Even if you don't sprint from objective to objective, you're still going to be looking at a loading screen for half of this tedious encounter. Even in their low-poly linearity, the early games had you in that one last, ultra-complex villain's lair. Whilst in a story sense 'it turns out the lair is the city itself!' could have worked pretty well, this just wasn't the right game for it. After Invisible War, I'm impressed they even managed to get water in here.

And the final verdict: I really hope they go ahead with Thief 4. Yes this is a well rounded trilogy, but they never perfected it. You know what I'd have liked to have seen at least once? Scripted sequences. Now before you tear me limb from limb, consider how it would be nice if in just one or two missions, you take the final objective and all shit breaks loose, as opposed to the mission just ending with a 'yeah, shits finished, lets go' screen.

Can I have my arm back now? I'll need it when I get back to 'Shadows of the Metal Age'
On a completely different subject..
Has anybody played this game?I can't decide my thoughts about it.I don't usually play any game online,but this may change.

Joe's Adventures - 6/10 :

This DLC upsets me. On one had it's filled with timed missions with bonus points etc like Jimmys Vendetta but on the other hand those missions play so well and would be so much better made into proper cinematic missions ala Mafia 2. Also, the few story missions you do such as the one below in the screens are really enjoyable and on par with the cinematic ones in Mafia 2, featuring Tony Balls
the guy you hit the meat factory with
and some of the other main Mafia 2 cast while completely removing the timer and stupid bonus points system.

As it is it's enjoyable for people who want more story but it's a seriously missed opportunity to get some trust back from the community after their game cutting greed.







Super Meat Boy PC - ??/10
[strike]Ok, this is a public service announcement thing. Now the generous preorder price has expired do not buy this game if you do not have an XBox 360 Joypad. Simple as that. Direct Input is broken and keyboard control is utterly diabolical. The former will be fixed, but I'm not convinced the game can be made to work that well on a keyboard anyway. They've done a quick turn around on fixing a bunch of crashing issues already. I trust that they'll get it done and don't begrudge a two person team for 'taking their time' (err... 24 hours after release). But since people might be paying four quid more than me for a game that they can't control properly, may as well say something.[/strike]

And it's patched. Still wouldn't recommend it without some kind of pad though.
Super Meat Boy PC - ??/10
Ok, this is a public service announcement thing. Now the generous preorder price has expired do not buy this game if you do not have an XBox 360 Joypad. Simple as that. Direct Input is broken and keyboard control is utterly diabolical. The former will be fixed, but I'm not convinced the game can be made to work that well on a keyboard anyway. They've done a quick turn around on fixing a bunch of crashing issues already. I trust that they'll get it done and don't begrudge a two person team for 'taking their time' (err... 24 hours after release). But since people might be paying four quid more than me for a game that they can't control properly, may as well say something.

If you do have a 360 pad (which I do) then the game is fooking immense!
Currently replaying Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars whilst updating CNCWiki articles. Rating? 8/10.

While knowing what it could've been (Westwood's C&C3) makes me a little sad, I still think it's a great C&C game with a solid story and exposition on Kane and his methods, while the gameplay is interesting and quite varied.

I really love how the game shines when you play the game not the "fast-fluid-fun" way but the more old-fashioned, realistic way, by drawing a frontline and fighting on it, slowly edging your way through enemy territory until you manage to surround him in the base and defeat him with a crushing armour attack supported by infantry and air-dropping reinforcements, bombs and other supprt.

Simply brilliant. A little sad you can't use Reckoners in vanilla C&C3, though, makes frontline gameplay all the more dificult.
Infinity Blade 9/10

This portable game is......AWESOME! I've done 3 playthroughs all ready and want to play even more. It really grows on you but its starting to feel like Demon's Souls which is even cooler. As I get better gear and level up it makes it more interesting. The graphics on my iPod make it shine even more. For $5.99 this is Highly recommended :D
Super Meat Boy PC - ??/10
[strike]Ok, this is a public service announcement thing. Now the generous preorder price has expired do not buy this game if you do not have an XBox 360 Joypad. Simple as that. Direct Input is broken and keyboard control is utterly diabolical. The former will be fixed, but I'm not convinced the game can be made to work that well on a keyboard anyway. They've done a quick turn around on fixing a bunch of crashing issues already. I trust that they'll get it done and don't begrudge a two person team for 'taking their time' (err... 24 hours after release). But since people might be paying four quid more than me for a game that they can't control properly, may as well say something.[/strike]

And it's patched. Still wouldn't recommend it without some kind of pad though.

I dont know why so many people think gamepads are better. I played both the 360 and PC versions, and I much preferred the keyboard, the gamepad control scheme hurts my hands...
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood : 9/10

I only played the singleplayer so I can't comment on multi, but the game was fantastic. Cesare is one of the best acted characters I've seen in a game, which is sad because hes not terribly prominent, despite being the main enemy of Ezio. The story in this one is great as well. I liked the story of the second well enough, but it really picked up in this one. There are some things I didn't like, such as how easy the game is. Combat is ridiculously easy. I mean, there was one point where I tried to kill myself so I could restart from a check point, and it literrally took me more than five minutes to get myself killed while surrounded by 5 enemies and not fighting back or blocking at all. When you're down to one health block left, one hit makes you lose it, but then with zero health, you still can take 3 or 4 hits without dying, and since thats the limit of most enemies attack combos, you just don't ****ing die, since your last health block regenerates. Retarded. But anyways, the gameplay is the same as ever, which I find very fun and intuitive, at thats what led me to completing all the challenges and such, despite never doing that in any game usually. The game may well be my GOTY for 2010.
Penumbra:Black Plague - 7/10

Other then the fact that I keep getting stuck, this game is really good. Currently looking for a way into the cryo labs but its kind of infuriating.

Mirrors Edge - 8/10

Kind of biased here since I love parkour and free running, plus the visual style is just awesome. I love how they have weapon combat, but it isn't a big part of the game and the game can be easily beaten without using any firearms.

Undead Nightmare - 8/10

Really fun story mode, lengthy enough to be worthy of the 800 MS points (10.00 USD) that it cost, and the Undead Overrun multiplayer is incredibly fun. Endless hordes of zombies that attack in waves, and you need to open a coffin for extra time and ammo. Run outta time and its just a "survive until you can't" type deal.

NCAAF 09 - 7/10

I dunno, its a football game. If you like (American) football, especially at the college level, you'll probably like this. I find it better then Madden at least.

Resident Evil 5 - 6/10

Never really cared much for RE5, but I played some Co-op with morgs and it was rather fun. Apparently he enjoys blowing himself up and making bridges collapse underneath me.
The Force Unleashed 2: Dark Side of Video Gaming 6/10

Terrible level design, not a lot of variety, too much rain and drab in the game. I should have just played the first game a second time. A sequel these days is supposed to expand upon the first with better features, newer enemies, better locales, better plot, etc. This game ranks up there with my worst games of 2010. Medal of Honor you may have a number 2 spot. But yeah UGH! They added so much quick time shit it made me angry almost. And you fight the same guys over and over again. And then at the end it felt like I did it all a hundred times over and over again climbing towards the top. I also don't understand how he can destroy Super Star Destroyers yet he has a tough time with a mechanical beast. And at times I'm doing so well and 2 hits kills ya. Its very inconsistent. In fact I'm going to rank this down to a 5/10 looking back, yeah I forgot some shit
Never really cared much for RE5, but I played some Co-op with morgs and it was rather fun. Apparently he enjoys blowing himself up and making bridges collapse underneath me.

It totally looked like you were off it!!
I was standing on the very edge of the cliff, apparently Chris lacks balance and fell backwards when you let go.
Infinity Blade 9/10

This portable game is......AWESOME! I've done 3 playthroughs all ready and want to play even more. It really grows on you but its starting to feel like Demon's Souls which is even cooler. As I get better gear and level up it makes it more interesting. The graphics on my iPod make it shine even more. For $5.99 this is Highly recommended :D

Can you have more than one character, save, or whatnot?
Heavy Rain - 9.5/10

Awesome, awesome game. Definitely one of the best games of 2010. I absolutely loved this game, the gritty, dark Noir theme is executed wonderfully, the characters are deep, the story is enthralling & the gameplay is very fun. I've heard alot of complaints about the gameplay & I disagree, fiercely. I take my hat off to Quantic Dream for bringing a new way of playing a game, sure quick-time events have existed for a long time, but a game comprised entirely of them is genius. I played the Playstation Move edition for about half the game, & it was good fun.
This was definitely one of the better games of 2010. I highly recommend Heavy Rain to anyone who owns a Playstation 3 & hasn't played it yet. I'm looking forward to replaying again to try a different ending.
Mario Kart 64 and Golden Eye 64 8/10

Very few things are as fun to play with friends. Goddamn fun tournaments.
Assassin's Creed II - 9/10 - Had great fun with this, great follow on from the first which really expanded on everything from the first game. Story was pretty good and I loved exploring the cities trying to find all the hidden bits of story and rarely felt like anything I was doing was getting repetitive, lots of varied missions, which was a bit of a problem in the first.

Took me 24hours to complete it, which was way more than I was expecting from the game.

Looking forward to Brotherhood coming out on the pc!
Deadly Premonition - 2/10

I can't even....The combat is just....Gameplay so bad....Cannot continue this game after an hour of play. Playing it just a chore and I can't tell if it wants to be a horror game or a god damn comedy.

Braid - 9/10

It's like a British version of Mario. The entire time I've been playing this far has been super fun and my face was stuck in a :3. Such a fantastic game.
AssCreed, Bro! - Singleplayer gets a 5/10. I never liked AssCreed. This one is no different. It's braindead easy, and there's a lot of stuff to "do" but it's really the same thing over and over. Now that you can call in your AssCreed gang so that they can kill stuff for you it's pretty sleepwalky.

Multiplayer. 100/10. Holy **** this is amazing. Minor complaints like the compass being too accurate and the volatile platforming infecting this mode as well but damn. This is ****ing fun and surprisingly spectator friendly. Lovelveiveliveltielovlevoeliet.