Games: Rate and Discuss

I've been ignoring this debate but yes, flawed masterpiece makes no sense at all. You would associate masterpieces with the idea that it contains no flaws, it is masterful or perfect.

No, that's not what a masterpiece is.
Hmm, if a masterpiece is what is deemed an incredible, outstanding piece of work, then it must have elements of perfection (you refer a dictionary, I refer a thesaurus) to claim it is flawed demeans that, making it not as good as you say it is, thus deeming the use of the word 'masterpiece' kinda misplaced. At the end of the day, its a stupid thing to say, the fact that it caused so much confusion only strengthens that fact.
Hmm, if a masterpiece is what is deemed an incredible, outstanding piece of work, then it must have elements of perfection (you refer a dictionary, I refer a thesaurus) to claim it is flawed demeans that, making it not as good as you say it is, thus deeming the use of the word 'masterpiece' kinda misplaced. At the end of the day, its a stupid thing to say, the fact that it caused so much confusion only strengthens that fact.

By your own admission: "elements of". I don't think you know what you're talking about, and the only thing it proves is the incomprehensible obtuseness of some of our esteemed members.
Or just proves the fact that some people will argue that toss about anything ;)
By your own admission: "elements of". I don't think you know what you're talking about, and the only thing it proves is the incomprehensible obtuseness of some of our esteemed members.

Or it proves that maybe your opinion isn't always correct and members aren't afraid to state that fact. Its a stupid term, end of.
Or it proves nothing of the sort. It's a rather odd term in my opinion but not contradictory.

Some random game 6/10
Bad voice acting but otherwise ok
Anyway, back on topic!

Bionic Commando - 7/10

Got it during the Steam sale as it was cheap. First impressions was that it was just a cheap console port (turns out it actually is!) as there's a stupid 360 button layout in the corner of the screen and during tutorials it tells you to press LB & A or whatever. Anyway, getting past that, it started off alright, simple enough story, some simple yet enjoyable gameplay and the control scheme was alright once I got the hang of it. Towards the end I started to get a little bored as it's quite repetitive and the only parts I really enjoyed were the boss battles, which again were simple yet fun.

Didn't take long to complete and the story lost me towards the end slightly with a rather confusing and sudden ending, though without spoiling it for those that do want to play it, it does leave it open for another, which I doubt will ever come out.

Overall, I did enjoy it and was a good little time waster over a couple of days off. Nothing amazing, but worth a run through if you do find it cheap anywhere.
Or it proves that maybe your opinion isn't always correct and members aren't afraid to state that fact. Its a stupid term, end of.
It's not about Samon trying to impose his view on you. You first contradict yourself by admitting that only elements of a masterpiece need to be perfect, and in abstract way at that; then you turn to silly insinuation that Samon is harrasing members.

It is not a stupid term but it certainly is vague; while strict observance of dictionary definitions is silly in itself, you're the one who attempted to narrow its meaning.
I'm not insinuating that he's harrasing members, just insinuating that he likes to think his opinion is always correct and it certainly isn't the case. You can't accuse me contradiction when I'm disagreeing with the use of an oxymoron like 'flawed masterpiece'. And I didn't attempt to narrow its meaning at all, I just pointed out that it made no sense.
But it's not an oxymoron, by your own admission, and there are clearly several others who have no such issue with its use. Perhaps you are mistaken, and are simply clutching at straws.
At the end of the day, its a stupid thing to say, the fact that it caused so much confusion only strengthens that fact.

Not sure if that was aimed at me or not.

To be honest, it never confused me, I only think it makes no sense.

But yes, blood is starting to appear on the circle on the wall from my forehead, so ***k it.

Plants vs Zombies iPhone - 9/10

OH YES, breaching new grounds in the review lab of

Stupidly addictive. No wonder my battery keeps dying so much faster.

But it's not an oxymoron, by your own admission, and there are clearly several others who have no such issue with its use. Perhaps you are mistaken, and are simply clutching at straws.

Microsoft Works is the superior oxymoron.
Guys, I'm trying to wrap my brain around your comprehension of this startlingly simple, oft-used phrase, and it's coming out in ****ing knots. Here, let me break down what you're doing wrong...

You're treating these words as though they have some predetermined, static value. Words have objective meaning, but can be subjective in their usage. When someone says something is a 'masterpiece,' they're not calling it objectively perfect. They might think it's perfect in the colloquial sense, meaning "really really really really really good," but to state something is a masterpiece is neither implying it is without flaws, nor is it assigning a fixed value to how good it is. As the 7 (not counting urban :P) definitions I linked clearly state, a masterpiece is "something exemplary; an artist's best work." Besides the qualification that it has to be well above average, it's merit can only be judged relative to the creator's other work. Stating that an artist's magnum opus cannot be flawed in any way is saying that humans are capable of creating perfection in the first place, which I won't get into, however stating something like "calling it flawed demeans it's value" implies that every masterpiece is of the same, comparable quality. This simply is not true.

The more I think about this, however, the more I realise the problem isn't your mistaken interpretation of the words composing this phrase, it's the way you approach words in general. Here's what you're saying in it's most basic form: "if masterpiece = 10 and flaw = -2, then why not just express it as 8?" Problem? Phrases are not ****ing equations. They have subjective meaning, and can be used to express varied and complex things, instead of just being used to assign a basic value to something.

It's a masterpiece: it is really good and an example of the creator's best work.

It's flawed: it contains flaws.

I'm not insinuating that he's harrasing members, just insinuating that he likes to think his opinion is always correct and it certainly isn't the case. You can't accuse me contradiction when I'm disagreeing with the use of an oxymoron like 'flawed masterpiece'. And I didn't attempt to narrow its meaning at all, I just pointed out that it made no sense.
I didn't accuse you of contradiction because you disagree, I refered to your changing opinion on whether the whole work needs to be perfect or only elements of it. Other than that I just thought it was wrong to argue about the meaning so specifically, while at the same time disregarding the dictionary definition.

As for Samon, he doesn't think that, he only has firm ideas of what is good and what isn't; don't his preferences reinforce that somewhat?
But you cant take the two words, grab their descriptions and then say 'how can they contradict'.

Individually the words dont contradict.

When you put the two together to describe something, it doesnt make sense.

Am I really the only one who thinks that saying something is an example of greatness but is flawed (is) just not logical? If its got a flaw, ANY flaw, then it cant be a symbol of excellence, because as the word suggests, there's something wrong with it.

Come to think of it, this all just boils down to your own interpretation of what a masterpiece is. To me a masterpiece is something that is perfect. So when someone says it has a flaw, to me it can never from then on be perfect.

If someone creates some plans for a house made of completely straight lines, and the architect or builder creates a line that is slightly skew, the house can never be a masterpiece because one of the lines isnt straight.

Actually thats a really ***t example...

And why the hell do I keep getting sucked into this bloody pointless post-count riser.
My definition of a square is something that is blue. Therefore a green square makes no sense and is a contradiction.
Dynasty, I... ****ing hell.

Give me one example of something that is, by your definition, a masterpiece. This thing can contain no flaws whatsoever but must be created by an artist. God does not count.

How do you dress yourself in the morning? I'm stunned.
Will you people shut up about this? Obviously we all speak different languages that just so happens to have most of the lexicon in common. Except flawed and masterpiece.

Anyway, Empire: Total War: 8/10 Buggy, slow, but nevertheless very fun. Too bad it gets a bit tiring. Great Britain is so ****ing awesome, and this is the only game where I was able to massacre native Americans using howitzers and rocket artillery.
Demon's Souls - 10/10

Damn it. I'm completely hooked and becoming obsessed with getting the plat. Im 2 rings (white character and black character tendencies), 4 spells and 2 pure stones away, should take me another run through as Ive just started NG++ (3rd run through). Im losing hair on account of the fact I keep ripping it out while farming, and getting killed 'unfairly'.

Anyone bought the UK version since its release a few weeks back? What is it, the phantom version or something???

Its a masterpiece of a game *ducks*
Anyone bought the UK version since its release a few weeks back? What is it, the phantom version or something???

I did, its the black phantom edition
But you cant take the two words, grab their descriptions and then say 'how can they contradict'.

Individually the words dont contradict.

When you put the two together to describe something, it doesnt make sense.

Am I really the only one who thinks that saying something is an example of greatness but is flawed (is) just not logical? If its got a flaw, ANY flaw, then it cant be a symbol of excellence, because as the word suggests, there's something wrong with it.

Come to think of it, this all just boils down to your own interpretation of what a masterpiece is. To me a masterpiece is something that is perfect. So when someone says it has a flaw, to me it can never from then on be perfect.

If someone creates some plans for a house made of completely straight lines, and the architect or builder creates a line that is slightly skew, the house can never be a masterpiece because one of the lines isnt straight.

Actually thats a really ***t example...

And why the hell do I keep getting sucked into this bloody pointless post-count riser.

Why are you the way you are?
Shatter 7/10

Fun game for a bit but doesn't offer anything I've seen that is breathtaking. Graphics are really nice, gameplay is fast, and levels are quick too. Some bosses are tough and it takes some getting used to. Also I don't think I managed to master the suck/blow technique although I am learning ;)
Why are you the way you are?

Rather be remembered in any way than be forgotten.

Just ask my WoW (ex)Guildmates. I was legendary.

Usually greatly remembered with a sprinkling of retarded moments, but still, ultimately remembered. They even gave me the title of 'The Legend' under the guild member list. Oh the stories I told the new guys who were curious. Like being a Paladin and out-bidding a mage for the Azuresong Mageblade from the Molten Core back when it was the 'final' instance to raid with 40 guys, and then applying the Spirit enchant to boost my mana regen when Paladins didn't benefit from Spirit.

Being forgotten is one my biggest fears.
Here Lies Dynasty

1986 - 2052

Did Not Know
The Definition of
Mass Effect

Really, really good game and i haven't played it since the game first launched so it was good to revisit after ME2 (which i am now replaying :P). I ain't a traditional RPG player i'll admit - altho my interest in the genre has risen over the past year as the amount of CoD clones has increased in the FPS genre -_- (thinking of getting the witcher and vampire the masquerade bloodlines too :))

Admittedly more of an rpg than its successor, i still prefer ME2 (i liked ME with ME1 but ME2 made me fall in love with the series :D) because i felt it blended the action and rpg elements perfectly. I just kind of got annoyed that almost everything has too much of a cooldown rate in ME1. Stupid complaint for an rpg? maybe but it plays so similarly to a TPS i felt it has some merit: sprinting has too much of a cooldown, med kits you have too wait for in between, having to wait until weapons cooldown completely before using them instead of say waiting half all started to add up and so the combat just wasn't as satisfying as in ME2 i thought

Nevertheless, really good game, good story, great characters, awesome universe. That is all i need for an awesome game :D

EDIT: oh, I forgot something that did kind of annoy me but this actually maybe more ME2's fault than ME1's. When ME2 was first announced and it was said cerberus was involved i totally blanked at the time as to who they were O_o Tho it had been a long time i figured it was something i just forgot. Then i replay ME1 and they still weren't mentioned O_O

Then i find out they are only involved in optional, missable sidequests :( Why make something so important to the story missable?? I missed it last time cos i didn't do much of the side quests and this time i did more but planned to do more after the endgame. Then i find out you can't continue after the last planet like in ME2 -_-

And the optional stuff is mostly crap anyway: land on uncharted world, drive mako with terrible controls to point on map, clear enemies from the identical room used for every side mission and get to point of interest. Rinse and repeat for most missions =/

So yea bit ticked about that, partly my fault, partly biowares tho too imo
Fallout 3 - 9/10

I'm hooked with this game. Huge environments, interactive characters, and endless amounts of nonlinear traveling (quite similar to Far Cry 2, if any of you have played that one) make me realize why this was chosen as the 2008 Game of the Year.

A quick rundown of the story:

Yes, it's a post-apocalyptic world, and almost everything you see is in ruins, but there are some small settlements scattered around the Wasteland, along with a couple of broken roads. You'll encounter quite a few enemies, usually generic Raiders or deadly creatures, but what really sets this game apart from others is the ability to go anywhere you want, whenever you want, and however you want. Choices are unlimited in this game, so be a bad guy or save the day.

Now, the reason I took off a point was because the game will freeze up occasionally, but it's not a huge problem. And, if you get the GOTY Edition of Fallout 3, there are several reports of the second disc not working, which happened to me. I had to run the computer on Safe Mode to successfully install the DLC. But other than those minor issues, it's a wonderful game. Get it.
Here Lies Dynasty

1986 - 2052

Did Not Know
The Definition of

If that date is true, Im coming back and haunting the ***k out of you.

Even if you're dead, I'll still hum in your ear all day.

And I have no intention to live past 66 anyway, as thats the day when the cities will rise up on their robot legs and do battle amongst the seas of...too far?
Sol Survivor - Epic/10

It's Defense Grid. But with friends. Coop tower defense. Shit man. Working together using your character powers to take down a huge boss that slipped by your towers = lulz.
Goddamn, I just realized that some of us will die in 2050 and beyond. That's really awesome. I wonder what the future will be like...
Yep, the future is in the hands of people like us.

Dwell on that for a moment, and weep with me.

If that date is true, Im coming back and haunting the ***k out of you.
Sorry, you'll have to come haunt me in hell. I'm sure you'll find me in the circle reserved for nazis, having been misfiled when the receptionist skipped over the "grammar" in front of it. ;)
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country."
- Kurt Vonnegut
mass effect 2:

second time i've played this game (which is actually kinda rare for me to play this again so soon given how big a game like this is but hey :P) and i still love it. Yes it is less RPG than the first but on the whole i think it is just a more polished effort. Hopes for ME3 to have the same level of quality with more complexity then :D

Also the DLC has been quite good aswell and reasonable for sub 800 MSP

aliens vs predator:

very standard mediocre game that never really ever got me invested in it. It's not a terrible game like others have said but it aint all that good either =/


ok THIS is the the most surprising game i've played all year! I thought looking at it it was just DMC with a chick, i played the demo and looked at the reviews and still i thought it was just DMC with a chick but i was so wrong!

It's just so much fun. The combat is great and deep, and the story as crappy as it may be is really entertaining nonethless. Father Balder is one the hammiest villains i've seen in games and its awesome :laugh:

you drive a motorbike up an ICBM launched into space!!! :D

so yeah bring on vanquish!! :D

alan wake dlc:

impressive especially given it was free in most cases. It played to me alot like a condensed form of the best parts of alan wake in one chapter with another intriguing storyline. Suprised at how much i liked this given how much AW's ending pissed me the **** off!!

gta episodes:

basically what it says on the tin; more GTA4 in 2 bitesized packages. I thought TLAD was better tho due to the more interesting protagonist (holy **** its john marston :P) and BOGT had alot more frustrating missions. Bit of a shame considering i thought BOGT seemed the more interesting of the two.

Plus going back to it now I never realised how **** gta 4's aiming is!! Gah!
Alien Swarm: 8/10

Lots of fun, cool tactical options, interesting weapons, and then you've unlocked everything and played every level three times.

tbh i have mixed feelings bout this one (whereas everyone else seems to love it). It has a really, really nice visual style to it and the atmosphere is top notch stuff. What little soundtrack there is very fitting and quite haunting. The sound design is one of the things that really stood out to me (mostly because there is no other sound most other times) and it does add to how deadly the inevitable deaths are.

The game can be beautiful, creepy and in some cases downright disturbing. I aint squeamish but i'll be honest in some of these deahts i didn't feel right, its only cos this is in black and white that they can get away with killing a kid in a video game; let alone some of the ways they do it: bear traps, machine guns, impalement etc its actually quite disturbing tbh =/

However, the parts for me that really let it down were some of the games puzzles (especially at the end) are either just really obscure i found or were platforming sections that relied too much on pitch perfect timing and trial and error. Also the ending is completely anticlimactic.

This is another game that like braid will be dissected for its plot until kingdom come. I found braid to be too obtuse with some of its storytelling but there certainly is content that can be analysed and interpreted which isnt really a bad thing. But this game doesn't really have much of anything that can be seemingly interpreted. Anything any interpretation i've seen is hearsay based on assumptions and nothing much else. I've always felt that whenever people make endings like this they do it cos they know people will interpret it, call it deep and do alltheir work for them but they couldn't just make a proper ending and story of their own. Yeah i aint an arty farty person :|

oh and lastly yeah it is short. Its 3 hours and imo should have been 800 spacepoints and not 1200 but you can blame MS for that.
Yakuza 3:

OK i haven't finished this yet but i've played most of it and i WILL finish it cos i am a stubborn fool in all honesty but anyway.....this is one of the worst games i have ever played in my life.

For me it defines why i can't stand jrpgs and why people criticise the japanese game industry in general. I got this game after hearing the positive word of mouth, interesting premise and it didn't seem to be an rpg at all and it isn't but it takes alot of jrpg traits into its design nonetheless and if i had known that i wouldn't have bothered.

The game is ****ing SLOW!!!! I have finished about 3/4 of the game and more than half of that i have been playing ****ing daddy day care at an orphanage that makes the pacing of the final RDR missions look like a hollywood action film!

I have:
set up play wrestling matches
solved the mysterious case of the missing pocket money
helped a kid with his girl trouble woes
got a kid to come home after running away
find a stray dog that was then taken in as the family pet
went shopping for dinner
and bloody more!!

and everything is wrapped in some sort of overly saccharine backdrop for it all and everything just reeks of some bloody japanese family drama than a damned game about yakuza.

Plus in a game where high quality produced cutscenes are abound the presence of text boxes is a cardinal sin! I also find random encounters to be a cardinal sin of game design aswell personally so that doesn't help things

The game does have some high points of its story but then again so did alpha protocol i still didn't like it =/

PS: for a game series praised for great writing it should not be so ham fisted in its exposition and I should not be able to guess some of the plot twists!! :flame::flame::flame:

1) a man who looks like your dead father appears and turns out to be his identical twin...but he's not his twin he's his younger brother but is still identical nonetheless O___o thats just lazy writing and even cloning a character comes off as more credible ffs

2) when the idea of a traitor is brought up i guessed who it was instantly cos of every other candidate is moustache twirlingly evil in a japanese way like a fat angry sumo wrestler and a japanese ray liotta knock off

3) it does that really stupid jrpg thing where the enemy you think is the big bad isn't the big bad and was just working with the real big bad and it come out of nowhere. There are 2 main antagonists in the game and out of nowhere and with no explanation its just stated that they are working together :|

Tho for all that there are some good points and where rikiya dies is probably the best part of the game and is actually really touching ;(

The actual gameplay of the game is just satisfying enough with some moves that have a good feel to them as you land each blow but it just turns to button mashing really in the end; bayonetta this is not but not that it had to be either :| Also an open world game like this should be more intuitive in its exploration, why on earth cant i use waypoints on the map? Why is everything always described as being on alleys or intersections of different boulevards and streets; just show me the damn place on the map!

**** this **** but i need to see how this crap will end unfortunately. If they took the best parts of this and just made it a movie it would be much better in all honesty. I need to play a good game

*looks at starcraft 2 icon on desktop* ;(


ok i've finished it now and i admit it ended on a highnote and it did have a good cliffhanger ending (none of that **** that passes for cliffhangers nowadays in mw2 and halo 2) but some of it still confused me:

1) its awfully convenient that the mystery bad guy was another bad guy already working with the cia but if he was with the cia he should have known about the plan to smoke his organisation out with the military base deal.

2) Mine was described as the traitor in the tojo clan but why was hamzaki not considered a traitor aswell? He did the same thing as mine independently from him but done the same thing!


scrap that after the credits its just resolved the cliffhanger killing the dramatic tension pretty much....sigh :|
good ending but they should have left it for yakuza 4 =/
Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty (singleplayer)

I don't finish singleplayer games often. Usually I get to about one-third of a campaign. The exceptions this year so far have been Red Dead Redemption and Starcraft 2. RDR was kinda expected; I was super hyped for it, so I raced through the campaign. SC2 not so much so. I wasn't that hyped and I never played the original game. Apparently I still enjoyed myself enough to get to the end.

Which isn't especially because of the story. It is engaging enough, but it is typical space opera fare. And in the vain of George Lucas, not Joss Whedon. The way it is delivered though totally makes up for it. Some of the CGI cut-scenes are the best I have ever seen in a game. The voice actors are generally also very good, especially Raynor and Tychus. And of course there is the much applauded in-between-missions menu point and click adventure extravaganza that gives the story a little more depth.

The missions themselves are very varied. It is never simply build base -> train army -> smash bad guy. Every single mission has a special twist to it which usually teaches you something new in the process. And it is almost always enjoyable, whether it is breaking out prisoners with one hero unit (micro practice) or the much mentioned zombie mission (turtling 101). I actually enjoyed the campaign so much that I am probably gonna play some of the missions again to get more achievements.

I am still undecided about the gameplay. I understand that the multiplayer community wouldn't have accepted radical changes. I also know that Starcraft is more about traditional general strategy. Tactics boil down to using the right units to counter particular enemies. If you occupy any area other than your base it is always because there are resources there, never because it serves a tactical interest. And while I am okay with that and even enjoyed myself most of the time, I still feel the gameplay could have done with a little more innovation. To give you an idea of what I mean: Half-life 2 stayed very true to the original game, but it still had a gravity gun.

Then again, who am I kidding? This is after all a Blizzard game. They are not about doing new and bold things. They excel at refining a genre, not redefining it. Combined with lavish polish the result is a very good game that is a lot of fun to play. If you go in with the right expectations you won't be disappointed, but if you think you're gonna play the next milestone in real time strategy you're mistaken. If anything Starcraft 2 is a beautiful contemporary ode to the original rts games from the nineties.