Games: Rate and Discuss

Red Dead Redemption 8.75/10

The singleplayer portion of the game is worth at least a 9 imo. It has been a long time since I had so much fun playing a campaign. I finished it, which is saying something since I almost never finish games. The story is run-of-the-mill Rockstar and a little tedious at times, the gameplay is hardly anything special compared to other shooters, but it all is redeemed by the marvelous atmosphere. RDR is a Valhalla for fans of Western movies.

I felt letdown by the multiplayer though. The competitive game modes are really nothing special. It's your standard death match and capture the flag. But especially freeroam could have been so much better. Where are all the NPCs? Why isn't there online poker, dice playing etc.? Would it have been so hard to put in more challenges than just the gang hide-outs that are already in the singleplayer anyway?

Rockstar made a great sp game with one of the best main characters ever, but the multiplayer is sub-par. Hopefully the co-op missions are better.

ModNation Racers 8.5/10

MNR is a great arcade racer combined with a very intuitive editor to make your own karts, avatars and race tracks. Both in singleplayer and multiplayer the races are fun and exciting. Because the community is already pumping out some great content, chances are you won't get bored any time soon. The fun is marred though by looooong loading times and editor content that has to be unlocked. If United Front fixes this I'll ramp my score up to at least a 9.
Bioshock 2 8/10

This game for me started out very boring, but about 1/3 of the way in it started to pick up and remind me more of the 1st game...whereas the 1st game was more fun during the 1st half of the game. Once you go back to some older parts of Rapture it all comes flowing back to you and to me it was fun to see how things developed. I still love the 1st game more but overall this was a very fun rental game. I think I put about 10-12 hours into it and like I said the later part of the game is the best part
k my final exams this year are over so gaming time! :P


being someone who is naturally **** at fighting games (especially 2d fighters) I enjoyed this more than I probably should have. This is probably largely in part because of the easy specials system where a special move is mapped to a direction on the right stick making things much easier and at least allowing me to feel bad ass without memorising complex buttom combinations :P

Also the anime styling of the game definitely contributed to my enjoyment :p

(and for a fighting game the story aint half bad actually O__o)

Bioshock 2:

ok this is easily the most surprising game of 2010 for me because I thought it was going to be so BAD but I found myself REALLY enjoying this :D

The first 1/3 to 1/2 of the game is a boring trudge i admit and not much of the plot is really fleshed out to the player until the last 1/3 anyway. But once this game picks up momentum it seriously at points matches and even exceeds its predecessor:

The combat is better
The hacking is much better
The plot aint as good no but its still really good and it does help to flesh out rapture more and made me appreciate bioshock more as a series rather than a standalone game.
Sofia Lamb is just as much of a worthy villain as anyone from bioshock 1 (you really start to hate her by the end of the game)
The ending is MUUUUUCCCCHHHHH better than the first ones crappy one and the choices between them arent so jarring
Sinclair is a pretty good character :)

So yeah way better than i thought it would be and I would encourage people to try it out if they didnt want to originally :)

PS alex the great although not as good as Cohen is a pretty good alternative and is clearly meant to be this games replacement of him.
PPS what happened to tenenabum? O__o

God of War Trilogy:

After finishing the 3rd game in march and now just finishing the collection compilation I found something I personally found weird given the hype for this series. IMO the first game is the best which is something I have almost never heard anyone say bout this series O_o

IMO its cos the first had a much simpler story of a man seeking revenge for the death of his family, simple but effective stuff :)

GoW2 and 3 though then have me seeking revenge against zeus but to me it just didn't seem like revenge more like a guy getting pissed off cos zeus took away his powers. The difference is with ares kratos was clearly done wrong but with zeus i couldnt get it out of my head that kratos brought this on himself cos he was such a **** as a god O_o

Kratos aint a good guy true but ares was always clearly a bigger villain than him, zeus though? The game keeps casting him as a horrible, evil person but never really shows it and only tells us this -_- we never really see zeus be an absolute ******* like ares was.

Good series nonetheless but i just never got round that in my head but for me:

1>3>2 (i have not played the psp game)

now i've still got alan wake, RDR and splinter cell 5 to play jeese O_O
I think Cryostasis is probably one of the best recent games I've played.

Can you go into more detail - I am interested in what you think of the game. It's one of the few shoot em ups I have never tried - I gave the demo a try but it ran badly despite the fact that my computer met the system requirements but others have said the demo was poorly optimised.
It's an almost flawed masterpiece, if I remember rightly. You've got clunky combat with an emphasis on melee (looking back on, say, Butcher Bay, it's even less refined here), and a lot of the time you're trudging through the monotonous, steel underbelly of the icebreaker with not enough breaks between swinging your dangerous objects - it inevitably becomes more of an engaging, addictive chore than a smooth, hand-holding gameplay experience.

Those were my initial impessions and they carried through for the rest of the game. However, this is really just the uncouth, sandpaper exterior - there is something spectacular about this game, and that's in its nuanced storyline and its sense of ultimate entrapment pounding through the game's daunting atmosphere. It's completely engrossing. I want to play it again.
The demo version was a technology demo to show people what the company can do. The retail version ran great on my PC.
It's an almost flawed masterpiece...

Wait, what? A flawed masterpiece? Its...a terrible yet amazing game? Hmm, ok.

Heavy Rain - 8/10

Loses a point because I read about the outcome of the plot ages ago BEFORE I bought it (which I did on a whim one day in town) and Im suffering for it. Cant enjoy the twists as much as I kind of know whats happening before it happens, so theres no sense of 'no wai!' when something does happen.

Its beautifully different though. The prologue felt like The Sims at one point, but when that vanishes, its so dark and gritty. I love it. Yes you're basically watching a movie most of the time, but when you control that movie by missing a button in a fight or fail to spot a piece of evidence or dont ask the right questions or kill off a character, the way the game changes is spetacular.

With most 'Your choices have consequences' games, they can basically be renamed 'Your choice have consequences...that we have determined for you so its really just an illusion and a selling scam', but Heavy Rain has ALOT of endings.

Looking forward to multiple play throughs just to see each ending. Save the kid? Fail to find him? Kill all main characters? Suicide? Save him but kill her? Theres multiple branches off the tree you can chose, rather than just one or two like in most games.

Bioshock was a prime example. Your choices..dont have consequences. Its either a good ending or a bad ending. End of story. So your 'choices' are really just x and y. But thats used as a selling point.

Heavy Rain has a b c d e f g choices etc etc etc.
It's an almost flawed masterpiece, if I remember rightly. You've got clunky combat with an emphasis on melee (looking back on, say, Butcher Bay, it's even less refined here), and a lot of the time you're trudging through the monotonous, steel underbelly of the icebreaker with not enough breaks between swinging your dangerous objects - it inevitably becomes more of an engaging, addictive chore than a smooth, hand-holding gameplay experience.

Those were my initial impessions and they carried through for the rest of the game. However, this is really just the uncouth, sandpaper exterior - there is something spectacular about this game, and that's in its nuanced storyline and its sense of ultimate entrapment pounding through the game's daunting atmosphere. It's completely engrossing. I want to play it again.

thanks - I will give it a try :)
Red Dead Redemption - 6/10

Now I think this purely comes down to preference. I have never liked westerns really apart from the Clint Eastwood films but I was looking at the game itself and thought it looked excellent. First impressions were superb. Large, vibrant and lovely looking environment, interesting start to the plot, interesting characters and of course, horses. But for me the single player experience got boring very fast, to the point where I just really could not be bothered continuing with it.

For a start traveling was horrendously boring. Even though the horses and their animations are the best of a game I've ever seen, its so tedious riding them everywhere, just following endless roads to the towns and other destinations. I found myself just fast traveling everywhere. The general environment, while very pretty and I can appreciate the amount of time and polish that went into it, was just too empty for my liking. It just felt like loads of small towns separated by vast openness with a few roads a railway line with the odd person riding past and loads of wildlife thrown in.

The combat was good but the weapons, despite the sawnoff shotgun, got boring very fast. The main character was well made but to me he just seemed like a western version of Niko Belic. I think I just prefer the GTA games. I prefer having a large array of cars and bikes you can speed around a big city with, dodging traffic, loosing the cops, flying over stunt jumps. Being able to fly choppers, go out into the streets and course a whole array of havoc with the much more impressive collection of weaponry. I understand RDR was in the west and obviously was made realistic with its weapons, and the fact the wild west was very expansive and largely empty, but I just don't find that entertaining at all. Got to Mexico, turned it off, never went back. Traded it in yesterday.

The multiplayer I never tried but I was told it was a huge let down. But I will give it points for the mini games, I think I spent most of the time in the short time I played the game just playing the mini games like poker and blackjack.
Red Dead Redemption - 6/10

Now I think this purely comes down to preference. I have never liked westerns really apart from the Clint Eastwood films but I was looking at the game itself and thought it looked excellent. First impressions were superb. Large, vibrant and lovely looking environment, interesting start to the plot, interesting characters and of course, horses. But for me the single player experience got boring very fast, to the point where I just really could not be bothered continuing with it.

For a start traveling was horrendously boring. Even though the horses and their animations are the best of a game I've ever seen, its so tedious riding them everywhere, just following endless roads to the towns and other destinations. I found myself just fast traveling everywhere. The general environment, while very pretty and I can appreciate the amount of time and polish that went into it, was just too empty for my liking. It just felt like loads of small towns separated by vast openness with a few roads a railway line with the odd person riding past and loads of wildlife thrown in.

The combat was good but the weapons, despite the sawnoff shotgun, got boring very fast. The main character was well made but to me he just seemed like a western version of Niko Belic. I think I just prefer the GTA games. I prefer having a large array of cars and bikes you can speed around a big city with, dodging traffic, loosing the cops, flying over stunt jumps. Being able to fly choppers, go out into the streets and course a whole array of havoc with the much more impressive collection of weaponry. I understand RDR was in the west and obviously was made realistic with its weapons, and the fact the wild west was very expansive and largely empty, but I just don't find that entertaining at all. Got to Mexico, turned it off, never went back. Traded it in yesterday.

The multiplayer I never tried but I was told it was a huge let down. But I will give it points for the mini games, I think I spent most of the time in the short time I played the game just playing the mini games like poker and blackjack.

Think I was nodding with complete agreement throughout that read.

It reminded me of FarCry 2. Awesome environment done so damn well, but ***K ALL IN IT and the environment only serves as pretty eye candy between checkpoints and towns miles apart from each other, so whats the bloody point!? Poker was the ONLY reason I carried on playing after finishing the SP story. Which I will admit had one of the better endings I can recall.

I want to go back into a game for a purpose. Trophies, collectables, anything. RDR had almost nothing. Yes theres the survivor and marksmanship etc etc, but I completed those in my first playthrough.

''I know, I'll go back and collect all the..oh wait, theres nothing to collect in the vast open world. So, how much for trade-in?''

Hell, I still have GTA4 because I havent got all the pigeons yet.

Flawed = Terrible ? Not sure where you pulled that from.

Flawed = Something is wrong with it. If something has a chip for example, its flawed; a defect.

FlawLESS = Nothing wrong with it at all. Perfection. A flawless diamond for example.
Flawed = Something is wrong with it. If something has a chip for example, its flawed; a defect.

FlawLESS = Nothing wrong with it at all. Perfection. A flawless diamond for example.

He said a flawed masterpiece.
I assume you've never heard the expression "a diamond in the rough". A masterpiece doesn't have to be perfect.
Right. Like, "oh shit there's a bug in my caviar."
He said a flawed masterpiece.
I assume you've never heard the expression "a diamond in the rough". A masterpiece doesn't have to be perfect.

Which is why I said that basically it was a masterpiece that isnt great.

Flawed masterpiece is a complete contradiction. The two words dont go together. One is sighting something is wrong, yet the other means there's nothing wrong with it.

Doesnt make sense.

Maybe American lessons are different to English lessons.
He actually said "almost flawed masterpiece." So technically this argument is baseless. However, considering that neither flaw nor masterpiece are absolutes, they cannot be considered "complete contradictions." It can seem that way, but a masterpiece is result produced masterfully, and in no way tired to absolute perfection. A flaw can vary in severity from major to minor. Imagine for a moment that there is a tiny spec of dust in the painjob on your car. You could spend 10 years driving and looking at it every day not noticing this flaw, yet it is still a flaw.

So if we make it clear that a masterpeice does not have to (and probably can never be) entirely perfect and a flaw can be very small and unnoticable to many, than a flawed masterpiece is not only feasible, but a perfectly accepted phrase in he English language.

As for what he's referencing, I have no idea if it could be considered that because I don't know what it is.
I would hate to live inside Dynasty's brain.
Wait, did the frequently employed term "flawed masterpiece" actually spawn seven posts? That's too asinine - even for this forum.
Armored Core 4: 7/10

It's not as strategy oriented as the older Armored Core games on the PSX and I wish there was a vanity camera mode during gameplay (like on Oblivion or Fallout 3) so I could admire my kick-ass mech suit creation up close. Also needs a FPS cockpit mode just like in the older games in the series.

It was only $10.00, but I want a vanity and cockpit mode dammit or it wasn't worth it!!

Silent Hill:Homecoming: 8/10

A great addition to the story imo, but buggy as hell. For example, in one cutscene, the protagonist completely disappeared from view during the scenario where he's strapped in a chair and about to get tortured so all you could see was the shackles and chair moving around while the fanatic tried to sacrifice an invisible man with a drill.

Pisses me off that developers can't get bugs out of what would've been great games these days. WTF.
IIRC, I hardly ever seen any previous generation games that had so much trouble with bugs.

BTW, I'm confused that there's 2 "Rate and Discuss" threads. The other being, "your recent gaming purchases".
I'd say that's more of a discussion of game plans, purchases, and recommendations, whereas this is for giving detailed reviews after you're done playing.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 9/10

This game is so much fun. Just, so much fun. There's so much variety of well tuned and fresh gameplay it just blows me away. It hits all the right notes as far as gameplay, visuals, and music but... but

The magic is gone. I want the castle. I want the exploration. I want to chase a goddamn rabbit in a dungeon. I want to flood the moat. I want the endless staircase. I don't want a large disconnected series of very fun miniadventures. I want an adventure.

Incredibly fun though.
Singularity - 8.5/10

I didn't hold much hope for this after Ravens pretty mediocre attempt at Wolfenstein, then I installed it and played and was subject to the streaming bug. Things were not looking good. After the release of a fix for the streaming and playing the game it turned out to be a really enjoyable shooter. Sure the story is nonsense and ever single gameplay element has been done before somewhere else but in some cases this game actually does them better and slots them all together nicely.
The gunplay is fantastic, with meaty weapons and some good character model damaging and when you add the time manipulation to it things get cranked up a notch.
While the textures are pretty sloppy at some parts the actual atmosphere these environments create are quite stunning. One level actually sees the effects of time happening at super speed around you with the paint peeling from the walls and rust forming in it's place.
As for the boss fights, well if you think of Wolfensteins bosses as some of the most generic bosses you have ever fought take these same weak point type battles but create something so epic you soon forget about the generic nature of the actual encounter. You'd have to play it to see what I mean.
I just hope people play beyond the first level and see what the game has to offer.
It really surprised me.
The magic is gone. I want the castle. I want the exploration. I want to chase a goddamn rabbit in a dungeon. I want to flood the moat. I want the endless staircase.
A large disconnected series of very fun miniadventures.
Both of these games sound like Super Mario 64 to me. Playing the first Super Mario Galaxy myself at the moment, and the lineage is crystal clear.
Both of these games sound like Super Mario 64 to me. Playing the first Super Mario Galaxy myself at the moment, and the lineage is crystal clear.

There's nothing binding the whole experience together. Even the individual stars in a single galaxy don't feel like they're in the same world. SMG1 is less guilty of this though.
Alpha Protocol:

Ok i don't think i have ever played a game before that has left me feeling this mixed and undecided. I can understand with merit both sides of haters and lovers of this game and now see the nature of its reviews.

I will say the scope of its story is FANTASTIC. I went through the whole game resolved most major plot points and 2 villains were still left alive AND there were 2 major characters in the game I NEVER MET! This game lends to replayability MASSIVELY! Plus towards the end the story becomes really intense and engaging and I didn't want to stop playing even if quite a few important plot concepts in the game seemed to be glossed over at times =/

But....this game lacks polish. Everyone has said this and i am not a graphics whore or anything (actually the graphics are admittedly crap and i'm still not that bothered by that) but it needed more time in the oven even with the delays. The game is a technical mess with lots of little things piling up liek frequent texture popins that are hard to ignore.

The combat plain doesn't work half the time (you can shoot at someone repeatedly and they wont get hurt at all when you are right in front of them -_-) and as for the AI I can't recall seeing worse AI than this in a game of recent times (and i don't look for this stuff) but too many times did i see guards (and even the last boss ffs!) stand there doing nothing waiting to be killed.

As a result I started to get bored and then frustrated (especially the finale damn that was hard and in places just plain unfair!!) with the more combat oriented missions but the more stealth oriented missions were much better and much more interesting, all this made me do tho was wish this was some sort of proper splinter cell rpg :D

So yeah very mixed feelings, i'll just say i'm glad i played it but i'm also glad i rented it too

Splinter cell conviction:

I had fun with this alot more than i thought i would given the games change in nature but it was still really fun and I can't say I have any complaints actually. Yea i wish it was a traditional splinter cell but if i am pining for that i'll just play chaos theory i guess :)

Story was guff tho O_o some big holes in it and i wish reed had more screen time he seems like a good villain but he's hardly in it :|

Nevertheless i'm still playing this and for me its the most surprising game of the year next to bioshock 2 (cos my expectations for both were so low :P)

Alan Wake:

Mixed feelings on this too :| Gameplay wise its shallow, very shallow but it did have an interesting story behind it that once it hit its strides i couldn't stop playing and i found it made up for the slow first 1/3 of the game BUT that ending...oh god that ending :flame:

that thing pissed me off so much it just brought my elated opinion of the game crashing back down! It made god of war 3's ending look godlike in comparison in terms of closure :flame::flame:

Red Dead Redemption:

I've only just finished this one (late to the party abit :P) but i still feel like i've not fully experienced all this game has even though my completion rate is over 72% now. I really enjoyed but

*prepares flameshield*

i do kinda think the hype for this was overblown with some people saying things like its better than any gta game etc. Don't get me wrong its really good but not THAT good. Then again i aint a big fan of westerns so :|

A big plus tho is I thought the combat was immensely satisfying i must say :)
Biggest annoyance i had was this game more than any gta game seemed to have the biggest share of pointless missions. I can safely say i never want to mandatorily have to break horses, shoot crows from silos to protect corn or herd those ****ing cows ever again in order to progress with the story at large! The last 8 or 9 missions before the ending are just ****ing house chores for christ sake!!


HOLY **** THAT ENDING!! I had it partly spoiled for me :hmph: and it was still so shocking to see. I mean no dev has pretty much ever had the balls to do that. R* I saulte you! :D

and btw that honor/morality thing was just plain useless :|
I to agree that RDR is HORRIBLY overrated. GTA 4 was better than it.
Fear Files - 7/10

Sure its more of the same, but both Extraction Point and Preseus Mandate are actually fairly scary compared to the original Fear. Also, since your supposed to "combat the paranormal", the addition of the ghosts (clear figures with red eyes) made the games pretty fun. Only beat PM so far, and alone I'd give it a 6/10. A quarter way through EP and it gets an 8/10 thus far. It feels a lot more frightening.
The scene where Holiday gets dragged around the warehouse spilling blood everywhere, then gets thrown through a window and again through a wall scared the shit outta me. The screams made it much better then the usual voice acting I've heard in FEAR

FIFA 08 - 5/10

I don't know what to say, its a soccer game. It plays like a soccer game. Sure there are lots of features, but its a freakin' soccer game.

- 6/10

I just can't find myself getting into this. Its a cool concept, what with the TV show, but its just not that exciting. There's no real urge to unlock cars, they all feel the same (except the trucks maybe)

BLUR - 8/10

Its like a Mario Kart game, except with real cars and not cartoony. The cars so far feel different (you can tell when a car is meant to drift or grip since they actually do it.) I just wish there was damage from crashing (my first race I used a truck and tried running others off the road.) Its pretty fun SP, and split screen was actually fairly awesome (though being able to use any car basically spoiled it, now I don't care about half of the vehicles)
God of War 3 9/10

Almost perfect sequel with plenty more action, easy ass puzzles and not so challenging gameplay. I love the series as a whole but never finished the 1st, thankfully I have the GoW HD collection, and I'll give it a whirl someday. But yeah this game was just buckets of blood and boobs and action and torment. Some parts I got stuck in but I basically played it in 2 sittings which is nice because on the second day I could not put the game down at all. They got rid of a lot of tedious work in the game and for the most part made me an even bigger fan than I was.
Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands

Another case of surprise coming from low expectations :P altho unlike bioshock 2 and splinter cell 5 this is somewhat reserved.

Comparing it to the previous cel-shaded game I would say the combat is vastly improved and its not as repetitive. However to add to this games own set of problems:

combat tho improved is still crap (seriously all you do is spam square even SoT had more depth to the fighting than this!)
story is paper thin (and for an interequel there is no references or forshadowing of any of the SoT trilogy, this may aswell have been another reboot. Heck the prince acts as if this is the first time he's been in a situation like this >_>)
still kinda reptitive but oddly coupled with a short length
unlike every other PoP game there isn't really much creativity or depth to this title and it just feels too by the numbers

The only reason i still actually enjoyed this really is because of PoP's core platforming gameplay and I think this shows that not unlike CoD the game will still be fun even if only the basic template of the series remains.

If you are a PoP fan i'd say check it out but only as a rental or cheap purchase, and that shouldn't be too hard the game basically tanked sales wise and i got mine for sub £20

Ubi handled this one really badly from a marketing perspective :|

PS: apparently this game can be quite glitchy but i had no problems O_o
I've been enjoying Forgotten Sands playing a little at a time. It's much better than the attempted reboot that they pushed out last time.
Alan Wake - 8.5/10

Interesting and enjoyable game. The story started and progressed very well up until around the three quarters mark whereby things started getting confusing. It did however keep me hooked to the screen, I needed to find out what happened next. I think the general idea of the darkness gradually taking over the town worked very well, and the isolated sources of light really kept me on edge at times, especially when you are fighting your way through a forest and run out of ammo and just see that lone light source in the distance, all you can do is run for it and hope your health doesn't deplete. Also worth noting that I LOVED the Max Payne references. You can also stumble across television sets that when turned on present you a short episode of Night Springs, which bares close correlation to where you are, its also bares close resemblance to 'The Twilight Zone', giving you these random, and sometimes hilarious, paranormal events that happen in this fictional tv show. You can also stumble across various radios that, when switched on, play short bits of the local live radio station DJ as he talks to various occupants of the town about the strange goings on. Both are very nice touches.

The combat was superb, despite the premise of facing practically the same kind of enemies over and over, it never once got boring for me. The idea of using the light to break the darkness around them before you could finish them off I think is a genius concept. Not only that but you are presented with a good array of weapons and other tools that give you various ways of tackling this idea, and the weapons themselves give off a fierce punch. Not only that but you can time the Taken's (the name of the enemies) attacks, either their melee attack or when one of them throws an axe at you, and perform a dodge manoeuvre. If timed right the camera will pan out slightly in slow motion as you perform the dodge.

It overall provides a very entertaining experience, and the combat generally stays fresh. However there were one of two enemies that just really got on my nerves after a while, for instance the crows that attack you or the really fast Taken. One basically involves having to run around dodging packs of the crows and then firing a flare up at them, and the other involves sitting there for two minutes while he zooms around the area, before eventually coming into attack you. You shine your torch at him for one second and off he goes again, zooming around the area. I just facepalmed whenever I heard them in the area.

The graphics are spectacular, and some of the scenery presented is just breathtaking. Not only that but it presents the best use of light, either from your mere torch or the lamps in a room etc, I've ever seen in a game. The game presents a decent scare factor also, there are times when you can be exploring a darkened room and a Taken just appears out of no where, had a few frights along the way. Exploring in itself is a joy, mainly because of how beautifully the torch shines through bushes and objects, and how it illuminates darkened rooms.

I think the games biggest let down would have be the ending. I found the entire final chapter a bit stupid and pointless really, and when it came to the ending itself, it was just confusing and so very anti-climactic. Also worth mentioning that the characters lip syncing in the cut scenes was absolutely awful, but definitely forgiveable.

But yes overall, a very good game and definitely worth a look into. I look forward to the extra content coming this month :)
I would hate to live inside Dynasty's brain.

1st - you have no idea

2nd - what did I do???

And just because the term 'flawed masterpiece' is apparently so common that Ive never heard it before, doesnt mean its a good saying either.

''Innit'' and ''brapbrap'' are said alot in the UK with that annoying finger snapping because dey izz so kooool, doesnt mean its a saying, saying.
1st - you have no idea

2nd - what did I do???

And just because the term 'flawed masterpiece' is apparently so common that Ive never heard it before, doesnt mean its a good saying either.

''Innit'' and ''brapbrap'' are said alot in the UK with that annoying finger snapping because dey izz so kooool, doesnt mean its a saying, saying.

Seriously, your comparing stupid street slang to a proper term such as "flawed masterpiece"?
There's a difference between words and gibberish. The difference is that one is gibberish.
1st - you have no idea

2nd - what did I do???

And just because the term 'flawed masterpiece' is apparently so common that Ive never heard it before, doesnt mean its a good saying either.

''Innit'' and ''brapbrap'' are said alot in the UK with that annoying finger snapping because dey izz so kooool, doesnt mean its a saying, saying.
I'm not making that point at all, I'm just saying your understanding of the terms is absolutely dumb.

"This game is a flawed..."

Dynasty: Okay, flawed. That's bad. We don't like flaws. It's not perfect if it has a flaw.

"... masterpiece."

Dynasty: Woah! Masterpieces are good. Like really good. But a flaw is bad. Something can't have a bad aspect and be good! That's a paradox.
Singularity - 8/10

A good, solid game. I had a good time playing it, but it was just too damn short. The entire ending felt incredibly rushed, and the fact that you can't carry items over to the next playthrough sorta blows, but oh well. The guns feel pretty well balanced, and none of them are especially "useless". The beginning felt more like a horror game, and honestly the zombie things were used a little bit more.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - 8/10

Normally I view a game that focuses solely on the gameplay with high scepticism and usually dislike them immensely, I like games to have an excellent narrative that draws you in and immerses with the world created. TFS's storyline basically struck me as being entirely effortless, something to basically progress and aid its gameplay.

The storyline is generic and very basic, and in conjunction to the other games, makes no sense. Especially considering the Prince keeps on talking as if he hasn't faced these kind of perils before, when he obviously has in the Sands of Time game. Overall it was very dull and predictable and although I felt the dialogue was pretty good, even chuckled a few times on some of the Prince's sarcastic remarks about there ALWAYS being traps to bypass, it just all felt like an afterthought.

However, the game scores highly because gameplay wise, its an absolute blast. This is definitely one of the best platforming games I have ever played, right up there on par with the likes of Super Mario 64 and Sands of Time. Just the right amount of challenge is provided and built up beautifully and pulling off the stunts and swinging from one side of the room to the next is so satisfying and absolute joy to witness. You are also provided the ability to freeze water in place, so that you can swing from fountains in the wall, or run up waterfalls, as well as being eventually granted an ability to bring back segments of the environment that have been eroded from history, with only one segment being allowed to reappear at a time (will make sense when you play the game). All of these abilities often do need to be combined and your timing needs to be impeccable, as for instance you have to jump through a waterfall and then immediately freeze the waterfall on the other sid of it, run up it and jump back through the other waterfall unfreezing it just as you are about to pass through it and then immediately, recalling a bar in the wall just as you reach it to swing further along your path. There were many occasions where sweat was forming under my arms.

The combat has got a lot of stick, and while it does have its flaws, I thoroughly enjoyed it. You are presented with a decent array of enemies, some more powerful than others, some with shields that stop you doing a vault attack on them or any attack for that matter until you shunt them backwards. The basic powered whirlwind attack is there to take down multiple enemies and sometimes the Prince will perform a combo or two. You are also granted powers of ice, fire, stone and wind (I think), one of which when activated burns enemies as you attack them, one gives you stone armour preventing you from being hurt for a time period, another causes the Price to strike the ground creating a shock wave around him knocking enemies over, and one sends a sheet of ice across the ground in front of where he attacks, knocking enemies over. While these do provide some other options with dealing with your foes, the combat does still basically feel like a button bash most of the time, and I would have loved to seen more combos, or more interesting moves by the Prince, or even just a block and counter option like the combat system used in Batman: Arkham Asylum. There is also a slight delay between when you press the attack button and when the Prince actually attacks which can get annoying.

The main gripes with the game would have to be the boss battles and the ending. Sure the story is basic and generic but forgiveable on the most part, but the boss battles were just downright tedious and highly comical in how backwards a design decision it is. You are either presented with a huge guy that walks around trying to hit you with a sword or something, you basically have to keep dodging his attack, and then attack yourself when he misses, until he falls, another throws these big guys at you that run at you, meaning that you have to step out of the way at the last minute so they run into the wall behind you, by which you attack until they fall. Rinse and repeat scenarios that are just so incredibly pointless. As for the ending, well after a predictable final boss battle you are presented with the biggest cop out and anti-climax of recent years, and you have to wait for the HUGE amount of credits afterwards to subside to get any kind of closure on the game. I mean a monkey could come up with a better ending that that, just reeks of no effort.

However, the flaws aside I did have a great time playing this game. It set out to be a great platformer with good action, and I think it did this well, but on the narrative front, well lets just say they need to sack their writers for their next title.
I'm not making that point at all, I'm just saying your understanding of the terms is absolutely dumb.

"This game is a flawed..."

Dynasty: Okay, flawed. That's bad. We don't like flaws. It's not perfect if it has a flaw.

"... masterpiece."

Dynasty: Woah! Masterpieces are good. Like really good. But a flaw is bad. Something can't have a bad aspect and be good! That's a paradox.

A masterpiece isnt a masterpiece if it has a flaw.

99/100 is not perfect. A masterpiece IS perfection.

The two words negate each other.
I've been ignoring this debate but yes, flawed masterpiece makes no sense at all. You would associate masterpieces with the idea that it contains no flaws, it is masterful or perfect.
Please point out to me the word "perfect" in any of these dictionary definitions.

Otherwise, please kindly
