Games used to be easier

Did you just make a thread in the Lounge to post a single gif? Stern I know you know where the image dump is, you actually posted a decent image their yesterday by some miracle.
I did?

who says this couldnt lead to a general discussion on how hard games are compared to games of the past
I will never understand the magic of .gif optimization. I have tried over a million programs and countless methods to turn simple 10 second clips into gifs, yet they end up with a size of 90323131 gigabytes.

I did?

who says this couldnt lead to a general discussion on how hard games are compared to games of the past

Don't you mean a discussion on how easy games are compared to games of the past?

I mean for one, most games back then had a character that died in one hit and no saves. Now I look back and can't believe I had the patience to play shit like that.
I laughed at the duck hunt one.

As for games difficulty it seems like the only challenging ones are the competitive online ones for me.
The map with the literal meaning of country names. It was actually good.

who says this couldnt lead to a general discussion on how hard games are compared to games of the past
Games are much easier now compared to the past. Even so, the Lounge is still the wrong section.

I think Stern's gone senile.
Coin-op games were generally very hard, if not impossible. They were designed to make people put money in all day, which means they might start off easy, but within minutes it will be game over. That is, unless you were very skilled. And getting skilled would cost you.
I clicked this thread wondering what pointless video could have been posted and was surprised that it was not a video per se!
Image dump perhaps? This is a continuing trend.
Let's face it the lounge isn't exactly bursting with threads anyway :\
I did?

who says this couldnt lead to a general discussion on how hard games are compared to games of the past

Banimal, 'cause he would have given you an infraction for how many ****ing times you do this.
Halo made games too easy when it pioneered regenerating health.
Halo made games too easy when it pioneered regenerating health.

It didn't pioneer it. Young people who don't remember other games or haven't played the other games just don't know that.

It didn't pioneer it. Young people who don't remember other games or haven't played the other games just don't know that.

I was thinking the same thing, but I can't think of any either. Red Faction 2 had it, but come to find out it came out 2 years later.
I was thinking the same thing, but I can't think of any either. Red Faction 2 had it, but come to find out it came out 2 years later.

Faceball 2000 in '92.

Wolverine: Adamantium Rage

"Both games give Wolverine a percentage of his available health, always starting at 100%. Upon taking damage, his energy will recover overtime thanks to his mutant healing factor. The SNES version has this being a slower process, but the player can wait as long as they want to regain 100% health."
Just try playing mega man 1 without dying like, a gillion times.

Or better yet BATTLE TOADS
please tell me I am not the only one who knows about it,
I remember my first time playing Dragon Age, after getting a couple teammates and getting into a battle, one of them ran out of health and fell dead. I thought it was permanent death so I was all "holy shit" when after my last remaining dude managed to be the last one standing and my fallen comrades started getting up.
Just try playing mega man 1 without dying like, a gillion times.

Or better yet BATTLE TOADS
please tell me I am not the only one who knows about it,

I think too many people know about battletoads
My uncle at Nintendo invented regenerating health.