Games you haven't seen the end of


Nov 26, 2004
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Have you ever considered how many games you've paid good money for, yet never seen the end of them? Even us hardened gamers, the type who scoff at Valve user statistics that say people can't get to the end of Episode One, can't have completed every title that comes our way... or can we? Are you such a bad dude that the president is always saved from the ninjas, or do you cave into their demands and totter off to play the next shiny thing that catches your attention?

This is the space for admitting to the games that you've never completed. Keep it to a few, or go crazy thinking about how much cash you've pissed into the gaming ravine since your earliest years. Keep the spoilers to a minimum, but if you really must know how a game ends, post and people, please reply with spoiler tags!

*Final Fantasy III (Boredom)
Mr Driller: Drill Spirits (Difficulty)
*Puyo Pop Fever (Difficulty)
*Yoshi's Island DS (Boredom)

Columns Crown (Extreme Boredom)
Denki Blocks (Difficulty)
*Final Fantasy VI (Rabbit in Headlights Syndrome)
*Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Difficulty)
Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age (Boredom)
*Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World (Only got it a week ago!)

[Master System]
Jungle Book (Difficulty, Boredom, Innate Crapness)
Cool Spot (Difficulty, Boredom, Sold it On)

[Mega Drive]
Dynamite Headdy (Ok, so I technically completed this in Gens, but Save States are the tool of Satan.)
Mega Bomberman (Difficulty)
Theme Park (Can you even complete it? Abject Boredom)
X-Men 2 (Difficulty, Boredom, Crapness)

Age of Empires (Boredom)
Black & White (Boredom)
Blade Runner (Boredom)
Doom III: Resurrection of Evil (Apathy)
*F.E.A.R. (Never Installed it for long enough to care)
Incoming Subversion (Impossible to Complete)
The Settlers II (Difficulty)
Theme Hospital (Boredom)
Thief: The Dark Project
Thief II: The Metal Age
Thief III: Deadly Shadows (You know, I've no f**king idea why.)

Final Fantasy (Apathy)
Final Fantasy II (Completely Unendearing)
*Final Fantasy IV (Rabbit in Headlights Sidequest Syndrome)
*Final Fantasy V (Rabbit in Headlights Sidequest Syndrome)
*Final Fantasy VI (Rabbit in Headlights Sidequest Syndrome)
SaGa Frontier II (Difficulty, Apathy)
Threads of Fate (Boredom)
Vagrant Story(Difficulty, Apathy)

*Kingdom Hearts (Boredom)
Makai Kingdom (Ear Rupturing Voice Acting, StratRPG overload)
*Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Difficulty, Apathy)
Phantom Brave (Boredom)
Sonic Gems Collection (Only game I've managed is Sonic 2 Game Gear. I only WANT to complete Sonic CD, the rest are utterly horrible games.)

The list of games I HAVE completed is probably about equal in length, but still. Rather sad to think I'll never see what happens in most of those games (* for ones I think I'll manage one day.)
Diablo 1- dunno why
Thief 1- Crashes too much
Star Wars- Empire at war- Crashes too much
Most characters in morrowind
You seriously do not want me to list the games I haven't finished. There's way too many. But if you want, I can go and compile a list. It'll be about several hundred lines long.
Homeworld - I just couldn't do it!
FF VII - At the third CD, I just didn't care anymore, so I stopped playing.
Way too many to list, it seems lately I can't be arsed to finish over half the games I start. I was amazed that I finished Bioshock.
Final Fantasy 7. Yeah, I know - set me on fire already and I agree, I should be. I loved the first disc but for some reason I never finished it. The first time I played it, long ago, I got stuck in the temple with the big clock like hands you have to step on. Pretty sure I was near the end of the first disc. The second time, more recently, I was put off because I backtracked a lonnnng way at the railway line up in the mountains and then realised I was going the wrong way. Got annoyed, stopped playing.
world in conflict- Last battle makes me WANT a nuke to fall down.

Settlers - got preoccupied

Empire at war Expansion pack - no time to play it.
KotOR 2 - Was nothing like the first. Got bored.

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest - Hard as heck in the later levels.

Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Infamously hard unless you cheated.
Gears of War because it keeps losing my progress and Silent Hill II from fear. I've finished every other one.
So so so many.

About 5 Wii games

Over 30 for gamecube.

About 10 for pc.

And 15ish handhelds
  1. Every single Tomb Raider game I've played
  2. Dark Messiah: Might and Magic
  3. Super Mario Bros. I (I can never beat world 8-5, or 8-4. I don't remember.)
  4. Bioshock (I've just got bored of it)
That's all I can think of.
you know one game i always wanted to complete but could never do the final boss on was sonic spinball for the mega drive. ****ing impossible
you know one game i always wanted to complete but could never do the final boss on was sonic spinball for the mega drive. ****ing impossible
I distinctly remember doing this once, and only once, with the original cartridge version. Still, it's hard enough to get to the last level, let alone beat it. And that's true even of the Sonic Mega Collection version I have where you can save where the hell you like!
Dead Rising

I loved the demo, bought the game, and hated it. Couldn't be bothered to put in the time to see any of the endings, mostly due to the GOD DAMNED RADIO BEEPING EVERY 3 SECONDS ... F*CK YOU OTIS!!!

Never finished a game on my old Playstation

Never finished NFS: Most Wanted, any of the campaigns in the IL-2 series, Crysis, DiRT
Not many actually. Final Fantasy VIII I never finished because I couldnt stand anymore of the random battles. They piss me off. FFX never was finished because I couldnt beat Sin during the airship fight. STALKER I never beat because I formatted and forgot to get the saves, although I am working to reconcile that. And Gears of War because I cant beat that last asshole boss.
Gears of War because it keeps losing my progress and Silent Hill II from fear. I've finished every other one.

If you look around the GoW forums, people have map lists in console so you can vort to any map in case your progress got lost.
1. Half-life - Got to the very last level but just can't beat that darn boss
2. Doom 1 and 2 - Difficulty.
3. Medal oh Honor: Pacific assault - For some reason it doesn't work on my computer anymore
Morrowind - MQ is pretty boring, I've seen most of the factions endings, but not MQ.

Raven Shield - I'm near the end now (after 4 years), but don't feel like playing it lately.

Red Faction - I don't know why, actually.

Age of Empires - The ascent of Egypt campaign (tutorial), I want to finish it, I like the history lessons after each mission, but it gets boring near the end. I'd like to see it.

NFS: UG2 - Takes too long. I hate URL.

Splinter Cell - I've only ever finished double agent.. I own all of them, too.. I should go play Chaos Theory atleast..

Others I can't remember now..
Contra. (You effing know why.)

Vagrant Story. (boredom)

FFV and FFVI. (apathy)
TES 4: Oblivion (****ing bored)

R6: Vegas (finishing it tonight)

Saint's Row (Gave up on a mission)

Far Cry Instincts Predator (Son of a bitch hard)

I'll do a list later...
Quake 4 - bored
STALKER - bored
Final Fantasy 12 - friend has it and never got it back
FABLE- bored
Every Final Fantasy,
Every strategy game, although I got quite far in WC3,
Dead Rising,
And a load of other games.
Supreme Commander - I got bored with the whole massive, lengthy missions with T1/T2 units and played skirmish instead.
The first ones to come to mind are NOLF 2 and Black & White 2, both are inferior to the originals and I just lost interest in playing them.
I finish every game I start. I HAVE to.

One exception: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

It forces you to go over the same areas multiple times with little reward. BORING. I hate it. I still might finish one day, but I put it down like a year ago.
I was unable to finish Splinter Cell because it was a bundle version and crashes at a certain point and there is no fix. ):

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced. Not because of difficulty or boredom, but because I accidently dropped my SP with the cartridge inside out a window.

Half-life has always given me such a hard time finishing. Every other level I would have to get out the trusty walk through and figure out what I got to do now. I'm only stuck now cause the stupid big alien just won't die but I really want to know how it ends =(
age of empires - boredom
tony hawks - voredom
brutforce - boredom

most of these are on xbox and came with it, but when i buy a game i make sure its something i like, so generaly i finish it

plus once i started to get into PC i finished nearly all the games i bought for pc.
Lots of games, but I'll mention some that I kinda 'wanted' to finish, but didn't.

Final Fantasy VII - got to the part where you travel across the map on one of those chicken-like-whatever creatures; bored

Doom 3 - don't remember how far, but not far; bored

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - either stuck at one point of bored

Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - played a bit of the GDI campaign, but focused on NOD; got to the mission where you have to protect the Scrin portals/gateways, while both them and the GDI are hostile, the GDI attacking the portals; couldn't be bothered to play that mission over and over again
Recently - Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, and a whole bunch of DS games

More or less every Final Fantasy except for VII (which I completed multiple times)

World of Warcraft (lol)


Argh. This one still haunts me. I've been up to Paris two or three freakin times now but I can never stick it out till the end. D:
Doom 3 - somewhere after the spider chick boss (if i remember it correctly), I just got bored.

Call of Cthulhu - In the mine ( I think it was a mine or a factory of some sort), great atmosphere but overall kinda boring.

Diablo II: LOD - I got kinda bored after I got to the last stage in the expansion, since all the enemies were uber strong, but since it's just too awesome I'm giving it a second try.
Dead Rising - Can't beat the last dude on top of the tank
Test Drive: Unlimited - It never really ends, but I've still got loads of content to unlock
Rainbow Six: Vegas - BOOOORING
Forza 2 - Getting to level 50 in that game is easy, but sitting through boring ass endurance races isn't easy

Argh. This one still haunts me. I've been up to Paris two or three freakin times now but I can never stick it out till the end. D:

You, sir, are missing out.

Even today I enjoy the occasional trip through the Statue of Liberty headshotting NSF scum.
Oblivion comes to mind immediately, i loved the game for about a week after getting it, then i was like 'wtf, this sucks', the gameplay just got repetitive, the levelling system pissed me off and Oblivion gates opening every****ingwhere when you travelled in the countryside made me stop playing.

Stalker, really enjoyed it but the game kept crashing when trying to leave one area and i wasn't arsed rolling back to a previous save, most of which were way back towards the game's beginning.
Doom 3
Operation Flashpoint
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Vampire: Bloodlines
The Darkness

All that come to mind right now.
Not that many here's a few I can think of just now:
final fantasy III
Zelda TP
MP 3

I didn't finish any of them cos i got bored :|
In fact, that's the biggest problem with games: too many of them fall into that mid-late-game lull where all of the concepts have been introduced and you're waiting for the ending to begin. Half-Life 2 is like that, for me - once you get to the Anticitizen One chapter, the game is really just a whole bunch of repetitive urban fighting without too much in between. The part where you have to make your way through all those apartments and bombed-out buildings... argh. I actually decided to play it again recently, and I almost decided to stop trying at one point because it was so boring. I guess there are just enough set pieces to keep it interesting enough. The original Half-Life did that as well, too, after the Surface Tension chapter and before Xen.
Yeah. I was baffled that alot of people complained of HL2 being too short after it's release, when actually it's a bit too long I thought, especially the urban section (the idiot squadmates make it seem alot longer, probably).

Bioshock, aswell, was about 1 area too long near the end. That said though I still finished both games happily (HL2 multiple times), so I guess good game design doesn't get old.
Skies of Arcadia - I was at the last boss, but stopped that one day to take a break (I thought I could always thereafter just hop on and beat the game) and have never once played it again. That was 3 or so years ago.