EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

I've decided what is going on.

People hate EA. So. Valve make EA their publisher to increase Steam sales!

edit - typo
Duracell said:
I've decided what is going on.

People hate EA. So. Valve make EA their publisher to increase Steam sales!

edit - typo

ingenious :D
WhiteZero said:
Last I checked, I had fun playing the following games Developed by EA:
The Def Jam games
The Lord of the Rings games
Command and Conquer Generals
James Bond
Metal of Honor
Fight Night series

- Was Ok...
- Mindless fun for a few hours
- Boring and same repeated shit
- See above
- See above
- Meh, don't play boxing games, but if it's like Madden, see above

Also, last I checked, I had fun playing the following Published by EA:
Burnout 3
The Sims series
SimCity 4
Black and White
Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam
(and the list goes on)

Not to mention their producing Spore.
- I'll give you that
- The Sims series... gah!? You've got to be kidding!
- AGAIN! You've got to be kidding! Sim City stopped being good with Sim City 2000
- WHAT!? THE most over-hyped, boring game in the world. Sure, it was great for the first couple of hours... but where did the fun go?
- I'll give you those.

So like... 3 games. But, for every 100 shitty games they produce and publish, they're pretty much guaranteed a good game.

EA is shit, and they're trying to get their greedy little ****ing hands all over the god damn industry and they are going to raise the prices on everything and then they're gonna **** developers over with breathing down their necks to make ww2 games and get every last god damn penny out of any small franchise that even sold moderately well.

This ****ing blows. I'm pissed.
Hahaha, suckers. What are you going to do, hate Valve now? You people are really immature.
omg EA wtf, thats the last people i'd have thought they'd do a deal with.
EA will bring a lot to Valve, Valve will bring a lot to EA.

Maybe if EA had more talent developing for it, it could be better.

Another thing, for the good of the industry, change the logo back to the old logo around late 90's. The one where you see the text reverse explode and come back to form "Electronic ARts". With that cool guy saying in like that mechanized voice "Electronic Arts".
ray_MAN said:
Hahaha, suckers. What are you going to do, hate EA now? You people are really immature.

I'm pretty sure it's been made clear that most people disliked EA before this deal was announced.
Hated EA ever since they bought Westwood. One of the best series of games was completely ruined by the garbage EA put out.

Publisher/Developper, doesnt matter to me, I still dont like them.
But, for every 100 shitty games they produce and publish, they're pretty much guaranteed a good game.
Which is the fault of the developers, not EA.
Yes, EA will publish a crappy game and make money off of it, someone has to.
SixThree said:
I'm pretty sure it's been made clear that most people disliked EA before this deal was announced.
I maintained that even before this deal happened.
WhiteZero said:
Every game has bugs, Einstein, some with 100x more than any EA game.

So that makes EA's utter crap ok?

You're the only one defending EA you notice..
Just got a reply from Mr. Newell.

Gabe Newell to me

- Hide quoted text -

-----Original Message-----
From: *** [mailto:***]
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 2:00 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Publishing with EA

Hi Gabe,

I'm sure you guys have made the right choice to go with EA, although,
Have there been agreements on whether ads are allowed to be pasted on the game? I mean, will there be a billion 'EA' and "challenge everything"
posters everywhere?
SixThree said:
Just got a reply from Mr. Newell.

Gabe Newell to me

- Hide quoted text -

-----Original Message-----
From: *** [mailto:***]
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 2:00 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Publishing with EA

Hi Gabe,

I'm sure you guys have made the right choice to go with EA, although,
Have there been agreements on whether ads are allowed to be pasted on the game? I mean, will there be a billion 'EA' and "challenge everything"
posters everywhere?

That's good to know, even though I don't mind the intro, posters and such IN the game would have taken my feeling of being in the game..well..out of the game.
DreadLord1337 said:
You're the only one defending EA you notice..
Wow read the other posts from:
operative x
Dumb Dude

Or maybe you just have selective memory?
I've seen nothing good come from EA.

I just hope EA's connection with Valve is subtle, at most.
Hated EA ever since they bought Westwood. One of the best series of games was completely ruined by the garbage EA put out.
Somewhat EA's fault. Just about everyone from Westwood left then. Thus if that didn't happen we could of still had some good C&C games.
Ah crap =(

Funny though, I remember a report from a guy who visited Valve and had a talk with Gabe and he talked about how EA's manner of doing business and distribution is outdated and would be their downfall. Or something like that. Odd how the most 'modern' developer promoting new online distribution, partners with a very conventional conservative publisher.
WhiteZero said:
Wow read the other posts from:
operative x
Dumb Dude

Or maybe you just have selective memory?

Why don't you go through and read those again.
I'm hoping EA is just going to cover the distribution of their ports to consoles. I'm hoping, however, that doesn't mean we'll see their PC games starting to suffer because they're trying to make it X-Box 360/PS3/Revolution compatible.

I really don't want to see another upset like Deus Ex 2: Invisible War.
God damn bandwagon jumpers, first the Red Sox, then The Patriots, next The Pistons (who suck btw) now the I-Hate-EA crowd... yuck.
Ummm, no "Challenge everything" or "It's in the game!" logos please.

Damn you taking my beloved Command and Conquer, and now Valve! Is their no Sanctuary? Will the G-man be accompanied by a cheesy ad for Fifa World Cup 2006 ad in Half-Life 3?

I'm not a hate-EA fan (but I can't forgive the shutting down of Looking Glass Studios and Westwood), but I can only tolerate so much advertisments in my HL3 and TF2 games!
More incentive for people to purchase through Steam.

Still, the very thought of their union just makes me feel dirty.
Is EA a French based corporation? If not, then it's ok by me.
Jesus christ people, stop over-reacting. EA are one of the best publishers in the world, and EA will in no way try to put pressure on Valve of all people (who create ridiculously popular PC games and have STEAM as a fallback method). Beleive me guys, you'll hardly notice the difference.
A)Valve is a business and needs to make money, what better way to do so than to have an agreement with the largest publishing house in the world.

B)EA are only assholes to their employees, since Valve are independant and not dependant on EA as their only source of income they still hold most of the power.

C)Half-Life 2 is Valves, I'm sure that they have made sure that the rights to the product stays theirs no matter which publisher they use.
KagePrototype said:
Jesus christ people, stop over-reacting. EA are one of the best publishers in the world, and EA will in no way try to put pressure on Valve of all people (who create ridiculously popular PC games and have STEAM as a fallback method). Beleive me guys, you'll hardly notice the difference.
Thank you. Everyone just relax and go play some CS, CSS, DOD, HL2DM or whatever Valve game you prefer. It's just a distribution deal EA isn't taking over Valve people.
Great, so this means we get our patches in the form of expansions, for $30 :)
Foxtrot said:
Great, so this means we get our patches in the form of expansions, for $30 :)
"As before, those titles will be delivered and updated via Steam, Valve's online service."
This is the biggest mistake Valve will ever make. They should of just made thier own Publishing company, they have the money to do it. Now we have to go with one of the worst companys out there, allthough a big company, They lie out there ass's, and get on the developers also.

EA will have a say in everything Valve does from now on, because they are paying for the game now. They will make Vavle change things because they feel it will reach out to more audiences, Which in return gives us Vetern games to the seires a very Underachieving game. Things like " No you shouldnt add that, because it will be to hard for the Younger Kids playing, in return making us less money", " No you shouldnt include these tools, because it will cost us to much money"...

All you have to do is look at the games EA has taken over for, and then look at the next game in the series, Battle Field 2 is a fine example, It got something like a 9.5 plus on the first game, and now it got a 8.7. EA screws up every successfull game, and we keep crawling back to them because they own almsot all of the big games.

I end this by saying the next half life game will not be as good as the first too, trust me on that one. Just my 2 cents.
-BaroN- said:
This is the biggest mistake Valve will ever make. They should of just made thier own Publishing company, they have the money to do it. Now we have to go with one of the worst companys out there, allthough a big company, They lie out there ass's, and get on the developers also.

EA will have a say in everything Valve does from now on, because they are paying for the game now. They will make Vavle change things because they feel it will reach out to more audiences, Which in return gives us Vetern games to the seires a very Underachieving game. Things like " No you shouldnt add that, because it will be to hard for the Younger Kids playing, in return making us less money", " No you shouldnt include these tools, because it will cost us to much money"...

All you have to do is look at the games EA has taken over for, and then look at the next game in the series, Battle Field 2 is a fine example, It got something like a 9.5 plus on the first game, and now it got a 8.7. EA screws up every successfull game, and we keep crawling back to them because they own almsot all of the big games.

I end this by saying the next half life game will not be as good as the first too, trust me on that one. Just my 2 cents.

I wish you knew what you were talking about.
-BaroN- said:
This is the biggest mistake Valve will ever make. They should of just made thier own Publishing company, they have the money to do it. Now we have to go with one of the worst companys out there, allthough a big company, They lie out there ass's, and get on the developers also.

They will make Vavle change things because they feel it will reach out to more audiences, Which in return gives us Vetern games to the seires a very Underachieving game. Things like " No you shouldnt add that, because it will be to hard for the Younger Kids playing, in return making us less money", " No you shouldnt include these tools, because it will cost us to much money"...

EA only bosses around the small developers they sucker in with large publishing deals. They know better than to push Valve around.

EA will have a say in everything Valve does from now on, because they are paying for the game now.

Eh? of course they aren't, they're just distributing it.