EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

Minerel said:
Whats so bad about EA publishing it?

Valve is still creating the game? EA is not. All that is changing is probably an EA logo and EA on the box's.

well...i don't think its a problem from a publishing stand point in this particular case...but ya know...we do know EA's history of monopolizing the game industry and i suppose, above all else, that is the main reason why people are groaning over this bit of news.

lets face it, people would be happy and even praise Valve had they got Activision to be their publisher...but in this case, the writings on the wall :|
EA is the most disgusting business entity I can imagine. I'd go into how so, but I'd probably give myself a heart attack. Leave it at that. I'm RIGHT, and they ARE. Very disappointed in Valve here.
I was pissed off when i started reading that. It seemed like a prank. I though there was no way a good natured company like Valve would hook up with a money grubbing, all-round a**hole of a company like EA. But when I got to see that Valve will be self publishing their PC games I was relieved. Well... not entirely, but at least EA wont be budding in on my valve games ( I dont play much console) Still the fact that Valve will hook up with EA is a bad omen. I think Valve is getting too famous and they may become a super money hungry company in the near future. God I hope I am wrong.
Well, i hope Valve got the money they needed to finish development of the game I already paid for...

It's unfortunate, but maybe this means there will be no 6 year wait between games again...
-BaroN- said:
This is the biggest mistake Valve will ever make. They should of just made thier own Publishing company

They have one. Heard of Steam?
Activision to be their publisher...but in this case, the writings on the wal
Have you ever though that maybe Activision wanted money from steam and other things? Valve dosn't want that. Thus Valve chooses the publisher that offers the best deal. EA offered the best deal.
SixThree said:
They have one. Heard of Steam?
is that their mistake? :D Certainly isnt a distributing company, just a means of distribution:E
While I realize that EA is just about the biggest video game corporation there is, I also realize that EA has made some fantastic games with an incredible attention to detail. What this deal means for us as gamers is that MORE people in more places will get to know the universe that VALVe created. EA has more capital funds (I think they grossed something like 6 billion last year or something?) and one of the best marketing campaigns I've ever seen. This means more money for VALVe, which hopefully will mean happier employees and faster output.
Smigit said:
is that their mistake? :D Certainly isnt a distributing company, just a means of distribution:E

Who cares if it's not a full-fledged company. It does the job, and with flying colours.
So long as EA doesn't so much as add a semi-colon to the code, I don't mind it.
sinkoman said:
So long as EA doesn't so much as add a semi-colon to the code, I don't mind it.

Damn semi-colons and their corruption!
Minerel said:
Have you ever though that maybe Activision wanted money from steam and other things? Valve dosn't want that. Thus Valve chooses the publisher that offers the best deal. EA offered the best deal.

hey, lets not pretend to know the conversations Valve people have had with the different publishers okay? yeah im sure money was the bottom line in this deal but that doesn't mean fans of Valve's games have to like that.
Glad that atleased those on the Staff have some sence.
Why don't you go through and read those again.
I did when I wrote that reply. They all defend the fact that this change to EA is just fine. So just stop trying to refute legit return-fire with shallow responses.

So many people are over reacting, making wild assumptions that they don't have any facts on.

Save your gripes for when/if something is actually effected instead of shinning your ignorance like the power of a 1000 suns here on the internet.
a lot of folks here don't seem to understand that it's immaterial that EA is not directly developing the game. even strictly as a publisher of the game this is still bad for us, as consumers, and, ultimately, could be bad for valve as developers.

EA is a big huge conglomerate. honestly, they are the microsoft of the PC (and console) gaming world. their internally-developed games suck because they care more about the bottom line than they do about making quality games and developing meaningful realationships with their consumer base.

Additionally, EA has a long track record (hit the google for this, kids) of pressuring their affiliates to develop games on a very strict time table regardless of quality. As we all know, Valve is much like the Blizzard of yore in that they don't release a game "until it's done." That kind of attitude is not going to sit well at all when it comes time for HL3. EA will set a time table and if Valve is not ready in time, then EA will either (a) force them to release the product anyway or (b) sue the hell out of Valve for breach of contract until Valve is forced to dissolve. we've seen it many many times over. that's why EA was sued for its sweatshop like development policies.

I'm not too worried about this arrangement in the short-term. Valve already has the console ports of HL2 ready to go and, basically, all they need to do is release them to EA for circulation. What I am worried about is (a) how will HL3 be handled and (b) what does this mean if steam ever goes under??

we've all expressed concern about the possibility that the steam servers might go down one day and then we'll all be stuck with a game that is useless because it cannot authenticate. I "trust" valve in that if that were to ever happen (and they were left to their own devices) that they'd release a patch that would remove that limitation.

however, if Valve and EA were to get into a squable, I can honestly see EA (since i've seen them do this with other games) just letting HL2 die a horrible death. No patch, no worries, no nothing. we all just end up with a game we cannot use. After all, EA has nothing invested in keeping Steam running since they're really not doing anything with the PC version.

my take is that we all need to slow down and *really* think about what is going on here. i'd really like to see gabe do a more complete blog post that explains the rationale for partnering with such an ill-reputed distributer as EA.
svet-am said:
a lot of folks here don't seem to understand that it's immaterial that EA is not directly developing the game. even strictly as a publisher of the game this is still bad for us, as consumers, and, ultimately, could be bad for valve as developers.

EA is a big huge conglomerate. honestly, they are the microsoft of the PC (and console) gaming world. their internally-developed games suck because they care more about the bottom line than they do about making quality games and developing meaningful realationships with their consumer base.

Additionally, EA has a long track record (hit the google for this, kids) of pressuring their affiliates to develop games on a very strict time table regardless of quality. As we all know, Valve is much like the Blizzard of yore in that they don't release a game "until it's done." That kind of attitude is not going to sit well at all when it comes time for HL3. EA will set a time table and if Valve is not ready in time, then EA will either (a) force them to release the product anyway or (b) sue the hell out of Valve for breach of contract until Valve is forced to dissolve. we've seen it many many times over. that's why EA was sued for its sweatshop like development policies.

I'm not too worried about this arrangement in the short-term. Valve already has the console ports of HL2 ready to go and, basically, all they need to do is release them to EA for circulation. What I am worried about is (a) how will HL3 be handled and (b) what does this mean if steam ever goes under??

we've all expressed concern about the possibility that the steam servers might go down one day and then we'll all be stuck with a game that is useless because it cannot authenticate. I "trust" valve in that if that were to ever happen (and they were left to their own devices) that they'd release a patch that would remove that limitation.

however, if Valve and EA were to get into a squable, I can honestly see EA (since i've seen them do this with other games) just letting HL2 die a horrible death. No patch, no worries, no nothing. we all just end up with a game we cannot use. After all, EA has nothing invested in keeping Steam running since they're really not doing anything with the PC version.

my take is that we all need to slow down and *really* think about what is going on here. i'd really like to see gabe do a more complete blog post that explains the rationale for partnering with such an ill-reputed distributer as EA.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

EA are distributers/marketers for Valve's retail products. They have no ownership of any part of Valve. They have no say in how Valve develop their games. They have no input into Valve's development or business processes. They're just there to put Valve's games in boxes, market them and get them on shelves.
Pi said the basis of it but I feel like going furthor..(It's just how I am).
however, if Valve and EA were to get into a squable, I can honestly see EA (since i've seen them do this with other games) just letting HL2 die a horrible death. No patch, no worries, no nothing.
Umm who makes the patches?
EA or Valve?
Valve. Valve makes the patches. EA DOSN'T. So this statement is, as I like to say, "Stupid".

After all, EA has nothing invested in keeping Steam running since they're really not doing anything with the PC version.
Who owns Steam? VALVE NOT EA.
This statement is once again, "Stupid".

sue the hell out of Valve for breach of contract until Valve is forced to dissolve.
Which according to what just has been announced... and as Pi Mu Rho said,
EA are distributers/marketers for Valve's retail products. They have no ownership of any part of Valve. They have no say in how Valve develop their games. They have no input into Valve's development or business processes. They're just there to put Valve's games in boxes, market them and get them on shelves.
They can't sue valve in other words.

So in other words, learn to read every little detail.
Well EA suck, but I guess they do the job that valve wants done. I'll be buying everything from steam so it does'nt really effect me.
Yes but still, EA will be publishing future titles meaning they will affect the development process of future valve games...

And from EA's track record of rushing games, shameless promotion and horrible community support its very terrible news :(
EA are the most profit-driven scum-sucking company to ever haunt the gaming world.

Look at what they did to the Battlefield Series!
Unless Valve was retarded with the contract they signed, EA will not be able to do jack shit about ANYTHING, because Valve is SELF-FUNDED and a PRIVATELY OWNED COMPANY. That means EA has no monetary claim to Valve, and will NEVER have a monetary claim to Valve, unless Valve decides to sell out. And unless that unlikely event occures (Which, giving Valve's history and track record, I highly doubt will), EA will not have, nor ever have, any legal basis to do ANYTHING to Valve.

EDIT: Remember, Valve is SELF FUNDED and is already going to be publishing their own PC games in retail and Steam. What's EA going to do, threaten to not publish a couple of smaller projects? (HL2 Xbox and HL2:GotY), while Valve continues to sell the big projects through retail and Steam avenues?

Like Valve would give enough of a shit about that to hand over any control to EA. Most likely they would just sue EA, and continue to make games.
svet-am said:
a lot of folks here don't seem to understand that it's immaterial that EA is not directly developing the game. even strictly as a publisher of the game this is still bad for us, as consumers, and, ultimately, could be bad for valve as developers.

EA is a big huge conglomerate. honestly, they are the microsoft of the PC (and console) gaming world. their internally-developed games suck because they care more about the bottom line than they do about making quality games and developing meaningful realationships with their consumer base.

Additionally, EA has a long track record (hit the google for this, kids) of pressuring their affiliates to develop games on a very strict time table regardless of quality. As we all know, Valve is much like the Blizzard of yore in that they don't release a game "until it's done." That kind of attitude is not going to sit well at all when it comes time for HL3. EA will set a time table and if Valve is not ready in time, then EA will either (a) force them to release the product anyway or (b) sue the hell out of Valve for breach of contract until Valve is forced to dissolve. we've seen it many many times over. that's why EA was sued for its sweatshop like development policies.

I'm not too worried about this arrangement in the short-term. Valve already has the console ports of HL2 ready to go and, basically, all they need to do is release them to EA for circulation. What I am worried about is (a) how will HL3 be handled and (b) what does this mean if steam ever goes under??

we've all expressed concern about the possibility that the steam servers might go down one day and then we'll all be stuck with a game that is useless because it cannot authenticate. I "trust" valve in that if that were to ever happen (and they were left to their own devices) that they'd release a patch that would remove that limitation.

however, if Valve and EA were to get into a squable, I can honestly see EA (since i've seen them do this with other games) just letting HL2 die a horrible death. No patch, no worries, no nothing. we all just end up with a game we cannot use. After all, EA has nothing invested in keeping Steam running since they're really not doing anything with the PC version.

my take is that we all need to slow down and *really* think about what is going on here. i'd really like to see gabe do a more complete blog post that explains the rationale for partnering with such an ill-reputed distributer as EA.


Pi Mu Rho said:
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

EA are distributers/marketers for Valve's retail products. They have no ownership of any part of Valve. They have no say in how Valve develop their games. They have no input into Valve's development or business processes. They're just there to put Valve's games in boxes, market them and get them on shelves.


Simple as that.
Come on people. Read the article. EA is basically handed half-life 2 by Valve, and Valve says put this out on store shelves. In other words, all the pressure is going from Valve and onto EA. EA has no power over Valve. And Valve is invincible thanks to Steam.

I resent that you guys think Microsoft's games suck. Ever play Mechassualt? Halo? Come on guys, those aren't sucky games.
r2000 said:
I resent that you guys think Microsoft's games suck. Ever play Mechassualt? Halo? Come on guys, those aren't sucky games.
Rise of Nations = ownage

Anyway, people are going to over-react about this no matter what when they see the two letters "EA". They will assume the worst and cry about it untill one of us slaps them in the face and points out what is really going on.

*watches the EA-hating continue*

I'm not even a big fan of EA games (expecially since I don't like sports games). I just know how (some) buisness works and I accept what happens as a result. And all the griping and ignorant commenting in all the internet wont change a damn thing.

I guess some people just love to jump on the "Hate (insert corporation here) Bandwagon".
r2000 said:
I resent that you guys think Microsoft's games suck. Ever play Mechassualt? Halo? Come on guys, those aren't sucky games.
Thanks for naming some shitty ass games!!
and I've got no beef wtih EA so I say

Gogo retail boxes!
I would agree with Pi Mu Rho. Though I don't like EA in general, I think that VALVe made a smart move, since EA is the largest distributor of the games in the world and will be tha t for the big V and no more than that. A distributor, not a publisher. VALVe sure won't do the same mistake as with VU Games.
This is all just a clever ploy to increase popularity of Steam. VALVe wants us to ignore the retail boxes and to rely on steam, and this certainly helps. They have sold EA the very rope that will be used to hang them and their monopoly over everything.


Okay not really. But I've always tried to support the independent games market, and had felt VALVe was going in this direction with Steam, or at least increasing the power of the developers. Maybe the EA thing means somehting, maybe it doesn't. It's more like a principle thing. Valve was like the rebel, and EA is certinaly like the empire; them working together just seems wierd on paper, even if EA keeps out of it all.

I don't care either way so long as VALVe's future projects aren't affected much by this.
r2000 said:
I resent that you guys think Microsoft's games suck. Ever play Mechassualt? Halo? Come on guys, those aren't sucky games.

Last time I checked, Microsoft didn't make Halo. Which, for the most part, is not a brilliant game.
r2000 said:
I resent that you guys think Microsoft's games suck. Ever play Mechassualt? Halo? Come on guys, those aren't sucky games.

I stopped using the word "sucky" and appending the lettery "Y" to the end of words in fifth grade.

And yes, Halo was a good FPS. No, it was not a brilliant game. Yes, it was the only game that saved XBOX from sudden death (and I have records of microsoft reps saying that). No, Halo was not developed in any way by microsoft. Yes, it was developed by Bungie.
People say that EA has no say so in the development of Valve games so no harm right? Wrong. EA is already the biggest videogame publisher in the world and they will profit from selling popular Valve games to console gamers. This will only strengthen an already overwhelmingly powerful force in the gaming industry. They bought the rights to make NFL and NCAA football games for crying out loud! No one else can make those kinds of games(not officially anyway). No way can that be argued as being 'good' for gamers. Monopolization in general is bad for consumers, why else would we have antitrust laws in the US?

Valve partnering with EA doesn't present an immediate, direct threat to the quality of Valve games. In the long run though, it would've been more beneficial for consumers if Valve went with another publisher like Activision if for no other reason than to keep EA 'honest' and not totally take gamers for granted. I'm NOT saying that EA is an evil company, they're just doing what any successful business does - all I'm saying is that without competition we'll be seeing Madden games go for $80 a pop. Why else do MS Windows and Office products cost an arm and a leg? Because MS has no real rivals in these particular fields. Helping EA become a stronger monopoly is not good in the long run.
Swapping one arse-headed tyrant for a bigger, arse-headed tyrant.

I'm sure it works out great for Valve itself; but the pioneers of self-published games in an alliance with the biggest players in cookie-cutting game publishing does seem more than a little ironic to me.

At least EA have better monkeys to work on the packaging I suppose. Who knows... we may get... Manuals !!! :O
kupoartist said:
Swapping one arse-headed tyrant for a bigger, arse-headed tyrant.

I'm sure it works out great for Valve itself; but the pioneers of self-published games in an alliance with the biggest players in cookie-cutting game publishing does seem more than a little ironic to me.

At least EA have better monkeys to work on the packaging I suppose. Who knows... we may get... Manuals !!! :O

We may even get, actual screenshots on the back NOT from E3 2003 where it shows cut weapons and old models :O
Why care if there going to publish the console versions? It's not like ervery one here was planning on getting a hl² version for console any way.
You people don't understand. This is a great thing for Valve. If EA can buy out companies, they will. Why? Because they can. Companies that aren't fit to survive will just get eaten up and fizzle out anyway, so EA decides to take companies into their arms. It's basic business. EA wants to expand. Simple as that.
You also mean to tell me that EA advertises more than any other game company? Valve has advertisements, UbiSoft has advertisements, Blizzard has advertisements, I can go on.
Of course EA published shit games. But, most of the games that suck, they don't develop. It's not EA's fault some of their developers can't make a game for shit.
Lincoln said:
Sorry, but did you even read it?!?

Valve will publish the PC version, EA will publish the console version. God.
Did you even read it?
EA will also assume distribution duties of a new Game of the Year edition of Half-Life 2 for the PC, which will include Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, plus Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, and Half-Life: Source in a single box.
Also, think. Valve is primary a game developer. They can handle online distribution via Steam, but delivering games to retail, be it for PC or consoles, is done by other companies, such as VUG, Activision, EA.

"Valve will now officially self-publish all of its PC products"
Does it say Valve will do it exclusively? No.
Does it say Valve will self-publish via retail? No.
So what the hell does this mean? It means the contract with EA mentions that Valve is free to distribute games via Steam.
ray_MAN said:
You people don't understand. This is a great thing for Valve. If EA can buy out companies, they will. Why? Because they can. Companies that aren't fit to survive will just get eaten up and fizzle out anyway, so EA decides to take companies into their arms. It's basic business. EA wants to expand. Simple as that.

not to take this thread all off topic or anything but if EA eats up all the competition, that means they can throw out whatever level of work they please and us gamers would have to put up with it.

oh...and its called a monopoly.
and kids, believe it or not, monopolies aren't always a good thing.
in some cases they are...but not in game industry.
I think Valve is in a different position than the people at Dice, who developted the fiasco called BF2, because its obvious EA isnt in position tell what Valve does with its products. I bet EA has suck any life there was from people at Dice, i think it shows in the "patches" they have released.

EA is shit because it doesnt care about the product, only the money it generates. "Challange everything". Now they are challenging the patience of their customers.

I think we have seen what EA does to games, such as Command and Conquer/Westwood.

"Thanks, i owe you one".

Since when has monopolies been good?!
Did'nt EA say some months ago that the reason for AE did not make a big enough profit in 3Q 2004 was H A L F L I F E 2.

And now valve have teamed up with the devil, hmmm hope Gabe knows what he is doing!!!!!.