Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

the more you guys crap on about this the more inevitable your disappointment becomes.

Nice avatar Chris_D

edit: typo...malfunction brain's repetition mechanism
fyi Gamespot didnt "confirm" anything, they probably got their info from
(edit in fact it even says so)
its a buzz going through the net, dont get too excited... those of us who have been here since the beginning know this has happened tons of times before.
nothing new other than people hyping themselves up for no reason again.
and how often have we heard news sources (be it gamespot, planethalflife, or even GABE himself) relay "facts" only to be shot down.
and Im not only referring to the delay fiasco, Im talking videos, screens, interviews whatever.

for the new guys, take it with a pinch of salt
Mr. Redundant said:
fyi Gamespot didnt "confirm" anything, they probably got their info from
(edit in fact it even says so)
its a buzz going through the net, dont get too excited... those of us who have been here since the beginning know this has happened tons of times before.
nothing new other than people hyping themselves up for no reason again.
and how often have we heard news sources (be it gamespot, planethalflife, or even GABE himself) relay "facts" only to be shot down.
and Im not only referring to the delay fiasco, Im talking videos, screens, interviews whatever.

for the new guys, take it with a pinch of salt

Gamespot contacted Valve and Dave Lombardi, Valve's head of PR, e-mailed Gamespot back and confirmed it himself. Why would Dave Lombardi and Rick Ellis both throw this out to cause rumors? Especailly since all the Beta/Source Code rumors finally died down? And the already disappointing April delay?

I think it's legit. So unless Vivendi comes out and tells us it's all just a rumor, then I'll believe it.

Besides, its just the SDK anyway. You can't actually PLAY anything or run the game engine.

Personally, I'd rather have the Benchmarking tool.
Somehow, I don't think that those dudes in the quote have their facts straight.
lol what assholes

I got an email from Yahn stating that the SDK will come out in 1 - 2 months, legit because i sent it straight to him and got a reply the next day.

Also HL2 radio is a peice of shit.

Did they not think just for one second that if it is true and it does happen then they will look very very very stupid. And will owe an apology.

God damn it they are thick. One of the first rules in public relations. Don't dig holes for yourself that you might fall down later. :upstare:
Netherscourge said:
Gamespot contacted Valve and Dave Lombardi, Valve's head of PR, e-mailed Gamespot back and confirmed it himself. Why would Dave Lombardi and Rick Ellis both throw this out to cause rumors? Especailly since all the Beta/Source Code rumors finally died down? And the already disappointing April delay?

I think it's legit. So unless Vivendi comes out and tells us it's all just a rumor, then I'll believe it.

Besides, its just the SDK anyway. You can't actually PLAY anything or run the game engine.

Personally, I'd rather have the Benchmarking tool.

I know how you feel, alas I was just saying this has happened countless times before, dont get your hopes up.
it doesnt matter if every single valve employee said "yes the sdk comes out tomorrow" I still wont believe it till its in my hands.
I wasnt being negative, simply stating that things go wrong, so dont expect anything..
also valves version of soon is very different than our own.
Omg, I emailed Rick Ellis and he emailed me back saying that SDK will come out soon and there was a legal hangup. I also posted a screenshot confirming that the email must be real. There are several guys here confirming because they emailed Rick Ellis back asking about my email and they even recieved some more info regarding the HL2 SDK. >> Eitherway I bet halflife radio are runned by very unproffesional kiddies or Valve is lying about the emails maybe because Rick Ellis should not opened his mouth about the HL2 SDK?
Someone post the guys email please. I will gladly tell him politly that the email was not fake and none of the stuff in the email valve thread is faked.

Then If they continue I will start the slightly less nice emails.....

Edit: Just slightly off topic here but... Is steam down.....?
I think they deleted it, Shuzer.

I can't get to it; the link doesn't work.
Brian Damage said:
I think they deleted it, Shuzer.

I can't get to it; the link doesn't work.

I feel special.

Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here

lol :)

Either way, that's pretty funny if they did ban my IP address for pointing out their stupidity.

Edit: Yep, they banned my IP. haha :) :)
They COMPLETELY edited their post, although they still bash Take a look (I checked the site on my other computer with a seperate IP):

Apparently, the email floating around from Yahn Bernier and/or Rick Ellis has been modified stating that the Half-Life 2 SDK is within a month or 2 away. The email further states that there was a "legal hang-up" regarding the delay.

Valve told Half-Life Radio today that the SDK is far off in the future and that there is no "level holdup" as the reason. The legal accusations are totally false.

They went from VALVe told HL Radio today that the only SDK coming out is the Steam SDK to that there was no legal holdup..

Funny, I'm getting the picture HLRadio never talked to VALVe. Talk about a load of BS. They deleted my post as well.
On a side note, it's funny to notice that they said it was "modified to say that the SDK is a month or two away." I don't recall the original post wording it that way.

To clarify, my post at HLRadio was nothing but proper and in no way bashed HLRadio. I told them that we've never posted fake interviews or e-mails and that they should provide evidence for such claims. I also relinked them to the Gamespot article that CONFIRMS the SDK is on its way, and they still deleted my post AND banned my IP address.

HLRadio is a disgrace to the HL community.
Looking back on what just happened, it's really annoying. They first state that the "release date of the SDK is completely false, (and that the e-mail was faked" to saying the "legal claims are completely false. (and that the e-mail was modified to say that there was a legal holdup)"

They NEVER talked to VALVe, and they faked talking to VALVe. Funny, what hypocrites. I don't however believe spamming them to death is the answer :) lol, I say.. boycott!
pure jealousy my friend. owns them and they cry for it :(
well done Shuzer, and thanks for the info :)

edit: its also sad they felt the need to attack when it could have been handled with more tact. (I guess they have to get "hits" somehow)
Brian Damage said:
How can we boycott them?

I'm all ea... err... eyes.
Spread the word that they're unprofessional? I dunno. I don't think they have a very large community in the first place, do they?

Mr. Redundant said:
edit: its also sad they felt the need to attack when it could have been handled with more tact. (I guess they have to get "hits" somehow)

Yep. It is sad, I kindly asked them to remove such claims unless they provided evidence of us posting faked e-mails/interviews. The result was me getting my IP banned :laugh:
Im looking forward to the sdk release, but I doubt we will be seeing it anytime soon. (regardless of what anyone else -including valve- have to say)

by the way... Shuzer I almost pissed myself laughing at your sig.
lol, do you guys still believe what valve say after all their lies. don't believe it untill Vivendi conforms it.
xtwo said:
lol, do you guys still believe what valve say after all their lies. don't believe it untill Vivendi conforms it.
Vivendi is in no way involved with the HL2 SDK.
Shuzer said:
Spread the word that they're unprofessional? I dunno. I don't think they have a very large community in the first place, do they?

Yep. It is sad, I kindly asked them to remove such claims unless they provided evidence of us posting faked e-mails/interviews. The result was me getting my IP banned :laugh:

Strategy, people!
Don't get your hopes up guys :\

God damn this game though, just the thought of it being released soon has got me excited again, after reaching an all-time low on the "caring when this game comes out" scale.
i suppose most of you saw, i e-mailed Rick and Yahn about the halfliferadio thing. Rick got back to me and said that while they didn't have a date, they were working on the HL2 sdk.

EDIT - It's in the valve info thread
Shuzer said:
Atleast make your pessimism make sense :) lol 3 months to 9 months to 2 years.. that'd be VALVe shooting themselves in both feet

It was just a hyperbolism.

But think about it. if the SDK is going to be released in some weeks (lets say 2 months)
And then in a POINT in the future, they will release a "half life 2 engine withoud the game" so you can test your mods.

Think about it, if they need to release a half life 2 engine withoud the game. so we can really expect that the game will take a lot more of time to be released than we think.
I was going to register on their forums, and have a go at them for vieled threats against the rest of the community. I like how they denie that they are insulting us, and then insult us :P

Ah well, no bad blood between sites.. I hope.
.... its all very well and good, but before it was edited it did mention
so when he says "there are so many hl2 sites online.. blah blah" he is talking outta his ass.
bah, stop giving them traffic :)