Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

Shuzer said:
Gamespot confirmed with VALVe that it'll be released in a few weeks. I'm not entirely sure why HLRadio won't acknowledge Gamespot -- they're a big name site that has nothing to gain from lying.

That's what I don't understand. It's one thing saying that may have fake information but it's another just ignoring that our information has been confirmed by a major gaming news site.

And they did invent the 2 week quote. I haven't seen it anywhere except maybe speculation by members. And it's not as if we reported that as real news (Like being sued by Havok, none of the e-mails said that either).
This is very entertaining! :E

I might join up to their forums later. Give em what for in as many threads I can in the time in takes them to ban me. That way some of their members have to see something :P
Please don't. You're just hurting our image by going over there and shouting at them ;(
Ok Ok

I won't go and shout off at them....

Not my style anyway really. Hmmmmm....... What to do then...
They obviously can't handle real conversation....

Heres an idea.... I might just send them an email with a definate release date (Faked) and insult this forum along the way. If they post it on their news site. Then shame on them.......
Now how to make a convinceing email.....?
I wouldn't recommend it.
Meh, purhaps not....

I think i'll end up just sending them an email explaining in nice terms why they have the facts wrong about us and how I think they should appologise to us and you Munro. Not that they will listen...... :|
Thanks SideWinder. I have no problem with HLRadio. It's just that the accusations of faked interviews and statements like,"Munro your site sucks." and " sucks, we all know that." got me very pissed.
well I know for a fact its going to be out soon because im working with a mod team that is going to be using the SDK. :)
guys, if you wish to ask thier forum members about their comments, e-mail or pm them directly. It would be better not to give them any ammo in saying that our community attacks them or anyhting.
II came here after Sidewinderx gave me the link last night on GameSHOUT IRC. I couldn't read this post last night because we were doing a live mod interview on Half-Life Radio.

There is definately some misunderstandings here. When we mentioned the "fake interviews" and the "fake emails" we were not targeting or any other site for that matter. We were targeting the people that have posted fake interviews and fake emails on a variety of websites including mine. In fact, not too long ago there was an interview that popped up on the Half-Life Radio forums just last week and I deleted it. The author asked, "why did you delete it? PlanetHalfLife is running it, so is!" We deleted it because the person that was being interviewed dismissed it as fake. Since we didn't mention it in our news, we said nothing. We have seen this type of behavior over and over again in the past 6 years that I've been building and running game sites. I am immune to it by now, and that's why we are very skeptical when we see an email in some message forum on or We have been burned before, compiling a news story on it to learn it was a complete fake.

Now this doesn't mean that every person that is posting an email from Valve is fake. The difference is, we will not run the story if the information can't be confirmed. has their way of confirming an email and so do we. If our sources conflict with sources, still, this doesn't mean that it's untrue. It just means that perhaps the many departments at Valve don't know what the other department is doing. In most cases this happens because not everyone at Valve is the PR department, or they atleast try to be (i.e. Rick Ellis).

Something I don't understand is, why are people on this site allowed to bash Half-Life Radio and it's staff, yet, the people on the Half-Life Radio forums aren't allowed to bash back? On here, anything goes. If this site caters to Cesspool activity, then fine. Just don't blame us if a few of our forum members do the same thing as people here do.

We have seen people on this website say, "Half-Life Radio Sucks" but when somebody on the Half-Life Radio forums say, " Sucks", it's a major problem! Oh no, somebody call 9-1-1 quick! Scotty, beam me up cause we got a problem over here!

After reading some of the replies on this topic regarding Half-Life Radio, I even see name calling. Wow! You certainly showed us! You Da' Man!

Have people forgot about the Half-Life 2 game? I mean, I understand if people are pissed for having to wait and having conflicting PR reports from Valve, but, don't you think other people are going through the same thing?

I've been building and running game sites for over 6 years now. I have seen this type of conduct over and over again so I am immune to it. However, just remember, us admins and website owners have poured out our heart & soul to have these places for community activities. Not to mention the cost for it. Running the radio for 6 years hasn't been easy either. Yes, it's been 6 years. Half-Life radio used to be called, "Real Combat Radio" and we changed the name back in September. This is a huge operation with over 200,000 unique listeners. We have brought many gamesite owners, Half-Life 2 Mods and other people on the radio and there is no sign of us going down. I understand that there are a couple of people that wish we would "die", but it's way too late now with backed up sponsors and a growing audience rate of 19% each month. So get used to us, we're going to be around for a long time. We are sorry that we don't play your "rap music", but we are not running the station to play your favorite songs. We are running it for Half-Life 2 fans.

Getting back to topic: There is a penalty to pay if someone on my site talks bad about another person or site.

1.) The people that talked bad about on the Half-Life Radio forums have been suspended for a period of 2 weeks beginning today. I have spoken with each individual as of this morning.

2.) The forum moderator that banned Sidewinderx and Ray from the forums last night is on probation for 1 month (30 days) beginning today.

3.) Sidewinderx and Ray will be reinstated this afternoon. I am deleting the other posts this morning, so there is no need to post anything there regarding this topic. I will make a new post about it this afternoon.

That's all I gotta say, everyone keep gaming and keep the faith in Half-Life 2. It's coming...and what a great year we have ahead. One night we'll plan a and Half-Life Radio server party and broadcast it LIVE on the air!

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio
andyhodges said:
1.) The people that talked bad about on the Half-Life Radio forums have been suspended for a period of 2 weeks beginning today. I have spoken with each individual as of this morning.

That's a bit draconian don't you think?
andyhodges said:
There is definately some misunderstandings here. When we mentioned the "fake interviews" and the "fake emails" we were not targeting or any other site for that matter.

I only have one problem with this statement. Why, then, does your article say, and I quote

First, GameSpot runs an article that says that the Half-Life 2 SDK is coming out. Of course, the only evidence of this is a so-called email that was found on another website that is famous for staging fake emails and interviews in the past.

Now, the Gamespot article CLEARLY links to (there's even a hyperlink in their article). This is gamespot's ONLY source (at the time), there's no mention of another site anywhere. You can see why there's "confusion," seeing as how you indirectly accuse of being "famous for staging fake e-mails."

I'm not accusing you of anything right off the bat, but.. either you worded it poorly, or there was an intentional indirect insult right there.

andyhodges said:
3.) Sidewinderx and Ray will be reinstated this afternoon. I am deleting the other posts this morning, so there is no need to post anything there regarding this topic. I will make a new post about it this afternoon.

I got banned for no reason as well. I was civil, what I posted didn't warrant a ban. You can see what I posted here. Might I get unbanned please?
Shuzer just said the exact same thing I was going to post.

Half-Life Radio did say that the Gamespot source was famous for fake e-mails and interviews. The Gamespot source is clearly stated as being This wasn't a comment regarding the Half-Life 2 community in general, this was a comment directed at

If you are going to edit your news posts, at least acknowledge what you said was wrong instead of just denying saying it.
Shuzer said:
Now, the Gamespot article CLEARLY links to (there's even a hyperlink in their article). This is gamespot's ONLY source (at the time), there's no mention of another site anywhere. You can see why there's "confusion," seeing as how you indirectly accuse of being "famous for staging fake e-mails."

I'm not accusing you directly of anything, either you worded it poorly, or there was an intentional indirect insult right there.

I got banned too, for no real reason. I was civil, might I get unbanned, please? Thanks.
Perhaps bad wording. You took it as a direct target to a "site", as it was intended to be a direct target against people that continue to post fake interviews and emails on message boards. Gamespot later followed up and said they spoke with Doug Lombardi and confirmed it. The only problem is, our sources said different. So, part of the wording is the FRUSTRATION involved in lack of press releases from Valve. Do other companies release this type of big information by emailing their customers with it, or do they send out press releases? This has been something that I've been asking Valve for quite sometime. Don't release new information in emails. Send an official press release so that ALL sites can distribute it equally and fairly without any questions. Like I said, we have been burned before by fake emails and interviews (so has and other sites).

Shuzer, I do have to clarify something that you kept saying over and over again in previous messages in this thread. You kept saying that we at Half-Life Radio do not talk to Valve nor have we ever talked to Valve about this topic. That is very untrue. We talk to Valve all the time, if not each day. We don't necessarily talk to them about stuff like this or "Hey, when is HL2 coming out?" as there are other things we discuss. Obviously we run Half-Life Radio. Valve has been on the radio, it's no "sudden" surprise that we talk to Valve. Then again, you probably don't listen to Half-Life Radio to know this.

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio
Half-Life Radio Sucks.

Sorry, you misunderstood me, what I meant was some radio stations aren't very good.

It doesn't work like that. You should acknowledge you said something bad in a news post and apologise. Not try to work around it. There's no way anyone couldn't have thought "Their source is famous for faking e-mails" as "They are some fake e-mails around". Not unless they were the kind of person to lose a battle of wits with a turnip, anyway.
Feath said:
You should acknowledge you said something bad in a news post and apologise. Not try to work around it.
Since the intention wasn't towards, your request isn't warranted. If you're going to go the apology route, then perhaps all the people that bashed my site, radio, and my staff should apologize. There's been a lot more going on about that here than my community bashing this one. I mean, get real.

I don't think neither people (and I say people, not sites) are ready to hold hands sing "Imagine" by John Lennon.

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio
Why are you guys giving Andy such a hard time? He's compromising by taking the steps he listed earlier. It seems some of you die-hard fans won't be happy until he submits totally writes a letter of appology and grovels all the way back to hlRadio. Ease up.
Indeed, I shall return my statements on what I said about Andy Hodges. I honestly did not expect you to respond to these statements, but clearly you did, in an open manner, which shows to me your sheer understanding of trying to keep a clean relationship with the Half-Life community. Further, I agree with Quixote on his points of apologizing for something, which honestly is being taken perhaps "too" over the top. However, I think what some of the readers are trying to justify is your "status" as a higher opt administrator and popular person of your community. For that, you should most likely apologize, only if it is indeed justified. Generally, you are never going to find those not on the staff apologize, because honestly, there is not any binding relationship that is tied. However, those of staff, administrators...etc, are the responsible mature "level" holders to a webpages community outlook.

Just my opinion on this situation--
andyhodges said:
Since the intention wasn't towards, your request isn't warranted. If you're going to go the apology route, then perhaps all the people that bashed my site, radio, and my staff should apologize. There's been a lot more going on about that here than my community bashing this one. I mean, get real.

I don't think neither people (and I say people, not sites) are ready to hold hands sing "Imagine" by John Lennon.

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio

There's a difference between forum members posting their opinions and having a news post insulting another site.Even if the intention wasn't to call a haven of liars (which I really, really doubt), it really did come off that way. I doubt anyone would have read that post and saw the link to on Gamespot and then not come away with the conclusion that posts a lot of inaccurate news.

In Real Life that's called SLANDER (or libel). And people get paid a lot of money when inaccurate and insulting information is published about them.
Feath said:
In Real Life that's called SLANDER (or libel). And people get paid a lot of money when inaccurate and insulting information is published about them.
The more you post, the more you show how ridiculous your input/opinion is about this topic. I guess everyone that is bashed could have a SLANDER suit. Everyone that gets slandered on a message board is content that is as equal as frontpage news since it's content written on a single website. If there is such a libel thing that exists, I'll be the first in line to claim my award! But how silly is that?

Sometimes I wonder if some people are more loyal towards a website or the Half-Life 2 game that a site uses.

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio
Do you mean you doubt his intentions were to insult hl2 or that you doubt his intentions were to not insult hl2?
Definatly more loyal to the websites. I'm loyal to hl2 because I find the community here to be friendly and the forums well laid out. The staff and community does a good job pooling what is known about the game and engaging in some fun speculation. I passed on joining other sites like HlRadio and planethalflife because the tone wasn't my cup of tea. And really how can I be "loyal" to a game that isn't even out yet.

I think if the moderators are really inteterested in HL2 they should stop name calling (there was a nasty post about planethalflife just a week ago) and start emailing each other and letting each other know what they know and where they got their information.
Feath, will you all do us a favor and shut up?
Andy came here to explain himself, did a good job, and seems to be taking measures to correct any "wrong" that happened. I think now would be a good time to drop it. All of us. (Now Hl2world is still open game.... ;) {can't stand all the stolen info they have there...})

Anyway, Andy, Thanks for repsonding, and it seems like everyone (Feath should too) will drop it.
Consider it dropped.

Andy Hodges, "child" comment cheerfully withdrawn.

Glad we got this cleared up. At least, I think we did.
Quixote said:
Definatly more loyal to the websites. I'm loyal to hl2 because I find the community here to be friendly and the forums well laid out. The staff and community does a good job pooling what is known about the game and engaging in some fun speculation. I passed on joining other sites like HlRadio and planethalflife because the tone wasn't my cup of tea. And really how can I be "loyal" to a game that isn't even out yet.

I think if the moderators are really inteterested in HL2 they should stop name calling (there was a nasty post about planethalflife just a week ago) and start emailing each other and letting each other know what they know and where they got their information.
The solution to the news problem that you spoke of will not work. It will never work. The solution (as we told Valve on the radio) is to have one single point of contact and PR press releases. That way all the Half-Life 2 communities will get their mint news information accurately without questionable emails. One would think that if Valve is going to release big news such as HL2 SDK, there would be a press release. If they got the time to compose an email about it to some guy named Luke in Nebraska, why not compose an official press release? Many sites have been burned because of fake emails, fake interivews, and we need a solid news foundation.

The good news is, Valve will be going back to official press releases instead of emails. So I very much doubt we will have these problems again in the future.

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio
Hey Andy, seeing as you're browsing this site - how about taking me off the halfliferadio mailing list? I certainly didn't sign up for it, and all my requests to unsubscribe seem to have been ignored. Cheers.
PiMuRho said:
Hey Andy, seeing as you're browsing this site - how about taking me off the halfliferadio mailing list? I certainly didn't sign up for it, and all my requests to unsubscribe seem to have been ignored. Cheers.
The only way you could be on the list is that you DID signup for it when you signed up on the Half-Life Radio site. All you have to do is login to your account and remove that option, or better yet, reply back to the email with "UNSUBSCRIBE" being the topic. One of the HL Radio staff members will then remove you.

Sorry I can't help you more, not here to do administrative work. :)

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio
sharp said:
I don't think halfliferadio did get their facts straight. They haven't even posted evidence by saying that the SDK isn't coming out 'soon'! First they are blaming forums from posting fake and edited emails even if we're posting screenshots. They didn't believed us and now they are saying that most of our people thinking the SDK will come out withing 2 weeks. members inclusing myself have posted (confirmed) emails about the HL2 SDK. Even Gamespot did get a confirmation that the HL2 SDK is coming out soon.

halfliferadio are saying that Valve mentioned that there wasn't a legal hangup and that they probably meaning the Steam SDK. What the hell is 'a steam sdk'? What could we change about the steam code. I know 1 thing for sure... we can change the skin but that is all. I don't think their isn't even a 'steam sdk'!

Correct me if I'm wrong....

I haven't read all of this thread because I can't be bothered to do so. Infact I've only read about 12 random replies. I can however, say from recollection, that everytime HalfLifeSource/Radio shout "it's only rumour" it turns out to be truth.

Based on this, I ask HalfLifeSource/Radio to say "The game coming out in three days time is only rumour" therefore, we should actually get it in three days time ;)
I've never signed up to anything related to HLRadio, yet Timmay persists in mailing me :p

Although back in the day (May 03) I seem to remember chatting on the HL2mods forums with Timmay... but thats about it...
Well, thanks Andy as I said, I have noting against HLRadio. It's just some members there are immature, irrational brats. Glad to have this cleared up. :) :D :imu:
Again, I've only just seen this thread but now than I have can I ask you all to please stop insulting HalfLifeSource/Radio. Ta.
PiMuRho said:
Hey Andy, seeing as you're browsing this site - how about taking me off the halfliferadio mailing list? I certainly didn't sign up for it, and all my requests to unsubscribe seem to have been ignored. Cheers.

I asked that and some "misguided individual" deleted my account without my permission then had ago at me because I told him all hl2 forums have had a drop in activity :D
ray_MAN said:
D33,"Ta."? Isn't it "Ta-ta."?

Ta = Thanks.
Ta-Ta = Goodbye.


LAERN YUOR SLNAG!!!1!1!11onetwobucklemyshoe
D33 said:
I haven't read all of this thread because I can't be bothered to do so. Infact I've only read about 12 random replies. I can however, say from recollection, that everytime HalfLifeSource/Radio shout "it's only rumour" it turns out to be truth.

Based on this, I ask HalfLifeSource/Radio to say "The game coming out in three days time is only rumour" therefore, we should actually get it in three days time ;)
How quickly you forget though when the fake emails from Gabe Newell were posted on this site and around the other communities regarding, "Despite of the code leak, we are still releasing HL2 on time!" We told everyone that it was not releasing at the same time you confirmed the email being fake. So let's not go there. ;)

Another example of how HL2 community sites have been burned in the past. The solution again - no more press releases in emails. Official from Valve's PR department would be the solution. And it will be as that will be the focus on how future news is handled.

-Andy Hodges
Half-Life Radio
'k D33.

MrB, I've just gotta ask: are you and Majestic XII in some kind of club now?

Those avatars are... freaky...
Please stop. Why can't we be friends? We are all people after all. It has been cleared up. Move along. Nothing to see here.
Well you may be a person, ray MAN... personally, I'm a small button mushroom :E.