Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

I dont go by Gamespots reviews becuase they really dont know what they are doing. However the site itself isnt bad for just getting info, just not for reviews. Also, if your wondering, They rated Far Cry the same score as HL2, make of that what you will
dusk said:
I heard Microsoft bribed Gamespot into giving HL2 a shitty review cause they didn't want it hurting sales of Halo 2. And this score proves it.

That has to be the most stupid thing Ive ever heard!
Couldnt it be the other way round? Of course, BUT THEN were is the proof?
Personally I was expecting that score from Gamespot and am very confortable with it. Immesion is what I want from HL2 and Gamespot thinks that thats what Im gona get.
It's threads like these that make me embarrassed to be a Half-Life/PC fan :/
And that's an easily dismissible assertion because Gamespot was extremely critical when reviewing Halo 2, really panning the story.
I gotta agree with him. GameSpot also didnt give into the Driv3r bribe. Gave it the 5 it deserved.

9.2 is incredibly good.

Some people just love to bitch and moan about everything.
I don’t doubt that 9.2 is a fair score. I just doubt whether Halo 2’s was rated to the same guidelines :sleep:

“The script is filled with warmth and wit, and the realistic facial animations are nothing short of amazing.” Yay! So, the game’s storyline is disappointing. Like Halo 2’s! But hell, everyone knew both games would be “rehashes” of their predecessors - it’s difficult to do anything original in games these days, at least without people goggling at stupidly-contrived plot device No. 4432. Conspiracies and plot twists are probably difficult to do when the viewer is actually controlling the situation (even the mystery-laden Deus Ex encountered similar difficulties in my eyes).

And how many people would’ve complained if the Covenant turned out to be a splinter sect of highly evolved humans, or if the G-man really was Freeman from the future? Sometimes, it’s best that games stick to what the fan base expect (and accept), even if it’s about as original as pop music.

Half-Life had an awful story. Write it as a script and wince at the tired ol’ “aliens invade a labyrinthine research base and then the military tries to kill everyone” number, but act it out in a revolutionary seamless perspective and it’s one of the best games ever. I’d presume as much for Half-Life 2 with statements like that… but man, Halo 2’s ending alone made me grimace. And I’d admit to being fairly saddened by the lack of an epic Earth-defending campaign, considering the advertisers hinging on a pseudo-present home setting.

I really think all these “professional” reviewers need to clearly define the division between SP and MP… because, for example, if Half-Life 2’s SP is worse than that of Halo 2 I am going to cry.

Halo 2's MP- "been done before" commentators aside- seems pretty damn popular, a lot more than it's SP component. I would've guessed at a vice-versa situation for HL2...
Am I reading this wrong, or did that guy who reviewed the game for gamespot not review any other games before this one? Seems to me like the guy's trying to make a name for himself by being that critic that "sees through the hype" of half-life 2.

This is a problem that I think people overlook. Hype shouldn't be relevant when rating a game. You shouldn't give into giving a high review for hype, but you certainly shouldn't fault a game for the hype it's accumulated either.

Look at the arguments he makes. He basically says that the problem with hl2 is not revolutionary and just uses the same old tricks......

What fps has been revolutionary since half-life first of all? Second... how can you say it uses nothing new when every other review I've read and every video I've seen with my own eyes shows physics being used like they've never been used for a game before?

This guy is full of it.
How about we just play the game. **** fanboys (nearly all of you) and **** people who think gamespot is the prize of morality, integrity and consistency.
Spartan said:
And since when did postcounts have anything to do with the content or quality of a post?

This kind of bullshit is exactly why postcounts should be removed permanently.

Well uh... hmmm... HE DOESN'T HAVE AN AVATAR!!!``oneeleven

Anyways, as irritated as I am, even I can admit HL2 won't be so amazing and spectacular to everyone... *cough*onlysmartpeople*cough*
well the wording the guy uses is extremely negative.
I agree. He seems like a true critic, which doesn't mean that his points are invalid but that the way he arrived at the score was different.

The games coming tommorow. We'll all be able to make our own judgements.
Raidea said:
Nope, can't be bought or influenced by hype at all....

*cough* Halo 2
*cough* GTA:SA

Sorry, you opinion in invalid due to recent evidence.

*cough* the list is endless
*cough* you moron
*cough* thanks for starting the list for me :)
dusk said:
I heard Microsoft bribed Gamespot into giving HL2 a shitty review cause they didn't want it hurting sales of Halo 2. And this score proves it.

Yeah, didnt you know this DiortemrM not one of gamespots reviews is legit everysingle one is bought and given a realistic lower or higher score depending on whos doing the bribery. As much as you are an expert on the subject i would have thought you would have noticed this with the evidence staring you in the face.
Am I reading this wrong, or did that guy who reviewed the game for gamespot not review any other games before this one? Seems to me like the guy's trying to make a name for himself by being that critic that "sees through the hype" of half-life 2.

This is a problem that I think people overlook. Hype shouldn't be relevant when rating a game. You shouldn't give into giving a high review for hype, but you certainly shouldn't fault a game for the hype it's accumulated either.

Look at the arguments he makes. He basically says that the problem with hl2 is not revolutionary and just uses the same old tricks......

What fps has been revolutionary since half-life first of all? Second... how can you say it uses nothing new when every other review I've read and every video I've seen with my own eyes shows physics being used like they've never been used for a game before?

This guy is full of it.

no its not the first one he reviewed. see this

infact he's the guy who gave far cry a 9.2 which makes it all the more unforgivable. its like far cry did the nice graphics first and half-life did everything else first, half-life 2 is getting punished for not being revolutionary. its like half-life 2 deserves a different scale for being half-life.
Meh, regardless of the disputed "fairness" of the HL2 score, I think it's utterly laughable that anyone can claim Gamespot to be unswayed by hype (or bribery, if people want to keep that sensationalist "OMG GOOD/BAD REVIEW= FOR MONEY" charade going). Although they might sometimes do stuff for hits and general community approval- wouldn't surprise me.

By most people's standards 10/10 games are the best games ever. The thing is, Gamespot, like all reviewers, seem to have a distorted criteria list. I.e., you'd be hard pressed to make a connection between a textual review, its statistics, and even more confused if you dared to compare it to higher or lower scoring games.

One argument is that Halo 2 is a 9.4 game compared to average console FPS quality, and that HL2 is a 9.2 game compared to overall PC FPS quality. With that logic, HL2 wins :LOL:
egon said:
infact he's the guy who gave far cry a 9.2 which makes it all the more unforgivable. its like far cry did the nice graphics first and half-life did everything else first, half-life 2 is getting punished for not being revolutionary. its like half-life 2 deserves a different scale for being half-life.

Wow, I can't believe it's actually the same guy. Don't get me wrong, I was a big fan of Far Cry... it was really fun... but giving it the same score as hl2 is just a slap in the face to hl2. Did this guy say anything about Far Cry's story? If he did, why didn't affect his rating of that game?

You're absolutely right that it seems like he rated it on a whole different set of criteria than he would any other game.
So you think Halo 2 deserves all the hype it gets, and its score? For a, what seems like, expansion pack with dual guns, lil modded gfx and some new weapons to pay full price is REDICULOUS. Halo2 is shite compared to Hl2, and that's my opinion. Havin watched trailers and videos for both of them, yet not playing them. No one cares bout your opinion btw ;\
G-Uni7 said:
So you think Halo 2 deserves all the hype it gets, and its score? For a, what seems like, expansion pack with dual guns, lil modded gfx and some new weapons to pay full price is REDICULOUS. Halo2 is shite compared to Hl2, and that's my opinion. Havin watched trailers and videos for both of them, yet not playing them. No one cares bout your opinion btw ;\

And having not played either game, noone cares about yours either.

(I think Halo 2 does deserve the hype and score it has recieved btw. I also hope HL2 will do as well - but won't know untill i've played the game. Of course, I could base my decisions on trailers and videos - but that would be stupid)
Eon Blue said:
Halo's single player is shitty.

*counts to ten, takes deep breath. Repeats to self, 'it's only a fanboy, it's only a fanboy, it's only .....'*
Gamespot are always critical, its what sets them apart from others, I was just glad it got 9.2! once we go above 9/10 or 90% it becomes a case of personal preference, there all proven good games! if you prefer HL2 like me, thats your decision, doesnt mean Halo 2 is a piece of crap, or that half-life 2 is the be all and end all, just be glad the industry is as strong as it is, to produce this kind of competition.
Warbie said:
*counts to ten, takes deep breath. Repeats to self, 'it's only a fanboy, it's only a fanboy, it's only .....'*
No, seriously, Halo 2's single player really left me annoyed. I don't know, lol. Maybe the whole "Save the earth - again" stuff is getting annoying from all those Final Fantasies and Mario's and FarCry's and Painkillers - and yes, Half Life.

Fan boy? No.
Left down fan? Yes.

It's not as bad as Doom 3 though, lol.
Fact | Opinion

There is a line in between the two... learn it.
G-Uni7 said:
So you think Halo 2 deserves all the hype it gets, and its score? For a, what seems like, expansion pack with dual guns, lil modded gfx and some new weapons to pay full price is REDICULOUS. Halo2 is shite compared to Hl2, and that's my opinion. Havin watched trailers and videos for both of them, yet not playing them. No one cares bout your opinion btw ;\

Your argument is funny.
I don't agree with the score. A 9.4 is what I would have given it.
Oh, and I care about his opinion. At least he posts it intelligently.
I beat Halo 2. Definately not worth the high mark they gave it. Not even close actually. Multiplayer is fun though. But single player was lacking. They refer to half life 2 has having things not tied up, or too open ended.

Uhhh, did they even beat halo 2? The entire ending just leaves you hanging. They give you all this information, then end the game. You dont know wtf just happened, just that you don't get to find out how it ends, until they make you wait another 2 years to play halo 3 on xbox 2.
Jason Ocampo thinks Half-Life 2 is worse than Halo 2, not Gamespot as a whole. It's a single reviewer with human failings and human opinion and human bias... it's not the end of the world.

If one man went into a forum and told us, in an equally debatable way, that Half-Life was all of 2% worse than Halo 2, I wouldn't believe a word he said until I'd played both. Just because the comment is, in this instance, heralding from a popular online reviewer makes no difference to me. He can still be wrong, just like the rest of us ;)
some of the community saw it coming, gamespot have been far more sceptical about half life 2 since e3 this year than anyone else.

as someone pointed out, nolf2, 9.3 fine - best fps in a long time, definitely the best that year. far cry 9.2 - fine, revolutionary huge locales, gfx etc etc. the one thing no other reviewer has said about hl2 is its too much like the original. theyve said it takes the good things about hl and improves upon it in every way.
Yep, dead on egon: further proof of the great effect opinion has.

Loved Half-Life and everything about it? Half-Life 2= best game ever.

Hated some aspects of Half-Life and wish they'd change 'em? Half-Life 2= not quite as good as people thought.

No prizes for guessing which category I come under...

*waves Fanboy Force flag*
yes and its not one guy, its the biggest gaming website in the world that has dared malign the greatest game over, we fanboys wont take that lying down.
Warbie said:
And having not played either game, noone cares about yours either.

(I think Halo 2 does deserve the hype and score it has recieved btw. I also hope HL2 will do as well - but won't know untill i've played the game. Of course, I could base my decisions on trailers and videos - but that would be stupid)

Funny you should mention videos or trailers because i would prefer to watch HL2s videos than play Halo 2. I supose it is stupid but its not my fault halo 2 is so bad.
I PLAYED Far Cry. Three or four times. Excellent game. I HAVE NOT played Half Life 2 so I CANNOT say that it is better than Far Cry. I'd LIKE it to be, because that means I'm in for a real treat. But I like to remain objective and leave any 'fanboyism' at the door. If I am disappointed with HL2, I will say so, for the sake of future development.
Seriously, Halo2 has had more ****in hype than any game this year and has turned out to be this biggest GODDAMN dissappointment. Those who have played this travesty know exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm not saying Halo2 is a bad game, but WTF are people thinking when they say that Halo2 deserves a better rating than HL2? In all honesty, this is a description of Halo2:
-Take Halo and add dual wielding and updated graphics and online
play and a few new non-innovative weapons. There is Halo 2.
I'm not trying to upset any Halo fanboys, but Bungie should be ashamed of putting something out like that. The game has been hyped for 2 years and is basically the same game that we were given before. To get better ratings, maybe Valve should have thrown out all their original ideas and jsut gave us HL with a little updated graphics and a few new guns. Damn, it kind of makes me sick that Valve has created something so original and Halo2 ****ing gets all the hype. Screw Halo2.
DiortemrM said:
This proves that the people who write for Gamespot can't be bought like all those other high reviews you've read. I've ordered Half-Life 2 and even I knew it wasn't going to be anywhere near the hype it has been set at. It's a lot like what happened with Doom 3.

If I was anywhere near 20 feet from you right now you would be lifeless. I would kill you, and throw your body in the river. Without doubt.
If we compare the single player gameplay of Halo 2 to Half Life 2, HL2 will come out top just because of the added physics in the game.

Half Life's 2 graphics look superior from the screenshots. Halo 2 just can't compete in that department.

Halo 2 is a good CONSOLE fps and the multiplayer is fun.

Not sure how Halo 2 could beat HL2 in the single player portion of the game. It was Halo 1 with dual-wielding.
SilentKilla said:
If I was anywhere near 20 feet from you right now you would be lifeless. I would kill you, and throw your body in the river. Without doubt.

Riiigghhtt... that sure is scary coming from someone called SilentKilla...
Half-Life 2 WILL win in the long run. It's mods will be so disgustingly good and proffesional that more people will be playing them than most other retail games. Half-Life 2 will outlast virtually every game on the market today, console or otherwise. That is one fact that Gamespot left out of their review.

The way I looked at my HL2 purchase was that for 70 bucks (Canadian) not only do I get HL2, DoD:S, HL:S, CS:CZ (which was a nice addition), but I also get tens of other mods that will come out eventually which will rape the hell out of any other games out there that dare to try and compare with it.

10 years from now people will still be talking about HL2. How many other games do you guys think will be able to do the same?
People are forgetting that THE most played online game to date is a Half Life mod. Think about the replayability when all those other mods are released. The possibilities are ****ing endless. Halo 2 doesn't even hold a candle to HL2.
ShinRa said:
Damn those banned people constantly coming back....

Anyway...anyone else find it funny that the SAME reviewer made these two comments?

Halo 2 - Nothing gameplay wise has changed but it is improved upon.
HL2 - brings nothing new to the table.


brings nothing new to the table? give me a break. if that's what the gamespot reviewer said then I'm not even going to waste my time reading it. i guess he forgot about the gravity gun and insane physics...[SARCASM]but since their role is so small in the game i see how he over looked it.[/SARCASM]

what a crock of shit.