Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

I hope this finally shows how completely ridiculous is the system of giving games ratings on a 100-point scale. 9.2 = 92%.

Come on, is a game that ranks 9.4 really THAT much better than a 9.2? What kind of rating criteria go into this? And don't talk about composite scores either, like 9.5 on graphics, 10.0 on sound, etc. A game is all about a complete, unified experience. It's just as pointless to analyze any creative effort in the same way. Make a distinction between idea and implementation like every other aesthetic discipline.

Games should be rated with stars according to the following scale:

***** - Near perfect, a fine exemplar of the art

No game is perfect, but if a game is good enough that comparisons to perfection don't seem at all ridiculous, it may be a candidate for the vaunted 5-star rating. These games are revolutionary in all aspects: they introduce something never before seen while making it feel like the most natural thing in the world; they offer a degree of immersion previously unknown in games; they spawn countless imitations that never seem to capture the essence of the original. They are infinitely replayable, and repeated play brings new and unique enjoyment every time.

This is the rarefied air. Very, very few games are worthy to be included here.

Example games: Half-Life, Myst, Space Invaders, The Sims, Everquest, Final Fantasy VII.

**** - A strong effort and a satisfying experience

An enjoyable and interesting game that makes you feel like it was worth the price as you're playing it. These games contain some minor innovations or technical work that show that a great deal of thought and care was put into their design. You should feel very comfortable recommending this game to other gamers, and you wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to them. Usually good for a few replays that are as enjoyable as the first time.

Example games: Halo, Halo 2, Doom 3, Morrowind, Civilization III.

*** - Solid game, but nothing beyond competent

A well-tested and well-explored idea, competently made and packaged. These games are satisfying yet disposable; you play them, you enjoy playing them, but they don't stick with you, and you don't feel a great need to play them again once you finish them.

Examples: Serious Sam, Oddworld, NFL 2K5, Painkiller.

** - Flawed game, not enjoyable

May have a couple interesting ideas or sequences, but suffers from unforgivable and very obvious flaws that destroy the immersive experience.

Examples: Daikatana, Jurassic Park: Trespasser.

* - Just flat-out unplayable

Not at all interesting or enjoyable. If you throw down the controller in disgust after 10 minutes, this is where the game belongs.

Very few examples of this, thankfully, because games this bad generally get canned before ever seeing the light of day.

Examples: E.T. for the Atari 2600, "15-minute mods" for popular PC games.

It's okay to disagree on whether a game is a two- or three- star, or a three- or four- star. Those are productive debates that really get into what it's like to play the game and how we respond to the games. But diddling over a difference as small as that between 9.2 and 9.6 just makes us look petty and stupid. The REAL culprits are certain gaming outlets, namely ALL OF THEM, that foster this kind of childish crap.
I like how you think they were bribed. Cute, to say the least.

Half-Life 2 will be an exceptional game. Period.

Although I must say, that I was disappointed by the reviews from both Gamespot and IGN. Not because of the scores (which were very high), but because of nailing Half-Life 2 for not revolutionizing the FPS genre. For some odd reason, Halo 2 and Metroid 2 weren't met with this "frustration", but for some reason Half-Life 2 was. They also, as someone previously stated, forgot to mention that this game will outlast any other game other there. GTA:SA got a 9.9 on IGN due to it's massive size. Half-Life 2, in terms of raw hours played, will completely blow San Andreas away due to the upcoming mods. Too bad the publications forgot that crucial bit.
I've always liked the five-star system more, because what's really the difference between 91 and 92? or 92 and 90?
Edcrab said:
One argument is that Halo 2 is a 9.4 game compared to average console FPS quality, and that HL2 is a 9.2 game compared to overall PC FPS quality. With that logic, HL2 wins :LOL:

I've played alot of FPS and it seems t hat compared to them HL2 should be higher.

the fact is, gamespot = teh suxor (or the reviewer...halo2 fanboy... :cheese: )

at least gave it a respectable score. "best PC game ever!" ...but i suppose they could have been paid, i mean they were playing teh game in valve's HQ, who knows what mind tricks there were!

and let's face it, us fans know that HL2 will be and is going to be (in a few hours) the all-time best game. you know it, i know it, face it stop denying it and just have fuN!
[46] pushit [2] said:
I've played alot of FPS and it seems t hat compared to them HL2 should be higher.

the fact is, gamespot = teh suxor (or the reviewer...halo2 fanboy... :cheese: )

at least gave it a respectable score. "best PC game ever!" ...but i suppose they could have been paid, i mean they were playing teh game in valve's HQ, who knows what mind tricks there were!

and let's face it, us fans know that HL2 will be and is going to be (in a few hours) the all-time best game. you know it, i know it, face it stop denying it and just have fuN!

Not to bag on you here, but you haven't played HL2. I'm assuming that it will be one of the best games that I have ever played, but you are going out on a limb in saying that it should be ranked HL2 should be ranked higher than them all. Just wait to play the game and I'm sure you won't be dissappointed.
gamespot can go shove it because either they dont know how to review a near perfect game or they need to hire better reviewers
haggie said:
gamespot can go shove it because either they dont know how to review a near perfect game or they need to hire better reviewers

You do realise how silly a thing that is to say??
Warbie stop ruining the HL2 anticpation.

I just have this instint that I'll never play anotehr game like HL2 for the rest of my life. Especially after reading taht Gamespot article "the final hours" about VALVe, I know they will not disappoint.