Gamespot Reviewer fired over Kane and Lynch review

I disagree with him :| I thought he was great.
George W. Bush was a shitty gamespot reviewer.
This might be the first game Gamespot hasnt given a 9.x to all year!
Gamespot subscription canceled. Been a member For longer than I have been a member of this site(April 2003). Never posted on their forums though except now to declare I was canceling my subscription.

The thread on gamespot about this incident has over 931 pages currently. Jumped to 933 in the seconds it took me to make that edit.

EDIT 2: I can still visit the site as a paid member until June of next year. lol.
Well, at least something recognizable is happening because of it.
OOC, why does Gamespot suck for reviews? Is it just because of their ad campeigns?
God that review was brilliant...

I like how the guy rapelles down the building to spraypaint a window, gets shot by at least a half dozen through and through bullets and then runs off..
OOC, why does Gamespot suck for reviews? Is it just because of their ad campeigns?
They don't know a good/bad game from the anal dwelling ass monkey coming out of their asses to the horse singing "Hello Dolly".
if companyes pulled out theyr ads just cuz their game idnt get super reviews then those are idiots
Jeff Gerstmann was released before Duke Nukem Forever...
I seem to have found an error in thier interview, my edit team will take care of it!
Q: Did Eidos' disappointment cause Jeff to be terminated?

A: Of course.

Q: Did Eidos' disappointment cause the alteration of the review text?

A: Of course.

Q: Did Eidos' disappointment lead to the video review being pulled down?

A: Nom nom nomn onmnom onmonm nom!!
Didn't 1up do this once, but with NWN2?

Anyway, this is sick, and I hope that guy finds himself in a company far superior to gamespot.
oh those are a dime a dozen ..however they dont pay nearly as much and his importance in the gaming industry will definately go down a notch or two
Pfft, doesn't all this bad publicity about a bad review of a game do more harm than the review itself?

I would have never even read a view of the game, and might have bought it one day if it was like $20 or something, but not now. They made such a big stink about this, that everyone and their momma knows this game is just average.

Firing the guy was the worst decision they could have made. They should have just greased over it. Asked him to change the 'tone' of his review. I mean I can understand that. you can say, "K&L is pure shit", or you can say, "I don't care for K&L".
to my understanding,he mocked the game,calling garbage or something
Do you think they'll eventually find their way into this thread and ban everyone who posted in it?