Gamespy's Game of the Month goes to...


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Halo 2!?

Bummer huh? Check it out

I figured other games would contend for game of the year with HL2, but surely HL2 was the best game of November? Oh well, you win some you lose some.
I have to agree with them. Half-Life blows it away in SP, but MP Halo is really a TON of fun. CS is old news and tired, and HLDM or any other updates should never be considered by reviewers as that is a slippery slop, in which they would have to consider updates for all games (it would just get messy). Any doubts after that, I think steam pushes HL2 back behind the line.
GameSpy has always been overly biased to the XBox. Even the major community knows it. They'd pretty much admitted it. Gamespy itself is actually an embarresment, so to take anythng from them seriously its hard.
But, is this even an issue? Do you buy your music according to the Billboard charts?
CriYam said:
But, is this even an issue? Do you buy your music according to the Billboard charts?

It's an issue if your a Half-Life fanboy aka a member of this board.
TrevorGrigg said:
It's an issue if your a Half-Life fanboy aka a member of this board.
I wasn't sure of the definition of fanboy until now. Thanks a lot.
Wow, you guys are harsh. It's true, a fanboy (like most of the people here) would be offended that their game isn't number 1.

I hate to go offtopic and I'm as guilty as anybody else, but judging by the discourse on the site, compared to a piano forum I post on I think aggresion and FPS go hand in hand.
The Silhouette said:
GameSpy has always been overly biased to the XBox. Even the major community knows it. They'd pretty much admitted it. Gamespy itself is actually an embarresment, so to take anythng from them seriously its hard.

And if they were biased towards the PC, would that be any different (answer: no)?

If Halo 2 getting GOTY from Gamespy bothers you, kindly find the nearest bridge and jump.
Tough month to break through and win with those games. Halo 2 getting GOTY/GOTM bothers me very much so - heading to the nearest bridge.
Cool. Apparently Halo 2 just etched out Half-Life 2 because HL2DM was released in November, and technically doesn't count.

I still haven't played Half-Life 2 yet, but hearing all these reviews, and seeing that it just, just missed game of the year (considering all the other games released this month) is good news to me. :)
Halo 2 MP still beats HL2 MP. There's simply more variety to Halo 2. Granted, there's a great deal of potential for the Half-Life 2 engine, but reviewers are not supposed to rate games on potential. They review what they see.

16 player MP is enough for Halo 2, anyhow.
Spartan said:
And if they were biased towards the PC, would that be any different (answer: no)?

The answer is no, but it's also irrelevant.
Well i actually bought a crystal xbox the other day,i have chipped it and installed a 120 gig HDD and all ican say is WOW!

Halo 2 is brilliant,and i keep going back to it again and again,the multiplayer beats the ass off of HL2 :(

Now i own PC and Xbox i feel i have a right to voice my opinion on these matters.And i must admit in all honesty,i have not played HL2 since completing it the second time,and deathmatch/team deathmatch seems very basic and gets boring too quickly,although future mods will sort that problem i hope.

I must say though i think halo 2 deserves all the hype it gets.

FLAME HERE :flame: <----------
The Silhouette said:
GameSpy has always been overly biased to the XBox. Even the major community knows it. They'd pretty much admitted it. Gamespy itself is actually an embarresment, so to take anythng from them seriously its hard.

well now, thats a load of bollocks if i ever heard it. they have more webpages for pc than anything else, the consoles are combined into one site each, surely that means that they cover the pc comunities with much greater depth than the consoles.

and halo 2 should have gotten the game of the month, the singleplayer is easily as good as halflife 2, but then its got brilliant multiplayer too.
Mad-Larkin said:
well now, thats a load of bollocks if i ever heard it. they have more webpages for pc than anything else, the consoles are combined into one site each, surely that means that they cover the pc comunities with much greater depth than the consoles.

and halo 2 should have gotten the game of the month, the singleplayer is easily as good as halflife 2, but then its got brilliant multiplayer too.
Exactly, i thought that comment about Gamespy being bias was ridiculous nonsense.

Halo 2 is a fantastic game. Even though its Single-player disappointed me, the MP is still fantastic none-the-less. And it deserves the Game of the Month title. (But if they ever had a Single-Player Game of the Month ;))
TrevorGrigg said:
I hate to go offtopic and I'm as guilty as anybody else, but judging by the discourse on the site, compared to a piano forum I post on I think aggresion and FPS go hand in hand.
I think a more likely explanation is that piano forums would tend to attract a more mature crowd, while maturity and intelligence are not necessarily required to enjoy computer games :p . There certainly are immature and agressive people here, but the games are not the cause. If anything, they provide a release for agression that would otherwise be misdirected. Not to mention that plenty of non-agressive people are gamers.

There are plenty of mature, helpful and intelligent people on these forums, but it's generally the other type who make the most noise :p
ZeeM said:
whats so special about halo 2 mp?
On Xbox Live...nothing really.

But when playing with your friends next to you, it just feels like you're playing GoldenEye again.
Still, one game presented the best out-of-the box experience, pushing the envelope both online and off.

No HL2DM out of the box was the deciding factor. It's logical considering the popularity of both games, it's safer to judge on grounds that nobody can argue about (H2 didn't win by innovation, technology or storytelling).

On a side note, don't bring up discussions on who is or is not a fanboy-- in this case either side has valid arguments, it's not based on blind faith. The whole fanboy idea has gotten out of hand to the point where simply expressing favour for something makes you a fanboy. I can imagine the results there would be if a music website declared guitarists as more skillful than pianists and I went on a piano forum calling them "piano-fanboys"...
Who cares? Gamespy sucks and always has sucked, and if you don't have any friends Halo 2's CO-OP mode isn't that good really.
Sparta said:
On Xbox Live...nothing really.

But when playing with your friends next to you, it just feels like you're playing GoldenEye again.

Don`t know if its me but, everytime I play halo or halo dm I wonder why ppl find it uber cool and revolutionary...
Maybe its revolutionary for console gamers I dunno
Halo 2 multiplayer is better than HL2's, hands down. And I am the ultimate HL2 fanboy by the way.
i guess its the physics that makes hl2 better, halo 2 isnt much different from the first halo, even the story is rather similer, hl2 story is completely different from hl1, heck your on a different location, halo2 is basically going back to the first halo and another one that is farely the same, Halo 2 in my opinion was a complete dissappoint, except for the MP, but we PC gamers have been playing MP for a long time now and the thing i liked the most about Halo 2 over xbox live is the headset able, that is pretty much it.
< Hasn't played Halo 2, so can't comment on it's worthiness for the award.

I suggest people bare that in mind. One thing I will say though: Gamespy's Halo 2 review wasn't very good compared to the others I read. It was short and identified none of the negatives that most other websites bemoaned. I found that quite annoying considering my next point...

GameSpy has always been overly biased to the XBox. Even the major community knows it. They'd pretty much admitted it. Gamespy itself is actually an embarresment, so to take anythng from them seriously its hard.
Actually, Gamespy were the one site I can remember that gave a non-biased accurate review of Halo 1 when it was released. It was about 85%, pointing out the inherent repeatativeness of the game (which makes it an absolute chore and a deep disappointment). I was disappointed when the same reviewer didn't get a pop at the sequel, because I knew I could trust him for an accurate idea of what the sequel was actually like.
ZeeM said:
Don`t know if its me but, everytime I play halo or halo dm I wonder why ppl find it uber cool and revolutionary...
Maybe its revolutionary for console gamers I dunno

That is what I thought too. When I played it I didn't find it very fun. Most of the time I can barely see anyone because the split screen make it too small. I thought it looked and played the same as halo 1 but with new maps and you can hold two guns. Whats so revolutionary about holding two guns.
I'd like to note that Halo 2 is a bigger game than Half-Life 2 money-wise and gamespy is going to get a lot more publicity (aka people coming to look at their banner ads) from declaring halo 2 the winner.
I just don't see what's so great about halo 2? The multiplayer is fun...but it's not great.
yup, but out of the box, it had multiplayer, hl2 didn't. u have to look at the whole package.

now i have both, and i love both, but i spent 3 days solid when i first got halo 2 completing it through 3 times. halflfe 2 i still haven't beaten, its good, but it hasn't really sucked me right into it as much.
To be honest, I think MGS3 is without a doubt the best game released this month. Followed by Half-Life 2.

For me at least, it's very easy to decide, and I think MGS3 is quite possibly one of the best games ever, let alone the damn month. Half-Life 2 is probably the best FPS ever, but I'm a sucker for MGS.

Halo 2 was fun, but it it absolutely pales in comparison to HL2. Morons.
I always thought Gamespy was full of Half-Life fanboys.....
Mad-Larkin said:
yup, but out of the box, it had multiplayer, hl2 didn't. u have to look at the whole package.

This is what is Steam useful for :)
Having Steam "guarantees" (note the quotes) that everyone has all the updates as they come out

About halo2 mp:
It is also a lot slower compared to hl mp. I personally don`t like slow games and this is one of the reasons I never liked CS.
Not to mention the controls. It can`t be easier than playing with a keyboard and a mouse.
Halo 2 is fun, I have it and I enjoy it. I don't see how they could even compare it to hl2 though. Hl2 is just a vastly superrior game in my opinion.
Who cares? PC Gamer and IGN both called it the greatest game of all time. They're actually reliable, unlike GameSpy.
LMAO, when I saw the title, I said Halo 2. It's obvious, Gamespy is getting paid off by Bungie. I'm talking about all the ads. Halo 2 must be an uber game, never played it myself.
Halo 2 is a good game, but as far as innovation goes, forget it. Yeah you can wield 2 guns (which is awesomely cool and fun) and there is a different style level (earth city) but that's it basically. The alien plays just like the masterchief and the game just feels like you're going back to Halo 1. Multiplayer Coop is awesome and is definetly missing in HL2. But Bungie is obviously making more money with Halo 2, because they only slightly updated the engine (runs extremely slow during cutscenes, textures load very slowly). They just used their map editor and did a couple of maps, that's it. Good game, but not to the same level as Half-life 2. Best for X-box though.
Who cares about gayspy.
Halo 2 is a piece of shit compared to half-life 2, we already have mods, already have DM, and already beat it down at SP.