Gaming is a waste of time

Last One In said:
I know that this a predominantly gamer community, as I was one myself until about 2 days ago, and I have something to tell you all; When you stop playing games life really opens up. I realized that staring at a screen for hours on end was frying my brain, as I was getting no culture or intuitive thoughts. All I would do is sit and play battlefield 2 or counter strike and mindlessly wait for the next round. I would sometimes think that it would be a good idea to go do something, but I was always just like "one more round." Well, since I quit playing, my life seems better and I feel more alive. I don't feel like the lazy shit I was when I played games, that's for sure. The only thing is that it is tough as nails to stay away perminantly. Has anyone else tried to quit gaming and what were the results?

Sounds like youre just a dumbass who has no self control. People like you always find something to waste their lives on and blame everything other than themselves.
I don't play a lot of games, only right after they're released.
AzzMan said:
Sounds like youre just a dumbass who has no self control. People like you always find something to waste their lives on and blame everything other than themselves.
I'm telling you now that I've gotten away from them, I am a lot happier; I didn't say I was blaming anyone or anything.
pfft a life? i dont need one...jk guys...i spend most of my day at school talking to friends or at home talking to friends on the net, on the weekends i try to get away from all the hell in the world by playing a game or two. i try to keep the life and the gaming world balance now and then, but the my life wins most of the time.
CptStern said:
I'm on a pc between 10-14 hrs per day work is the bulk of that

Same, but I hardly actually play on it. Infact just gave away a load of old games I haven't touched in years. Truth be told I hate computers, think I have for years, just a means to an end and more stressful than they should be

*turns into old man*

when i were a lad, we had computers that would play all games made for it, no question.. providing you could sit through 30 minutes of loading and not be tempted to fast forward the tape.
i usually spend between 2-3 hours weekdays, and 6-8 over the weekends
The Dark Elf said:
when i were a lad, we had computers that would play all games made for it, no question.. providing you could sit through 30 minutes of loading and not be tempted to fast forward the tape.
Yeeey another story :p
I must admit i spend way to much time gaming, i would prefer to go out with my mates more, but despite having a job i can't really afford it that often (though that was prob due to being in debt to my mum for ages :P ) and as i work on Friday nights i can't go out then :( Really should spend more time out with mates and doin homework. Due to work and homework this weekend my gaming will be very limited, only a couple hours tops.

Overall for me, my life is skewed slightly more towards gaming and foruming and i should try to balance it out, meh though
I dont think gaming overall is waste of time , its how you play , how long. gaming is just a hobby like any other one, anything you do alot of it is a waste of time..not just gaming.

alot of friends i've met online, thanks to video games
You know you're playing games too much when you end up in court for the murder of your significant other after she accidently deleted your saved games.

Though tbh if your playing them that much, how the hell did you get time to actually meet and marry someone *shrugs*
Gaming is just how I pass time when I'm bored with nothing to do. That accounts for quite a bit of time for me when I'm not working or in class but still..

My roomates just surf the internet and chat to people while listening to music. I do that too but I get bored and play some games. Lots of my time has been spent surfing or just watching One Piece lately. I need to get on BF2 more.
AmishSlayer said:
Gaming is just how I pass time when I'm bored with nothing to do. That accounts for quite a bit of time for me when I'm not working or in class but still..

My roomates just surf the internet and chat to people while listening to music. I do that too but I get bored and play some games. Lots of my time has been spent surfing or just watching One Piece lately. I need to get on BF2 more.
i need to aswell...its just that DoD is taking up my BF2 time :(
The Dark Elf said:
You know you're playing games too much when you end up in court for the murder of your significant other after she accidently deleted your saved games.

Though tbh if your playing them that much, how the hell did you get time to actually meet and marry someone *shrugs*

QFT hahahaha
Obvious gaming is not the only waste of time so kill yourself because life is a waste of time emoemoemoemeomeoemormyiamoemeoem!
Shens is faster and faster sinking into complete spam.
It's pretty much the same with everything when you take a step back and look at it objectively. Although perhaps playing games is a bigger waste of time than some other more practical activities. I bet after I die I'll say "wow life was a big waste of time"
AzzMan said:
Sounds like youre just a dumbass who has no self control. People like you always find something to waste their lives on and blame everything other than themselves.
I'm guilty of said description. I've felt like games are leaving me emptier and emptier lately. It might be because my father "planted the seed of doubt" in me just before i moved out (after college graduation) when he asked me when I was going to do something more with my life than waiting for the next "game du jour."

Damn, and I dropped $1000 on my rig these past 9 months...
CptStern said:
...which wouldnt be all that bad considering he's a teenager

No actually I'm 42.

And, well I thought that was simply assumed.
My Gaming Days end this Christmas when I pack up my computer and sell it. Why am I doing such a crazy thing?! Well I'm LDS (Mormon) and will be leaving on my Mission soon (2 years of preaching in an area foreign to me). So by the time I get back I will have no computer, no money, and heading off to college. That and I will probably get married soon after I return and having kids soon after that. Maybe ill get a Gaming computer for my son...... and put the best porno filter on there.
Uriel said:
My Gaming Days end this Christmas when I pack up my computer and sell it. Why am I doing such a crazy thing?! Well I'm LDS (Mormon) and will be leaving on my Mission soon (2 years of preaching in an area foreign to me). So by the time I get back I will have no computer, no money, and heading off to college. That and I will probably get married soon after I return and having kids soon after that. Maybe ill get a Gaming computer for my son...... and put the best porno filter on there.

Yes. At the pinnacle of your life, you get to install a porno filter. Oh the joy. :)
Last One In said:
I know that this a predominantly gamer community, as I was one myself until about 2 days ago, and I have something to tell you all; When you stop playing games life really opens up. I realized that staring at a screen for hours on end was frying my brain, as I was getting no culture or intuitive thoughts. All I would do is sit and play battlefield 2 or counter strike and mindlessly wait for the next round. I would sometimes think that it would be a good idea to go do something, but I was always just like "one more round." Well, since I quit playing, my life seems better and I feel more alive. I don't feel like the lazy shit I was when I played games, that's for sure. The only thing is that it is tough as nails to stay away perminantly. Has anyone else tried to quit gaming and what were the results?

I'm sorry you weren't able to control your recreational hobby before you were "reborn" or whatever. But that doesn't mean all gamers are socially reclusive addicts.

I spend a fair bit of time on the computer, I admit. But I talk to friends, play the occasional soccer game with them, hang out, go clubbing, and get smashed at the pub with my mates. I have a very active and enjoyable social life. Besides, some of my friends are gamers as well. So it's not like I'm completely shutting the world out when I sit down and play a game.
What absinthe said. Nowadays I don't play games anymore though, just don't have the time for them and they're mostly dull. Maybe I'll get back into it when games become more realistic and immersive in the future.

I think it's about priorities. I used to be a real computer addict, spending whole days in front of the computer. Now I just can't do that anymore. The computer isn't that fun, except for drawing/painting and listening to and making music, and of course speaking with likeminded people about these kinds of subjects.

I don't think gaming equals the lack of a social life, though being online 24/7 might. Doesn't really matter though, people should be allowed to do whatever the **** they want. It's about priorities, but i think you're limited to a very small amount of types of people if the majority of your social network is on the internet, with interests revolving almost exclusively around gaming and the internet.

I think that when you have too much in life to deal with you don't have time for practically "living" your hobbies. Maybe I'll do like Cptstern and play games again when my life's settled down abit.

Also, It feels like in most usergroups on the internet there's a strong sense of elitism and closedness, making it less interesting, almost repulsive, to get into those communities and get back into communities you used to be in.
I still play games, I know technically they are a waste of time, so is watching movies and listening to music etc etc. But I enjoy playing games and why not enjoy your life? I won't be stopping anytime soon but all the power to anybody who wants to and enjoys it.

*goes off to play cs:s*
is play videogames is a waste of life them I love to waste time

seriously the entertaiment and stuff are all wastes of time but you enjoy it
for example imaginate dedicate all your time to the work to get more money and stuff, them what I do whit the money earn,oh just buy food to keep living cuz if a buy a tv to watch it is a waste of time,buy another thing to entretent you no is still a waste of timebut you enjoy it,so I think the waste of time is not doing something you enjoy
I'd put it at 50 50 that we'll have the capability to live forever. (live long from good medicine, medicine improves, live even longer, eventually turn back and eliminate old age...)

Wasting time is not an issue. :) Besides, you gotta enjoy life.
it's not a waste of time, you need to learn to balance your life and have some self control .. and leave your house.
<RJMC> said:
is play videogames is a waste of life them I love to waste time

seriously the entertaiment and stuff are all wastes of time but you enjoy it
for example imaginate dedicate all your time to the work to get more money and stuff, them what I do whit the money earn,oh just buy food to keep living cuz if a buy a tv to watch it is a waste of time,buy another thing to entretent you no is still a waste of timebut you enjoy it,so I think the waste of time is not doing something you enjoy

even though I was struggling to understand what you just said, I agree with you.

What's not a waste of time?

The only things i consider not wasting time is creating cures for horrible diseases, discovering new forms of renewable energy/refining current renewable energy, umm, stem cell research, social reform (peace for all mankind yo), colonizing other planets for future survival.

Everything else imo is pretty pointless and just there to waste time on because you have nothing better to do. Work, being a consumer whore, being a fashion whore, having friends and socializing, going ice skating with your fat retarded half brother. It's all a waste of time.

Go invent hyperspace or something you useless humans.
Uriel said:
My Gaming Days end this Christmas when I pack up my computer and sell it. Why am I doing such a crazy thing?! Well I'm LDS (Mormon) and will be leaving on my Mission soon (2 years of preaching in an area foreign to me). So by the time I get back I will have no computer, no money, and heading off to college. That and I will probably get married soon after I return and having kids soon after that. Maybe ill get a Gaming computer for my son...... and put the best porno filter on there.
You mormons are such good people. :cheers:
Its not a waste of time for me. All I do is work at my crappy job and go to school, then do homework and projects all the rest of the day. The few breaks I get arnt enough time to hang out or go do anything, so I play a game. Thats not to mention that I plan on being part of a developer team that makes games. In this way games are my career, are career's a waste of time?

Actually they probably are, but thats a different discussion.
Not everyone that is considered a gamer shut off the outside world completely when they play games.

I think your problem was your time managing, you would put gaming ahead of everything else which caused the stress that you went through. Most people here have managed their time to an extent that they have spare time for gaming.

Try it some time, schedule the things your going to do that day, and try to make some time for your hobby.
I used to think to myself I'd make a career in video games, kinda an excuse to justify my playing time. That is until I actually took a programming class. Wow. I think ill just play them.
congrats now you have a $4000 machine that surfs the internet.
No it isn't it's a way to relax.

I play games 2-3 hours a week and I think it's perfectly healthy considering some kids spend hours in front of their TV. I never watch TV and would much rather be an active participant in what I do.

And if 2 days of getting off games made you realize that, well, yeah you had a huge problem.
Gaming is a waste of time if you do it all play during the night. I used to do that with Thief 3. Played all night so that I could devote my time to other things during the day.

Not really sure how I came up with that conclusion.
Didnt they study the effects on Online Gaming and found that it actually improved Sociality, Intelligence, Reaction Time, Learning, etc etc etc?
Games are a good way to pass time when there is nothing better to do, so they are not a waste of time unless your time is important.
Gaming is a good way to relax or just leave the problems of the world, to have other problems like running away from headcrabs.
The same thing works for me with Hiking, but not the 'crabs, it's a way to leave the norm and have fun.
Nevermind games, what about Internet BB's? Jesus, those things are addictive.