Gaming Leads to Less Tree Climbing, Which Leads to Weak Children


Oct 17, 2007
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0 (I found out about it here)

"In 2006/07 - the latest year for which data is available - 1,067 children under 15 needed medical assistance for tree falls. In 1999/00 the figure was 1,823.

Meanwhile, the number of youngsters under 15 admitted to A&E after bed falls in 2006/07 was 2,531, up from 2,226 in 1999/2000.

The figures lend weight to the Government's campaign to get more children away from computer games and into the great outdoors."

Daily mail = epic fail
I'm making up for those years that my uncle forced us to go outside and get fresh air.
Used to do the whole tree climbing thing before I fell and had to get stitches in my leg =/
how the hell does gaming and falling out of a tree relate in any way???
I tried bringing my PC up a tree once.

Landed on my face.
I tried bringing my PC up a tree once.

Landed on my face.
Actually, you just broke the fall with your face, and your backside cushioned your PC from major damage. :thumbs:

Or did you PC land first, cushioning your face from major damage?
Ooooor they're just getting better at it through greater hand/eye coordination?

Well probably not, but still, lol.
Shit, if playing on the PC means I can't climb trees as well, SCREW THE COMPUTER! I wanna CLLLIIIMMMBB!
I've played games since I was 2 or something, and all they do is make us smarter and more aware of the risks so we don't climb as high as our dumbass friends.
i don't climb into trees anymore. damn computers.
I climbed and fell out of my computer the other day, but did this study deem it necessary to include that statistic? No.