Gaming Podcasts

Apr 10, 2009
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Rather bored of just listening to the Joystiq guys, but they're the only ones I've found who put out a regular Podcast.

What podcasts do you guys listen to?
i listen to the rooster teeth podcast a lot, not so much them talking about red vs blue but games in general, films, technology, funny/interesting stories and the conventions they go to on a regular basis (comic con, pax, etc). i also tune in monthly (or so) to the bungie podcast as they always feature designers, artists, engineers, producers, composers from the studio itself to talk about what they're developing at the moment. obviously halo related, interesting none the less.

Rather bored of just listening to the Joystiq guys, but they're the only ones I've found who put out a regular Podcast.

What podcasts do you guys listen to?

I'd occasionally listen to the joystiq podcast but one of the hosts has a really annoying nasally voice with a southern twang. he also snorts and wheezes a lot which is distracting and annoying. stopped listening because of it

I dont listen to gaming podcasts all that much any more as they're mostly dull or long winded with horrible production values with few exceptions. I used to listen to idle thumbs, maximumpc, gamebomb, pc gamer, 1up but grew bored of them. now I pretty much just listen to podcasts on topics outside of gaming: this american life, radio lab, the bugle, stuff you should know etc. I find these podcasts to be leagues better than anything gaming related
I don't listen to podcasts. They're about as interesting as blogs.
I'm really not into podcasts at all. I occasionally listen to Podcast 17 and I had a brief stint listening to the PC Gamer podcast a few years ago but that's about it.
I don't listen to podcasts. They're about as interesting as blogs.

you should listen to This American Life and Radio Lab. not dull at all. the problem with most podcasts is that the people who make podcasts think listening to two guys drone on about things they find interesting has wide appeal. what they forget is that much like radio it helps if you have a personality

Perhaps not the most unbiased podcast out there, but these guys are pretty entertaining to listen to.