Gas Prices


Apr 29, 2004
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OMG! They are too outrageous to handel! Up and up they go!
How much is yours a gallon for 87 octane? Ours is around $2.20

BTW, don't complain too much. The Europeans have it much worse.
here in my country the gasoline is very cheap compared to your country

someone know how much cost a fiat palio(my mom's car) tank full of 95? here is like 2500 bolivares(my country money) that is like almost 1 dollar or something
60$ a barrel is like high 80/low 90 cents (CAD) per litre.

Another way to put it is, "They've run out of 60 cent gas and are going to 80 and 90 cent gas"
Higher gas prices is a good thing. It stimulates the economy for alternative fuel technologies.
Around $2 in ohio (the land of well-endowed men).
where i am in bc. The gas prices are 95 cents per litre. in vancouver where they are charged more taxes and such is at the same price. so we are getting the end of the stick to exploit tourists who no better. and stuck paying it because nowhere esle is cheaper.
Element Alpha said:
1.2€ / liter
Same here (Belgium).

The government is going to increase the taxes so that the prices stay stable, but it won't work forever.
too bad :p bitch bitch bitch. Your prices are too low they should be taxed more
mines 0.96€/liter (euro 95->octane)! not that bad compared to belgium or other EU countries!

edit: we have to consider belgium has a much bigger income pre citizen! so yeah, were ****ed! :(
LittleB said:
Higher gas prices is a good thing. It stimulates the economy for alternative fuel technologies.
It cripples the economy and slows down production- a lot more than cars depend on petrolium based fuels. While research is being done none of those alternative fuel techs are generating anything. And until they are out on the market in a very effective form en masse they don't stimulate the market on a wide enough scale to make a difference.
demand always going up, quantity always going down, prices get ridiculous, and theres a threshold ratio between demand to quantity when thats reached people either pay stupid amounts or go without.. it's going to peak in the next 5 years, earliest 2006, then everyone can dare guess what happens unless we plan for the worst.
€1.29/litre here in the UK (that's $7.11/gallon for you Americans - I think)

They are considering doing away with fuel and road tax completely and taxing us as we drive based on how congested the roads are. Besides the enormous cost that Her Majesty's bloated Civil Service will add, there's the problem that you won't really know how much you're paying before you start your journey. I've got my fingers crossed because I only drive when the roads are quiet and only about 75 miles per week. I also think paying for my road tax in one lump sumß is hard when you're on a student's income.
The price of oil has gone up due to an Oil Workers strike in Norway.
lol feath, the price of oil is going up because of all sorts of factors, mainly the war at present, but most prominently because constantly increasing demand is starting to squander and put pressure on what is left, basically I dont think we are as well off as we are told, and we are approaching a point where there wont be enough to satisfy the ever growing demands of modern electrical and motor technologies. as a result if nothing is done, expect oil wars, black outs, and general discomfort risking economical collapse,

thats unless new technologies are implemented in time.
clarky003 said:
lol feath, the price of oil is going up because of all sorts of factors, mainly the war at present, but most prominently because constantly increasing demand is starting to squander and put pressure on what is left, basically I dont think we are as well off as we are told, and we are approaching a point where there wont be enough to satisfy the ever growing demands of modern electrical and motor technologies. as a result if nothing is done, expect oil wars, black outs, and general discomfort risking economical collapse,

thats unless new technologies are implemented in time.

The price of oil went up recently to the highest it's been because of a Norwegian oil workers strike.
The price of oil went up recently to the highest it's been because of a Norwegian oil workers strike.
the price of oil is going up because of all sorts of factors

as you can see i didnt disagree with that.
I'm not talking about a general trend. I'm talking about something that happened this week.
The sooner they find something other than oil the better. Don't give me this fluff about the Hydrogen Economy either - Bush only goes along with that because the oil is still needed to generate the hydrogen in the first place: hydrogen is not a source of energy. It's only good for transporting energy around and isn't as efficient a way as the petrol it's supposed to replace. It won't be practical until we a) find a way to produce it much more efficiently and b) find a better way to store it than in heavy metal tanks.

If there wasn't such a NIMBY attitude towards nuclear power we would all be better off. There are designs for reactors that cannot achieve meltdown already in use in China. Burying spent fuel underground until we find a way to safely dispose of it is a far better way than continually dumping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
jonbob said:
Burying spent fuel underground until we find a way to safely dispose of it is a far better way than continually dumping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

No seriously though I agree wholeheartidly with you on nuclear power. People have had it drilled into their head by environmentalists who have their facts wrong and by misinformation that they'll get cancer or something from being near it :dork:
RakuraiTenjin said:

No seriously though I agree wholeheartidly with you on nuclear power. People have had it drilled into their head by environmentalists who have their facts wrong and by misinformation that they'll get cancer or something from being near it :dork:

ahem too close to chernobyl

RakuraiTenjin said:
Chernobyl was a result of a flawed and inadequate design, inappropriate operation, lack of an effective regulatory system and an operating organization that did not give proper regard to safety.

that distinction is lost on those children
89 cents for regular but you can find it for 84 cents in some places here in Alberta, for a litre each that is, but I only use supreme so it gets up near a dollar a litre. Gas prices suck
in alabama were at 2.10$/gal for 89, and i dont care if the europeans have it so much worse. Alabama doesn't exactly have a pubic transportation system, so i have to drive everywhere and its very upsetting. I can remember my sister getting gas for $.99/gal back in the day. My mom kepts reminding my of how my dad quit buying gas when it hit $.60/gal. I think 2$ is the perfect price, i would pay 2$ a gallon.

What REALLY pisses me off is diesel, the TDi golf (turbo diesel injection) gets 49mpg, so you think great, buy a TDi save gas money. Well the gas companies already thought of that which is why diesel is usually $.10 more than 92 octane. It's just really aggrevating how greedy they are. I remember reading a report for exxon i believe, where they made record profits (somewhere are 300million) while gas prices remained at an all time high.
CptStern said:
that distinction is lost on those children

What of all the people who die from oil-induced poverty? Families displaced to build reservoirs? People killed in regime changes in oil-rich countries?

You can't let one accident spoil the oppurtunity for a clean and safe source of energy. By your reasoning we should ban cars because some people get killed by them. As much as I dislike citing wikipedia there are designs for nuclear reactors that are inherently safe.
Nikola Tesla's energy inventions far outstrip what nuclear energy can give us, its ashame that his inventions have been purposefully supressed to allow for the economic domination of fossil fuels, In Nikola Tesla's mind this whole situation developing over the last 100 years could of been avoided with his lighting inducing capacitors and high frequencey energy technologies.
I still believe it isnt too late, all people need to do is wake up and have a good look at some of the astounding overunity technologies that are being produced, Without immediately dismissing it as impossible.

Up until now, scientists have maintained that the only method of magnetization that was possible was done with discrete poles of north and south. The industry has produced multiple poles on a magnet, but always with discrete north and south polarity.

On May 9, 2005, at The Victory Hall, Aboyne, Scotland, Prof. John R. R. Searl demonstrated a magnetic wave pattern on a ferro-magnetic metal material, thus proving conventional scientist wrong. This demonstration was witnessed by officials from the government of Scotland as well as a member of the press. The entire lecture was video taped by a production company from Los Angeles California.

The tests showed a magnetic ring rotated at a constant rate and measured by a gauss meter. The readings steadily increased and decreased in an even manner. Further tests were video taped using an oscilloscope to show the complete repeating wave form. This leaves no doubt that the field that Prof. Searl describes can be created and duplicated.

The secret to making this wave pattern on a magnetic material lies with Prof. Searl and his team.

This magnetic wave pattern is used to create the SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR.

We are closer than ever to having a working prototype of the S.E.G. for the world to see. With the proper funding this technology can reach the entire world and bring about a new age.

Page 429 from Prof. Searl's book "SEG Concept Review" available for download here. < this new document is fantastic, it includes mathmatical working and images of the device (some smaller ones in operation), concept's, materials.. etc

good pictures of a prototype on page 170 of the pdf document.
jonbob said:
What of all the people who die from oil-induced poverty? Families displaced to build reservoirs? People killed in regime changes in oil-rich countries?

You can't let one accident spoil the oppurtunity for a clean and safe source of energy. By your reasoning we should ban cars because some people get killed by them. As much as I dislike citing wikipedia there are designs for nuclear reactors that are inherently safe.

no, we should ban cars because they're slowly killing us all
clarky give it a break with those things, please! no offense meant by that

fussion is the answer! if maybe 1/3 of the money invested in the oil industry would have been redirected in fussion research, we'd be cooking and driving on electricity!
Fusion research would certainly benefit from increased funding (and perhaps if the Japanese and French would make their bloody minds up). I reckon a breakthrough will be made in the next decade or two, but it will be in a garden shed, like all truly great discoveries.
It's really sad -- the whole thing. We revolve around it. Our enonomy IS gasoline. It's really sad that we depend on it so much.

Gas goes up, prices for everything goes up, businesses move from the US, jobs are lost, prices still rise, people have no money to buy stuff, people stop buying stuff, stock market goes down, Depression '06.
WHo cares about the price of gas, seriously? Did you know you pay more per gallon for other liquids than gas? Milk... etc. Gas is cheap!
gas is not cheap!! i do find over 90p $1.80 nearly for a litre an utterly EXTREME outrage.
I had a dream, a dream was everyone was happy. Where everyone didn't need these dirty air polluting power sources. Where the whole world live off of ME! I'M SO HARDCORE THAT JUST BY BEING ON EARTH I CHARGED EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD! Then I woke up, and I realised.....THAT IT WASN'T A DREAM BECAUSE I AM THAT HARDCORE.