"Gay weddings"

We're not debating terrorists, murderers or ever drug users. We are talking about the rights of a group of law abiding citizens.
So yes in that respect I really don't understand your dislike of these people at all.
I know I will not change your view anymore than you could change mine but I genuinely don't see this need to dislike somebody just because they are gay.
obviously we're not talking about those groups, but my point still stands [and wasn't this just made 'law' so before that, what was it ? lol ..].

i don't think it's healthy, i don't think it's right (socially/religously) i think 2 males or females is wrong and disgusting, so, like i've said for the tenth time, i will not further explain myself and simply read my opinion (and others) and move on.
Gay people don't produce children. If gay marriges are allowed then little kid'll see them and become gay aswell, just imagine how pissed off you'd be of you had a gay child.
destrukt said:
like i've said for the tenth time, i will not further explain myself

Then I don't see a reason for you to stay in this subject of discussion.
theSteven said:
Gay people don't produce children. If gay marriges are allowed then little kid'll see them and become gay aswell, just imagine how pissed off you'd be of you had a gay child.

Wow, a post with fact and insight! Don't see too many of those nowadays!

theSteven said:
Gay people don't produce children. If gay marriges are allowed then little kid'll see them and become gay aswell, just imagine how pissed off you'd be of you had a gay child.

If any of my kids turn out to be gay, then good luck to them. It won't affect how I feel about them or treat them in any way, shape or form.
Gay people are no different to straight people. I'm all for equal rights.

-Angry Lawyer
Gay couples, if they adopt a child...
That child will probably turn gay at some point in its life.
If not... it'll have to go through its school life, knowing that their parents are fairies... probably getting ridiculed every single day...
And if said child is mentally unstable, It would probably kill itself.
I know I couldn't live like that.

The end of my random and pointless rant.
Good job, destrukt. You've compared homosexuals to murderers, drug users, and terrorists. I think that's rendered your opinion worthless.

xlucidx said:
Gay couples, if they adopt a child...
That child will probably turn gay at some point in its life.
If not... it'll have to go through its school life, knowing that their parents are fairies... probably getting ridiculed every single day...
And if said child is mentally unstable, It would probably kill itself.
I know I couldn't live like that.

The end of my random and pointless rant.

...What the hell? First of all, there's no reason to believe that homosexuality is derived from a person's environment. And even if it was, so? Is that any more "wrong" than being conditioned for being straight?
Secondly, your big beef with "fairies" adopting seems to be that the children would be ridiculed by a harsh, prejudiced, uneducated world. Of all the involved parties, which one do you think is really in the wrong?

And why the HELL do people insist on using the inability to sexually reproduce as anargument against homosexual marriage? Since when has offsrping ever been a requirement for it in our modern day?
There is reason to believe that homosexuality is derived from a person's environment, but i wouldn't say that that is the only cause.

And there's nothing wrong with homosexual marriage. It's just union between two people who love each other. Or is this lies-to-children?
xlucidx said:
Gay couples, if they adopt a child...
That child will probably turn gay at some point in its life.
If not... it'll have to go through its school life, knowing that their parents are fairies... probably getting ridiculed every single day...
And if said child is mentally unstable, It would probably kill itself.
I know I couldn't live like that.

So how is it then that children born to (or adopted by) entirely heterosexual couples can still end up gay?
There's absolutely zero evidence to suggest that a child adopted by gay parents is more likely to end up being homosexual. Did you learn your sexual tendencies from your parents?
Last One In said:
"I may not like what you do, but ill defend your right to do it." I think that this holds true with gay couples. Although I find the act of homosexuality repulsive and unnatural, I can't say that those people should be hindered from doing what they want to do. Do unto others as you would want to have done onto you. You don't hinder my rights and I won't hinder yours.
I actually genuinely respect you for saying this. I personally find your stance on homosexuality to be repugnant, but the fact that despite that you can acknowledge - nay, espouse that they genuinely DO deserve the same rights as heterosexual people I find admirable. Considering all the snide bigots acting as if homosexuals were sub-human.

Glirk Dient said:
Homosexuals deserve civil unions...leave it at that.
I wish I'd written this, but alas I can take no credit.
Twelve Reasons Same-Sex Marriages Will Ruin Society

1. Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control.

2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people can't legally get married because the world needs more children.

3. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

4. Gay marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.

5. Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are property, black people can't marry white people, and divorce is illegal.

6. Same-sex marriage should be decided by people not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of the minorities.

7. Same-sex marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in Great Britain.

8. Same-sex marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

9. Legalizing same-sex marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behaviour. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

10. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.

11. Same-sex marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer life spans.

12. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always acceptable. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate “marriages” for gays and lesbians will.
Good good. This is long overdue. There is utterly no reason at all not to allow. it. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Zero. None at all. Can anyone think of one? How about one that isn't stupid? Didn't think so. Whether you find it disgusting or not is completely irrelevant. I would find a fat man having sex with a supremely ugly woman rather disgusting but that doesn't mean it's wrong in the slightest bit. HOMOSEXUALITY IS UNNATURAL. Unfortunately this is wrong, since it appears naturally in most mammals. SEPERATE BUT EQUAL! Bullshit. America's courts ruled that was bullshit in the fifties. It doesn't work. It never has. It never will.

You dislike gays? Whoops, you just stereotyped an entire range of people. It's like saying you dislike people who wear glasses, or are left-handed.

A wedding is a religious ordeal, hence it being done in a church.

...except, of course for all those weddings that aren't religious at all and take place not in a church.

If gay marriges are allowed then little kid'll see them and become gay aswell, just imagine how pissed off you'd be of you had a gay child.

My ex-girlfriend's (e-penis +1) mum was a lesbian and her dad was a sperm donor. She herself was not gay. GG.
I cant help feel that this is only half a victory. They still cant get "married". Seperate but equal is still discrimination. But it's just a matter of a legal title.
The whole gay parents raise gay children is absolute BS.
I see a problem with them getting married. I see no problem with civil unions. Marriage is religious...if we allowed them to get married you would have to leave it up to the churches to decided it since the state can't force the churches to allow them to marry. If they were allowed civil unions then they wouldn't have to worry about going through the churches and can still get benefits.

Kyo said:
The whole gay parents raise gay children is absolute BS.

Well, I don't know about gay children...but if a child is missing a father or mother figure it confuses them since they have no example of it. I don't want to expand on the idea too much as im not going to go find a source. If you want to read up on it go ahead. Mind you...if they are allowed to adopt they will be lucky if they can. They would just be another name on the very very long waiting lists.
My very good friends ex-bf had two mothers. He's not gay in the slightest.
Marriage is not inherently religious. I am married. My marriage had no religious aspect to it whatsoever. It was not a civil union.
Glirk Dient said:
I see a problem with them getting married. I see no problem with civil unions.

seperate but equal is discrimination

Glirk Dient said:
Marriage is religious

wrong. I'm married and there was no priest, no mention of god whatsoever

Glirk Dient said:
...if we allowed them to get married you would have to leave it up to the churches to decided it since the state can't force the churches to allow them to marry.

nope. In canada same sex marriage is legal. It cant be forced on religious institutions because that would infringe on their rights ...but they're more than welcome to if they want to. The united church of canada has performed same sex marriages for years

Glirk Dient said:
If they were allowed civil unions then they wouldn't have to worry about going through the churches and can still get benefits.

seperate but equal is discrimination.

Glirk Dient said:
Well, I don't know about gay children...but if a child is missing a father or mother figure it confuses them since they have no example of it. I don't want to expand on the idea too much as im not going to go find a source. If you want to read up on it go ahead. Mind you...if they are allowed to adopt they will be lucky if they can. They would just be another name on the very very long waiting lists.

over 50% of marriages end in divorce. All families willing to go through adoption are screened making it far more likely that they will stay together than traditional families.
Hmm, I always thought marriage was considered religious and defined in the bible. Well...I guess this day and age it isn't anymore. As long as the government doesn't make the churches do anything I see no problem with it. Wouldn't want to violate seperation of church and state!
I don't think they should call it marriage. The definition of marriage is spefically defined as being for man and woman. Give them equal rights but don't call it something it is not by definition.
SIGbastard said:
I don't think they should call it marriage. The definition of marriage is spefically defined as being for man and woman.

nope, marriage comes from the word "marry" which means to join ...nothing about "to join a man and woman"


oh and traditionally I am allowed to beat my wife to death for disobedience
It's fun - you ought to try it sometime.
Glirk Dient said:
Hmm, I always thought marriage was considered religious and defined in the bible. Well...I guess this day and age it isn't anymore. As long as the government doesn't make the churches do anything I see no problem with it. Wouldn't want to violate seperation of church and state!

Marriage has been around a lot longer than Christianity, pal. And the law that was passed today is for 'civil partnerships', not religiously recognized marriages.

Incidentally, two guys I know are getting hitched, and ive been invited to the wedding.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It's fun - you ought to try it sometime.

ya but then I'd have to remarry ..weddings are freakin expensive :angel:
Glirk said:
Marriage is religious

Stern said:
wrong. I'm married and there was no priest, no mention of god whatsoever

Quite so. We don't seperate 'reigious' marriage and 'non-religious' marriage for heterosexual couples so why should it be any different for homosexual couples?
theSteven said:
Gay people don't produce children. If gay marriges are allowed then little kid'll see them and become gay aswell.

Yeah, coz heterosexual couples only produce heterosexual children... right?
CptStern said:
ya but then I'd have to remarry ..weddings are freakin expensive :angel:
Just do it Vegas style then. Win money playing black jack and use it to pay for a 5 minute service.
ya but burial costs have to factor in there somehow :E
"Gays" are a complete bunch of...

...perfectly normal humans. I mean, why should they be treated any different to you or I? They are no better or worse than any of us.
It's funny how those who so stubbornly oppose gay marrage, can't find a better argument then "two penises, Gross!!!! God don't like" while those who are pro choice back up their views and are able to apply the old "treat everyone equally" rule, that we all follow, to just one more group of people to who you at the very best, ignore.

Grow up... there are much worse things in the world then two consulting adults expressing their love for eachother.
gick said:
Marriage has been around a lot longer than Christianity, pal. And the law that was passed today is for 'civil partnerships', not religiously recognized marriages.

Incidentally, two guys I know are getting hitched, and ive been invited to the wedding.
Gay people have also been around longer than Christianity. Hell, Romans even did it with young boys :o
brink's said:
It's funny how those who so stubbornly oppose gay marrage, can't find a better argument then "two penises, Gross!!!! God don't like" while those who are pro choice back up their views and are able to apply the old "treat everyone equally" rule, that we all follow, to just one more group of people to who you at the very best, ignore.

Grow up... there are much worse things in the world then two consulting adults expressing their love for eachother.

Well, mind you there are psychological and health issues with homosexuality...but it's not too far different from a dad beating his kid.
Glirk Dient said:
Well, mind you there are psychological and health issues with homosexuality...but it's not too far different from a dad beating his kid.

errrr ..... huh?
Glirk Dient said:
Well, mind you there are psychological and health issues with homosexuality...but it's not too far different from a dad beating his kid.

This oughta be good.
Yay for gay men!

Less straight men means more women for me!