Gears of War Twin


Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
I swear, if they make a movie out of this (knowing Microsoft, they will) he has to be the actor!



BTW, Gears kicks ass!
And I don't like wrestling.
... am I missing something...

EDIT:: It would appear the second image wasnt showing up first time I came to this thread :)

Also, isn't acting skills slightly more important that just looks...
yes because Microsoft movie studios puts out tons of video game movies every year :upstare:

it would make a great action movie: zero plot plus zero dialogue = Remy Harlin/Michael Bay/Bruckheimer action movie
No, I'm referring to the way that they used halo, and gears was supposed to be the "next big thing".
well I have no clue as to what you're talking about

/me walks out of thread
Seems pretty good, Batista is a pretty good actor and his character would be well suited for it.
yup, i can see it
but i sincerely hope the movie never gets made
id like to see it, that is if it has a good budget
Uhhh, this thread confuses me!
/walks out with Stern.
Yea, but Batisita would be PERFECT for the role of Guts from the anime BERSERK.


why would a soldier/professional fighter use steroids? clearly wrestling numbnuts (sorry peanut nuts) over there took one too many injections in the ass and now whenever counting something he involuntarily stamps his right foot

Gears of War is not awesome, it's just a horribly bland shooter
why would a soldier/professional fighter use steroids? clearly wrestling numbnuts (sorry peanut nuts) over there took one too many injections in the ass and now whenever counting something he involuntarily stamps his right foot


Maybe Batista is just a body builder? Not everyone who has a lot of muscle and veins uses steroids, have you ever seen body builders? That's what muscle mass training does to you.

But on the other hand, I don't watch wrestling so I don't know if Batista actually uses steroids. But the results are similar.
Maybe Batista is just a body builder? Not everyone who has a lot of muscle and veins uses steroids, have you ever seen body builders? That's what muscle mass training does to you.

But on the other hand, I don't watch wrestling so I don't know if Batista actually uses steroids. But the results are similar.

I'm pretty sure it's safe to say he uses performance enhancers of some kind..
Looks nothing like Marcus....

/sticks cock out of thread and walks forward....Ready to rape.
Um... you realize that people hate Microsoft mostly just because Windows is a horrid piece of shit that we're all forced to use anyway for compatibility, not because they're the type of company that tries to milk franchises by making shit movies from good games?
why would a soldier/professional fighter use steroids? clearly wrestling numbnuts (sorry peanut nuts) over there took one too many injections in the ass and now whenever counting something he involuntarily stamps his right foot

What's wrong with injections in the ass??? Homophobe!! :p

Seriously though, this would be worse than the Doom movie...or the Halo movie that isn't even being made atm because its so bad.
After seeing this poster in the cinemas (I was building the new Gold Class ones, they have the most awesome chairs) yesterday John Travolta (Second from left) looks incredibly like Marcus Fenix, the whole big noise, bandanna and that.

Any of these video games (even Doom) could have been/be a good movie. It's just that with a game like Doom, there's not much plot to start with so making it a good movie is that much harder. I thought the Doom movie was such a waste of a good opportunity. I've not played Gears of War, but with a good director/screenwriter, it could be done quite well if I have the storyline straight.
why would a soldier/professional fighter use steroids? clearly wrestling numbnuts (sorry peanut nuts) over there took one too many injections in the ass and now whenever counting something he involuntarily stamps his right foot

Wow, is it at all possible you could be MORE of a jackass? You're insulting someone you don't even know because of his physique. I don't even really care much for Batista but he's a dedicated guy whose had a good career (currently the world heavyweight champion), and has never been accussed of using steroids. There are ways to get ripped without using illegal substances, you know.

Furthermore, gasp, soldiers use steroids. That's been going on for awhile. The armed forces doesn't tolerate it but it happens. Big surprise, huh? Why would soldiers use steroids? I dunno maybe for the same reasons other people do, to increase strength and stamina? Hurr.