Geforce 6800 or Radeon XT?

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Which card would you perfer? considering all the badass games coming out soon.
hey welcome aboard ....hate to say it but you're in the wrong forum :) no harm done ...enjoy your stay :)
Geet one of those new Alienware's that can have 2 graphics cards and get both :D

No... I don't know if they cme out yet :p
Alienware's solution isn't the fastest - you need preferably a dual-CPU nForce4 motherboard (pref. Asus) with dual PCI-Express slots, two AMD FX-55s, two 6800 Ultra Extremes (in SLI configuration) and 4x 1GB corsair XMS Ultra modules (2 per cpu).

Not forgetting the 500watt power supply and watercooling solution you'd need to power + cool this monster.
I'd get a Geforce 6800 GT. It can easily be overclocked to a 6800 Ultra and they both have 16 pipes.

Best bang for your buck from the new generation IMO.
get a radeon, simply because i will never buy a nvidia product ever again after the geforce 4 mx scam. doom III = Geforce, HL2 = Radeon
or just get Radeon 9800 pro and see how things turn out
i'm moving this to hardware...

anyway, currently a BFG 6800GT OC will get you the absolute best performance for the price range (and yes, even HardOCP with actual game tests confirm this) It won't be much higher than an x800pro, but it has been higher in some situations.

Highest of the High-end, it's looking like the x800XT PE will take it.

And, for HL2 anway, Rick and others have said that this newest generation, whichever company, is so much playable that it doesn't make a difference.

If you want D3, however, it's looking like an nvidia solution is the way to go (well, until we have those cards with 512mb of video ram :p )
Depends what you have avaliable to you.
200$ - 9800Pro all the way.
300$ - If you can find them, 6800's.
400$ - If you can find them, 6800GT otherwise the X800Pro will get you there.
500$ - X800XT PE for sure.
Asus said:
Depends what you have avaliable to you.
200$ - 9800Pro all the way.
300$ - If you can find them, 6800's.
400$ - If you can find them, 6800GT otherwise the X800Pro will get you there.
500$ - X800XT PE for sure.

Pretty much bang on. On a side note as we dont yet know wether or not the 6800 cards will be faster or slower in HL2 (although im inclined to believe it will be in ATI's favour) the 6800 cards seem to be much faster than the x800 cards when running doom 3.
[Matt] said:
Pretty much bang on. On a side note as we dont yet know wether or not the 6800 cards will be faster or slower in HL2 (although im inclined to believe it will be in ATI's favour) the 6800 cards seem to be much faster than the x800 cards when running doom 3.

Well [Matt] thats quite obvious, they been working with nvidia like valve's been working with ati....Should be a good game no less :)
But you have to understand that there will be no noticible differnece, unless you're benchmarking, between, say the x800pro and the 6800gt in HL2. Unlike D3, hl2 is (from what valve has been saying) optomized enough so that if you have one of these newest cards, it doesn't matter, gameplay wise, who you buy from.

Maybe you feel that ATI's current good streak is important, considering nvidias trouble with the 5xx0 line... maybe you think nvidia's general history (4x00 and earlier) is a safer bet than ATI's past history...
If you can afford it, a 6800 GT is the best value for money imo.

Great cards that seem to reach Ultra speeds with no trouble.
how much better exactly will the ultra run D3 versus the x800? you're all talking like D3 is going to chug along on a radeon... ins't it just going to be a few fps?
I've seen a 6800 for $289 on pricewatch and newegg and that's really cheap for them. But it also says it's a 128mb card.