Gene Roddenberry's vison?

Well I did blow up the twin towers.

I mean didn't.

I didn't blow up the twin towers.*

In the meantime, I'll totally accept clarkies' offer of an Island and slaves in exchange for Star Trek.

You get the nonsensically shallow science fiction and I get my own island and the opportunity to free those poor people you (metaphorically?) sold into servitude just to prove a point.
How's that for moral superiority?

*It was actually Gene Roddenberry.
from beyond the grave no less

heh Gene died in 1991
Seriously though, i'm not sure when humans will be ready for a moneyless society. Perhaps when violent, primitive urges like murder, rape and necrophilia are removed from our genetic code by jurassic park scientists.

Hey! Stay away from necrophilia, I like them cold.
You have to keep in mind though that this 'vision of the future' where everyone had better ideals is based on the idea that human-kind itself has evolved to a better state of mind. The very morals taught are completely different than what we are used to... they are taught that self-motivation is critical.

Its so completely different than the current real world that its difficult to say "yea I bet we could do it if we just didnt have to worry about X and had plenty of Y", because we ourselves have never seen such a society that is raised on such radical ideals.
Why should someone else foot the bill for their education? I didn't go to university, and I'm never going to, yet, for some reason, I have to pay for other people to go to university instead.
Because you chose not to go to college. They did not have that choice.

I can also guarantee you that my decision not to go to university will in no way, shape or form have any bearing on whether I become a millionaire.
Going to college does improve your chances of making big money. If an intelligent person doesn't have the right social skills, college is an easy way for his smarts to be recognised. He would not make the cut otherwise.

Success has more to do with character and personality than anything else.
People can't learn character and personality. It's a result of upbringing and genes.

Britain, the most capitalist nation in Europe, does not have a "split in society", although ironically under a government that labels itself socialist, you apparently do.
Bullshit. There is a split, but you choose to label anyone who is poor as unsuccessful.

Nobody can "easily" get rich. If it was so easy, everyone would be doing it.
Bullshit again. It is infinitely harder to earn a million bucks than to squander inherited money. If your dad is rich, that automatically makes you privileged. You can develop your skills to the max. Suppose two people are equally good at music. The rich one can afford specialized training. Nothing can save the poor man except miraculous talent.
Because you chose not to go to college. They did not have that choice.

A choice they do have is to use their intelligence and drive to make the money required in order to go to college.

Going to college does improve your chances of making big money. If an intelligent person doesn't have the right social skills, college is an easy way for his smarts to be recognised. He would not make the cut otherwise.

Realistically, in the workplace degrees don't count for shit. It's track record in the workplace that counts. There is rarely a valid reason to employ a graduate over a non-graduate.

People can't learn character and personality. It's a result of upbringing and genes.

Your point?

Bullshit. There is a split, but you choose to label anyone who is poor as unsuccessful.

I grew up on a deprived council estate full of welfare queens that we ran away from because of death threats. We couldn't even afford carpets in our home or proper food, and every day was a struggle. Add to that bullying, abuse and severe epilepsy, I also missed three years of school, left with only two GCSEs instead of the ten I should have done.

I've only been in the workplace a year, and I'm now earning more money than the vast majority of people in this country. So, actually, I call bullshit on you and your politics of envy. I know plenty of people with far more privileged upbringings than myself - and masters degrees in some cases - who are doing far worse in life - care to explain that at all?

Bullshit again. It is infinitely harder to earn a million bucks than to squander inherited money. If your dad is rich, that automatically makes you privileged. You can develop your skills to the max. Suppose two people are equally good at music. The rich one can afford specialized training. Nothing can save the poor man except miraculous talent.

Squandering inherited money isn't "getting rich" is it? It's not even maintaining richness.
If anything, rich kids are actually ill-prepared for the realities of life. They're generally too comfortable, lack a work ethic and don't understand the concept of hard graft and value. Plus, according to recent research, the richest children are also the unhappiest.
If anything, rich kids are actually ill-prepared for the realities of life. They're generally too comfortable, lack a work ethic and don't understand the concept of hard graft and value. Plus, according to recent research, the richest children are also the unhappiest.

I know this for a fact to be true for the majority of rich kids. My girlfriend teaches at a private school full of rich kids and they are literally spoiled, drug-addicted losers. They won't amount to anything in life... and whats sad is they probably won't have to with all the money they will inherit.
I know this for a fact to be true for the majority of rich kids. My girlfriend teaches at a private school full of rich kids and they are literally spoiled, drug-addicted losers. They won't amount to anything in life... and whats sad is they probably won't have to with all the money they will inherit.

I think Paris Hilton is a perfect example of this.
Some parts of your character are inherited, IMO.
For example, I don't think anyone can choose to be an extrovert or an introvert - it is predetermined.

What basis do you have for making that claim?
I can tell you right now it's false, as I used to be an introvert but now I'm not.

I know this for a fact to be true for the majority of rich kids. My girlfriend teaches at a private school full of rich kids and they are literally spoiled, drug-addicted losers. They won't amount to anything in life... and whats sad is they probably won't have to with all the money they will inherit.

Yeah, I went to a private school for a couple of years ( case you were wondering how we afforded it). They were so different from other groups of people in life that common ground between them and "normal" kids was almost unthinkable. And when the "champion of the working man" :LOL: Labour government abolished the assisted places scheme, the new intake was so much more shallow and brainless than before. I couldn't stand them.
What basis do you have for making that claim?
I can tell you right now it's false, as I used to be an introvert but now I'm not.
Actually thats pretty much an established fact, some personality traits are genetic, IQ is the most obvious one, but there are quite a few.
What basis do you have for making that claim?
I can tell you right now it's false, as I used to be an introvert but now I'm not.

your false, i just watched a movie in psychology that said are genetics determine how much out-going or shy you are.(it was in children though) So i guess you can overcome those traits. And IQ is partly inherited, genetics determine the potential of your IQ and environment determines if you reach that potential.
What basis do you have for making that claim?
I can tell you right now it's false, as I used to be an introvert but now I'm not.
Well that's undeniable scientific proof! One must consider the repiV is the center of the universe theorem before before accepting this discovery.
I wanna see at least 10 reputable links about genetics determining extrovert or introvert and IQ.
Well that's undeniable scientific proof! One must consider the repiV is the center of the universe theorem before before accepting this discovery.

Wtf? I don't need to be the "centre of the universe theorem" or any such shit in order for you to be wrong. You only need one instance to disprove a theory.
Actually thats pretty much an established fact, some personality traits are genetic, IQ is the most obvious one, but there are quite a few.

Aren't you being the ultimate hypocrite by claiming that IQ is "obviously" genetic whilst championing the significantly less intelligent Middle East and Africa?