George Galloway is in celebratiy Big Brother


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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LIKE OMG how cool is that??

Go george go!
Icarusintel said:
Who the f*ck is George Galloway?

He runs the RESPECT party in the UK, got a lot of praise when he won a seat from Labour in last year's elections. I kind've lose any respect for people who usually go into BB but he's a bit of a left-wing legend.
LOL I was stunned when I saw that he was in there. Especially considering the others are all so damn faceless apart from the criminal-esque ones like Barrymore and Rodman.

Galloway is a pretty feisty bloke but he's got a lot of people who want to see him burn, and a bad showing on BB could see him consigned to the 'laughing stock' bin.
I hate reality TV... Don't see whats so great about watching a random group of people eat, sleep and sh*t...
Yeah I hate BB but sometimes the highlights are worth a gander.
George Galloway would be like a Super Stern.
Hmm. He'll stoop to anything to get some publicity won't he?
Feath said:
Hmm. He'll stoop to anything to get some publicity won't he?
Quiet, there are fanboys about. Make like teeth and get outta here before you are flamed to death!
He's smoking a cigar in that pic, which makes him awesome in my books.

-Angry Lawyer
I have it on E4 live right now, since there's nothing on at this time of night. I guess it's all for charity isn't it?
George Galloway is a c**t.
Angry Lawyer said:
He's smoking a cigar in that pic, which makes him awesome in my books.

-Angry Lawyer
but he's going to be on Big Brother, which totally negates any coolness factor he may have had
Angry Lawyer said:
He's smoking a cigar in that pic, which makes him awesome in my books.

-Angry Lawyer

I tend to agree, even though i've never heard from or of him.
Robin Galloway > George Galloway.

The only sure-fire way to make Big Brother even more loathsome, tedious and pointless was to create "celebrity" Big Brother. :rolleyes:
George Galloway is a bloody prick and a low life peice of s***!
of course he is.. because youve all met George Galloway. He has been accused of and possibly done some dodgy dealings, but thats about it, no more than rumsfeld or any other of the countless politicians who pat saddam on the back when they need to, judging people is fun though isnt it :S.
Chris_D said:
George Galloway is a c**t.
Chris comes back with a big bang and a whopping QFE from me.

The fact Solaris praises him, doesn't surprise me, i'm sure people here can work out the rest about Galloway.
clarky003 said:
of course he is.. because youve all met George Galloway. He has been accused of and possibly done some dodgy dealings, but thats about it, no more than rumsfeld or any other of the countless politicians who pat saddam on the back when they need to, judging people is fun though isnt it :S.

The prick blamed that the July bombings that killed 56 people and injured hundreds on our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not condemning the bloody bombers in any way.

Also sent a message to the troops requesting that they refuse illegal orders (Because we are going to listen to that prat /sarcasm) he’s a bloody traitor to our nation.

So under your logic, I can not judge anybody I have never met? So Hitler gets a clean slate in your books?
Espionage said:
The prick blamed that the July bombings that killed 56 people and injured hundreds on our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not condemning the bloody bombers in any way.

Let's not turn this into another thread about Iraq, but it's pretty obvious to me and to most people that our actions in Iraq could be seen to have made us more of a target for terrorism, that's all. If George Galloway is a twat, and I think he may well be, it's not for saying this.

While there is definitely something sinister and dodgy about the guy, and the fact that he was quite possibly involved in criminal activity, for all his prickness he also sets himself opposition against other pricks and tries to make life awkward for them. As such, I'm glad of his existence.
Laivasse said:
Let's not turn this into another thread about Iraq, but it's pretty obvious to me and to most people that our actions in Iraq could be seen to have made us more of a target for terrorism, that's all. If George Galloway is a twat, and I think he may well be, it's not for saying this.

While there is definitely something sinister and dodgy about the guy, and the fact that he was quite possibly involved in criminal activity, for all his prickness he also sets himself opposition against other pricks and tries to make life awkward for them. As such, I'm glad of his existence.

Let's not forget Afghanistan, that war was also equally blamed for the attack by him. The war in which we went in for the right reasons (War against Terror) pretty obvious that the likeliness of being a target would rise if we are out there eliminating it. Regardless of the outcome of the Iraq war, Mr Galloway created a nice spark hate for the Iraq war and was rising the hatred over here with arab groups, the muppet unaware that his voice was creating danger for our troops abroad.

He did not have to make that statement after the July bombings as you only had to read in the papers or watch the news of the countless terror attacks foiled by our anti terror squads that we are already in a terror battle at home, Just another bloody chance for him to get his attention and a hug and kiss from his local islamic buddy’s.
From the top

The prick blamed that the July bombings that killed 56 people and injured hundreds on our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not condemning the bloody bombers in any way.
We made alot of enemys by invading thoose countries, and he did indeed condem the bombings, I heard him say so and I belive he used the words monsterous.

Also sent a message to the troops requesting that they refuse illegal orders (Because we are going to listen to that prat /sarcasm) he’s a bloody traitor to our nation.
So by youre logic, asking German troops not to obey orders during the nazi era would have been traitorous. Its the exact same princaple, the troops commitment to the country they love has been abused by our leaders, and there being used as a tool for profit, George asked for them to stand up for what is right and refuse aid such an atrocious act as the invasion of Iraq.
Espionage said:
He’s a bloody traitor to our nation.

More like a saviour to our nation, it's people like him who are trying to stop the UK from becoming a right-wing bully like the US.

Move this to 'Politics' please.
Solaris said:
From the top

We made alot of enemys by invading thoose countries, and he did indeed condem the bombings, I heard him say so and I belive he used the words monsterous.

He may have condemned the bombings after the wide outrage that was landing on his lap after his comments shortly after the July bombings, but only to save his own bloody arse!

Solaris said:
So by youre logic, asking German troops not to obey orders during the nazi era would have been traitorous. Its the exact same princaple, the troops commitment to the country they love has been abused by our leaders, and there being used as a tool for profit, George asked for them to stand up for what is right and refuse aid such an atrocious act as the invasion of Iraq.

Yes it would. Look up the definition of a 'traitor'

''In law, treason is the crime of disloyalty to one's nation.''

Regardless of the politics behind my argument, your example makes no point what so ever. Being a traitor is not always the bad thing, in your Nazi example it would not have been, In Galloway's case it was a joke.
Sprite said:
More like a saviour to our nation, it's people like him who are trying to stop the UK from becoming a right-wing bully like the US.

Move this to 'Politics' please.

I won't even bother with this, too easy.

lister said:
isn't he a friend of Saddam Hussain?


"Sir: I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."
I'm left-wing, but I actually think George Galloway is an utter ****.

There's left-wing, and there's just plain off the field.

The UK will NEVER, ever be right-wing, not when the right wing is as laughable as the BNP and Kilroy's party (whatever he's doing now)

And Solaris, shorten your location please :)
ComradeBadger said:
The UK will NEVER, ever be right-wing How about right now? How about the whole time Thatcher was in power? That wasn't right wing? Just because the current bunch and their opposition aren't advocating expulsion on ethnic minorities and social conformity, doesn't make them not right wing.

ComradeBadger said:
not when the right wing is as laughable as the BNP and Kilroy's party (whatever he's doing now)

There's right wing, and there's really right wing. The current government are the former.
pomegranate said: How about right now? How about the whole time Thatcher was in power? That wasn't right wing? Just because the current bunch and their opposition aren't advocating expulsion on ethnic minorities and social conformity, doesn't make them not right wing.

There's right wing, and there's really right wing. The current government are the former.
I meant right-wing as in the US sense, but yea, point taken.
isn't he a friend of Saddam Hussain?

technically he appeared to be, but then again same with donald rumsfeld and george bush senior.
clarky003 said:
technically he appeared to be, but then again same with donald rumsfeld and george bush senior.

Wow........ Well that goes in his favour. The hypocrisy of Galloway is staggering. His sucking up to Saddam is exactly what the people you mentioned did and is nothing short of a total betrayal of the very people he so proudly proclaims to support.
I shorten my Location after this post.

He may have condemned the bombings after the wide outrage that was landing on his lap after his comments shortly after the July bombings, but only to save his own bloody arse!
So you don't think that are involvement in Iraq and afganistan increased our likelyhood of being terrorised?

Yes it would. Look up the definition of a 'traitor'

''In law, treason is the crime of disloyalty to one's nation.''

Regardless of the politics behind my argument, your example makes no point what so ever. Being a traitor is not always the bad thing, in your Nazi example it would not have been, In Galloway's case it was a joke.

"Sir: I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."
He was persuading Sadam to let weapons inspectors into the country in the hope of stopping the war thus saving at least 30,000 lives, he could have kissed Sadams ass and it would be justified becuase there was a chance a good few thousand children wouldnt have to die.

The UK will NEVER, ever be right-wing, not when the right wing is as laughable as the BNP and Kilroy's party (whatever he's doing now)
Last election the BNP had the majority on my local councill :( .

Wow........ Well that goes in his favour. The hypocrisy of Galloway is staggering. His sucking up to Saddam is exactly what the people you mentioned did and is nothing short of a total betrayal of the very people he so proudly proclaims to support.
When 30,000 lives are at stake the unimaginable becomes acceptable.

We can establish the war was wrong, and Tony Blair was morally wrong to invade Iraq. This has been argued over and over again, and Stern wins everytime, so don't try and contest that with me.

By illegally and imorrally invading Iraq we both directly and indirectly caused the deaths of 30,000 civillians, probably more. Thoose civillians would not have died if the troops refused to invade. Think about that 30,000 people The majority of them women and children, I know this isn't going to earn me many freinds but I'm going to say it. The Heroic things for the troops to do would be to refuse to fight, they have to stand up for there moralls, they can't take part in such an evil and not hold the blame, I would say they are equally responcable for thoose 30,000 deaths as are every other citizen of the United Kingdom, some of us tried to redeem ourselves by attending mass demonstrations, some took more drastic measures, some brave heroic troops refused to take part in the war.

The troops were the best way to stop the war, if they had refused to fight. 30,000 people would be alive today, so George Galloway asked them to refuse, and save the lives of 30,000 people.
Solaris said:
We can establish the war was wrong, and Tony Blair was morally wrong to invade Iraq. This has been argued over and over again, and Stern wins everytime, so don't try and contest that with me.

By illegally and imorrally invading Iraq we both directly and indirectly caused the deaths of 30,000 civillians, probably more. Thoose civillians would not have died if the troops refused to invade. Think about that 30,000 people The majority of them women and children, I know this isn't going to earn me many freinds but I'm going to say it. The Heroic things for the troops to do would be to refuse to fight, they have to stand up for there moralls, they can't take part in such an evil and not hold the blame, I would say they are equally responcable for thoose 30,000 deaths as are every other citizen of the United Kingdom, some of us tried to redeem ourselves by attending mass demonstrations, some took more drastic measures, some brave heroic troops refused to take part in the war.

The troops were the best way to stop the war, if they had refused to fight. 30,000 people would be alive today, so George Galloway asked them to refuse, and save the lives of 30,000 people.

I have been down this road with you before and will not be drawn into debating this individual.
You can believe what you will, to be quite frank I feel sorry for you.
Thinking the sun shines out of this persons rear end is akin to poking you fingers into your ears and shouting LALA has loud as possible.

Galloway did not go out to Iraq to stop a war, show support for the Iraq people, he went to bolster his flagging political career. Long before he went to Iraq he was coincided a political dead beat and simply went to draw attention to himself, gain as much publicity as possible and when it all went horribly wrong he denied it all.

You yourself have condemned the likes of Bush and Rumford for conducting business with Saddam yet you refuse to see the blinding truth behind this guy.
His political agenda is jump on any bandwagon that is going and suck up as many of the gullible as possible...........along you go pal, enjoy the ride and when it all comes crashing down and the hideous truth behind it is exposed along with this double dealings inside Iraq, at the expense of the Iraqi people, I trust you will have the common sense and decency to feel some what silly and stop admiring this idiot and treat him with the righteous contempt he deserves
I agree with most of what he says, his policies are fair and sound imo, Ive seen him in person, Ive seen what hes capable of at the sentate, I have no reason not to belive him.