George Galloway is in celebratiy Big Brother

And you read Prisonplanet you dolt. Gee, I wonder which is more trustworthy, a national newspaper or a website run by a few conspiracy theorist nutjobs. Go put on your tinfoil hat, kthx.
Raz said:
And you read Prisonplanet you dolt. Gee, I wonder which is more trustworthy, a national newspaper or a website run by a few conspiracy theorist nutjobs. Go put on your tinfoil hat, kthx.
The daily mail is run by rich conservatives who hate george galloway and thus produce bias news.

Prison Planet isnt that great a source for youre daily news either.
Then why do you get your news from it, then? Most topics you post include links to it, and in another thread you thought Sharon was dead based on a link from Prisonplanet. At least national newspapers don't print flat out lies or get their information from completely unreliable propaganda machines.
Raz said:
Then why do you get your news from it, then? Most topics you post include links to it, and in another thread you thought Sharon was dead based on a link from Prisonplanet. At least national newspapers don't print flat out lies or get their information from completely unreliable propaganda machines.
But Sharon is dead
Thats 5hours old.

It should be announced any time now.
You really think your bullshit news source gets its news faster than the BBC, CNN, Reuters andsoforth? Prisonplanet pronounced him dead yesterday, and the point is that he sure as hell wasn't dead then.
Lol it sucks idd.

I just like shaking my fist at the state after reading it and shouting out "I WONT BE YOURE SLAVE"
Im a lefty, and damn proud of it. But Galloway is just a total ****ing ass, and is bringing the rest of us into disrepute with him. He seems to see anything Tony Blair and the US does as evil, and sucks up to anybody who opposes them (the enemy of your enemy is your friend eh?). Having said that, he totally Pwned that Senate tribunal thingy.

There are rumours going round that Oona King may be added as an extra housemate. Now that'd be funny.
gick said:
There are rumours going round that Oona King may be added as an extra housemate. Now that'd be funny.

LMAO, now that, I would watch...although they're probably the type of people who hate eachother sooo much that they'd keep it under wraps and just simmer quietly. But here's hoping....
gick said:
Im a lefty, and damn proud of it. But Galloway is just a total ****ing ass, and is bringing the rest of us into disrepute with him. He seems to see anything Tony Blair and the US does as evil, and sucks up to anybody who opposes them (the enemy of your enemy is your friend eh?). Having said that, he totally Pwned that Senate tribunal thingy.

There are rumours going round that Oona King may be added as an extra housemate. Now that'd be funny.
Whys he an ass or a liability?

Hes pwned the senate twice now, hes won the real left a seat in parliament.
Hes spoken out against the war and really helped publisice the anti-war movement. Could you give me some examples about him sucking up and he opposes everything tony doesn't?

Hes won Respect a seat on parliament, take alook at where they stand, do you disagree with there policies?
I stand by my assertion that, although I've never even heard of the guy, by the fact that the first picture had a cigar smoking guy (and cigars are badass), he must have some awesome in him. Look at him, smoking that cigar. I bet he drinks scotch too, and has a hot tub full of models.

-Angry Lawyer
Well he is scottish!

You'd love him, once he shouted at an old woman, just as an example of how bad ass he was.
if you like Big Brother in any way you should be culled from the human race.
Solaris said:
LIKE OMG how cool is that??
Are you serious? This is a politician who has had serious aspersions cast over him at countless times during his political career, wins a contraversial seat as a defiant independent and then debases himself by going inside this vacuous piece of bullsh*t. Why is that cool!?
For crying out loud, he's alongside the ugliest one (and bloody hell is that saying something) from GLC, a former-page-3 girl-turned-Paris-Hilton-lookalike and some other dreary tosspots who no-one gives a flying f*ck about.

He's not a stupid man, so I haven't got the foggiest idea what his motives are. I'm very interested to see what he actually hopes to achieve through this little endeavour of his. I hope for his sake it isn't to raise his profile, because it'll only do that in all the wrong ways.
hmmm we get a slightly different version of Galloway here in canada ..when he came to do a lecture series it was sold out in a few days and was probably the most talked about event on college radio for weeks leading up the lectures. Most people I know who are against the war see him as a figure equivilent to Arundhati roy or Howard Zinn. I've listened to a numbver of lectures and he sounds perfectly valid in his arguments and his logic and reasoning

but I agree Big Brother is putrid ..more so in the US but ya just awful "reality" crap
one of these posts is a double, can you guess which one? :O
Angry Lawyer said:
I stand by my assertion that, although I've never even heard of the guy, by the fact that the first picture had a cigar smoking guy (and cigars are badass), he must have some awesome in him. Look at him, smoking that cigar. I bet he drinks scotch too, and has a hot tub full of models.

-Angry Lawyer

He's teetotal and dislikes drunkeness.
Solaris said:
I just like shaking my fist at the state after reading it and shouting out "I WONT BE YOURE SLAVE"

I bet you memorized fahrenheit 451 by age 3.

I find it very ironic that only cultures in modern times to become anything near the dystopia/police state you fear so much, have been the same cultures that attempted and failed to achieve the communism you love so much.
Solaris said:
Whys he an ass or a liability?

Hes pwned the senate twice now, hes won the real left a seat in parliament.
Hes spoken out against the war and really helped publisice the anti-war movement. Could you give me some examples about him sucking up and he opposes everything tony doesn't?

Hes won Respect a seat on parliament, take alook at where they stand, do you disagree with there policies?

I completely agree with the majority of their policies. But the fact of the matter is, RESPECT arent going to win any more seats in parliament for the simple fact that everybody hates Galloway so much. Sure, most left wing and/or anitwar voters like him, but the only way that there will be any change is if they begin to appeal to more right wing voters, and they ****ing hate him becasue they see him as an uncompromising firebrand, which would be good in an activist, but not in a member of Parliament. And although he may have met Saddam Hussein with the best of intentions, he did really suck up to him, which has harmed his reputation no end.

Besides, I sure as hell wouldnt want him as my constituency MP. Hes always off doing speaking tours, so hes never around to deal with constituency issues (which is his job, after all). Apparently, he hardly ever turns up in parliament for votes either. (although I need to get confirmation on that)
gick said:
I completely agree with the majority of their policies. But the fact of the matter is, RESPECT arent going to win any more seats in parliament for the simple fact that everybody hates Galloway so much. Sure, most left wing and/or anitwar voters like him, but the only way that there will be any change is if they begin to appeal to more right wing voters, and they ****ing hate him becasue they see him as an uncompromising firebrand, which would be good in an activist, but not in a member of Parliament. And although he may have met Saddam Hussein with the best of intentions, he did really suck up to him, which has harmed his reputation no end.

Besides, I sure as hell wouldnt want him as my constituency MP. Hes always off doing speaking tours, so hes never around to deal with constituency issues (which is his job, after all). Apparently, he hardly ever turns up in parliament for votes either. (although I need to get confirmation on that)
He attends mosts of the big ones, hes a pretty busy man. Respect can win when people stop beliving all the crap they read curtescy of rupert murdoch.
Parties like RESPECT and the Green party are important because they force the main parties to take note of public opinion on matters.
ComradeBadger said:
Parties like RESPECT and the Green party are important because they force the main parties to take note of public opinion on matters.
Spoke the truth you did.

Though the Green party suck.
Solaris said:
He attends mosts of the big ones, hes a pretty busy man. Respect can win when people stop beliving all the crap they read curtescy of rupert murdoch.
Urge to kil... Rising.

ComradeBadger said:
Parties like RESPECT and the Green party are important because they force the main parties to take note of public opinion on matters.
The Green Party, possibly, but not RESPECT. They're very small, and all the major parties pretty much hate Galloway - it's like the major parties aren't gonna take notice of UKIP.
Bloody hell, even the BNP represent some of the public's opinion, but they should all be publicly flogged, so that's neither here nor there..
el Chi said:
Urge to kil... Rising.

The Green Party, possibly, but not RESPECT. They're very small, and all the major parties pretty much hate Galloway - it's like the major parties aren't gonna take notice of UKIP.
Bloody hell, even the BNP represent some of the public's opinion, but they should all be publicly flogged, so that's neither here nor there..

Respect have a seat in parliament, the greens don't. Tell me, what part of respect policie don't you agree with?
Just for everyone's information (thanks wikipedia):


Respect is seen by many mainstream commentators as a single-issue party focusing on opposition to the war in Iraq. However, it claims to "provide a broad-based and inclusive alternative to the parties of privatisation, war, and occupation" and to have a broad progressive agenda.

Some of the policies it has also campaigned on include:

* Renationalisation of the railways and other public services.
* Opposition to the alleged privatisation of the National Health Service and the education system, including opposition to university tuition fees and support for pensions increases linked to average earnings.
* Raising the minimum wage to the European Union's "decency threshold" of £7.40 an hour.
* An increase in income taxes on the rich to fund social welfare programs and close the income gap.
* The repeal of the industrial relations legislation brought in by the Conservative Party in the 1980s.
* The defence of the rights of refugees and other asylum-seekers.
* Opposition to the "stability pact" that the E.U. seeks to impose on all those who join the euro.
* Support for the Palestinian people.
* Support for the British environmental movement.

In their founding constitution they state their overall aim as to "help create a socially just and ecologically sustainable society", giving a definition of social justice that includes "the organisation of society in the most open, participative, and accountable way practicable based on common ownership and democratic control"[1]
I disagree with increased taxing on the rich. Cry all you want about how they're getting more than you, but they worked to get there in nearly every single case. Those policies look like economic suicide, to me, and switching sides from Israel to Palestine is just as bad, possible worse in my opinion. The minimum wage has been steadily increasing under Labour, and will continue to do so. To simply just suddenly up it would damage a lot of businesses.
Kangy said:
Cry all you want about how they're getting more than you, but they worked to get there in nearly every single case.

I smell naivity. :rolleyes:
Okay, tell me how Larry Page DOESN'T deserve the billions he made out of Google. Go.
I flicked onto big brother for thirty seconds. This blonde moron (Female) was insulting the English language and my accent, by managing to sound completly superior and common at the same time.
I turned over in disgust before her STD's could break through the tellevision.
Sprite said:
Just for everyone's information (thanks wikipedia):


* Renationalisation of the railways and other public services. Yes, probably
* Opposition to the alleged privatisation of the National Health Service and the education system, including opposition to university tuition fees and support for pensions increases linked to average earnings.Yes, probably
* Raising the minimum wage to the European Union's "decency threshold" of £7.40 an hour. Yes, but gradually
* An increase in income taxes on the rich to fund social welfare programs and close the income gap. Yes, but it is possible to take that one too far
* The repeal of the industrial relations legislation brought in by the Conservative Party in the 1980s. Hell yes
* The defence of the rights of refugees and other asylum-seekers. Yes
* Opposition to the "stability pact" that the E.U. seeks to impose on all those who join the euro. Eh?
* Support for the Palestinian people. No
* Support for the British environmental movement. Yes[1]

Parties like his are always useful because they provide a good counterbalance to ones like the BNP.
And they will make life better for the majority.
You do know which charity he's nominated if he wins?


Currently taken to court in a number of countries, and has been investigated in this country too (By the organisation of registered charities)
Ok, long post time.
Solaris said:
Respect have a seat in parliament, the greens don't. Tell me, what part of respect policie don't you agree with?
I do not specifically have a problem with Respect - they do seem almost shamelessly praghmatic and opportunistic, but then most parties were in the last election (the Tories almost gave me a brain embolism) - but I digress.
el Chi said:
Urge to kil... Rising.
comment was in reference to this
Solaris said:
Respect can win when people stop beliving all the crap they read curtescy of rupert murdoch.
I'm fed up with your superiority complex with regards to news sources. You're often very self-satisfied in your adherence to "independent" news sources, rather than Fox, CNN, etc.
I concede that the above are biased and do often serve under an agenda, but you are seemingly oblivious to the fact that these independent sources you put so much stock in are just as biased , simply to a different agenda. How exactly is that giving you the full picture you claim whilst everyone else has had the wool pulled over their eyes?

I have no problem with anti-consumerism, within reason, so this is not an attack of those ideas, but I can't help but feel that your subscription to certain similar ideals are borne out of principle rather than conviction (as in, you feel you ought to).

If we're going for good news outlets, why not go for the BBC? They're not perfect, and they won't go as far as to put out all the paranoid, unflinchingly anti-capitalist rhetoric that your favouritews do, but they won't cram all that down your throat either.
So, if I was to say that I'd prefer to believe them than Alex Johnson (forgive me if I've gotten the name wrong), I'd rather not be told that I'm believing "all the crap" that "the elite" are shoving down my throat.

You talk as if people are coimpletely devoid of their own decision-making faculties, unable to question aspects of a story when they see them. Unable to read through an article without questioning motives or journalistic political standpoints and that's beyond insulting.

Is it not possible that people did not vote for Respect because they did not agree with their policies? Is it not possible that people placed their trust in other parties because they agreed with them more and even felt that Galloway's were - shock! - completely opposed to their own? Is it not possible that people might have just formed their own opinions independent of all the crap they hear from news sources other than your own?
Is that honestly so difficult for you to believe?

I'm really quite baffled at how you can have made such a starkly broad-brush offensive assertation without any evidejnce whatsoever and no consideration for the perspectives of others. It's grossly insulting.

I do hope this doesn't seem like a personal flame attack, I aim to challenge your views, not viciously berate you.
However, for the record, if this is construed as flaming and I receive a warning or anything like that, it was totally worth it.
Well people continually say about George Galloway blatent unfounded remarks, such as "Hes arrogant, Hes a tosser, hes a scumbag, he does dosgy dealings", and these are the sort of stuff the papers are coming out with. He sued the telegraph and won, becuase there allegations are completely unfounded.

And sadly the majority of people who read the Daily Mail cannot form there own opinion.