German HL² Review: 96%


ich glaube diesmal kommt die deutsche version völlig unlokalisiert... ich meine das habe ich irgendwo gelesen. darum kann man das auch im Media Markt kaufen, falls die das ausliegen haben.
Please speak English here.. Ich verstehe es, aber es gibt hier noch andere ;)

Half Life 2 wont be censored or changed in any way...

Just to set thing right.... A game is released in Germany...

It isnt censored or whatever.. now if Germany thinks it contains to much violence, they will bann the game until there will be a better version... thats right, is it not? But that usually happens before the release, so one way or another, everyone gets it
Jeehde2 said:
Please speak English here.. Ich verstehe es, aber es gibt hier noch andere ;)

Very nice, the force of babelfish is strong in this one.
Thandor said:
highest score in pc games germany was 94%, every game with more than 90% is f... awsome!!

german version is NOT censored, but its only available to people over 18 years.

@investigator: dann kauf doch beim softwarejungle... die kaufen seit jahren hälfte de hälfte us versionen. die wissen ganz genau was wir gamer brauchen ;)

This isn't true ;) I read PcGames over years and years and years .. and years (since 1995 nearly every magazine)

The Highest PcGames Score was 95% ... for F1 Racing Simulation back in 1999 oder 1998 ;)

I loved this game ;) And the guys from PcGames too it seems :D hehe

But now, the highest score is 96%, for HL2 :)
finally a german mag ill post the some info as soon i bought the mag!!
Sorry, I've forgot somehting

Quake 3 Arena Multiplayer Test have 95% on PcGames too ...

Q3 rulez :D
mortiz said:
Very nice, the force of babelfish is strong in this one.

Hmm, that's funny... sounds pretty unbabelfishtic to me. And that's from having lived in Germany for a good while. And yes, the Media in Germany is ridiculiously over censored. I remember playing UT2004 and the gore menu wasn't even in the options section... I had to crack that bad boy the moment I realized this.

It's a good move that they are allowing HL2 to be full blood, gore, etc. However even if it was censored, there would be a simple fix out in days to correct the changes.

And for the germans...

Naja, endlich koennen die Deutcher HL2 mit blut spielen! Das freut mich total. Vielleicht wenn ich wieder nach Deutschland fliege, kann ich ein LAN party mit einen paar freunde haben! Hoffentlich koennte ich und ein paar leute von dieser Website treffen und dann ein paar runde von DoD spielen! Nein? Na gut. Aber es kotz mich an das es kein HL2 Multiplayer gibt... CS wirt immer mehr langweilig... naja, spricht weiter. Ich moechte euch nicht mehr stoeren :p
Lifehost said:
Naja, endlich koennen die Deutcher HL2 mit blut spielen! Das freut mich total. Vielleicht wenn ich wieder nach Deutschland fliege, kann ich ein LAN party mit einen paar freunde haben! Hoffentlich koennte ich und ein paar leute von dieser Website treffen und dann ein paar runde von DoD spielen! Nein? Na gut. Aber es kotz mich an das es kein HL2 Multiplayer gibt... CS wirt immer mehr langweilig... naja, spricht weiter. Ich moechte euch nicht mehr stoeren :p
But that sounds like Babelfish ;)

I had the oppertunity to take a little interview with Dirk Gooding from PC Games (LINK), the author of the review. He didn't tell me anything new, but he said that Half-Life 2 is the best shooter he ever played.

Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland :)
Lifehost said:
And for the germans...

Naja, endlich koennen die Deutcher HL2 mit blut spielen! Das freut mich total. Vielleicht wenn ich wieder nach Deutschland fliege, kann ich ein LAN party mit einen paar freunde haben! Hoffentlich koennte ich und ein paar leute von dieser Website treffen und dann ein paar runde von DoD spielen! Nein? Na gut. Aber es kotz mich an das es kein HL2 Multiplayer gibt... CS wirt immer mehr langweilig... naja, spricht weiter. Ich moechte euch nicht mehr stoeren :p

thats not babelfish'ed :) where will you stay in germany? come to hamburg, it rocks! ;)

edit: or is it babel? :E
Harryz said:
Half-Life 2 is going to be awesome.

Old !!!11 :p

Anyway, great. Any germans to fill in the review from subscribed copies?
I wish I knew a good place where I could get the english version of HL2 here in germany. I want the CDs to contain the english version, not a gay german one. Does anyone know of a good store?
tuemmykids said:
I wish I knew a good place where I could get the english version of HL2 here in germany. I want the CDs to contain the english version, not a gay german one. Does anyone know of a good store?

You could always just copy the .gcfs onto CDs...just copy the english localization along with it. Coincidently, you can also just change the languages in the Steam and it will download the localization files for your particular language.

Playing Half-Life in german is just hilarious :p .

[babelfish translations use umlauts, so können gets to be...können instead of koennen for people who just don't know how to use their alternate langauge features]

Wirklich werde ich die deutsche Version manchmal spielen, damit ich meines Deutsch üben kann (vielleicht Russisch auch, wenn es eine gibt...).

Coincidently, the same idea conveyed through babelfish:

Ich spiele vermutlich die deutsche Version einmal, also kann ich mein Deutsches (möglicherweise Russen auch, wenn es einen gibt) üben.
lets wait for the gamestar score. they usually dont give such high scores. would guess a 94% in gamestar max
I recommend NOT to play HL2 in german.... HL1 sucked like hell, nearly all conversations were soooo stupid like in a polish sitcom... (they use 1 male and female voice for all characters!!)

to all who are whining about how to get english version.... man its one and the same game in every country so you just have to change the language in the steammenu or ingame menu... its not that hard!!

verdammt ich rutsch am sessel herum wie ein 8jähriger 3 tage vor weihnachten, entsetzlich....
well damn... besides the graphics, Doom 3 absolutely suxed for me....

In my way of thinking, 6 pct better then doom 3 = slightly better then TOTAL CRAP!.

$70 CDN... damn you Actishizzin

Anyways.. i Don't Actually believe that HL2 will be bad... it will roast DOOM3. :sniper:
the interview with Gabe in the PC Games mag also includes the following part:

"... at some point our CFO Pat Goodwin told me: Up to now about $ 40,000,000 have accumulated ..."

quite an expensive game, huh :rolling:
Speaking of censorship in Germany... may I remember you, that the "naked breast incident" at the superbowl shocked the whole US and was censored as hell afterwards? You get the gore, we get the boobs, you get the guns, we get our fun. I actually prefer that over gore ;)

Fact is: Most of what is aired after 10pm over here would be instantly banned in the US.

The german version got FSK18, that means: Stores have to make sure that informations about this game, including advertisements, are only to be seen by matures, it has to be sold below the shelves. Online stores are not allowed to sell it, except in a section that is only accessable for people who passed an age check (usually by sending a copy of an ID card). Same goes for imports. It's kind of a drawback, as big online retailers like banned Half Life 2 from their store because they don't have an age verfication system. Too bad for all those guys who've preordered there.

The game is supposed to be completely uncensored, and I'm pretty sure the original voice talents will be selectable, so I've ordered the german version.

Half Life 1 sucked over here, that's right; but mostly because it was one of the first games from Valve. It was supposed to sell, no matter how. Now, after Valve is a well known company, it's not them who want to sell the game at all costs, it's us who want to have it. That turns the tide ;) Plus, there will be more money and effort for a localized version. So I don't think I'll be screwed with the local version, but I still hope it's on DVD :upstare:

Sorry for bumping the post after mor than a week
Argh! IT would ****ing suck to live in the U.S ! Boobies are priority number 1.
Erm, I am german and yes, I play Half Life and no, there's no robot to be seen.

Doom 3 was totally uncensored so I don't think Half Life 2 will be censored (retail copies in shops).

That rating is totally justified although of course they again bought the exclusive review of HL2 and that's what makes me sad. The press should be more free to write not buying a review spot as exclusive...

We will see, the ratings won't be lower for a top title like HL2

ZoneIcon: You are talking about "Indiziert nach JSchG", i.e. must be sold without advertising the sale. Go to a local store, the 18+ games are on the shelf, no big deal. Look for Doom 3 for example. So for all: the level after 18 is that it's to be sold below the counter. That is not HL2!!! HL2 has an 18+ rating, no big deal.
Prone said:
ZoneIcon: You are talking about "Indiziert nach JSchG", i.e. must be sold without advertising the sale. Go to a local store, the 18+ games are on the shelf, no big deal. Look for Doom 3 for example. So for all: the level after 18 is that it's to be sold below the counter. That is not HL2!!! HL2 has an 18+ rating, no big deal.

hehe... with the new JSchG, retailers like MediaMarkt are not allow to display 18+ titles anymore. You'll mostly see placeholders in the shelves, like "we also got the 18+ version of this DVD. Don't hesitate to contact our staff". Games that have been banned (indiziert) are not allowed to be advertised at all, not even to older audiences, and are only allowed to be handed out on request.

The change for the JSchG from May 1st 2003 implies that no titles that aren't classificated by the USK (my fault, USK not FSK), imported or rated 18+ are allowed to be made available for minors in any way possible. I know there are some stores that don't give a shit about that, as the law enforcement isn't that harsh at the moment.

By the way, it's ZoNic ONE, like sonic one. Damn, I have this nick since 7 years now, and I still meet people who can't decipher it :LOL:

For all non-germans: JuSchG means Jugendschutzgesetzt, "youth protection act" when translated word by word.
ZoNicONE said:
Speaking of censorship in Germany... may I remember you, that the "naked breast incident" at the superbowl shocked the whole US and was censored as hell afterwards? You get the gore, we get the boobs, you get the guns, we get our fun. I actually prefer that over gore ;)

Fact is: Most of what is aired after 10pm over here would be instantly banned in the US.

The german version got FSK18, that means: Stores have to make sure that informations about this game, including advertisements, are only to be seen by matures, it has to be sold below the shelves. Online stores are not allowed to sell it, except in a section that is only accessable for people who passed an age check (usually by sending a copy of an ID card). Same goes for imports. It's kind of a drawback, as big online retailers like banned Half Life 2 from their store because they don't have an age verfication system. Too bad for all those guys who've preordered there.

The game is supposed to be completely uncensored, and I'm pretty sure the original voice talents will be selectable, so I've ordered the german version.

Half Life 1 sucked over here, that's right; but mostly because it was one of the first games from Valve. It was supposed to sell, no matter how. Now, after Valve is a well known company, it's not them who want to sell the game at all costs, it's us who want to have it. That turns the tide ;) Plus, there will be more money and effort for a localized version. So I don't think I'll be screwed with the local version, but I still hope it's on DVD :upstare:

Sorry for bumping the post after mor than a week

very good post!
Heh, the American attitude of "it's perfectly alright to saw someones head of with a chainsaw on tv, but we'll be damned before you get away with a nipple!". Just like Team American, puppet violence is a OK, but giving the image of them having oral puppet sex is o so wrong.

BTW, I heard that it is not even allowed for women to sun topless on normal beaches, is that true?
LOL, I was cursed at when my 2 year old daughter was running around without diapers for two minutes in South Carolina while I was chasing her. That was so ridiculous, I was like WTF are you talking about? And they were "It's against our religious beliefs"...soooo wrong. I mean she was 2 years old then and I was trying to fix the new diaper. They maybe thought I should've gone somewhere else to do that, drive to the hotel or something.

I remember the Janet Jackson fiasco, it was so funny how it was blown out of proportion. But she made a lot of money from it so I guess it's the way it goes.
PvtRyan said:
Heh, the American attitude of "it's perfectly alright to saw someones head of with a chainsaw on tv, but we'll be damned before you get away with a nipple!". Just like Team American, puppet violence is a OK, but giving the image of them having oral puppet sex is o so wrong.

BTW, I heard that it is not even allowed for women to sun topless on normal beaches, is that true?

yep that's true... :LOL: :angel:
hehe im lucky to live in europe
I lived in Bavaria Germany for 3 years. A small town called Kitzingen, near Wuerzburg (sp?) and Frankfurt. I want to go back there so badly!!! Ich leibe Deutchland :D

Oh yeah, something on topic: How many 95%-98% scores do you need to see??? Honestly!
Prone said:
@Pixartist: wo in Hamburg wohnst du?

winterhude, du?

Sub_Lon said:
Ich leibe Deutchland
wahahha that made me laugh, because there is a pizza commercial in germany where a family eats german pizza and when they discover it's by wagner from germany they all scream "WE LOVE WAGNER...WE LOVE DEUTSCHLAND" :E omg german commercials are so sad and bad (most)

btw. did you ever visit any big cities?
Rahlstedt, arbeite in Alsterdorf, nur ein paar Minuten weg also ;)
pixartist said:
winterhude, du?

wahahha that made me laugh, because there is a pizza commercial in germany where a family eats german pizza and when they discover it's by wagner from germany they all scream "WE LOVE WAGNER...WE LOVE DEUTSCHLAND" :E omg german commercials are so sad and bad (most)

btw. did you ever visit any big cities?

Yeah I remember some pretty good commercials over there. The domino's commercils on during the simpsons were so quick they were almost subliminal. Just a quick shot of pizza and then the dominos logo.

Major cities, Rammstein, Frankfurt, and umm, I spent a lot of time in Maastricht and Amsterdam ;) hehe

I really liked the smaller towns and villages, I love the countryside and vineyards over there. Gorgeous.

I really want to go visit there again. It's ok if i stay at your place? :cheers: "Ich bin un auslander und spreche nicht gut deutch, bitte sprechen sie dach langsam." lol
Prone said:
LOL, I was cursed at when my 2 year old daughter was running around without diapers for two minutes in South Carolina while I was chasing her. That was so ridiculous, I was like WTF are you talking about? And they were "It's against our religious beliefs"...soooo wrong. I mean she was 2 years old then and I was trying to fix the new diaper. They maybe thought I should've gone somewhere else to do that, drive to the hotel or something.

I remember the Janet Jackson fiasco, it was so funny how it was blown out of proportion. But she made a lot of money from it so I guess it's the way it goes.

I think some american people still think very 'primitive''.. how they went crazy about the janet jackson thing..omfg
pixartist said:
winterhude, du?

wahahha that made me laugh, because there is a pizza commercial in germany where a family eats german pizza and when they discover it's by wagner from germany they all scream "WE LOVE WAGNER...WE LOVE DEUTSCHLAND" :E omg german commercials are so sad and bad (most)

btw. did you ever visit any big cities?

Haha, I believe we have that commercial here too, but it also goes:

KIDS: "What's Deutschland?"
DAD: "That's that little country next to the Netherlands."

PvtRyan said:
Heh, the American attitude of "it's perfectly alright to saw someones head of with a chainsaw on tv, but we'll be damned before you get away with a nipple!". Just like Team American, puppet violence is a OK, but giving the image of them having oral puppet sex is o so wrong.

BTW, I heard that it is not even allowed for women to sun topless on normal beaches, is that true?

This post somehow coincides with the female in your profile avatar...

pixartist said:
thats not babelfish'ed :) where will you stay in germany? come to hamburg, it rocks! ;)

edit: or is it babel? :E

Nah it's not Babelfish at all. I speak German... maybe not the BEST German in the world, but I get all my points across :) I would have guessed the lack of umlauts gave the non-babelfishness away, as well as the slang. Ah well.

And I'll probably stay in Magdeburg... my GF lives there so I shall have a place to eat, sleep, etc. etc...

Long live Deutschland.