Get bant

Its a great idea, glad you guys thought of this. Im hoping I'll have enough restrain to avoid being online too often. If not though, I can still contact you?
I'm sure I'll still find ways to waste time without

Sulkdodds, can you just, erm, ban me from the internet please?
You guys are all weak willed pansies. Even I, who has trouble getting the drive to make phone calls, can avoid the internet when I wish to.
Why does everyone want me bant? Do you realize how much I've given this company?!
Indeed. It's unnecessary.

Koola Mena! Suck zombieturtle's dick for him, there's a good man.
:| Like hell dodds, he's doing a good job already

/calms down

/refuses to get into argument with mod
Amelie is

Ah. soz, you're a girl. i get it now you cant suck your own dick...
Just admit you cover your intense love for me by pretending to have great animosity towards zombieturtle, then we can all get along with our lives. :thumbs:
So much intense love for ZT in this thread.
I want to join it.
You're still sucking...whatever you have...there is no "great animosity" imo :|

hiding love however? hehe...maybe?

Too easy mate :)

Matter + Antimatter = End of civilisation

KA + ZT = End of
So sexy.
Right I'm done
*/leaves thread cause I doesn't want to be bant.*

I think it's goofy how so many people on this site don't identify my sarcastic pomposity as sarcastic pomposity, and instead assume I am truely being pompous. But whatever.
I don't think it the pomassity, I think it's more the attention whorosity. Like phobie and toasterchan. Too bad phobie left, she actually wasn't that bad.

I mean, I'm not trying to badmouth anybody.
Yes, and it gets a rise out of people, why do you think sexies like I and toaster do that? We laugh at the people who get all cranked about it. I know for one my whorism is purely sarcastic, I get a kick out of it when people think I am being sincere. Unfortunately I have to tone it down a lot for a while so it doesn't get me tempo bant.
doesn't you all know that ZT loves all of his babies? <3
Get the hell away from me, you lecherous swine.

But, yes, banning people is a good thing.
You can ban me, but give me a nice title. "Superjerk" or something like that. The ban should last till the 23rd June.

The good thing about being on a Skills for Working Life course is that we don't have any really hard and stressful exams to do. We just have end-of-unit tests which are a doddle and then that's it, we barely do any other work for the rest of the year. I suppose the tests are supposed to help you get onto your preferred course for the next year,but I got my place on the childcare course secured for me before we'd even done the end of unit tests!!!
My exam week ends 20th June... but my birthday is on the 16th dammit!!!
Afterwards there will be excessive consumption of various intoxicants all over campus, can't wait lol.

I'm probably gunna skive off uni and just resit the year after failing terribly in the second term, it had a subsequent effect on this term.
Which is poop because I aced term 1.

"Don't try" - Charles Bukowski (1920 - 1994)
Yeah, it always sucks for people who's birthdays are in June, like, for example, my brother and my best mate (their birthdays are on the same day in fact, which is very weird!). they have always had to do exams around the time of their birthday. It's ok for me, though, because my birthday is in October!!!
What the hell does a guy need to do to get banned around here? :(
Are you asking?

My birthday is three days after my last exam. SCORE.
Insano's been banned till the 16th of June. If he wants to be banned longer after that date he can say so, but I kinda doubt that after being banned for a month, he'll suddenly decide to start using us again before he's done.
Pfft... my tests are taken. Oh wait, it's automatic if you post? It's automatic!!

ban me for 3 days please! No reason, I haven't been posting much anyway.