Ghost Stories - Only Good ones

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
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This is a thread Where you can post all your scariest stories about ghosts or other such things. Good to hear what ya guys come up with.
I was lying in bed one night and I couldn't sleep. For hours and hours, just tossing and turning, not being able to sleep. Finally when I was drifting off a little bit there was a noise in my room.... I opened my eyes.. and there was GABE NEWELL!! and his eyes were DEVIL RED!!! and he screamed at me "HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA STUPID N00B!!!! I DELETED ALL THAT EXISTED OF HALF-LIFE 2!!!!!!!"

/me quivers and shakes just thinking about it
those are SO old. i would say something but i wont spoil it for the *ahem* rather... ahhhh i really cant say anything.
/me smacks himself over the head with a baseball bat

and have u heard the 1 where the girl hears a noise, so she runs upstairs, locks the windows, the doors, everything and baricades her room. she smashes the light and stays deadly still/ quiet. then a voice says:
"ThaTS GooOd, Now We'Re LockED In FoR thE nIght..."
Suicide42 said:
and have u heard the 1 where the girl hears a noise, so she runs upstairs, locks the windows, the doors, everything and baricades her room. she smashes the light and stays deadly still/ quiet. then a voice says:
"ThaTS GooOd, Now We'Re LockED In FoR thE nIght..."
lol that was kinda creepy...
Errr... I once had a paper plane thrown at me in a house that empty of any other people...
that focking thing from gh0st scared the focking shitface out of my goddamn muther****err!!!
Forksakes that scarded the shit out of me gh0st.

Cant even spell scared correct after that.