

  • I believe ghosts are real.

    Votes: 16 23.9%
  • I have seen a ghost.

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • I do not believe in ghosts.

    Votes: 46 68.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 22, 2007
Reaction score
So.. how many of you believe in ghosts? i sure as heck do..
Raziaar leans in close and speaks in a hushed whisper, "I have seen a ghost, with these very two eyes. It too had two eyes, but only holes where they were. And it spoke to me. It said, "Trick or Treat""
There should be an option for "I only believe in zombie goasts"
I do not.

****ing annoying to deal with though. All invisible on my coins, so when I go over to get a coin I just get hurt instead.

I don't. It should be easy to find conclusive evidence of them if they existed. Yet, the evidence is anything but conclusive. It's really simple: if ghosts exist and we can see them, it means they exist of matter or energy that reflects or emits light which hits our eyes, which means a camera can see them too. When we're able to measure the age of the universe to such a precise degree, when we can measure what's on the inside of stars that are many lightyears away, it can't be all that hard to gather evidence on such a frequently reported phenomenon? Or are the goast hunters afraid of the burden of a bunch of Nobel prizes?
I believe in ghosts - if you define ghosts as a bizarre phenomoneum that exists for natural reasons (eg electromagnetics). If you define them as the souls of dead people, then I do not, and I think you are bieng silly and childish.
Grandpa got reincarnated as a cricket.

Does that count as a no?
I believe in demons or angels being seen on earth. My friend actually has a real photo taken on his phone with the silhouette of a person in a room..but there wasn't anyone in the room. Apparently there was a person that used to live there that had died.
I saw ghosts. But they were on TV.

"Who ya gonna call...?!"
I believe in ghosts - if you define ghosts as a bizarre phenomoneum that exists for natural reasons (eg electromagnetics). If you define them as the souls of dead people, then I do not, and I think you are bieng silly and childish.

That's the same way I am on this subject.

I think one of the more interesting theories on "ghosts" is this one:

The stone tape hypothesis was proposed in the 1970s as a possible explanation for ghosts. It speculates that inanimate materials can absorb some form of energy from living beings; the hypothesis speculates that this 'recording' happens especially during moments of high stress such as murdered, or during important moments of some one's life. This stored energy can be released at any given moment, resulting in a display of the occurred activity. According to this hypothesis ghosts are not spirits at all, simply non-interactive recordings similar to a movie.
I believe in demons or angels being seen on earth. My friend actually has a real photo taken on his phone with the silhouette of a person in a room..but there wasn't anyone in the room. Apparently there was a person that used to live there that had died.

I bet that shape could be intepreted in inumerbale ways.
I believe in demons or angels being seen on earth.

OK now this is something that I've thought about and it doesn't make any sense even if you're a religious person and believe in the whole heaven and hell thing. I mean how the heck do demons get on earth anyway to randomly scare and possess people :dozey:. Aren't they supposed to be in the best maximum security prison of all time aka hell. OH noes JAIL BREAK!!11 :rolleyes:
Does anyone have the link to Darkside's biggest secret thread? That has to be linked to every ghost related thread.

And yes, but maybe not in the traditional sense
Ghosts scare the shit out of me therfore= ZT does not believe in ghosts

One of the perks of not having any confirmed spiritual beliefs ;)
'Imagination, through the sleep of reason, produces impossible monsters.'
I don't really believe in the paranormal, but I had that matchsticks thing happen to me.

-Angry Lawyer
I don't really believe in the paranormal, but I had that matchsticks thing happen to me.

-Angry Lawyer

I remember you saying that your mother was home at the time, so I'm curious how she reacted to that.
That's the same way I am on this subject.

I think one of the more interesting theories on "ghosts" is this one:

Even that is quite stupid.

What kind of energy? How do the "inanimate objects" absorb them? You know, almost everything has been touched by a living thing at some point, including bacteria and dust mites. While in a "stressful state", do these organisms also impress an object with a recording of the event? Shouldn't the ghosts of billions of bacteria, all the roman legions, dinosaurs, ants, everything on earth, somehow be recorded into the atoms of inanimate objects?

First of all, there is no such thing as "life energy". The only sort of energy that most animals emit is infrared light and the kinetic energy of our motion. The brain also emits a tiny, imperceptible electromagnetic field. This field is orders of magnitudes smaller than the field created by the power cable of your computer. And even if humans emitted huge amounts of electromagnetic energy, it wouldn't be "recorded" into anything at all. You'd be able to pick it up with a radio antenna, but all you'd hear is meaningless popping noises from firing neurons. You wouldn't see an "event" or an "apparition".
I believe in demons or angels being seen on earth. My friend actually has a real photo taken on his phone with the silhouette of a person in a room..but there wasn't anyone in the room. Apparently there was a person that used to live there that had died.

Inconclusive evidence.
I don't really believe in the paranormal, but I had that matchsticks thing happen to me.

-Angry Lawyer

I don't really believe in the paranormal, but you had that matchsticks thing happen to you.
Even that is quite stupid.

Yes, well I didn't say I believed that was true I just said it was an interesting idea. True, if you think about it, IT IS STUID.

However I still think a small percentage of paranormal phenomena referred to as poltergeist or ghosts are real. I find the idea that they are the spirits of the deceased ridiculous.So what the heck they are? Your guess is as good as mine.
Ghosts are are on acid.

Richard, are you tripping again?
I'll tell you when I'm, on average, 70 years old. But hopefully older.
I certainly believe in ghosts as I've had my fair share of experiences.
This is just a simple application of Ockhams razour.

Anyone who says they have seen a ghost is deluded/lying.
I'm the only one in my family who doesn't believe in Ghosts. le sigh.
I don't believe in apparitions, but I believe in Ghosts I-IV by NIN.
I have seen one, it scared the shit out out of me afterwards when i realized it, and i hated it. But i wanna see it again...
Hmmm, it's hard to say all of a phenomenon dosn't exist because i havn't personally (or anyone i have ever talked to) experienced it, but as always the human mind is highly sensetive and as such can easily be disrupted and confused, our minds often make complete data out of partial stimulus, ESPECIALLY when in a fear situation as senses are heightened due to adrenaline, when you are in this state a small crack of a stick 100ft away will startle you.
If you watch a ghost / ufo movie film late at night that has a profound effect on you i bet almost everyone here walks around softly and avoids the windows, and then get nicely tucked into bed and feel safer's human nature.

I have 'seen things' i couldn't explain in my life, a lot of them i actually found to be completely mundane, a few remained unexplained but often not beyond reasonable theory, dreams can even be so realistic they are interperated as life experiences, i have had a few 'blended' experiences which i found disturbing but was eventually comforted by analysing factors and discovering the dream nature of the memories.

There are 'physical' possibilites for 'ghosts' if not in the 'religious context', but these seem about as likely as the religious ones in my opinion.

Meh, it's like arguing about UFO's i guess, until solid proof it's just an interesting arguing point.
wait... are we talking about Patrick Swayze kinda ghosts?
The day I believe in ghosts is when I see one. Furniture being moved over night etc is just people playing a prank on you, or you simply dont remember getting up and moving it imo.

Plus, when people say a place is haunted, its because one person said something happened in there, so the following people are all on full alert with their senses, if subconciously, so everything they see or hear etc is just enhanced I think. Theyre more likely to be scared at that point by anything, hell a mouse could fart and people would scream if theyve been told the place is haunted.