

  • I believe ghosts are real.

    Votes: 16 23.9%
  • I have seen a ghost.

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • I do not believe in ghosts.

    Votes: 46 68.7%

  • Total voters
Having experienced the completely mindbending effects of psychedelic drugs makes me very skeptical about what anyone thinks they saw or felt or whatever, because most of you have no real understanding of how insanely fragile and thin our "reality" is in regards to perception.
If ghosts were ever in my house, I would have to blow it up and kill the zombie goasts, so they would be at piece.
I'd love to see a ghost, but then again I'd probably shit myself or something.

I've never seen nor experienced a haunting all my life, but to simply dismiss otherworldy beings from a different plane of existence as a, "childish and ignorant fairy-tale for the religious only" is just arrogant and stupid imo.

Just becuase humans can't prove they don't exist doesn't mean that they don't.

This is what tickles me about you guys. "We have not ever proved that ghosts are real through science, so they must not exist"

Humans simply have not discovered the means (laws, mathematics, etc.) to prove that they are real yet. There is simply too much we don't understand about the physics (or the possibility even) of multiple universes to disprove such theories. Humans are still too young a race to make such calls. Both in science and ideology.

Oh yeah, that ghost hunt garbage you see on TV is just that. Garbage. :p Purely for the ratings and nothing more.
Ghosts are just one of those things I simply dismiss. Zombies, on the other hand.
I've never seen nor experienced a haunting all my life, but to simply dismiss otherworldy beings from a different plane of existence as a, "childish and ignorant fairy-tale for the religious only" is just arrogant and stupid imo.
Its called being realistic. If there was a shred of evidence that ghosts are the souls of deceased people, then we would not dismiss it so much. But there is evidence that ghosts are a natural phenomenum not related to death. It is logical to go with the path that has evidence.

Just becuase humans can't prove they don't exist doesn't mean that they don't.

No, but as PVT Ryan said, we can pinpoint the universes exact age to within 120 million years. We have landed on the moon. We are capable of things no other known species is. You'd think that we would be able to get a little solid evidence for a pehonmena that has been occuring for millenia.

This is what tickles me about you guys. "We have not ever proved that ghosts are real through science, so they must not exist"

But we proved that many "ghosts" are simply natural phenoma. Thus it stands to reason that the remaining ones, bieng similar in nature, are natural. I certainly would not say with 100% certainty that ghosts are not souls. But I would bet a LOT of money on it.

Humans simply have not discovered the means (laws, mathematics, etc.) to prove that they are real yet. There is simply too much we don't understand about the physics (or the possibility even) of multiple universes to disprove such theories. Humans are still too young a race to make such calls. Both in science and ideology.

But science has shown that many ghosts are simply natural, not the dead.

Oh yeah, that ghost hunt garbage you see on TV is just that. Garbage. :p Purely for the ratings and nothing more.

But, as someone who had a strong interest in the supernatural during his teenage years, I can tell you that that stuff is the whole thing. All sightings are just as much as garbage as that.
Its called being realistic. If there was a shred of evidence that ghosts are the souls of deceased people, then we would not dismiss it so much. But there is evidence that ghosts are a natural phenomenum not related to death. It is logical to go with the path that has evidence.
This is true. Things such as sounds, (drafts, or an old house settling), camera sightings, (video artifacts), and real-time sightings, (the person may be high, or the product of an overactive imagination), was all proved to be the source of most alleged hauntings, but my point is that in our infinite universe, and the possibility of multiple universes, these things are still plausible elsewhere even though most humans who report such things are probably high, drugged, brain damage, imagination, etc.

No, but as PVT Ryan said, we can pinpoint the universes exact age to within 120 million years. We have landed on the moon. We are capable of things no other known species is. You'd think that we would be able to get a little solid evidence for a pehonmena that has been occuring for millenia.
..and the greeks and Chinese thought they were high and mighty just because they were capable of then advanced engineering and mathematics. The same human arrogance that shows even today just because we can "land on the moon". Whoop-dee doo Basil. :dozey:

...and the whole exact age of the universe thing is probably an educated guess. A very good educated guess, but still a guess nonetheless. :p Nobody knows tbh.

300 years from now, our beliefs, facts and theories of physics will probably be archaic and laughed upon by future physicists.

But we proved that many "ghosts" are simply natural phenoma. Thus it stands to reason that the remaining ones, bieng similar in nature, are natural. I certainly would not say with 100% certainty that ghosts are not souls. But I would bet a LOT of money on it.
Agreed and again, that stuff on TV, newspapers, books etc. is all hype. We still don't know for certain if free roaming souls do exist, but I do believe ghosts can't be found amongst the hype of media, or word od mouth without investigating. Almost all reportings are almost entirely false due to some natural circumstances, but that still doesn't discredit the possibility altogether.

But science has shown that many ghosts are simply natural, not the dead.
Agreed. Again, mass hype and nothing more. :p

But, as someone who had a strong interest in the supernatural during his teenage years, I can tell you that that stuff is the whole thing. All sightings are just as much as garbage as that.

and one more thing...
You'd think that we would be able to get a little solid evidence for a pehonmena that has been occuring for millenia.
This, "you'd think" business is proof that even a future student of physics (that'd be you A_P) is not so sure himself. ;)
300 years from now, our beliefs, facts and theories of physics will probably be archaic and laughed upon by future physicists.

You really don't know many scientists, do you?
You really don't know many scientists, do you?
No. I wish though. I am naught but a lowly computer software/hardware engineer. :(

Many theories have been debunked in the past, so my case rests. :p
depends on what you mean by ghosts. unexplained paranormal activity? possibly. Spirits of the dead? unlikely.
ok im sorry, but if Angry Lawyer is indeed telling the truth, how the hell do you explain the matches thing? No, seriously. STFU and think about it. Use all your science and logic right the fack now and think of a logical answer and attempt to explain how hundreds of BURNT OUT MATCHES were thrown around in his room not to mention in his bed in a matter of minutes...

yea, that's what i thought
This is true. Things such as sounds, (drafts, or an old house settling), camera sightings, (video artifacts), and real-time sightings, (the person may be high, or the product of an overactive imagination), was all proved to be the source of most alleged hauntings, but my point is that in our infinite universe, and the possibility of multiple universes, these things are still plausible elsewhere even though most humans who report such things are probably high, drugged, brain damage, imagination, etc.

What do you mean by infinite universe? To us 3Ders, the universe does appear infinite, at least in that if you kept travveling somewhere in space you would end up where you started. But the universe itself isn't infitite in the sense that you proboaly mean :)

..and the greeks and Chinese thought they were high and mighty just because they were capable of then advanced engineering and mathematics. The same human arrogance that shows even today just because we can "land on the moon". Whoop-dee doo Basil. :dozey:

And they didn't prove the existance of the supernatural either. Whats your point?

...and the whole exact age of the universe thing is probably an educated guess. A very good educated guess, but still a guess nonetheless. :p Nobody knows tbh.

It is not a "guess" at all. The WMAP sattelitte showed it.

300 years from now, our beliefs, facts and theories of physics will probably be archaic and laughed upon by future physicists.

No. Current theories may have been tweaked a lot, but they will still hold ground. We know that relatvity is true, so why would it be false in 300 years time?

and one more thing... This, "you'd think" business is proof that even a future student of physics (that'd be you A_P) is not so sure himself. ;)

:D The reason for the "I think" is that there is no way to be 100% sure. And I would never ever say that we could be.

ok im sorry, but if Angry Lawyer is indeed telling the truth, how the hell do you explain the matches thing? No, seriously. STFU and think about it. Use all your science and logic right the fack now and think of a logical answer and attempt to explain how hundreds of BURNT OUT MATCHES were thrown around in his room not to mention in his bed in a matter of minutes...

yea, that's what i thought

Why don't you STFU? After all you clearly haven't read the thread. Angry Lawyer DOESN'T believe in ghosts. So your point is irrelevant.
No. I wish though. I am naught but a lowly computer software/hardware engineer. :(

Many theories have been debunked in the past, so my case rests. :p

Scientists generally don't laugh at previous theories (as long as they were using scientific method). They usually respect them, e.g. D?bereiner's Law of Triads was replaced by the Periodic table but was an important step in developing it.